: &octal anb pergonals rwi-m - Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Gregg spent Sunday in Polloeksville. Mrs. Kathleen Moore spent the week end in Burlington. Miss Margaret Harris spent the week end in Rocky Mount. Miss Hazel Spell sprat Saturday, with the Wellons m Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Taylor were Greenville visitors on Monday. Miss Olympia Jones spent the week end with relatives in Greenville. O. G. Spell was a Wilmington and] Holly Ridge visitor Monday. Miss Mae Anderson spent the week end at her home in Williamston. Mrs. Matt Smith of Fountain spent the week end with Mrs. J. D. Owens. Mrs. R. A. Fields and Mrs. Ed. J Beaman spent Tuesday in Snow Hill. E. C. Carr, student at Louisburg College, spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. A. P. Williams, of Wilson, was ? the guest of Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., on Monday. We regret to report that Stanley Garris is confined to his home with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barrett, of Raleigh, visited relatives here during the week end. Miss Frances Winstead has return ed after a visit to friends in Wash ington, D. C. Mrs. Hubert Register and Mrs. Hairy Smith were Rocky Mount vis itors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Rawles and daughter, Miss Barbara Jean, spent Saturday in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Spell and Mr. and Mrs, George Leonard were Wash ington visitors on Sunday. M. G. Thome, Henry Skinner and T. E. Joyner attended the Kelvinator show in Durham last week. Mrs. Walter Jones and daughter, Miss Dotdee, are spending some time with relatives in Eden ton. Miss Eva Mae Hardy, Mrs. David Harris and Mrs. J. W. Hardy were Richmond visitors on Monday. Miss Elizabeth Davis and Mrs. Jack Smith are spending several days of this week in Spartansburg, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. McKinney, of , Washington, D. C., were the week end , guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryon. j Mrs. Charles Griffin and Mrs. W. 1 T. Lamm, Jr., of Wilson, were guests 1 of Mrs. P. M. Davis, Sr., Wednesday. 5 Mrs. Lynn Davis and daughter, Barbara Lynn, returned Satu:day from a visit to relatives ra Greenville. * Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Joyner and Eli ] Joyner, Jr., attended the annual Fur- } niture show in High Point this week. ] William Humphrey, of Miami, Fla., ' arrived Thursday for a visit to his mother, Mrs. Nannie Moye Humphrey. Mrs. W. E. Waters of Rocky Mount, spent Wednesday and Thursday here the guest of her sister, Miss Alice Dale. } Mrs. A. C. Monk, Mi^. ueorge > ? Monk, Mrs. B. 0. Tumage and Mrs. J A.W. Bobbitt were Wilson visitors on , Tuesday., v Miss Ruth Hayes Tumage and t Warren Lupton, of Belhaven, spent t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. 5 Tumage. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Williford, Miss J Bales Williford and Master Jackie ] Williford were Stantooosburg visitors an Sunday. j Mrs. J. Y. Monk, accompanied by f Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Watson, of Wil- 1 son, is spending this week in New York City. Elder J. B. Roberts, who has been receiving treatment in a Wilson hos pital, is now at home and reported re- r cuperating rapidly. 2 Mrs. James Wheless, Jr., who has c been ill witli pneumonia at the home j of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. f Bass, is improving nicely. ( George Moore Warren left Wed- 1 nead&y for his home in Durham after 1 a visit of several days to his grand- 1 mother, Mrs. G. E. Moore. 1 Friends will be glad to learn that * Red Newton, who has been ill with J pneumonia, is reported improved suf- J fkient to be able to sit up. ^ Mir. and Mrs. N. H. Henry of Chapel * Hfll and Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Har- t per of Petersburg, Va., were week aid 3 guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Joyner. Miss Mary Hetten Gullidge, of ] Greenwood* S. C., member of the High School faculty it Kinston, spent sev eral days of this week with Miss Har riet Carr. Mrs. J. M. Wheless, Mrs. A. B. Moore, Mm A. J. Melton and Mias Frances Baamon attended the Baptist 1 Suudsy School Confert. ice in Rober-I soaville this week. ' We regret to state that the influ- i enaa epidemic continues to be widi^ j spread throughout the community, } Friends here will be gfcd to leant ] A. Fargis, in ^ Mr. and Mrs. Rob. V. Fiser, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bradham, Robert Monk, Seorge Moore and Fred Jones have returned from the Tennessee and Vir ginia tobacco markets. Latest reports from, the Curtu Flanagan's state that Mr. and Mrs. Flanagan are improving' slowly from ui attack of pneumonia. Little Clara Belle still continues quite ill. , ; * * ^ ?' ? v. Mrs. Ed Nash Warren, accompanied >y Mrs. J. A. Yiverette and children, >f Battleboro, was among those at ,ending the Presidential inauguration n Washington, D. C., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Blount and laughter, Mias Frances Helen, moved lere, from Norfolk, Vs., this week nto the apartment formerly occupied >y Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson on Church street. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Nannie Moye Humphrey, who las been receiving treatment at Pitt immunity Hospital in Greenville, re ;urned Saturday and is recuperating it the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ted ^lbrittoir. ATTEND JOYNEB-BERRY NUPTIALS Among those attending the Joyner 3erry wedding in New Bern on Satur lay were: Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Joyner, Hiss Mae Joyner, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. holmes, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Lath Morriss, Mrs. Cherry Eas ey, Mrs. David Harris, Mrs. Henry Smith, Misses Annie Lee Jones, Ger ildine Cameron, Louise Paschal and Mae Anderson, of Farmville, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Henry, of Chapel Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Herry R. Harper, of 3etersburg, F. V. Harding and Miss Mary Harding of Greenville, Phil C. 3unn, Allen Berbee, Bill and Jim 3p? ght, of Spring Hope. MAURY DEFEATS SNOW HILL ? -' i ? ? i ? ; (By Maury Sports Editor) Maury High Schools' -boys and girls >asket ball teams racked up a smash ng victory over the Snow Hill High School teams in an exciting double leader Friday night, Jan. 17. Maury >oys took the load in the first quarter vith a scorej>f 10 to 4, and continued o lead by a safe margin throughout he game. The final score was Maury 12 and Snow Hill 20. High scorer for Maury boys was Sdgar Thomas with 13 points. Pricb ed Snow Hill with 8 points. The score for the girls game was 53 to 9 in Maury's favor. High scorer or Maury girls was Mary Gray Wood vith 20 points. C OF C MEETS ' The Children of the Confederacy let on January 9 at the home of lary Anne Townsend. The pres ent, William Carr, called the meet ng to order. Salutes were respect ully given to the United States and Confederate flags. After the twenty irst Psalm had been read by Chap ain, Alice Harper Parker, the Lord's >rayer was repeated in unison, fvonne Smith called the roll and read he minutes of the previous meeting, fohn Parker read "Bella" by Edgar Ulen Poe. After the business had teen discussed, the meeting adjourn d. Mrs. Haywood Smith, leader of he C. of C., then conducted a quia jrogram. Refreshments consisting of fruit uice, nuts, and angel food cake were erved. ? 1 I 1 1 1 j -CONGRATULATIONS The Christian Church wishes to ex end its heartiest congratulations to he Baptist Church of Farmville upon ha completion of their beautiful and lsaabla Chmch plant so recently greeted among us. It is not only a tiling of beauty leside the highway, but A constant reminder, of Him who, rules above. We trust it will sdd to your joy and ffidsncy in worship, make more ef Flw^ai a4iA ni#fcn firim I'jliffitil piwnlfi SL'cardy, w w ? "*? ? , ; ? - - ?T- ? '".? ?. SOCIAL CALENDAR -;r< v \ ?^?a^epp|p|p|pk' ?'** ? \ '.vf| Monday, January 27 3:00 P. M.? Episcopal Auxiliary meets With Mrs. J. L. Shackle ford. 3:00 P. U.?Garden Club meet nt the home of Mrs. G. E. Moore with Mrs. A. C. Turnage as Joint hostess. v 7:00 P. M.?Red Men. 8:00 P. M. ? Couple Club meets with Mr. and Mrs. M. V.'Jones. Tueeday, 28 3:30 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. Wesley R. WilliA 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Friday, 31 , 7:80 P. M.?Boys Scouts. ? ? . | 8:00 P. M.?Woodmen of the World Parties and Meetings Are ItetiTO Affairs of The members of the second year Home Economic class graciously en tertained their mothers and additional guests in the cottage ocT Thursday evening, under the supervision of their stadbnt teachers, Miss Nell Michael and Miss Marie Smith. The tables were attractively deco rated with minature flags, Uncle Sam hats, red, white and blue tapers and nut cups in patriotic motif. The speakers table was centered with a graceful arrangement of white nar cissus and fern. As guests book their places, the group was lead in singing "God Bless America," by Mrs. Holmes. Grace snip given by J. H. Moore, Supt. Miss Wilms Standi welcomed the guests after which Mrs. J. S. Gates responded. Songs by Misses Nancy Gates, Mary Ruth Bailey, Alma Grey Lilky, Mableree Allen and Lois Jones and a solo by Miss Lucille Allen re ceived enthusiastic applause. Following this, the out-of-town guests were recognized. The three course dinner included tomato juice cocktail, ham, pineapple top hats, butter beans, patriotic salad, libt rolls, strawberry shortcake, coffee and mints. Guests, other than mothers and members of the class, were: Mrs. Ethel Walters, supervisor of student teachers; Miss Katherine Holtzclaw, head of Home Economics Department of East Carolina Teachers College, Misses Ester Koonce, Edna Kirby and Ruth Askew, student teachers, and J. H. Moore, Superintendent. f *?/ "** i i ? t Meadames J. F. Harper and J. B. Taylor delightfully entertained the American Legion Auxiliary in the Legioqr Hall on January 16th. Mrs. S. A. Garris, president, opened the meeting with the regular ritual. During the business session the treas urer, Mrs. Louise Harris, gasre a de tailed report of the financial standing of the Auxiliary and also read mes sages from the boys and the service worker at Oteen. Mrs. M. V. Horton, membership, chairman, reported that the quota of 36 members for the year 1940-41 had been reached. Mrs. H. W. Kemp gave a detailed report of the $26.00 spent for Christmas cheer. I Mrs. G. E. Ballew, program leader, introduced Mrs. B. F. Weaver as the speaker, who gave an interesting talk on Robert Edward Lee and Thomas Jonathan (Stonewall) Jackson, whose birthdays are Celebrated this month. ? Mjs^H.W. Kemp conducted a very comprehensive contest, pertaining to the North Carolina Legislature. Miss Lo*rie Smith, daughter of the hostess, received a potted plant for her knowl edge. of the Legislative affairs of our State. Mrs. Arthur Jones, guest of the program leader, brought the meeting to a close with two lovely vocal se lections, "In the Garden of Your Heart," and " The Sunshine of Your Smile." She was accompanied by Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Smith. During the social hour, a sweet course, with coffee, was served. The Parent - Teacher Association held its regular meeting on Thursday evening, with Mrs. R. LeRoy Rollins, president, presiding. The devotional was lead by M. Y. Self, pastor of the Methodist Church. Miss Margagpt Lewis' third grade won the room Roll Call. Mrs. L. J. Williford, reporting for the executive committee, announced that "Founder's Day" would be ob served at the Februray meeting and that plans were being made for the planting of trees on the school grounds. Mrs. Cherry Easley, program chair man, presented John B. Lewis, who introduced Dr. Howard J. McGinnis, Registrar of the East Carolina, Teach ers College. Dr. McGinnis talked on "Federal Aid In Education." Follow ing this, the Association want on rec ord as recommending the adoption of the nine month aehool term by the Legislature. John B. Lewis was ap pointed to draw up the Association's recommendation to be sent to the legislature. On Friday afternoon, the Study Group, sponsored by this association, met. Mrs. J. B. Joyner, Mrs. J. I. Morgan,. Mrs. R. S Scott and Mrs. LeRoy Rollins lead the discussion for the afternoon. Mrs. James Smith and Miss Mary Friar Rdaee were hostesses to the members of the Junior Woman's Club and additional guest, Mr*., Watson Keffer, on Thursday afternoon. jErs. Claude T^son and Mrs. T. S. Ryon, in charge of the program, gave splendid talks on "American Cartoons and Cartoonists." fltsrnwriinr the our poses and types of cartoons. During^ the business session plans were made to join the Senior Club in the Diptheria Immunisation Drive, and in vMtatk>^ of industrial " * I ? " . ? this group m the local school?carry ing out the State project of Nortfc Carolina Juniors. Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss, club reporter, gave an interesting talk, taken from the- Club Magizine, on Mrs. Joaiah Evans Cowies?a pioneer Club Wom an and president of the General Fed eration during the last World War. Officers elected for the year, be ginning in September, are: President, Mrs. T. S. Ryon; Vice President, Mrs. J. Leroy Parker; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Claude Tyson; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Jimmy Snrette; Mrs. ! C. S. Hotchkiss, Treasurer; Mrs. M.E. Pollard, Reporter, and Mrs. L. J. Wlll iford, Parliamentarian. [ Duing a delightful social hour, Rus sian tea with a variety of sandwiches and cookies, was served. The Lamrad Club met on Friday afternoon with Miss Mary Friar Rouse as hostess. Additional guests included: Mrs. John King, Mrs. T. S. Ryan, Mrs. G. M. Holden and Miss Elizabeth Davis. Mrs. King, scoring high for guests, received a novel vase. Between progressions, an iced drink with sandwiches and pickles was served. Mrs. L. E. Walston delightfully en tertained the members of the New Deal Bridge Club and additional guests on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. R. A. Parker, scoring high for the club, received bath powder, and Mrs. W. E. Joyner, high for guests, was presented handkerchiefs. Following the play, the hostess served ice cream m heart shape with cake, coffee and cheese straws. Tal lies also carried the Valentine motif. Special guests were; Mesdames W. C. Askew, W. L. Smith, J. H. Paylor, L. T. Pierce, W. E. Joyner, Hugh Blount, Irvin Morgan, Jr., and W. A. Allen. Mrs. George Edwards charmingly entertained a number of Farmville friends at bridge on Wednesday after noon at her home in Snow Hill. Mrs. R. T. Williams, scoring high, received a double deck of cards; lbs. Ted Albritton, second high, won sta tionary; Mrs. John King, low score, was presented novel cooky cutters. Mrs. Williams and Miss Mary Friar Rouse scoring; high in the last hand played, received dainty guest towels. Following the play, guests were in vited* into the dining room where coffee, with sandwiches, cookies and pickles, was served. Arrangements of snapdragons and daffodils, flanked by yellow tapers, graced the beauti fully appointed table. ' . ?> "f*rj ;? - * "' J f. i ? - * % ? \ Joyntrr-Berry Wedding j Vows Spoken In New Bern Saturday Jan. J8 New Bern?Miss Mary Elsie Berry of New Bern and Farmville and Frank Carl Joyner of Farmville and Char lotte were married here Saturday morning in an impressive wedding ceremony performed by the Rev. Leon Russell, pastor, in the presence of many friends, at Centenary Metho dist Church. Madonna lilies, white chrysanthe mums, potted palms and ferns, smilax and white candles were used as chan cel decorations. - ? Before the ceremony, there was a program of nuptial music. Miss Mary Whitehurst, church organist, played "Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes." John D. Holmes of Farmville sang a solo, "All Joy Be Thine," Elbert C. Holmes of Farmville sang "At Dawn ing," and both sang a duet, "The Want of. You." Miss Whitehurst played the wedding marches, and ren dered "0 "Perfect Love" during the ritual. v? j ? tml*i n r? .j n-..? usnera were rxui u. duuu ui spirng Hope and Edward T. Berry, Jr., of New Bern, brother of the bride. The iridegrbom was attended by his fath er, Dr. C. C. Joyner of Farmville, as >e8t man. Hiss Susan Berry- of Durham was maid of honor for her sister. She wore a gold crepe dress, with gold turban and brown accessories, and carried an arm bouquet of red roses. The bride was given in matrimony by her father, Edward Thomas Berry. She was dressed in Precious rose crepe, with powder bluecsat trimmed in azure blue fox. Her powder blue bat had a brown veil. She carried an arm bouquet of pink rosea and pink swe^t peas. Immediately after the ceremony, the couple left by motor for points South. Upon their return, they will be at home in Charlotte. Mrs. Joyner is a native NeW Bern ian. For some time she has been private secretary to A. C. Monk, a prominent tobacconist of Farmville. Mr. Joyner is a graduate of Oak Ridge Military Jnstitate and the Uni versity of North Carolina. At present he is connected with the Winchester Surgical Supply Co., of Charlotte. Junior Club To Sponsor Cosmetics ':?C? In a demonstration of the "House of Wakefield" line of cosmetics, which the Junior Woman's dub i^to sponsor Miss Mary Jo Wakefield will be at ' TVT 7TJ -K3v' - r." u .- .'. ?'??". - ?" ; B0U> CLUB BOOSTS M " :>- ?-??? fr:| At an interesting meeting of the Bird Club on Saturday, "Birds at the Bible," was'used as the program sub ject Neal Howard pd "The Oldest Bird Story," (Generis 8:6-12) about Noah sending the raven and dors from the ark to lean if thewater had abaited?their the- return of this dove with an olive leaf in her mouth. Many other references to birds wow studied, including the names of those not to be eaten (Deuteronomy 14: 11-19). NOTE OF THANKS Mrs; R. C. Shirley and children wish ; to thank friends for the many sets of kindness shown them during their be- | reavement They will always be re raembered with deep gratitude. I" CUT NO I Tobacco Wood! LET ? Florence-Mayo CURE TOUR TOBACCO The . ? Oil-Burning Way# The World's Best Tobacco Carer?10 Exclusive Fea tures for 1941. EXTRA VALUE?NO EXTRA COST! liberal Discount for limited nine! Buy Now and Save!: ? Cash, Terms or Rental Plan LEWIS & LANG, AGENTS FARMVILLE, N. C. | PARAMOUNT I I THEATRE | FABMVILLB, N. C. I When Better Pictures Are Made I .The Paramount Wjll Show Them I WEEK OF JANUARY 25th j SATURDAY I . ?Hit No. 1? Roy Rogers?in "BORDER LEGION" ; ?Hit No. 2? . v Dick Fomn?in ? I l "THE MUMMY'S HAND" I ?Hit No. 3 Chapter No. 8 of "KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED" j" SUNDAY-MONDAY I Jean Arthur and William Holden "ARIZONA" j I Also News j< I TUESDAY i| We wilhgive away FREE Drinks l< I to all paid admissions during the |< first show. I< I Dennis O'Keefe and Helen Parrish IJ "I'M NOBODY'S SWEETHEART j NOW" j I Also March of Time & Cartoon j WEDNESDAY . George Brent & Brenda Marshall ? in ? ? "SOUTH OF SUEZ" Also Chapter No. 1 of , J < [ "THE GREEN ARCHER" \\ THURSDAY j W. C. Fields & Una Merkel?in 1 I V "THE HANK DICK" j Alao News and Short J j FRIDAY | I Pat O'Brien & Constance Bennett j j "ESCAPE TO GLORY" 1 1 Also Comedy and'SpoH Short I j ? COMING SOON I |j I . "Love Thy Neighbor" II "Seven Sinners" II "They Knew What They Wanted" J j "No No Nanette" 11 I 1 Hi a! 1 f/4 ? I I HINTHollUtU^^^y i FOR , ' COUGHS FROMCOU)S(^f5r 7" \ < T>WWONt TURN LOOSE y^/^rXj ????? ' ^?B'* " H TAKE ONE SiP Of -3=T^=*_ ' MENTHO-MULSION?WAIT FIVE MINUTES. v . IF YOU FAIL TO GET EXPECTED RELIEF . < ASK FOR YOUR M6NEY RACK. J CITY DRUG 00. ? : T E S : We have a Stock of U. S. ] ROYAL DeLUXE TIRES ; which were replaced on New J Cars with White SidewaH - Tires?Size 6.00x1$. ;Regular Price $15.60 ?| This Is First line Tire. ' V :$r- : ' ,:.-t -? \ r '.-v;r V5' .?'? '*/ ? - ^ ? ' ?' ' ?.'?? v - v - jj'VcL'-p'u' iffft I vhRHK n si Shirt Sale IT^ y $29? . 1 : | ! $149 $2.00 Manhattan Pajamas $1.49 i; r ?' ? : $1.00 Botany-Cheney-Wembley Ties .65 ;; | $5.00 Dobbs Hats, now $3.49 j' J.H.HARRIS FARMVILLE, N. C. jj * 9 "(OF /jt WW*** * o STOP THE LEAKS HaveMoney STOP EXTRAVAGANCE ... PAY lor what you buy ; I when you buy H and have money left . . . SAFE. i1 I 1 in our bank. !! . Do nqt let the lure of Measy" installment payments <! tempt you to buy more than you can afford . . 1 "easy11 - > payments are often HARD to pay. \ \ START SAVING REGULARLY NOW . ? 1\ We Welcome Your Banking Business SAFETY of our Deposits Is INSURED : ! by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to $5,000 J \. for Each Depositor. < I | HAVE MONEY I The Bank of Farmville Farmville, N. C. THINK! * i . ? HAVE MONEY! \ | < ? Member Federal Deposit Insurance ^liporatlon. i U.50 SLBSCRffiE to THE ENTERPRISE $1.50 SPRING TIME ! . . : -? ? . -. ? : ? ? . i ? . | ~iS? I PAINT TIME ?v i ": ? ' ? ' : Lowe Bros. > ? Paints and Varnishes ! ". ? -v j For Every Use. Will give you Service ? ' ? , ?i and Satisfaction * .. '' l J < i DAVIS SUPPLY CO. : . : Faribville, N. Carolina ? mmmmw IllljlljjjljlllljlJ i * h * * [?\ Vc/i' "~ -^vVj'._-. ,A*f y?>" .r --V:V*?f '

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