''' '" *" ? V^^U-jg*; 1S* *"*!? ) ] ] d J I J- 'cr* I lv W * V ' -.** 1 ViEarperosa pleaded innocent-in U. S. dtotrict court hare today to ehMgwe of wrecking the motors of the 8^60-ton vessel in port here, titer which they were rotated & esn tinpnce of the* trial until ni^ fi. j Acceding to a plea of defease at torneys for more time, Judge L *j Keeking ordered the case, to be a* for the term of court beginning May 6 at WW ?. :r^pl In asking for more time, the de owners of the weasel to" determine I whither, they had ordered the afieg-1 ed damage to the ship's machinery, arguing that it was within their right to do so. lodge Meehine commented that it was Ida understanding of the tow I that the owners themselves had no right to order the steamer damaged ?while it toy within so American port JOSEPH LLOYD BORTON (Continued from page I) mediately opened his law office in the Town of hie. birth. His 'ability , was promptly recognized. He met with mstant success at the Pitt Coun ty Bar, which then counted among its practitioners some of the ablest law yers in North Carolina ? notably,<3 Thos. J. Jarvis, Harry Skinner and F. G. James. From the very outset of his career, this young man proved his worth, and from the very begin ning was able to successfully meas ure sword in legal combat with older and more experienced Counsellors I", and advocates. It was not long until his worthy ambition led him to offer his name as a candidate for Solicitor of our County Court, which bad re cently been established. He was duly elected send was at once recognised as a vigorous prosecutor. This posi tion he held about three years, when he ran for and was duly elected to the office of Solicitor for the Fifth. Judicial Disrict, at whic time he was only twenty-four years of age; hut. his age was in no sense a handicap, for he was a zealous advocate. In the legal forays of the Courts of the District he asked no quarter and he gave none. The Courthouse was tru ly his sphere; here he was a master? A McGregor upon his native heath. During his. incumbency in this im portant office, Judge Gukm who had been appointed to Succeed our own Harry Whedbee as Judge of the Fifth Judicial District, died, and he immediately offered as a Candidate for this high office. His campaign was successful, and at the. age of twenty-six, he went upon the Bench, the youngest man ever to be so sig nally honored. In this office he serv ed lor five yean, during which time he presided over some of the State's most important litigation and fully measured up to Lord Bacon's esti mate of a Judge: "That he should be more learned than witty, more reverent than plausible, more advised than confident, with integrity aa his portion and proper virtue.'' Judge Horton wag gifted with a brilliant legal mind; he possessed an. instinctive understanding of. human nature; he was congenial, with bis fellow man, he was entirely human; he despised double deafing, trickery ? and deception; he abhorred hypocrisy, cowardice and deceit. Loyal in his friendships, true to his convictions, he commanded in the fullest measure the raspaet and admiration of all who 1 | 1,1,,. -1 UJffW Rim. His derisions on the Beach were ^^|Ll^>J] Aa ^XJ.?. 4^% fkjgi tig ] aring won for himself all the j I signed and returned to the practice 2f&j*ft#S& 2*2$ . JjB law firm of Jcmea and Jones. H ? if;[SBSffiB5^u'5S358S^'3$r -r^?;? iJ . _ 1 ' ;?.'?* ??-'*?? . t8k68 0ffic6 "% ?'?"?"x rf^Mukr -- *rr, >? .? ?? y^awSr^TMry *~ n. i ai**1 ?._ sjlll ,?-.: i'pW' QGCIWKCK - t, Itti ?. . ? JxJlTlSLQI1 ywtgy^y th&t*- tf|A TTT^Intrfyrtyviir^ ta &*L a?? !?__ ? a. . - ^tii ? _ .'*. u ?. ; una m wo small an. area. ^ , tJd P S ^ Ssplantl^bS *Mf| wpljmg"-.'r " '^1 *?-*''?. '." ' l,y*'<^>t' a C. H. FLANAGAN, ; Registrar. ?'?? > t : DR. Vi H. MEWBRON ?J- OPTOMETRIST: PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE! FAHMTCELE OFFICE: TUESDAY, APRIL 29th " " J " ? 11 ? i ? 1 " ' ' ?BigLWUmJ&Hff "zsvtsr W** Pi ... itnT I. - ?ml? ? HSTmj hs^s^s=mm ?''?'???? i i . i i W?.?^^^Fj * *41^11 |1|| |n J?M ?'?^^^B' ^|p ^B~ *1 tj 1i n aSfr Ml ' tr r% 11_ ?- ., , , ,, . ?. a- I Vfll6i ?? CTAl^mi^Irt|b' uftflCI*! nOu r\\-TT>^vrs5^rr^^ggr:^g?.~~j ^35L5*^?. *? .\T''' i^^irii^fc/f'i' ? iit xjimi-j 1 * liAinff. llw Nrt I Ml-4iinMP **W". -At l ] "v? ?"vv * Ufc AJiWA 1" v* jj XJWted' Ij _ . ,jV. . ^ .-'^ ?_ .: .;-A'- fn< Tft^X Y ?Q ' . ( DjT' u66|Q 01 IwOiQ''lli' *J3w)K 1 A^lw iAv J 15 per cent .of Wb or h?r bid ?te I iiAirftTi toc^ x oo of. til? ? wnti^ct | iquidfcompanlon^J) fl* fam?*. BL^CK^BAIJGHT. ltoprfjtflpjl ; The Syrup's flavor appeals to h most, children*'-and, tfvta Uy-tho ? , simple directions* -Its action it -? next time. ^T^e elsw^oSSS! " ' ? ?...? ? "' ?' - ' ^ _ , ? [KB I * W2s s ? ^ortitiscsr^ ^sit&is* . ^Mmtm ?..gy -> : . 'A% - A - Am g __ a'_ ? ? " ? WMNS BIGKT ? for Toboeto. HOWIQ-BWHT ? lor Cotton, Core and ?nin. ' ? ' " I . ' ' -? The ose of HOEMO-FERT wifl phase yon. ? ? r LEWIS & LANC, A rents FAKMVMJ6, N. c. . ?.': ?'? : ? > . Weil's Fertilizer Works I Galdsboro, N. C. ADmwsrBAror* notice Hfrintr wifTWad ?a ?'.? -5i--'? '*'':**-^rV-- VS7c.-':^':^'C.' '.?'^-f'-^Uc', r? * " . bi 'HJ 1 5= / K ? -'?j^^P- ^(Pp,'^^Pr' ot|HR ? m -J'^vi t ?- _ "^^^PrfvJ^fcy *v- -5t-'""^ , .,"' 1 ; S(J '-"^ V'^v?-, ~ "J; V jt^HI ?9 * r }??j # | li -~ : ~ 5 ; i .^pH ^t?'^ 1 * ilE^ *ifc^E K9 -J l(il Hftv r I I I I r I' UUH I . ??--? ?"" - -x I ] ^^M7ifiBiiTOBiff?gi&yftr~u^Tftl5W|fi^^M8PHlBfflBj|WlQj>iyf, ?WRfliiiiitiironro^nj^B^aMfe^djjv'.-S^1': >r^,J* J " > - ? ? H