.?? ?-1 _ ? w ??,? ? 4 - , t T* y. ? ? ? A ^ ^ T ^ ^ ? T / f . v, lPfc - .. ^ a-^-^.1 aJ J "*"? l^ni 11 I XI I Mill I 8V M8r 8 MB 8llif IH 4 '14 ^^8ia I WWrV ?ft?V^^prV%A'VfWtW' 1 X ml ? ,-^ it ? v ... V. ?r. '?C-.J George Earp, of Louisburg, spent , the week end with friends here. ; ^ Mrs. LilaS. Shirley is visiting- rela tives in Norfolk, Vs., this week. Mr. sad Mrs. B. C Oipenhaver were New Bern visitors, TuesdayN Miss Dixie Rosser, of Jonesboro, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. L. W"?? . ? Mrs. S. G. Hollo well, of Greenville, was the goeet of Mrs. J. Frank Harp er, Tuesday. Miss Nancy Kilpatrick has return to Hookerton after a visit to Mrs. W. E. Joyner. Mis. Grace Ennia, of Goldsboro, is I! spending this week end with Miss litis Gaynor. Mrs. Archie McT?ean, of Lumber ton, spent Wednesday and Thursday with relatives here. Mrs. J. S. Gates and Mrs. M. V. Jones spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Richmond, Va. Mrs. J. H. Robinson, of Greenville, Pa^ is the guest of her neice, Mrs. W. Watson Keffer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barrett, of Raleigh, spent Sunday with friends and relatives here. Mrs. C. B. Mashburn, Jr., is spend ing the week end with her husband in Newport News, Va. Mr. and Mrs. ?. Jr. uaynor ana i Mrs. Herbert Kemp visited friends in Tarboro, Sunday. Jesse Gay, student at Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, spent the , past week end at his home here. | Dal ton Corbett, student at Atlantic t Christian Caollege, Wilson, spent the t past week end at his home here. i Mrs. P. E. Jones returned Wednes day from Durham, where she' spent several days with Mrs. J. Y. Monk. Mrs. Tommy Vinson, Edna, Iris, and Cordelia Vinson of Durham ^ spent Sunday with friends and rela- 8 ? tives here. * Mrs. Alice H. Kilpatrick, of Ports- * mouth, Vs., is visiting her daughters, ^ Mrs. Jaim a Bynum and Mrs. R. L. Smith. ? < Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner, Mrs. W. E. Joydfer, Charles Joyner and Betsy Willis Jones were Greenville visitors Tuesday, j Mrs. R- D. Rouse, Miss Sal lie Nor- ( wood, Miss Louise Farror and Miss r Russell Ward were Bethel visitors, <j Wednesday. e Friends will be glad to know that I B. R. Collins is recuperating after a several weeks of illness at his home ( in Wilmington. I Miss Lillian White Gardner and Miss Effie Lewis, students at E. C. t T. C., arrived Thursday for the * Spring holidays. Friends of Miss Camille Staton, * members of the Farmville school ? faculty, will regret to learn that she c is ill at her home in Bethel. s Edward Harris, student at State, j. and Lonnie Pierce, Jr., student at a Raleigh Commercial School, spent the week end at their homes here. . . i Mrs. A. A. Stewart^o^Wum?ng!onr I 13 spending several days here with . I relatives. Mrs. Stewart recently re- j turned from a stay of several months t in New Orleans. j I Dr. and Mrs. W. Watson Keffer j I ? and son, Billy, and their housegaest, j I Mrs. J. H. Robinson, of Greenville, r I Pa., visited relatives and friends in } Kinston, Monday. , s I Mia. T. C. Tumage returned during c I the week end from Duke hospital, a where she underwent treatment re- ? cently, and left Monday for a visit J I to relatives in Lumbertcm. J James Lang spent Wednesday in 1 I Greenville, S. C., where he attended 4 I the funeral of a cousin, Willie Gray I ? Lang, a former resident of Green- 4 Corporal Pender Bundy has re- a ? turned to Fort Jackson, S. C., after M I a visit to his mother, Mrs. S. H. fl Bundy, who has been ilL We are ? glad to report that lbs. Bundy is ? I improving. Friends will be glad to learn that I J. T. Monk returned to his home I I Thursday from Duke Hospital, where I he has been receiving treatment for I several weeks. We are glad to re- fl I pert that Mr. Monk is improving. fl Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mann, former I ? naiihiils of moved to I Faraville this week and are occupy- ] MadUmrmte'Sefr bereavement ^ f ? J L" v':? i I 1* pi ? ___ ... ' ?? I ? SOCIALCAUSNDAR 3.-00 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary 3:30 P. M.?The Mary Ellen Doxiesr Circle, Baptist Mission ary Society, meets at the home of Mrs. W. J. Rasberry with Mrs. Alfred Tyson as joint hbe 4:30 P. M. ? Executive Board 'I meeting, P. T. A., with Mn. B. LeBoy Rollins. , ; *i\ '* Tuesday, 18 ' .J 3:00 P. M.?Contract Club meets with Mrs. M. V. Jones. ? 6:80 P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M!?Junior Order. "Wedaeedsy* 12 .:fh; ? 3:30 P. M.?Literary Chib meets with Mrs. J. W. Parker. '? Thursday, 20 3:00 P. M.?Junior Woman's Club meets with Mrs. Jesse Moye. 3:30 P. M. ? American Legion / Auxiliary meets in the hall with Mrs. D. G. Allen, Mrs. G. E. Ballew and Mrs. B. F. Weaver as hostesses. 7:80 P. M.?Parent-Teacher. Friday, 21 3:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. Saturday, 22 10:00 A. M?Bird Club. NOTE OF APPRECIATION The family of "Mrs. A. A. Joyner yish to express their appreciation of he many acts of idndness shown hem and for other expressions of sympathy extended them in their be ?eavement ART FESTIVAL IN APRIL The Fine Arts department of the Voman's Club announces that it will ponsor an Art Festival, presenting tome talent, in connection with a iresentation of state talent by the ?"armville Literary Club, early in Ipril. 5TATE OFFICERS AT STUDY GROUP MEETING ? Mrs. John Robinson, president of he State Federation of Women's Hubs, and Mrs. Stedman Carr, sec etary, both of Wallace, spent Thurs lay here attending the study group neeting of the federated clubs, The ?'annville Woman's Club, &e Liter ,ry Club and the Junior Woman's /lub, which was held at the home of drs. J. M. Hobgood. The primer of Americanism whs aught at this time by Mrs. J. M. lobgood, Miss Mamie Davis, Miss Elizabeth Davis and Miss Jesse loye, to a large and an, enthusiastic rroup of club women, who brought a over dish luncheon with them and pent the entire day on the course of tudy as outlined and recommended ?y the State Federation. FOUNTAIN T. P. A. MEETS The Fountain Parent-Teacher As ociation held its regular meeting in he school auditorium on Thursday ight. Devotional was conducted by Irs. C. M. Smith. Mrs. J. M. Hor on presided over the business meet ng, at which time a nominating com nittee was appointed. A summer ound-up committee was appointed or the purpose if- transporting chil ren to and from school for the prei chool clinic, which is to be held oon. Announcement was made that i committee had been appointed by he Fonutain Woman's Club to work rith the P. T. A. Committee at the link. At the dose of the business ses sion Miss Paulyne Stroud, accom lanied by Mrs. Haywood Smith, sang i beautiful selection. Mr. R. H. For est, program chairman, then pre sented Dr. Cart Adams, a member ol 2ast Carolina Teachers College acuity, who gave a most interesting alk on chHdjeychology. ATTEND WEDDING HERE ' Among the out-of-town guests at ending the Hammond-Barrow wed iing here, Wednesday, were:^' Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Hammond, a >ol!ocksviUe; William tee Ham nond, of Richmond, Va.; Taylor Bap row, Jr., and Miss Roberta Murray f Greensboro; Mrs. Pete Clark* o Washington; Mr. and Mr* William Coleman, of Rocky ^ Mount; Mist of Roanoke Rapids; Miss'Mary C&th ? # . ?>. ? '? - o', --]? ' * * Dc7u4 -Ur? imq iuXn* iK\jQrTf m?B> 1 - ?*' - ? 111 '? 145,, A vll 1?jjwwUNHlM A % CM JL ,v * W O 1 Tlimmfv wJlr?;" I I ? _ 1 I ^4^pftnwiy ,t^^I yy^. |jy dignity I ? baktete SJfSSl dral candles, burning in floor stand ards, illuminated the wedding scene.' Tear . * \j ^ ? ? ? _M, ^ j ri?., m 1, - - - - * r,s~ Mrs* naywooa onutn, organist, played a prelude of nuptial mmrif. John 0. Holmes, tenor, sang "All Joy Be Thine," Elbert C. Holmes, bari tone, sang "Drink To Me Onl^WHh Thine Eyes," and the torn soloists rendered "The Want Of You" as a duet. The . traditional wedding marches -were used and "Liebest raum" by Liszt, was softly played during the ceremony. ~ -r.^ Ushers were Taylor Everette Bar row, Jr., arid William Lee Hammond, brothers of the bride and bridegroom. $ Bert Barrow Warren, nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. The couple, unattended, entered the Church together. The bride wore a quartz rose costume suit of chiffon wool in origi nal design; the tie-peplum jacaat was elaborately trimmed in rose fox, dyed to match, and had peg sleeves. Her abort-sleeved frock had a tuck ? ed silk marquisette yoke in cut-out mode. Her French model hat, of soft woven navy straw, had a crater blue chou as the crown trimming and a flowing veil of navy blue. She had blue accessories. Her shoulder cor-, sage was of orchids and stephanotia Following the ceremony Dr. and Mrs. Hammond left for a wedding trip, after which they will make their home at Battle Creek, Michigan. The bride, anattractive and vivaci ous young woman, is the daughter of Taylor Everette Barrow and the late Mrs. Lucy Tyson Barrow. She at tended Woman's College University < of North Carolina, and was graduated < from East Carolina Teachers Col- i lege, Greenville, where she was de signated the most beautiful senior in : the superlatives. She has been a popular member of the Grifton school i faculty for severq} years. ' Dr. Hammond, the son of Dr. and 1 Mrs. Alfred Franklin Hammond, of i Pollocksville, was graduated from 1 Duke University and is a member of 1 the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity; He ' attended the medical school of the University of North Carolina and 1 was graduated from Jefferson Medi- i cal College, Philadelphia. He has -) practiced medicine in Grifton for the '> past five years. Dr. Hamhioitd is < 1st Lieutenant in the Medical Corps ] of the United States Army, 5th Medi- < cal Battalion, stationed at Fort Cus- < ter Michigan. "-U-?^A* mVaama! Tiinaifav 1 r OliUWlUK I41C iciioat ow * mvuum^ evening, the bridal party and out of. 1 town guests were entertained at a i cake cutting by the bride's sister, 1 Mrs. Ed Nash Warren and Mr. War- 1 ren. The home was decorated with daf fodils and white tulips. The green " and white color note was used with artistic effect in the dining room. i The table had a centerpiece of white j stocks, carnations and snapdragons in a silver bowl, flanked, by white : tapers in saver holder^. The three 1 tiered, cake was topped with a minia ture bride and bridegroom and for- \ tones were attached by white ribbon , streamers. Ices and mints carried ' the chosen oolon. Salted nuts were served also. Miss Geraldine Gardner was hos tess at a lovely bridge affair, com plimenting Miss Lucy Oliva Barrow, whose marriage to Dr, Alfred , Franklin Hammond, Jr., of Pollocks - ville and Fort "Custer, Mich., took ^ place on Wednesday of tills week. : ? The St Patrick colors of green and white wartr carried in the floral decorations with jonquils adding a , color note of yellow. The high score prise, coasters, was won by the honoree, who was pre sented with lovely hurricane lamps | by the hostess. Stuffed angel cake, emphasising ? the colors the fc motif, was served, followed by pin , wheel cookie, and coffe* > : It Hobgood^ghtfully ? A lovwy musical program was pr? l seated by Mi* John D. and Mrs. r Elbert C.;fiolmes, with Mrs. Artiuir i P. Joyner as accompanist Mrs. J. ? 1 cl&r&i wiiii'Stti of th.0 awards^ & - I -.'i -^Tr J" -"IS* 1 t\ ???????? . - J.T-?*31 J-.yl . _ * I wwvgwy % jiiMg acpnciy. *ii6 mcinyvrs jliospitel. ^[-.ri, 4 -- . ; ' - ^ V frsrV>? ".- I I Mis Eva Mae Turnac?. bride elect IS - s" ' *>?*{a ? ' ?.-ll After the games, hostess plates, II newinftr .# xaaWaa 11V nMn '^IaaajI' I I yuicvjr ox cooiqm . were pifl^u on 11 Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., was hoe-jfl SW ** * jpfwtiiur nf the I wyov *? UAVVMUQ V* WW I a New Deal Club, held in the home of I BlR; G. M. ? Holden. The St Patrick j II out in floral arrangements, table ap~ ||1 pointments aa$:> refreshments. . .. If Xn. Billy Burke item the club I award, crystal dessert plates, and I III.: Pat Ruffin received the guest I prise, a double deck of cards. Mrs. I iu M. wmtenurat .was given -auric* I tive kitchen accessories as oonsola- I tion prise. 'H II A delicious ice box deraert was served, followed by coffee and cheese I stjaws. . -.?> ? ;0 ??:{ :J't*; 11 Special gueete were: Mrs. R. T. | Williams, Mrs. J. Blount, Mrs. Wes- I ley R. Willis, Mrs. J. H. Paylor, Mrs. | J. M. Mewborn, Mrs. B. S. Sheppard, I Miss Tabitha DeVisconti, Mrs. Lath | Morriss, Mrs. Pat Ruffin, Mrs. Chas. E. Fitzgerald, Mrs. R. 0. Lang, and | Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst. A number of interesting progres- 11 sions of contract were played by | members of1 the Couple Club at the. 11 home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyner I on Monday evening. Spring flowers | lent fragrance and color to the home on Contehtosa street. 11 Mrs. M. V. .Jones woat the ladies' i prize, guest towels, and Dr. Chas. E., Fitzgerald received the men's award,! linen, handkerchiefs. After play, a delicious apple-nut padding with cream was served, followed by oook ies, coffee, salted nuts and candies. Mine Vemice Lang Jones delight fully entertained the Lamrad Club, which is engaged in a tournament series of contract at present. Mia. Tommy S. Ryon won the guest ? sward and Miss Eva Mae Turnage, bride elect, was presented with silver 1 in her pattern by" the* hostess. Ice zream pie was eerveld, followed by salted nuts and coffee. J An interesting program was de veloped at the Litenar> Club meet ing by Mix Claude L. Barrett, who reviewed "The Country Lawyer" by , Bellamy Partridge, and by Mrs. W. C. Askew, yho read the president's page front the Club Woman, and dis cussed the plans for spring activities >f the federated clubs, of the State. Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., and her small daughter,, Anne, assisted, the hostess,. Mrs. J. I. Morgan, in receiv ing and In serving delicious refresh ments. Spring flowers were in beau tiful arrangements throughout the Morgan home. v "Mrs. John M. Mewborn and Mrs. William Forbes were joint hostesses to the Junior Woman's Club this week. Mrs. J. Leroy Parker presided and welcomed two new members, Mrs. W. .Watson Keffer .and Mrs. Bryan Gaddy, into the dub at this time. * ' & S. Hotchkiss gave exerpts [? from the Club Woman, and Mrs. - Jesse Moye discussed current events. Mrs. Archie Cayton and Mrs. Mabrey E. Pollard gave interesting discussions based on the American Cinema; Mrs. Ceytan .tracing its I development and phenominal prog ress, and Mrs. Pollard sketching thb & life of Cecil B. DeMille, a native of North Carolina. ' A delectable salad with coffee Has ^ served at the conclusion of the pro gram. Featuring the program of the > March meeting of the Major Benjar min May Chapter, i>. A. R., was m' j splendid talk on "Ijfouth America" by 'O the Rev. Mr. Courtney, of Fountain. Mrs. E. Bruee Beasley,; program chairman of the afternoon, presented tlw gas* ^pstofc'? ; Mrs. W.<Hw WUtmore, vice regent, and a delegate to thb recent State |j Conference of the D. A. R., held in Wilson, gave echoes of the meeting ?at this time. ' gfi| J; - ?1 Ice cream, cake and salted nuts were served, , the* ices carrying pfce colors of white and green. 1 11 "? .i' '.t CHRISTIAN CHUfeCH NOTES : r - ??-? ? J?; The Glee' Club of some 26 voices ine vjriee uiiui VJ. . _Tj Wilftrtft will aiue^at the Christian. Church, Sunday ?v6mnar? March 16, ii--1 I'rV>'rff-jts ' &t t ?ov O CLOCK. it flE? .J/lixHXC IB tUiulfl^ | A Gentle Laxative ~ . Good For Children wsZr' 1. '' - ? Most any child who takes this tasty laxative once will welcome it the aest time he's constipated and it has him headachy, cross, listless, with had tenth, its ted tongas or ? little appetite. Syrup of Black-Draught Is a tasty liquid companion to the famous - BLACK-DRAUGHT. The principal - ingredient is the same in both products; helps impart tone to lasy bowel muscles. % ? \ The Syrup's flavor appeals to* meat children, and, given by the ?m>pi4 dWctfons, its action it usually gentlt, but thorough. Re member Syrup of Blade-Draught next time. Two sises: 60c and f&c. ,,'? Dr. W; Watson Keffer Chiropractic Physician . Offices 2nd Floor Piti County Ins. Agency Bldg. Hist 9-6; Daily Office 488-1?Dial?BejfrL 469-6 ' V^p-V| Jj1^ BIB mm ^B IB I ^BB B^^ ? B -. B ? ;/f I T I". I ? I J 1 I n I j ?-"-.^t ? i ? I ?'? *> I' B III* ' |^^| | j b ^b^E . s fl| ^|^^^ b B I H^fgji ^L>~? -^-! Bli^ JH nE?& ???j OOUAB POt OOUAt it's the Refrigerator buy of the year! All-Steel Cab inet with Porcelain In terior * Famous - in-Steel G-E Thrift Unit 62 co. ft. Cap acity* 11.7 sq.ft. Shelf Area 9 onnn i ess oicu Super Freezer ? 80 Big Ice Oabo, And a boat; . of features you'll want. FarmviUe.Furniture MAIN STREET -? Phone 383-1 FAEMVILLE;N.C. . ? ? SOU) BY C.S. HOTCHKISS, FARMVILLE, N. C. I _j i - ' '^^b I' * ^1: ^1 B JH flB n H rJ.*--''v ? tS>' ;<a ildcars alike? Drto once and you'll find out that hert's a S resUy different, really better car. For. ? out thing, it's the 1941 safety winner H .., and winner in its d^in^the^Gil- H K 92-hompowtr Mud- -I ? I ?A- rr" ftf fltM ? #011 vfX 19 vUv Of :fiB Eff?"

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