I I -!"? J I Depending upon intelligence, of officer/ off m *?* . "> GEAMB COULEE. The first geawator will begin operating at Grand Goalee Dam oil the 22nd of March, which means that I the dam will go into use tm? yeans ahead of nhsilnl Gowbanmg 11, ?M00 cubic yards of concrete, the. dam, 4300 feet long and 660 feet high, is said to be the largest struc ture ever built by man. The eighteen generators are in#t)M mi wiB pro duce 1,974000 kilowatts of eiectrid ty, compared with L&2&SQ0 at Boul der Dam and about 660,000, at Dneidrostroy, Russia, the third larg ?r ?;- est dam in the world. GREENLAND Radio communication between tibia country and Greenland will be effec tive sometime in April. Two Coast Guard cutters will go to Godthaab, Greenland, to maintain communica I tioae. DEFENSE Defense savings bonds, stamps and certificates will go on sale about May 1st at postoffices, banks and department stores functioning as outlets for the new fin wing. AIR TOUR Major-General Frank R. McCoy and* three companions recently left Washington on a 24000-mile air tour of the American Republics. During the trip, the General will visit aviation leaders in twenty re publics to discuss the future develop ment of aviation. After visiting Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, the plane will travelj down the east coast to South Ameri ca, return along the west coast route and go through Central America and Mexico. It will return to Washing ton June 2nd. AVERAGE FARM The average American farm in 1940 was seventeen acres larger than in 1930, according to the Census Bureau. The merging of farms in the Mid-west due to drought, , in creased mechanization, higher taxes and lower farm land prices, explains the increase to 174 acres. * GAS MASKS. - A Government-owned plant to make charcoal for gas masks will be constructed at Fostoria, Ohio. The plant will cost about $1,000,000. Meanwhile, the War Department has placed "educational orders" with five companies for the manufacture of low-cost civilian gas masks. n MAIL Postoffice Department reports thafaeight ships, carrying mail from this country to foreign destinations, have been sunk ^storing the wnr< causing a loss of 1# ,501 saks of ma& With one rotaeptioc ,-tbe- ahflw went dovw in the Atlantic. The other ahiyfut a mine In the Indian ocean. NEGRO B&MADE For the fife* tans in tfaa.-Amy*. lastly, a fid* ?*U*y brignd* is, being organized to include thrtee ill Negro artillery regiments. peculation about-the adequacy*of steel; production capacity has' been answered by a report, from the OPM* showing ample production fa to meet i|oSlsnt^Nt|(NiPNP4 | civ*jm needs, as veil as -tfcosf. natfcns trying to ti&M Hnwnlfl? I latest best-seller hroufhi thritt-j I Ceatary-Pox ? Ztat Grey's "West-J ? era Union," , Technicolor prodacticra J roowt Theatre. A trigger-its* tc-j Produced oa?e,ngirft? tlti mU,\ XT * yupofb tiuA?L kv TTI\]\mmi r*Tmtmr'^Jff^Twfrdnhl uowj?u J "^Terteta TTiieir in thai Is boom d&y$ flL^jOsEiAhE* ^^fywiiuri I in, , ?, . j ^ > . '- <>5ili:'a ;n/l - ? ^ "?'???'_ /TV^L? "T v 1 tivfi lioimflitt '!'wi ??'?,-' \.^- j'^j'^"i I ? I V " . - \ < * - - . * ' ?? ' ?>>,. ^>-"-^'i: */.y'-' ?A ., ' -?-\*\* Ifcfgall 1^ UBK ?f wii ?son visited Mrs. W. B. l*ag, Sen-1 ? Rriends. will regret , to learn that I If Mrs. G. W. Corbett is quite ill at I ? the Woodard-Herring hospital in w N^v,*fw^,'r>i. ~y- ? ?? it!.--.- ? I Mrs. W. A. Marlowe and Mrs. *?*? I West, Jr., were Wilson visitors Sat* I Mrs. Fred Thomas of Faraville| I visited Mrs. Paul Craft, Sunday. her home after a visit"with her mother, Ifzm. Smithie Smith of Princeton, who has been qcdte ilL I Mrs. A. J. Craft and Mrs. Patd Craft were Becky Mount visitors I Wednesday. Mrs. W. L Shackleford, Mrs. were Wilson visitors Saturday. her home here from Wniidsrtl-Her-1 ring li"iy't^ in Wilson, but rsmsins I *t*\ T. Hicks and Mrs. Lee I Jones were Farmville visitors Tone-1 Mrs. W. L Shackleford and Mrs. I Estelle Bailey visited Meade in I Saratoga, Tuesday. COUNCIL MEETS I The Worker's Council of the Chji*-! tian Sunday School met ?t the home of Mrs. Trypbenia McEeel Wednes-; day evening; with the president, Mrs., A. J. Craft presiding. The Devotion al Service waa conducted by Mrs. J. C. Gardner. > During the business session reports I were-given and plans were made for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt for the primary and junior departments. The hostess assisted by her daugh ter, Virginia, served a sweet course. LADIES AID SOCIETY MEETS The Ladies Aid Society of Howell Swamp Free Will Baptist Church met in the home at Mrs. Caries Walston, Saturday afternoon. The president, Miss Estelle Gay presided over the business session. I Mr. and Mrs. EL M. Adams at Ayden were guest speakers. They bfd?'*ftt,on the Missionary work of the Church. h08te"j ? m tii... * ?? ? ? I 3 ""e "S. 'i" ?. ?? 1 .SSSRSSL .J . Jl ?! 'Hi??? i, i| ?wK Miss Eleanor Bqney of Wallace is visiting Man G L Owens. . atow) William, ?ad s*JSS^tSt **??p."*? Eagles. ? ? Mtn. W. E, Lang and 'Mrs. L F. Smith of Walstdttburg visited rela t*re? hem Tbmd^. Jimmy Barten, son of *|fr. and Mrs. J. M. Horton, is ill with 'Miss Elisabeth Smith, a teacher of Eaanoke Baaida, rrrr* the we#^ If, D., sad an employee of the U. C., I la a ill m Hospital The Nor^k Cwol rn^i ^y wpho^uc. . " , , . . 1 - ~ " ' I *tjlft ijltiif*ft^tfl -&%? f^QT^WLi-'-'T^I* I.iB I-.. . *'*-v,53281'"- '"I I ' ?' ."? ? ! I fifl/MfrffiTl fn Tvjflrti {fg iminoncn flW&'l ? country ii^K'ui^ worlc* (*iyn addhoscu*] [ ? -- ? _ ? ?J I SfS2?55: *#??pS overJme I I cnj^l possible thai, -so far as Germany an d J Italy are corfcer,rad, Our efforts will] be joonflpedto defensiyf- action, bfcfl chiding thappafibility that our ships] may be used to.-carry Supplies toll Great Britain and oujr?jjearships and planes may be uaed to defend tfeam. II I ' .'y*' ' _ -K-' In regard to Japan, the situation ly the action of the American Con-1 grees has produced a profound im-J pression upon Tokyo statemen. IfislH j and -that IC^t^riniki from a afcar.. j If, however, in compliance with the Axis Treaty, Japan goes so far as to declare war against the United States in- the Pacific, there is a dis tinct possibility that offensive action against Japan will be initiated In our opinion, it is doubtful that Japan will declare war upon the United States and if Germany and Italy provike a clash by attacking us, Tokyo will likely avoid engagements under the Axis by her Axis partners the aggressors. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administrators of the estate of-David F. Lang, da ceased, late of the County of Pitt, North Carolina, this is to notify all [persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to please ex hibit them to - the andentigned, in Farmville, North Carolina, on or before the 20th day of February," 1942, or this notice, will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH paeons to said estate,' iwfll plfflft ment with the undersigned adminis tsatera. ? ? ?' W.. ^gSsSlls | This the 19th day of Feb. 1941. ? R. O. LANG, > *1; Z, M. WHITEHURST, Administrators of David F. Lang. B. T. Martin, Atfcy. F-21-6t ^ ; /..I?^0"^^ ! vAJmntJ AD CIA MM ; KOTtva w . Ua*n?KUr rirta, of-ttu pom, ^nlf oonf?inc 1 utj_dM... ' wlw_" ' I SS .SsitSM!^ in ATi t of the indebtedness therein so to the Mehe* bidder for CASH, the H foUowimr dAfHTibed tract of land: ?V joinhur'the Nobles 'iSact^tbeEast, on the Wart, the intereethartin con- , pg^.V4.V '**11 iU_l L" ftji I .' : ,-i. j ' C L; f ,V- Wf L ? II ?- ylj < III! Hill* 1. j 'MlVMAH O t-f '-''"J ..!?? ? * 'M.. -.* '.v *i! '-x >; Aw'c i^fif ynt ' "< t>Mm K'MhltMD I FOB RENT?A SIX-ROOM BRICK I t. rnj bum. W.&|| ^j| MB ARB SOW PAYING 75. Ml ta?td t?r ToMo 8m Bfu? I *M0 for Biloxi?Prices subject to I ill LANG, Farmville, N. C. tfc 11 **** *5$ fuwb*Tvo* aLL 0CG4SI0N8r|: IljpVM Plants, Cat Ftowar*.Co?ait. I KrisrSrc! I-.-Myrtle Sutton, Owner. Phones:? ! |&?sr w-it Nifbt jw-l tfcj; . : Pw5" I J 7 NSORTH CAROLINA, Pht Count; 11 In The Superior Court. | , EMMA |g ROUSE If CHARLIE DEWEY ROUSE ' [| ft;Charlie Dewey Rouse will take If notice that an action entitled as If above has been commenced In the if Sofcrior Court ojP Sronijr for 12 the purpose of obtaining an abeo-Jf lute divorce on the grounds of twoff year separation, and the said defend-Jt ant will further take notice, that he J Is required to f^eak at the officf I of the Clerk of Pitt Superior Court, X at the courthouse In Greenville, Jfc ?;; i-jt'sc.-.'s r I P&int, st the ^aintiff will apply to J Witness my hand, this the ?th day ;' of Mmeh, 131 ? * j.-g. hasringsok;. .. ;, V: ?: ? Cletk tttt Superior Court. | R; T. Marttn^ Atty. g "mBL ?" ? ? ?~&; ?' *'?'**?-1'" ? I m ? " I I ii^^^^l.ki 'i?li 'i' ' "' 1 . "ViVi^f jjfr - ^V/ ? H'T : I ? > <1'5- ? L ??? ' ' ^ *? -' W" ' 'I THE TURNAGE CO., lie. Main Sftcet ' Farmville, N. C. I ' * * ' * I! ; 0 People judgeyrar badnessby the ; letter heads and billheads you send oat Impress them the rigbtway iritfc smart design and dean printing . . . Circulars and haadfcfllg a specialty. ' ?' 1 ? ? ?. < - -'!.?? ? *-:? ? ? - # ? OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 ,.*... ? . '*.;v." -?,Wfgpg?' ? ? ' Tobacco Warehouse Jobs ' Of AO Kinds V ->... .J.,.- 1 . COMMERCIAL PRINTING Prompt and Efficient Service press regret? ., /How docs a married ; woman's letterhead reed? ... Order year stationery from us . . .and be socially ; correct SPECIALS FOR SPRING Calling Cards?13 Lettering SWm ?100 for $1.00? , Paneled?With Neat Case. Large Size Informals ?100 for $1.00? For Thank Yoa or Short Notes. . ' ! '' ? V'- - lUXi'Wiui 1X8 nxnri idu nuc &uci ?