* * Vusar fM* is vhdtiaf friends in InditnapoHOi Ind. ? ? ? ,Bffl Pollard, student at Woodbury Forrest, is at home for the holidays, a a a Mr. Mi Mrs. Edison Moore spent Christmns'Day with relatives at Ori ental. ? ? ? Mrs. Carl Bladwood sad Mrs. M. E. Pollard spent Monday in Rocky Mount. ? ? ? Mrs. G. A. Jopeo~ and son, Fred, spent Christmas Day with friends in Kinston. N ? ?? Tommy Rollins, of Mt. Airy, Gn., is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. W. . J. Rollins. ? ? ? . J Miss Violet Meredith, of Bayview is the guest of her niece, Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss, a a a - Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shearin returned, Thursday from a visit to relatives in Louisburg. ? a a Mr. and Mrs. Marion Luther, of Greensboro, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ed Jones. a a a Mi<?? Jean Thomas, teacher in the Murfreeshoro school, is at home for the holiday* a a a Mr. and June Crow, of Washington, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Joyner. a a a Mias Agnes Moore, of the H wider son school faculty, is spending the holidays here. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Paylor spent the holidays with relatives in Petersburg, Vft. a a a Miss Verona Lee Joyner and Miss Tabitha DeVisconti were Richlands visitors Friday. a a a Mina Nannie Smith, teacher in the Henderson schools, spent the holidays at her home here. a a a Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ryon have . returned from a visit to relatives in Washington, D. C. a a a > Mrs. Minnie Warren, of Speed, spent the holidays with Mi. and Mrs. Ed Nash Warren. a a a Miss Bertha Joyner, of the Pink Hill school faculty, spent the holidays here with her parents. \ * * * Clinton Rollins and daughter, Jo Ann, of Raleigh, spent Christmas Day with Mrs. W. J. Rollins. a a a * Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyner and son, Charles, spent Christmas Day with relatives in Hookertan. a a Mary Ann and^Bobby Lane, of Nor folk, Va* spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joyner. a a- a Rev. Ford/A. Borne, of Fuquay Springs, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheless this week. a a a -? Mr. end Mrs. Arthur F. Jones and daughter, of Paris bland, S. C., are guests of Mrs. Ed. Jones. v a a a Mr. and Mn. Earl Forbes and chil dren, of Norfolk, Va, spent Ihe holi days with relatives here. a mm Mr. andMn. RedNewUm and Snow ed^thie"funeral of Elmore Moore, Jr., Misa Frmi?m^wto^ ofC^^ Mr. and'Mm. EedWenrtw ? a a a daughter, Misa Doris, spentThui'sisj' 9 TmTTSit laSTin Nashville. ^ ? >*;ac/ Mr^SPd^rs.jy. ? Miss Dicy King is spemfing this j [week end in Henderson with friends. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gurganus are I spending the holidays In Norfolk,V*. ? * ? Miss Lncy J. King, of Louisbuig, 1 spent the holidays with relatives here. ? ? ? Mrs. G. B. Roebuck, of Stokes, is [spending some time here with her sister, Mrs. R. L. Spivey. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mc Adams, of I Greenville, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams. ? ? ? I Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and I Jesse Smith, of Columbus, Ohio, spent the holidays here with relatives. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr., of Greensboro, spent several days of this week with Mrs. J. L. Shackleford. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLean, of Lumberton, spent several days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Turnage. * * * Captain and Mrs. T. C. Turnage, of Washington, D. C.f are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. I Turnage. ( m m 9 Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fields, Jr* of Rocky Mount, spent several days of this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fields, Sr. ? ? ? Miss Nita Lee Townsend, of the Raleigh schools factulty, spent the holidays with her mother, Mre Venes sa Townsend. V* ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Sugg Askew end daughter, Betty Lawson, of Wilson, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Askew. ? ??>. ? . ' . > Miss Roth Hayes Turnage, of Hie Belhaven school faculty, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. B. 0. Turnage. Mr. and Mre. Stephen Gardner-end daughter. Miss Susie, of Pmetope, spent the Christmas holiday*'irith Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joyner. i. Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Robert D. Rouse is ill at Duke Hospital, where she was carried for exanriaetion and treatment Friday. %. 12 ^ Corporal Finder Bundy^^Jnited fl*ntfr |hrmy, itatirrnnri at Fort Jack? son, Columbia, S. C., speft the holi days with his mother, Mrs. Herbert *?* ...Ills Dr. and Mre C. E. Moore, of Wil mof Mre John Riley and son, Jack, and Miss Faye Rfley, of Duma, were m * m 1 *: 11?? ee 'e | . " i v . .y. M Mr "4 ^ I JUT* ma 3STSm w? . A? uftfrip ? SOCIAL CALENDAB f h' J 7:00 P. M.?Red Men.. ![ Tueaday, 81 J 3:80 P. M.?Merry Matrons Bififit jj with Mrs. B. O. Turaage. If 6:30 P. M.?Junior Order. I NEW YEAR'S PAY plfj 3:30 P. M.?Literary Club meets ( with Mrs. John B. Joyner.;^ Thursday, i T'.^F ' 3:00 P. M.?Junior Woman's Club j meets at the home of Mrs. Ma- I brey E. Pollard, with Mrs. R. T. I Williams as joint hostess. J ' Friday, 3 8:80 P. M.?U. D. a 7:00 J. M.?American Legion. j 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scoata. 8. 00 P. M. ?- Woodmen of the f World. Tl V ? . JiTUL most ftniov&bi6 of Buy socwj *iT^rrnfBrfflWwTP?r^- ^ . ? ? ? u-.i>Tv? t r?.'?'I Alton, apjrwwT .Lmm ?MnieAym decorations of pine, holly, wreaths and poinsettlai wen artis tically arranged an* lent an atoo* ? ? LEWIS-HADDOCK ? " I I Miss Elsie Louise Haddock, daugh Iter of Mrs. Haywood Loyick, ?C I ?pannville, and the lata Acy James 1 Haddock, of Trenton, and WflUem I Thad Lewis, i aon of Mr. and Mnu William SL I lg, December 21, at seven o'dffi^w I the Christian Church parconage hy I Rev. C. B. Maahbunt; the pastor, in I the pretence of a few friends and I relatives. The ring ceremony was! |uao<L - I I sThe bride wore a black wool suit with silver foot trim and a small hat, fur trimmed, white gloves I C?^3fcwing the ceremony the couple left for a motor trip to Western ? North Carolina. | 1 ??on. Mm* Lewis has been a member I ?of the Bel Arthur school" faculty for ? ?the paat three years. . ( The couple will be at hon?$n Mac- ? clesfield, where Mr. Lewis is engaged ^ ? JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB I I Members of the Junior Woman's Club enjoyed an interesting meettjg. I ?held at the home of Mrs. JoIm Wil I I who discussed' "Christmas in South I America"; and by Mrs. Elbert c. I Holmes, who as program chairman, ? ? led the singing of Christmas carols I in Mrs. c. s. Hotchbss read I ? a -selection of current interest fromlM I "The Club Woman." During a delightful social hour,! I fruit cake and coffee were ment throughout the home of Hhl MISS BARRETT HONORED AT I handkerchief shower - . ., I I Hl- AIb^ bnde I elect was ?honored?' U* - a- surprme ? I handkerchief shower given by Mre.1 kisaassiK I'friends of Miss Barrett assembled l^r th. horn, mi <m to carrying gifts of lovely handkerchiefs I an* delicious refreshments. Contests! ?were enjoyed "during thA*Nr^ I M.? C0ICT^CATC^Sm^TIMEH ? ! We want tn^Mbnk each and every one for their womtaftl cooperation! II and. liberal contribution to the Color*! I Ld Children's Fvmd in helping to bring ? Christmas chair Ito&those children, who probably would not even had an annto or sn^BristmOa dinner had it inotbeen for your generosity and level l lf yoa Wuld have ly for the splendid work he ?d in ao j lor w??r y x\r* ^ a 4- ' >k? *Y a. ?n^'tT-r.Liii 11f> 1 h r 11 '^1 rilx!* nULlUA X o '"^^y ^ . ? /i/ - " wy ^L^A#-' ? - ** Vjaigjl ? T6DU6SS66 markets to s^ood tho r V??m raw, ?King. f" * '?*' ** -^*- J t joth Century:Fox, the s|tadio which brought; ;the sensational ^fcpos of* I Wrath" to the screen, is back with an other superb flna version of:a beifril selling novel, which will start Sunday ?Afternoon at the Paramount Theatre. This time it's "Chad Hanna," first published Fin the Saturday Evening Post under the title of "Red Wheels Raffing." Filmed in glorious Techni color, the new hit stars Henry Fonda in the title role, Dorothy Lamour and 7-M? Darnell. Set in the colorful, turbulent 1830's with a wandering tent show back ground, "Chad Hanna" depicts the thrilling adventures of a simple ooun ?tiry boy who is so dazzled by the jral- I try allure of the show's bareback ?rider Dorothy Lamour, that he runs away with the show. Woven- into the vivid drama behind the red and gilt I wagons is a tender romance. Colorful, exciting and,full of <ira matic impact "Chad Hanna" has a brilliant featured cast including Guy I Klbbee, Jane DarweU, John Carra dine and many others. I More Screen Plantings Needed Around Farm Make all plants serve a purpose, I says John H. Harris,.Extension land* scape specialist,and~he adds, Story I few farm people have sufficient ? screen plsatings." He names, the chief uses of plants as follows: - To decorate the house, inframements, shade, border and to schreen unsight- I ly building and Equipment. [- -'Border and screen plantings re | quire very little pruning," Harris stated. "They should be allowed^ to I grow large and as natural as possi ble. Avoid mixing plapts up too I much; -use several plants together ? for maximum effect in foliage or - flowers. f The landscape specialist recom mends native plants for borders and [screening. "With so many native I plants available, and with the ease of rooting common shrubs, there is lit '?He lists the followin^native plants which are suitable for screen plant ings around the farm (in some cades local names are given the same shrub (Judas*treeL^i^do^iod, choks-1 berry,--beautybenT'-;(French todtulber-, I ^j laurel /mountain ivy), wax myitis I^^yrtiphododendro^ Hem- ? holly, and Jersey tea. I I pHv* hedgdjbecausb of its rapid growIhgW dense foliagn^'She prfjffe- hMge should Low prices and limited ?xp?t oqtr v ?*? ?-f*-iX :a<' *zki ?? -yj W IF A ?' 8YBlJp " nf i_w fertility. This I i plMtifegS."1 the grsuna Be covereu wiw . nounds of i" ??*S?KH3; 3B??Sx& spring pl^ng. ."2T^V^ under, broadcast the supsrpnospnaw* manure before plowing under, Nis ">?>*"? fTLtrgl'- fte Erten Aa -?% final- pg^oap, sion specialist Bays - sfcmM be made whef^ planted to buy, rent or borrow some SS of spreyen <**??* ?? fighting ^diseap let the hugs and diseases destroy the plants," he asserted. There's Specie Of Pin? For Eyer^Area In State -??; . , a. v. - Choosing the kind of treej to be used in making a forest planting JB much like selectin?^pieco^of arm machinery, says B. W. Gr?b?r, Ex teuton forester of N. C. State CoU lege. A lot depends upon the idno and condition of the sofl, and the pur pose for which.it willbe Trees vary in growth nan? .wr cording to sofl, climbs. nioistwe, and degree of fertility. Fer stance, the white proe does best utthemoratatu, the longleef pine in thejsndhills, the shortieaf pine in the ^?d^t^ld the loblolly pine in the CeWtal ^ : .QraeBer atop poited ottthat^e^wy have a suitable supply of durable wood," he sdys, "perhaps ^ ^ iigsnsaea Even the bee# will be hjpy with your choice* as the- locust flow ^ are a source of good quahty houey^ "in a further discussion of the type of forest planting to make. tiurEx tension specialist said: ' Wg: idle lend in oor State i. JW poor; yet one of our better pn?e grow iu every.^ection. EMMS furnish us with lumber for co iwg the lfcrm buildings and for re pniring ttose we nff h?sy??dj? fuel wood for neanw' . cooking bacco in the flue^ured ^ "Fuel wood is an important crop, since we aa farmers eadvy M stack of wood ^ feet high, and T^GO miies xmg.^^ . wood, polee, pUing< ?nd saw logs." Wm, ? ?'' ^ -==5, Plsnitag U well but it tars some people to plan the planning. i! . ?* ;? | 1 fe S&ff ? J .ll-' *7?????'-'ir 2 :j'"'*' ESTHER IS A -;;J^ ^ aKTt$G ?" ] 11 w ^ t nnr H?nry Btotidfl (I and Linda DaiBfliH-iH ['- H?.*l.-.^-si? ?'*tYJ-^ 4 <v?Wyw A llAWVA^' " II " ? "'~ ill i^HK^H^HBi^, 1' ' |'. . ;' 1 . ~ % I M^^^^^^WMBB|H||BBBBHpHBBI^|BPW|ppipy- * ' ?????ilSBSiUM^i^^Ii-Lfe^yTf.n'.. ' _ ; - ~ xHftf - Iwfll i - VA hMM) MTlMWMlA "? -j 3 ??? -?j 'A'.. ;< - t'?' ???" i.i.'" k- -~2^V'?"'???^? ?"/? '-*?-; ?S aP priVetcy PuylliCSS 8alQ SOClttl 2UBr* 4p I JT";; KUtiMf Wa Ita?a f. fili. ;A- : _? A.'" ? I j OllHHIBt Yr C OAT6 XsUlfl 121 I HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF

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