Mm J. L Morgan, Jr., wis ^ Wil son visitor on Thursday. . Mrs. Jade Lewis spent Wedhesfey afternoon in Greenville. ? Worth Stewart of Dunn was a visitor here on Wednesday. Mrs. Travis Hooker, of Greenville, was a visitor hare on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Smith, of Greenville, spent Sunday here. Miss Edna Skinner spent Tuesday evening at her home in Hookerton. Mrs. J. E. Russell and Mrs. L. J. Williford were Wilson visitors Wed nesday. Miss Elisabeth Davis and Mr. end Mrs. Herman Voss spent Sunday in Pinehurst. Mrs. Jack Kirk of Tarboro spent several days of this week with Mrs. R. E. Pickett. | . - . ? .. . ?. * 'VV' Miss Peggy Mewborn of Goldsboro is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. J. A. Mewborn. Mrs. Linwood Russell underwent an appendectomy in a Kinston hos pital, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Baker and family spent Sunday with relatives in Washington. Mrs. Ellen Beaman and Mrs. Lucy Rasberry were Greenville visitors, Wednesday. Mrs. Nonie Barrett visited her ais er, Mrs. Van Fleming, this week in Greenville. $ ? * Miss Maybelle Kornegay of Seven Springs is visiting her sister, Miss Lottie Kornegay. - ? i ? Mrs. J. W. Holmes and Miss Frances Winstead were Rocky Mount visitors, Tuesday. ? ? ? Claude Monk and Ralph Byerly of Winston-Salem visited J. Y. Monk, Sr., on Wednesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Watt Newton of Fountain, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Parker on Tuesday. ? ? ? Miss Myrtle Sutton has moved her residence to the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Turnage. ? m ? Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Case of Foun tain visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Windham on Monday. \ ? 9 m Mrs. J. L. Shacklef ord and party of friends of Greensboro are on a two weeks tour of Florida. ? ? ? Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck, Mrs. J. 1. Morgan and Mrs. Frank Davis were Raleigh visitors, Tuesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. David Ogleeby of Elizabeth City are spending this week with relatives here. ?'?.is Misa Harriet Carr is spending sev eral days of this wed: with Mrs. A. B. Mewborn in Goldsboro. ? ? ? Miss Russell Ward and Mrs. A. P. Burton spent the week end at Mrs. Burton's home in Wilmington. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henry Bynum and children, Joe and Margaret, were Greeirville visitors, Wednesday. .? ? ? Mrs. G. E. Thompson, Mrs. J. D. Anders and Mrs. Joseph Batchelor were Rocky Mount visitors Wednea day. 1 www D. B. Morgan returned Tuesday I from Greensboro where he attended the North Carolina Jewelers' Con I - vention. ? ?? Mr. and Mrs. Leo Norville and family of Chicago, I1L, will spend the weak end with Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Norville. " ^ * * ? I - Mrs. J. L Morgan, Sr., leaves Fri day for a week's visit to her mother, Mrs. C. S. Whittlesey in Opehka, Alabama. - iff* p? I ?'' ??? _ | J. W. Hobnes retained Saturday! ter, Mint C. W. Sogers in Memphis, I Mr. snd Mrs. Ernest Barrett, Dora MseJamtt, and Mr. and Mrs. Bas -*';e? Sandadfi-^"-'^ VB OttOW/. I ? * a I 9 Mrs. John D. Holmes, Mrs. Elbert] _ _ I - . . j Mrs. M. V. Jones, Mrs. W. M. Wil lis, Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, Mrs. P. ?. Jones and Miss Betsy Jones were Greenville visitors Wednesday. ? ? ? Mrs. S. L. Windham and Mrs. Hazel Esterl&nd and small son, Don ald, of Raleigh were the week end guests of Mrs. G. W. Windham. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hodges and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bradham were din ner guests of Miss Ester Mitchell in Kinston on Wednesday evening.' : ? ? ? Mrs. Novella H. Cappe and Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree, of Washing ton, D. C., spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Rollins vat tended the funeral of Mr. JPaul Han l nah, in Suffolk, Va., Wednesday, Mr. Hannah was related to Mrs. Rollins. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griffin of Wilson and Miss Elizabeth' Davis were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Underwood on Tuesday eve ning. ? ? ? Rev. H. M. Wilson and J. C. Corbitt spent Tuesday and Wednes day in Washington where they at tended a Spring Meet of the Presby tery. ? ?-? I Miss Lena Carraway, who has been receiving treatment at Duke Hispi t&l, Durham, will undergo an opera tion on Friday. We wish her a speedy recovery. ? ? e Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, Mrs. M. V, Jones and Mrs. Annie Rigsby motor ed to RockyMojmt on Monday, where Mrs. Rigsby is receiving: treatment I at the Park View Hospital. I ? ? * * John B. Lewis, Secretary of the i Farmvilie Chamber of Commerce, at tended a group meeting of represen tatives of Eastern Carolina towns held in Greenville, Tuesday. I ??? ' Mrs. GL A. Jozgf left Wednesday | for Staunton,-Va^ for a visit of sev | eral days to her son, Fred Jones, who holds a position with the Goodyear | Tire and Rubber Company, there. . ? ? ? Irvin Morgaav^ official delegate from the local Rotary Club, is at i tending the Animal Convention of the l?9th District of Rottuy Internation al which is convening'in Greensboro, this week. "|jp c-r f ; "< ? ? ? Mrs. P. E. Jones, Mrs. Rob Ffsipr, Mrs. H. L. Watson, Mrs. Ted Al britton, Mr. and Mr* Hubert Joyner, William Humphery and James Lang I attended the funeral of Mr. Wffliam i ' L;. Mrs. George Moore, Mm John T. Thome, Mrs. j. M. Christman, Mm B. S. Sheppard, Miss Tabitha DeViseonti, Mm J. W. Joynar, Mm J. H. Harris, Mm DC S. Morrill, Mm 8:90 P. M.?Garden Club meets J at the home of Mrs, G. M. Hold g en with Mrs. S. L. Barrett and Mrs. W. C. Askew as Joint hoe 8:00 P. M.?Couple Club meets with Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Fitzgerald. / Tuesday, IS T.-00 P. M.?Botary Club. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Wednesday, SO 8:80 P. M.?Literary Club meets with Mrs. Haywood Smith. Thursday, May 1 3:15 P. M.?Junior Woman's Club meets at the home of Mrs. Tom Ryon. Mrs. J. B. Joyner will be the guest speaker. Frifcy, 3:00 P. M.?Lamrad Club will meet with Miss Mary Friar Rouse. 3:30 P. M.?Rebecca Winbourne Chapter of the U. D. C. will meet. 7.-00 P. M. American Legion. 7:80 P. M.?Boy Soouts. 8:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. Saturday, S 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. <***. Miss Dorothy Lewis delightfully daas, the high school faculty, and a few-invited guests at a barbecue snip per at the Home Demonstration Club House. Guests found their places by place cards on which were tied >w>nirHf^^ Twxwyyys ayl boutonieres of mm? 4S V After the supper was oyer, games and contests were enjoyed, pingo prixee wen won by,Misses Susie fountain, Ruth Parker, Hazed Quian, Anise Barney, Yvonne Smith, and Betty W&aba and Messrs. Fred T. Langford and Mark Mozingo. The Marching to Jerusalem pvize was won by R. S. Braxton. Miss Geral dine Cameron won the prise in the advertising contest -All the guests worked hard on the Intelligence con test to find "Teachers You Are Tip Top." Miss Margaret Harris won the cake in the Cake Walk. During the games, . punch and cookies were served. American Legion Auxiliary Mrs. Nonto Barrett, Mrs. J. H. Bynum and Mrs. J. Lewis Creech were joint hostesses to the American Legion Auxiliary on Thursday, April 17. The Legkm Hall was beautifully decorated with snirea and iris. Mrs. S. A. Garris, president, pre sided, using the accepted rituaL During a short business session, Mrs. Louise Harris read letters from the boys at Oteen; Mrs. Garris reported oai her recent visit to the New Veter ans Hospital in Fayetteville; "Girls' State" was discussed, Mra. W. M. Willis and Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt being appointed to select a girl from the High School Junior Class to attend this citizenship course to be given at the Woman's College in Greensboro, June 15-21. * Mrs. LeRoy Rollins, program chairman for the afternoon, intro duced Mrs. Claude Barrett, who gave a splendid review of "The Country Lawyer." Miss Etta Frances Harper gave a piano solo, ?'Country Gardens." Mrs. M. V. Horton conducted a contest on the Presidents of the United States. Mra. B. R. Fields, scoring high, won packages of flower seeds. During the social hour, the hos tesses served a variety of sandwiches with a refreshing drink. Mrs. Claude Barrett was a special guest Junior Woman's Club.' Mrs. Howard Moye delightfully en tertained the Junior Woman's Club on Thursday afternoon. Sprays of dogwood and - yellow jasmine, spirea, iris and yellow tulips were effectively arranged through out the home. During1 a short btwnjess session, the President, Mrs. Leroy Parker, an nounced that the local club had re ceived an invitation to send a mem ber to serve as personal page to Mrs. John D. Robinson, State Federation President, daring the entire conven tion to be held in Winston-Salem in May. Mrs. Jesse Moye was appoint ed to represent the dob in this cap* ,|i? city. Miss Frances Winstead will attend the Junior Day program and will serve as the second voting delegate. For the program, Mrs. L. J. Willi ford gava an interesting paper on "A Modern American Artist," choos ing as her subject, Thomas Benton, a moral paintet? ; a - During the social hour, guests were invited to the dining room where Mrs. Joe Moye served refreshing punch and sandwiches from a beau tifully hppointad table. :. iV. v'; Meat-Teacher.: The Parent-Teacher Association opened" its regular monthly meeting on Thursday evening, with devotional exercises lead by Rev. W. L Bennett. flss Margat^^lpris' room' won roil calLS^lg^S; During tile business session, Mrs. ^baUa^dT'$SeiTMr^: I* J. Williford, reporting from the Execu colored school lunch room 100 quarts of vegetables; she rM' a note of thanks from Miss Vercna Lee Joynef for the brief case presented to her by the association at the last meet ings:, nian announced that the May and^ower for the gymnasium kitch en. The hounfewill be from 2:30 to 4:00. ~ ? ft - - ? '* , ? Ovenmz tfop mosrfun jirfc John I ^ * ... - I f fiT? ll. V _ /** w I .. Ma. M. V. Jones #exmingly en? tertained JtheJMeriry Matrons and additional guests on Tuesday. Spi res, iris and tulips were, in graceful arrangement throughout the home. Opening the program, lbs. John D. accompanied at the piano by Mri. J. M. Hobgood, sang, "Amer ion Lullaby" and "In the Luxem ? ? ? - - ? ? tf .... - -, - ? ?? . bourg- Gardens." Mrs. J. I. Morgan, program chair man for the afternoon, nrps^ted ? ' -s - ^ ^ Jm J6?i: Annie Perkins, who "gave ' '*?' splendid review- of "The Vanishing Virginian." Miss Betsy Willis Jones (light ed her hearers with her violin rendi tion of "Home Sweet Home." W? During the Social hour,,a frozen fruit salad course was served with iced tea. v,V:,.--;,:fW| Special guests were Mrs. Agnes! Blount, Mrs. G. W. Monk and Mia. Herman Von. - | New Deal Club Mrs. Jade Lewis graciously enter tained the members of her bridge club and additional guests on Wed nesday morning fit the home of Mra. G. hfc Holden. " < Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, scoring high for dub member*,* won a linen re freshment cover. Mrs. L. E. Wals ton received stationery as consola tion. Mrs. Pat Ruff in, high for guests, received dusting powder. During play, a refreshing drink with cookies was served. Special guests were Mrs. Tom Ryon, Mrs. Ben Lang, Mrs. Jamps Lang and Mra. Pat Ruffin. Wednesday Afternoon Club. Mrs. John King delightfully enter tained the member's of her bridge dub and other guests on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. M. Holden. 'Mrs. George Moore won the dub prize and Miss Geraldine Gardner, the g'uest prize. These were attrac tive beverage ~ sets. Following play, cookies and sand wiches with a refreshing drink were served. Special guest* were Mrfi. Ben Lang, Mrs. Lath Morriss, Miss Gera&iine Gardner, Mrs. R. E. Pickett and Mrs. Jack Kjrii. Mra. Holden's home, beautifully decorated with spires, yellow tulips and white iris* presented a lovely set ting for the two above parties. Mr. and Mra. Fred Carr entertain ed a large number of members of the Carr family t>n Tuesday evening at their hofne. A delicious barbecue dinner was served. ? NIJW LIBRARY BOOKS ? ?. " ' The Farmville Public Library an nounces the following new books: Non-Fiction: "Crusade in Crino line," by Forest Wilson; "I Rode With Stonewall," Henry Kidd Doug ids; "Oat of the Night," Jan Vantin; "Christ and the Fine Arts," Cynthia P. Hans. " Fistion: "Aunt Elsa," E. G. Pink ham; "The Heritage of Hatcher Ide," Booth Tarkington; "Walking the Whirlwind," Brigid Knight; "Hang My Wreath," Ward Weaver; "With out Valour," Laurt Long; "For Whom the Bell Toller Ernest Hem mingway; "Up; at the Villa," W. Sommerset Maughan; ? "Raleigh's Eden," Inglis Fletcher; "Petunia Pomp," Irvine Graff. 3 Juvenile: Tom Edison Fftds i Out," and A. Lowitxj "Peter the Goat," Diana Thorn; "Peter Panda,". Pauig E. Walker; ^Serosa XMving Ducks,"' Margaret Friskey; "Trains Going By," Mark Bartman; "Mother Goose JRhymee," C. M. Barturg; ."The Little History of the United States," U. Payne; "Starlight; Star Bright,* Mildred Meese; The R|ir Adven ture," Janet E. Gray; "Spaifcs, and Utile Sparks," H. Ffcwtom. ||| I ' Dora Speight Trevathan rood an article about the Cardinal and Brown where throns aiiora,,; protection from cats. The cardinal's neat is lights 1 4, ?: . ? ? - | * J I tristful bird often puts herhOMel reach it-easilv At thta season of the II - - Tf\ ' |,. , i ll year wnen turds are Duiiaing., their III I ill | I _w j ______ ___ 1.11 ? COLD-BAN 'U '?'" ? -' v _ ;'. ? POLAR LIGHT ' ?OA-'* :? '? V 4 ? /.?'" '. '" ?* " ? - ' ?" ?' ' ? ?- '. .. - V ? CRISPER | ?/? >"v 0..- >; 7;"v ?'?"'?vrf? 3.118 EQUIPPED MODELS UNDER $145 SB* : 8Wf , IMAGINE a big; beautiful, cu. fit. 1941 Kelvinator at a price like thisl But that isn't alL This Kelvinator is equipped with the exclusive Stainless JSteel _ Cold-Ban?the new Polar Light?Sliding Crisper?space for frozen foods?the new, seamless, All-steel KeIv; iator cabinet: Does that give you an idea about the fmmrlng 1941 Kelvinator values now in J our showroom? Stop in and see all nine models. mmmu mm stat * ? ????* M v'. vWMS iftown 8f6 wryfilrWij^lnyouf & ? kitchen wtth 5-Year PiotecUoo'Ptan. MM*fa State and local taxes extra. Prices Mlf/p ?? subject to Change without notice. if*** FARMVILLE FURNITURE CO. SOUTH MAIN STREET ; FARMVILLE, N. C. * - - _ , NOTICE I Fine Arte Department will meet today, Friday, April 26, at the home of Mrs. J. H. Moore, at 3:30 P. M. ? : i ? ;? ( Wars are neither avoided, nor won, by .wishful thinking. , I , ??? . ? ?in i ? ? i FOR SALE! Wilt - Resistan t t Tomato Plants ?? Centre Hardware Co. ? ? ? ? - f NOTICE t The Presbyterian Auxiliary wishes o announce that they have a new upply of Royal Crown Wax. Any me resiring to buy wax, may secure t from any Auxiliary member ? ?rice per ouart, 75c?pint, 50c. - ? ? Features Never > I Before Offered At I This Price! * 1 ? ^^ UQUn^HU H T^aaer^tiwef?noo'tltre top lamp?Porcelain ?ia?sh H iofide.ana out H P

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