Mr. sad Mrs. Jt H. Tbomaa were Greenville visitors, Wednesday. f Mm Elian Iaciett, of KinstonJ visited relatives hem Sunday- I Mrs. J. E. Russell and Mrs. L. F. WflHford spent Monday in Wilson. Mrs. J. M. Christman jas returned ] * after a visit to relatives in Header-1 son. William Tyson, of Raleigh, visited his aunt, Miss tihri* Perkins, Toes I <*y Rev. and Mrs. B. B. Fordham and Mrs. C. A. T^son spent Thursday in I Greensboro. Friends are glad to see Mrs. Hub- J ert Joyner out again after an illness J of seiveral weeks. | Mrs. J. C. Peebles, has returned! to Kinston after a visit to Mm] David T. Harris. > > | Mr. and Mrs. Pearson HasseQ, of j Greenville, spent the week end with! Mrs. J. M- Hob good. - J Miss Winnie .Carr, of Wilson, j spent Wednesday with her sister, I Miss Harriet Carr. J Mrs. George Edwards, of Snow j Hill, spent Tuesday with her mother, r Mrs. J. A. Mewborn. Mrs. G. A. Jones spent several! Haw* of this week in -Washington, |' D. C., with nhtivei. Mrs. Herbert Pbtter, Jr., of Snow! Hill, spent Wednesday with her ; mother, Mrs. T. W. Lang-. Friends will be glad to learn that : J. Y. Monk, who has been ill for several weeks, is improving. Miss Sola Carr, member of the Bailey school faculty, spent the < week end at her home here. Miss Mavis Leggett, student at A. C. C., Wilson, spent the Spring holi days with her mother here. Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, Mrs. Herman Voas and Mrs. Frank Dupree, Jr., were Raleigh visitors, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Rawls and children spent Sunday in Rocky Mount with friends and relatives. Ashby Winstead, student at the medical college at Duke, spent the Spring holidays at his home here. Miss Seba Flanagan, of Atlanta, Giil, spent several days of this week with her mother, Mrs. Sheba Flana gan. Miss Gene Horton, Miss Elsie Car raway and Miss Iona Greene spent Friday with friends at Harbour Is land. Bernice Turnage and Robert Pierce, students at Davidson College, are at home for the Spring holiday period. Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. B. F. Bundy is undergoing ex aminations and treatment at Duke Hospital Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Thompson, Jr., of Harbour Island, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hardy during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bynum and daughter, Linda, and Miss Linda Cobb, of Pine tops, visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Bitting, of Chase City, Va., will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hotcbkiss during the week end. Miss Frances Winstead, Miss Elizabeth Elliot and Miss Margaret Hester visited friends in Rocky Mount, Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Jr., and small daughter, Anne, have re turned from a visit to relatives in Brunswick, Ga. % I Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Roland and I Mrs. J. B. Cayton, of Greenville, I were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie I Cayton, Sunday. Mrs. S. E. Ballew, Mrs. Chester I Outland, Miss Myrtle Nichols and I Miss Madge Smith were Greenville I visitors, Monday. I Mrs. Frank Capps and Miss Dora I de Grace Eoontree, of Washington, I D. C., arrived Thursday for a visit I to Mrs. Dora. H. KeeL I Mrs. Washington Smith has re I turned to her home near Kings Cross I Bonds after a visit to Mrs. E. L. I Gaynor and Mrs. Lila S. Shhriey. I Friends will be giad to learn that I Mrs. Sbeba Flanagan, who is ill at I the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. I C. Turuage, is reported as improving. Friends will be glad to learn that I Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., vdso underwent an appendicitis operation at Memo* I rial hospital, Kipston, Tuesday morn ing, is reeupeating rapidly. Perkins attended the Symphonic | ? tiff op6H^ctt &? Memorial I ?! iii | .1 ly . "FOTVlT*Tf> A 9fl I ' wjfalnA^ina riximL fell m j Tygon will be borne during the week V m T?? A yv ?' I AT* eoq wit stsniey At u&ms SOdAL gALEND AR [ 3:00 P. M.?Lenten Study Group, Episcopal Auxiliary, will meet with Mm J. W. Joyner, Tuesday, April 1 3:00 P. M.?Contract Club, will moot with Mm. Arthur F. Joy-? nor. 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. Wednesday, 2 3:30 P. M.?Literary Club will meet with Mias Annie Perkris. Thursday, 3 ? V 10:00 A. M.?Bridge Tournament, sponsored by Home Demonstra tion dub. 3:16 P. M.?Junior Woman's Club meets at the home of Mrs. Archie Cayton, with Mrs. Claude Tyson as joint hostess.^ . 7:00 P. M.?Bridge Tournament sponsored by Home Demonstra tion Club. ?* Friday, 4 3:00 P. M.?Lamrad Club meets with Mrs. George Moore, Jr. 3:80 P. M.?U. D. C. 7:00 P. M.?American Legion. Saturday, 5 16:00 A. M.?Bird Club. ???i Mrs. Nannie Y. Lewis, accom panied by her daughter, Miss Rachel Lewis, left Tuesday to enter St Joseph's Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., for treatment Friends will be glad to learn that late reports state that Mrs. Lewis is improving. ? f Pat Bundy, who was hart when an , electric pole on which he was work* ing, broke suddenly causing severe injuries, has returned to his. home here after receiving treatment at Park View Hospital, Rocky Mount Friends will be glad to learn that he is recuperating. Bill Pollard, student at Woodberry . Forest School is at home for the j Spring holidays Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Pollard, Bill's parents, accompanied by Bobby Rouse and Boots Thomas, , drove to Woodberry Forest, Via., for 1 Bill, returning by Washington, D. , C., for short stay in the Capitol City. Miss Helen Willis, senior at Duke University, who is spending the Spring holidays at her home here, left Thursday for Baltimore to at tend the Spring formal at the Uni versity of Maryland. Miss Willis 1 will stop over for a visit to relatives and friends at Anapolis en route to Durham. 1 AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sermon subject Sunday A. M. Was Jesus Ever Baffled? Mrs. C. N. Bostic soloist. Sunday evening < Mr. Mashburn will begin a series of four evening messages on Has Jesus the Answer? 1. Our Personal Problem. . FARMYILLE LOSES FIRST MATCH TO GREENVILLE Greenville defeated Farmville by 41 to 30 on the course of the Farm ville Country Club here Wednesday in the first match of the East Caro lina Golf Association Tournament of a 12-game series. Twenty-eight matches .participated in the games with Greenville's low at 77 and Farmville's low at 76. The next game to be played by the Farmville Club will be with Wilson in Wilson, Wednesday, April 2nd. ART FESTIVAL Woodcraft, needlecraft, modeling and painting done by local people are among the many things wanted for the display of local talent at the Art Festival, which will be sponsored in early April by the Fine Arts De partment of the Woman's Club and the literary Club. Everyone is urged to cooperate with these organizations by gjying suggestions to any member of the foBowing committee, which is & charge of arrangements: Mrs. George W. Davis, Mrs. J. M Wheless, Sr., Mrs. B. B. Fordham and Mrs. Mac Cam^sy^"^^.. ?eeeeeseess set sses eessss sees A* I MT4*1*7 A flair ft Al LOYclY JUVKU Allou9 ?*? _ ', ?. I Lee Janes, Miss EIWi Lyjas and Mi?? Margaret Thigpen. vflMM h)i?A?b were carried in the floral decorations and the Eester season was suggested in table Appointments. ^ -ijri;',, ; When scores wen compiled, Mrs. Lath Morriss was presented with the high award for ladies, a double deck cff Congress cards, Pat Ruffin receiv ed the. men's prise, linen handker chiefs, and the floating prize, an Easter novelty, was retained by Mrs. David T. Harris. Ices and cakes were served with the Easter season again emphasized In the favors. ? - ? - - ?? ? Members or t&e uaruen wiuo en joyed a meeting of that group on Monday/when Miss Elizabeth Davis, guest speaker, who returned recent ly from New York, discussed the International Garden Show, which she attended. Another feature of the program was a paper on "The Historic Gardens of the South" by Mrs. B. S. Sheppard, Mrs. Charles Mozingo and Mrs. Joel Moye were hostess at the meet ing held in the home of the former. A variety of spring bloom was in artistic arrangements throughout the home. Mrs. J. W. Holmes presided. Miss Tabitha DeVisconti outlined plans for observance of Conservation Week, gave a review of Bird Club activities, and read a dipping re garding the adoption of the dogwood as the new State flower. The chairman discussed the an nual Garden Pilgrimage, which in cludes the gardens of Goldsboro, Tarboro, Mt Olive, and Greenville, on April 3-4; Bed Spring and Flora MacDonald, April 10; and Rocky Mount on April 11-12. A delectable salad course was served after adjournment The March meeting of the Parent Teaeher Association was featured by an interesting program based on the general topic of "Know Your School." The program was developed by Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, who gave reasons why parents and teachers should know the Board members andx their duties; by T. E. Ryon, who spojce on the subject of "Know Your Prin cipal; by John B. Lewis, who em phasized the elementary school angle and cooperation with. the teachers, and by Mrs. Joel Moye, who brought the program to a close by stressing the importance of knowing the school child. -- Rev. J. B. Roberts had charge of the devotional period, and Mrs. Cher ry Easley, program chairman, pre sented the speakers. Mrs. R. LeRoy Rollins presided and appointed as a nominating com mittee, Mrs. R. L. Smith, Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst and Mrs. R. A. Parker. Mrs. L. F. Wllliford presented the following recommendations from the Executive Board, which were adopt ed at this time: To hold meetings of the Associa tion. at 8:00 in the evening for the remainder of this semester; to have a representative to the state P. T. A. conference, which will meet in Ashe ville, and to the Chapel Hill study conference. ' The treasurer reported a balance of $393.00 in the treasury and the sum of $6.83 sent to headquarters as a Founder's Day contribution. Mrs. W. H. Moore, wardrobe. chairman, J gave her report, and Mis. R. S. Scott, finance chairman, announced that 6 hoes' had been donated by B. S. Sheppard and. J. W. Holmes for use as a vegetable garden for the school lunch room this year. ? ' || The first grade, Miss Annie Per kins, teacher, and the third grade, Wm Margaret Lewis, teacher, tied I'-i EiC tefl^h&r here, who will teach iiujv Moore also announnced a pre-school clinic to he held here on Thursday, AFri18' Br. and Mrs. W. M. Willis de?ht fully entertained the Couple' Club this week at their home, in which hyacinths, daffodils, First Breath of Spring' and hawthorne were arrang ed fo make a Spring like setting. I Mrs. Charles E. Fitzgerald .4 won] the ladies high score award, pottery, and M. V. Jones received toilet ries as the prize for men. Mrs. G. A. I Jones and Mrs. Sally K. Horton shared with players in the pleasures of the evening. Strawberry shortcake, Russian tea I and cookies were served after play. Featuring the business session of the American Legion Auxiliary this month was the appointment of lbs. P. E. Jones and Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., as directors of the annual Poppy Sale; announcement of the Area Conference to be held in Greenville, this month and the decision to send gifts to the boys at Otoen. The time usually set aside for the program was used by members, to fill in the volunteer registration blanks for service in case of emerg ency. Mrs. S. A. Garrig presided. Mrs. D. G. Ballew and Mrs. 13. F. Weaver acted as hostesses at the meeting, which was held in the Le gion ludl, and served a delicious sweet course during a pleasant so cial hour. Mrs. Jesse Moye was a gracious hostess this week, entertaining the Junior Woman's Club at her home, in which mantel and floral decora tions Effectively carried the Easter colors and suggestions. Mrs. J. Leroy Parker presided and discussed the annual State Federa tion meeting, which will be held' in Wifiston-Salem, and reported that Bicycle Club projett would be super vised by the town with all bicycle; owners being required to register and attend instruction classes de signed for riding in. safety. Mrs. Mac Carraway gave an inter esting report of the splendid sbudy group meeting held recently by fed erated clubs here. In continuation of the study of South America, Mrs. James Smith read a paper on Columbia^ Mrs. R. T. Williams brought .the program to 'jj ^ 13 A delicious congealed safc/i, ham and biscuit, cheese straws aai iced tea were served after play, ^Sea sonal suggestions were carried in the color note and plate decorations. ' 'Special guests were Mrs. B. L. Lang, Mrs. Lath Morriss, Mrs. H. M. Blount, Mrs. M. V. Horton, Mrs. Z. M. Whitehuret, Mrs. .Wesley R Wil lis, Mrs. W. E. Joyner, Mrs. H. Neal Howard, Mr& Arthur F. Joyner, Mrs., L. T. Pierce, Mrs. J. H. Paylor and Mrs. Pat Baffin. K"-Vv " :"v.v_:?| 1 Mrs. R C. Copenhaver delight fully entertained the Wednesday Afternoon Club this week. Spring flowers were used with pleasing ef fect as a setting for the tables. Mrs. Ted L, Albritton was swarded the high score prise, a crystal swan flow er container, and Mrs. John B. Lewis received the consolation, dainty note paper. A delightful dessert course was served. Mrs. Bex Hodges was a special guest at the hostess. ?? Miss.Margaret Thomas ana Miss I Madge Smith entertained at a lovely shower in compliment to Miss Mamie Thomas, bride elect, at the home of Mrs. G. E. Ballew, Wednesday eve ning. Prizes were won by Mrs. Tom my Mizelle, Miss Elvia Tyson and Mr^ Nellie Outland. The shower of lovely gifts was presented to the honoree in a unique manner. I , , j . , I BRIDGE TOURNAMENT POSTPONED TO APRIL 3 . ? The Home Demonstration -Club, under the chairmanship o? Mrs. Her-, man Baker, announces postponement of the Bridge Tournament, which will be sponsored by this group to Thursday, April 8. VK: Play wili begin at 10 o'clock in the morning and at 7 o'clock in the eve ning, with a barbecue plate being served at noon and at supper, for 86c. Prizes of dressed chickens and home products such as canned fruits, pickles and home cooked delicacies will be offered. For reservation of tables for the tournament or for either meal, dial 212-1, Mrs. Baker, or 212-8, Mrs. J. R. Lewis. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wesley Joyner announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Ann, on March 12, at Caro lina General Hospital, Wilson. ?> . . loans ' . ; ???? A total of more Hum $6,870,000, 000 has been loaned by credit in- - stitutions operating under the aoper- \ vision of fee Farm Credit Adminis- 't tration since the FCA was organised i ? ? ? ?l.i M-.I'm ii. i ' aoAssm te' f- : v During February and early March, the production of milk and dairy products continued at an unpre cedented high level for the seeaont says the U. S. Agricultural Market ing Service. ? fT^jEEl jNNtoi^Yi^fTt" CliU^IC JE3frB3y^^Jti^f^ ? jX| | rch, p 5 t1 r ?^?ww w w w ww ? ? 'f ^ X f |% , ^ r^wnii / -J w A # -. _ .., 2 1?Appearance?Gleaming white porcelain,;. smooth table top so modem and sfream th^reOU ??ngi L * ? I |w I I A. I i ' ~ ? I 4 jfc n ^surlier KttiiSvSt i ' v J;> V<. " > ?" AO if) ff nP/1 Cj AWtf/l * AtlVjj^tTAlWT "\TAiMW ? ? . n<Vv-.\V* | H ? ? VVJRMnir tfll jliiFVil.V ??nir fliVrrV iKIfl. .,^Br -?? j8 JL k/Vi w ' JL UX Jw ? VsJL ^ X' w w%4? H jfl' I ?USED 4 slightly used Superfex Oil Barning Refrigerators, splen did condition ? Sold for^$225.00 each ? Tour choice for QUICK SALE . . $?QOO FMMHLLE FIIIITIBE CO. SOUTH MAIN STREET FARMVILLE, N. C. ? w,: -. ?;,- '. ? ? ; ? - .-?-???? -. ' -\ ' . . ? ,-...- ...... ^ ?- ? . >* ? ? ? ?* ??? * -^ ????. ?' ?. :: ?/ - .. ? Let us show you - I I "The Most Beautiful Refrigerator I ;.> I in the Worir I Tafk about Extras?what wrfh an Oversize I jg ? Oi&er-?Vegetable Bin?Magic SMf?Big I Maat Chest?and shining sfamtesssfeel I |* | ? CoU-Ban-t^bKnjtiM 1941 f SHEEB CONVENIENCE ?? i I \ eowumrrawra M - WL ?*?**f*jm+ Mk - . k .fVv Vp^Hi>9 v% ^ A?r .'^r., "j^pMP^TTT-?? .; r . ./^?L'jj-^^B, ^F f n n I. ,,1 mm^^AB finiria ' I I vImSaBm I I t ? wfl reflwewe on ? H V that holds more tfran / ? 1 abutMofut I ? ' VqtfllUPWI A - - ? 1 wrwreywr ?- . ? ?. J I ? I H ffftwiyurM with kst ycor when Kdvio&tor Micfi were I

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