Ill I LI 11111I I111 Ml M O* 111I MM M Mill 1111 It I III I Iff Social ani) personals ? ^ ?..???>? Kri?11I Mrs. B. S. Smith spent Thursday in Greenville. ' . ' mm m Mrs. Pearl Johnston spent Wed nesday in Walstonburg. * ? ? ? Bliss Mary Barbee spent Sunday with her family in Wilson. ? * ? Miss Olympia Jones spent Sunday With her family in Greenville. ... Mr. and Mrs. Kay Smith left this week to reside at Fort Bragg. ? ? * ? Miss Wilma Hollo way, of Durham, is the guest of Mrs. Louis Alex. * ? ? Mrs. Ben L. Lang is spending the week end with relatives m Plymouth. ... Mrs. J. H. Darden, who is visiting relatives in Durham, spent Tuesday here. ? ? ? Mrs. J. M. Hobgood has returned from a ten days trip to New York City. ... Mrs. Sallie Moseley, of Kinston, spent Friday with Mrs. Mary Lewis Lang. ... Mrs. Lee Clark, of Southern Pines, was the guest of Mrs. George Wind ham Tuesday. ... Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dixon, of Wil son, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Windham. ... Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stansill and M"s. Ed Nash Warren spent Sunday w. H relatives in Speed. ... Mr. and Mrs. Carl Joyner, of Char lotte, spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Joyner. ... Mrs. Cleveland Paylor is spending - 1 J--? - ?? WA/Jf im rn] Q . several nays vx uua <TCVA mwi ?>.~ tives in Petersburg, Va. ? ? * Friends will be glad to learn that Rev. J. B. Roberts is able to be out again after a recent illness. * * * Grayden Liles, student at the Uni versity of North Carolina, spent the week end at his "home here. ? m m Mrs. Harvey W. Turnage and Mrs. Matt Long, of Greenville, spent Tues day with Mrs. W. J. Turnage. ? ? ? Mrs. Bettie Teel, of Williams ton, is tne guest of Mrs. Willard Teel and Mrs. L. W. Godwin this week. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Forbes and chil dren, of Hampton Roads, Va., spent the week end with relatives here. * * * Mrs. Allen H. Turnage returned Wednesday to her home at Widewa ter, Va., after a visit to Mrs. W. J. Turnage. * ? * Mrs. J. H. Harrell and small daughter, Margaret Ann, of Green ville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Lewis Lang. ? * * Mrs. Sallie K. Horton leftv this week for a visit to her son, Jack, at Carrollton, Ky., and to Mrs. Bert McCullum, in Eminence, Ky. ? ? ? Mrs. Harry R. Hopkins has return ed to Petersburg, Va., after a visit to her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Joyner. * * * Miss Betty Ruth Leonard and James Thompson, of Burlington, spent "the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shearin. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams and Mr. and Mrs. Graham McAdams, of Greenville, spent Sunday with rela tives in Rocky Mount. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kemp and fam ily, Miss Lizmie Martin and Kemp Vaxm, of WendeU, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kemp. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that Charlie Meyer, who underwent an operation at a Wilson hospital Thurs day, is reported as recuperating. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Robert D. Souse, who has been ill for several weeks, continues to im ? ? v. a . prove and is 4M4 Ui IK> UUl ftLULlH. ? * ? ' Friends here will regret to learn . that Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Moore are ill at Woodard-Herring hospital. We are glad to report, however, that they , are improving. ? ? ?' Miss Martha Cobb is spending sev eral days at her home here, the Wheat Swamp school, in which she is a teacher, being closed on accoont of tike flu epidemic. v* * * Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr., of Greensboro, are spending the week end with Mrs. J. L. Shsckleford, Mrs. Wright remaining for a visit of sev Ij" friends will be glad to learn that ' jfo ' i^tviSirffii t * |_ , ? , A Hilton Mpiy "wsbippb hi otv|k6n atiA |e 7?>T)GT,tpH . ? . jj H vnTTBaW/ wU IlvHI AVv? >1 v 1 Miss Margaret Smith, of the local Belk-Tyler store, returned Tuesday from Charlotte the buying office of the Belk Stores, where she spent two days buying new spring goods. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lang have returned to their home here, Mr. Lang being ore the Kentucky tobacco market and Mrs. Lang spending sev eral weeks with relatives in Douglas, Georgia. ? * ? Mrs. J. R. Shearin left Monday for Louisburg, where she attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. John Gup ton. Mrs. Shearin remained in Louis burg for a visit of several days to relatives. ? * * Friends will regret to learn that J. Y. Monk has been confined to his home with illness for the past two weeks, leaving Thursday for exami nation and treatment at Duke hos pital, Durham. '* * * ? Friends here will be interested to learn that Miss Martha Tannage Ras berry, who recently completed a course in Social Service at Richmond Professional Institute, has accepted a position as social case worker in Kinston. ( - NOTICE D. A. R. MEMBERS! The Major Benjamin May Chapter, D. A. R., will meet Saturday at 2:30 o'clock in the Chapter House with Mrs. L. 0. Moseley and Mrs. J. M. Parrott as hostesses. i i i i i ? ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ' I L j Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Otto Turn-; age announce the engagement of their daughter, Eva Mae, to James Yaracy Monk, Jr., son of Mr. and I, Mrs. James Yancy Monk, the wed j ding to be solemnized March 15 in [the Farmville Methodist Church. I ? , . . ? ? ? NOTE OP APPRECIATION We wish to express our deep ap preciation for the many acts of kindness shown us, for the lovely floral tribute, and other expressions of sympathy extended us in our bereavement. i Mrs. W. J. Tumage and Family. DAVID F. LANG ILL David F. Lang, senior member of the firm of D. F. A R. 0. Lang, and highly esteemed citizen, is very ill in a Greenville hospital. Mr. Lang suffered a sudden attack sometime during the- night Tuesday, and was - ' 1 cameo w u? ... . _. ? rrj morning for treatment. Late re ports state that he is slightly im proved. ' ? ? ? ' INFORMATION FOR THE FAR MER AT THE AGRL BUILDING V: Mr. Langford, the .vocational agri culture teacher is planning to hold several meetings for the benefit of1 the farmers in and around Farmville. A meeting will be arranged for each week oh some phase of agriculture that will fit in the local program. Moat of the meetings will be oon ^ ducted by State . " I ."ij | SOCIAL CALENDAR ?.? Monday, February 10 2:30 P. M.?Woman's Auxiliary, Presbyterian, will hold study class meeting at home of Mrs. . C. P. Baucom. 3:30 P. M.?Circle No. 4, Metho dist Woman's Society Christian Sendee, meets with Mrs. Nonle ii,, ,,i j ImRVU* 8:00 P. M.?Couple Club meets with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur f! Joyner. Tuesday, 11 3:30 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt 6 ;30 P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 12 2:30 P. M.?New Deal Club meets with Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt 2:30 P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. W. Alex Allen. Thursday, 13 11:00 A. M.?Masons. 2:30 P. M.?Ace Club meets with Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss. 2:30 P M.?Progressive Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Jack Smith. 2:30 P. M.?Farmville Home Dem onstration Club meets at the" club house. Friday, 14 3:30 P. M.?Woman's Club meets at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hob good, with Mrs. B. M. Lewis, Mrs. John B. Lewis, Mrs. Dun bar Lamar and Mrs. P. X. Ewell as hostesses. 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. Hostess At Announce ment Party; Valentine Motif Noted At Af f fata of Week! I ;. 'Mf. -:a L.-jA lovely social affair of the week was the announcement party, given by Miss Mary Friar Rouse, at which she entertained twenty-four friends in compliment to Miss Eva Mae Turnage, whose engagement was announced at this time. - / Arrangements of white narcissus in red bubble bowls and red <candles added a note of gay color to the Rouse home, which was thrown en suite. After guests had arrived, the hos tess passed a silver tray on which were effectively arranged nosegays of white carnations tied with red ribbon and bearing a Valentine card ?with the words: "Eva Mae and -James, March 15," announcing the engagement of Miss Eva Mae Turn age, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben jamin Otto Turnage, to James Yancy Monk, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Yancy Monk. An all white nosegay for the bride-elect was placed in the center of the tray. Guests were invited into the dining room for refreshments. The tea table bojre a large ruffled heart and a red vase of while carnations, which were flanked by red and white candles. Iced fruit juice was served with dainty sandwiches, which further emphasized the Valentine motif and colors, cheese biscuit, and salted nuts. Mrs. Claude L. Barrett delightfully entertained the Contract Club this week. Potted plants were used as deoorations and table appointments were suggestive of the Valentine season. Mrs. S. A. Garris was awarded a hobnail flower bowl as high score prize. Delicious plum pudding top ped with cream, coffee and. salted nuts were. served after play, the plates carrying favors of red satin boxes filled with heart shaped can dies. Special guests of the hostess were Mrs. S/ A. Garris, Mrs. L. E. Wals ton and Mrs. R. A. Parker. Miss Ethel Nice, County Home Demonstration Agent, and husbands of the*, members of the Farmville Home Demonstration Club, were honor guests at a lovely dinner party held by this group at their club houso. Mrs. J. R. Lewis, club presi dent welcomed the guests and J. R, Shearin responded. A report of achievements of the' past year was given by Mrs. B. P. WeaveV. A humorous talk relating to her first radio broadcast experience was giv en, by Mrs. B.-R. Fields. Miss Nice sppke briefly regarding plans of the county clubs for early spring. A musical program was rendered by; J. H. Bynum, Billy Smith, J. R. Shearin, and by Robert Fields, who played accordion selections. . The program was concluded with the singing of "God Bless America," by the entire group. Decorations of flags and the na tional colors were suggestive of na tional heroes, whose birthdays occur this month. The experiences of the first police woman in the United. States and her desire to help womankind, as vivid ly portrayed by Mary Sullivan, pres ent director of the New York Police woman's Bureau, in her biography, "My Double Life," were relayed in an interesting manner to the Liter ary Club members at the meeting on Wednesday, by Miss Elizabeth Davis. Mrs. J. W. Joyner presided and as her contribution to the program read a poem, "Salutation of the Dawn," from the North Carolina Club Wom an. " Mrs. W. M. Willis made a report /vn Hintfcprift immunization move merit, which is to be undertaken soon by the women's organizations here. I A delicious salad, congealed in the Valentine motif, was served with coffee and accessories by the hos tess, Mrs. J. Y. Monk, who entertain-j ed the dub at the home of Mrs. ? G,' j M. Holden. A hostess plate contain-1 ing cheese biscuit, cookies and heart ! shaped candies was also passed. I "Narcissus, ivy and Japanese quince j were used as decorations in the home. II IN APPRECIATION | ? We are just emerging from an epidemic of Influenza, Pneumonih imd severe colds, etc. We trie very grateful to our heavenly Father for' for its passing, and that we have had so few deaths therefrom. We not only thank Him> but we wish to . say a word at appreciation for the fine spirit shown by our Physicians. They have not ?:?pared themselves, but have gone day and night minis j tering to all. who called upon them. Not a case of neglect has oome to ipy knowledge. Hats off to our Doc . , . ' /vidu ? 1 J- ? ' \ * r ^' ? - FATHER-SON BANQUET The Farmville Chapter of the Fu- ; ture Farmers of America held its ; -first Father-Son banquet Wednes- ! day night, February 5, in the Voca- < tional Agricultural building. The ; banquet began with a welcome by < Tom Rasberry. The fun of the evening began with ' songs sung by all. H. P. Norman < gave the Invocation. The toast to ] the Dads was given by Charlie Evans ~ and response by i L. E. Turnage. * What the F.F.A. stands for was giv en by Mark Mozingo, followed by a program of work by William Jones; ; Recognition of guests, by Lester ? Earl Turnage. E. N. Meekins Dis- ' trict Supervisor of Vocational Agri- ; culture, spoke briefly. Guests other than the Fathers ! were; Mrs. Rollins, President of the ; P.T.A.; J. EL Moore, Superintendent < of Farmville High School; Dr. Paul "! E. Jones and J. I. Morgan of the j school board; John T. Thorne, mem- ; of the county board of education^ Eli Joyner, President' of the Rotary i Club; E. N. Meekins, district super- : visor of Vocational work in this dis trict; Mr. Patrick, teacher of Agri culture from Chocowinity; and De Witt Allen, representative of a local business Arm. The banquet was served by the ! third year Home Economics Class, , under the supervision of Miss Verona Lee Joyner, the Home Euonomics teacher of Farmville High School ; and Miss Kirby, a practice teacher ' from E. C. T. C. ? SCOUTS TO HOLD FATHER-SON MEET Boy Scout Troop No. 25 will hold a Father-Son night meeting in the Rotary room of the high school building, Wednesday, Febuary 12, at 6:30 o'clock, to which the fathers of the scouts are especially urged to attend. Scoutmaster Ivey has a program planned that will interest everyone. A. L. Hodges, assistant Scout Exe cutive of the East Carolina Council will be present and take part in the program. Dinner will be served at 35c per plate. The Scout movement in Farmvillc is advancing steadily. With the co operation of the citizens here it will continue to grow and in the years to come dividends in the form of an alert and progressive citizenship will result LUNCH ROOM MENU FARMVILLE SCHOOL FEBRUARY 10-14 Monday?Sausage cakes, string beans, sweet potatoes, carrot-cabbage salad, corn bread, 10c; Caramel pie, 5c. - Tuesday?Col]ards with pork, Irish potatoes, corn fritters', sweet pota toes, corn bread, 10c; Lemon pie, 5c. . Wednesday ? Salmon croquettes, J baked beans, stewed potatoes, stewed ' tomatoes, corn bread, 10c; Chocolate J pie, 5c. ' Thursday?Beef stew with vegeta bles, sweet potatoes, apple-cabbage salad, corn bread, 10c; Cocoanut pie, 5c. 3 Friday ? Navy beans With pork, baked apple, mixed vegetable salad, scallojied tomatoes, corn bread, 10c; . Sweet potato pie, 5c. * ? , . ? ..I 7~ LETCHWORTH-BROOKS Miss Virginia Brooks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Brooks, of ne^ur Ay den, and Asa Letchworth, Jr., ox Farmville, were united in marriage on Saturday evening, February 1, by Rev. C.* B. Mashburn at the Christian parsonage. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a few intimate friends. >? Mr. and Mrs. Letchworth will nake .their home near Farmville, where Mr. Letchworth is engaged in farming. \ * * RESOLUTION OF THANKS i feE IT RESOLVED, That The Farmvillg Baptist Church of Farm ville, North Carolina hereby ex press its deep appreciation and sin cerest thanks to , the Mayor, the Board of Commissioners; and other officials of the Town of Farmville for the use of the Court Room of the Municipal Building, in order that the membership of The Farmville Baptist Church might worship and conduct religious services during the construction of its present 'church building. Be it further resolved, that a copy ? of ? this resolution be mailed to Mr. R. A, Joyner, City Clerk, Farmville North Carolina, that's copy be spread on the records of The Farmville Bap tist Church, and that a copy be mail ed to Mr. G. A. Rouse, Editor of "The Farmville Enterprise." ' Respectfully submitted, THE FARMVILLE BAPTIST . CHURCH, By:" C. L. Beaman, Chairman, - Special Resolution Committee. I Subscribe To THE ENTERPRISE. ; rrrr- ' 11 ? I WHEN YOU ARE SEVENTY ... 1 ? - ? it* >? . ? * ' ' i_ v ' I I And look back across the years to the home you loved and enjoyed, + ! the home in which your children grew up to manhood and womanhood, + ; .. your home, that place most sacred in your memories, will there be any $ ! doubts in your mind that you made it as convenient and as comfortable + . * + for your family as you possibly could? + ? - f ; Do not wait until you are seventy to realize that your home is not + ? as convenient and comfortable as you can make it. ? ? t ? Present day furniture prices and designs permit anyone, however J small their income, to furnish their home comfortably and to buy those + ! items of convenience that will make life easier and more pleasant. + ? - ' '? *?> "Furniture is your best investment"-in life long happiness and com- 'I * * 1 ; fort. Resolve now, while you can help them enjoy it, to buy for your ! family the necessary furnishing they need and want. ? I ? ? ' J ? 4 - V : ? . FARMVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY | ^ : ' j ~ : Come in soon and see t&ese New 1941 G-B Refrigerators. Hun shop around and compare with all others?in beauty, in convenience^ in features due mean , thrifty operation and long Hfe?and we're sure youH say "It's a G-B forme!" ?" - .- ? '? - . . " V ? ? * MT A NEW-*04 BUILT 10 YOUR INCOME AND SAVE THESE WAYSI SAVE AT THE STORE! G-B. IMar Sow ??* Pa n ifc ? a. m ii ri ? ^ ? n ^ ? m a *- ? ? ? -? XaMi ' ?ft reatufej provxoe proper p (uuviqqo tor r ?nwy typo of food You cad oow sal* Ml advriitage of bargain day* at the marUf SAVE IN THE KITCHEN! G-Fs Conditioned Aio add 10-Scor Storage Ecanuno hoop Aaob' % foods and left-oven patfetdy for days with- w out a peony-worth of wests, s SAVE THWMHE YMESI G-B". tod H ?S'MJ*-? -??'? ; H#1?" MOW MMM M ?" 'r-THAN ANY OTVfKX JtfNtfGfJtATOJl :fy\ '__ _i _, 7 EAST PAYBffiNT with small down pay^^-t :& ment and convenient TERMS! ??*cWlC . K/vX 60|i '.

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