I ^ &onai Tmmmmi Mrs. W. E. Smith, of Fowtain, I visited Mends here Tuesday. if Miss Elizabeth Elliott is spending j . this week end with friends in Gates- I ville. Miss Ruby Gimy, of Hookerton, \ J spent Thursday 'with Miss Naomi J Bail 11 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riley spent the J week end in Williamston with rela- I tires. Mrs. 3. H. Makme has returned I to Kinston after a visit to Mre. W. E. I Joyner. Mrs. C. B. Mashburn returned Wed*. II needay from a visit to relatives in If Asheville. - Miss Margaret Thigpen is spend- f J ing this week end in Richmond, Ya. J | with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lewis spent;! several days of this week in Wash- I ington, D. C. Friends will be glad to learn that J Mrs. R. A. Fields is recovering from I a recent illness. I Miss Janie Johnston of Atlanta, Ga. spent the week end with her mother, I Mrs. Pearl Johnston. I Miss Bertha Joyner, teacher in I the Pink Hill school, has returned I for the summer months. I Miss Ruth Hayes Turnage, teacher I in the Belh&ven school, spent the past' I week end at her home here. - Miss Virginia Moore has returned to Falkland after a visit to her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr. . II Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr., and daught er, Nancy Lu, have returned from a visit to friends in Faison. Mrs. Louise Harris and son, How ard, spent the week end with rela tives in Winston-Salem. Mrs. F. W. Carroll and Mrs. Ernest Hardy, of Hookerton, spent the week end with Mrs. Lanye DaiL Miss Jean Thomas, teacher in the" Murfreesboro school, has arrived for the summer vacation months. Mrs. J. L. Shackleford returned Sunday from a two weeks' tour of Florida with Greensboro friends. Paul Ricks Burnett, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bur nette. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Avery and Janet Moore, of Richmond, Va., visit - ed Mrs. Kathleen Moore during the week end. Miss Dora DeGrace Rountree and Mrs. Lucy Ruailey, of Washington, D. C., spent the week end with rela tives here. Mack Pollard is expected to arrive next week from Oteen for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pollard, Sr. Judge Barrington T. Hill and wife, i of Wadesboro, spent Wednesday in Farmville guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hill Payk>r. ? . - Friends o? J. Y. Monk, Sr., regret to learn that his condition shows no improvement. His condition now is considered serious. - ' Mrs. J. M, Whelees, accompanied by I bar little granddaughter, Mary Jo I Edwards, has returned from a visit I to Jacksonville, FT*. Mrs. A. P. Godwin, Jr. of Gates ville, and Mrs. Andrew Valent, of I Mew York City, are guests of Miss ? Elizabeth HHofct, today. Mrs. Reddin Fields and Mrs. Ben nett Fields sport Thursday In |m ston, die guest of Mia. Paul Tripp, a former resident of Farmville. Friends will regret to learn that Dr. and Mis. W. Watson Keffer and ?naff son, Bobby, left Saturday to make tfcejr.hoaae in Erie, Pa. Friends will be glad to learn thai Miss Lena Caraway, who underwent I a serious operation at Duke hospital uus wee* is reported aa improving. I lbs. Albert Horton, who lias beer L visiting relatives in Baton Bouge, La it inputted to return daring the week I ^JWr. sad ^inMf LlL ? fcsy. Mr. and Mrs. Gay moved n ? Mrs. Natais Lewis, who is undergo I Ma. Iinwood Bassdl is exp^tel . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Joyner, of Char lotte, and Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Henry, of Chapel Hill, arrived Thursday to be at the bedside of their father, Dr. C. C. Joyner, who is quite ill. Friends will regret to learn- that Mrs. Carl Blackwood was called to the bedside of her father in Nash ville, Tuesday. Late reports state that he iB somewhat improved. Arthur F. Joyner, Jr., student at the University of North Carolina, and Gregg Gibbs, student at State College, are spendhif-'tiie week end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner. Friends will be glad to learn that Rev. J. R. Rountree is recovering from a recent illness and is expected to hold services at the Episcopal Church, Sunday morning at 11:00 o'clock. Mrs. Roy Bowling returned this week to Duke hospital for further treatment for cataract, having un dergone a recent operation there. Mrs. Bowling is at home now and reported as improving slowly. Mr, amcNKrn Thomas S* Ryon left today to* spend the week end with relatives in Washington, D. C., and to attend the wedding of Miss Lin day Moore Etheridge and Thomas H. Ryon, on Saturday. - , i Mrs, W. E. Franklin, of Forts month, Vat, spent Tuesday with Mrs J. K. Cobb. She was accompanied bj Miss Martha Cobb, who will go witi her on a motor trip- to Wmshingtor and remain for a stay of a weeli ehere before she returns. ; Mr, and Mrs. D. R. Morgan &fK son, Danny, Misses Annie Lee Jonas Geraldme Cameron, Ellen Lyles am ; Marganet Thigpen spent the wed [ end at Da-nita camp, summer horn , of the Morgana at Summer Haver oh the Pamlico river near Washing ton, N. C. Mrs. J. D. Owens sod daughtei ; Miss Neva, spent Sunday with rete tives in Falkland, where they at tended the 0 i the RdvoLr-Fafldand high schoo . Miss Elisabeth Wooten, great grand , daughter of Mrs, ?wens, was a mai I ( Colonel and Mrs. Allen H. Turnag I i have returned toWaahingfem, D. C |r aft^lpending .evetit^ day* wit I.[their mother, Mrs. W. j.r Tornag I - Colonel returned recent from military service in- Peijanj I* UnitedS^iUha a8hing^ h' j li i i i i i .nl i..i?i .. nl.n? I (l^f if ' >?;S^*j?2e ?' I .III- I I I I l?l SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, May 5 2:80 P. M.?Spiritual Life Group, Methodist, meets in the Church, it 3:80 P. M.?Baptist Missionary || Society meets in the assembly || room of the Church with Mrs. j| J. W. Holmes, sad Mrs. H. D. I Johnson as hosteascp. if 8:80 P. M.?Circle No. 1, Presby- if terian AuxiliaryP meets with I Mrs. Mabrey E. Pollard. | 3:30 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary J meets with Mrs. C. Hubert Joy- || ner. 8:30 P. M.?Methodist Society [I of Christian Service meets in if the Church. 3:30 P. M. ? Woman's Council j| Christian Church meets in the | Church. 8:00 P. M.?Circle No. 2, Presby- || terian Auxiliary, meets with | Mrs. Paul EwelL Tuesday, 6 3:00 P. M.?Contract Club meets | with Mrs. J. W. Joyner. 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Thursday, 8 11:00 A. M.?Masons. - 3:00 P. M.?Ace Club meets with j| Mrs. J. T. Windham. 3:00 P. M.?Progressive Bridge Jj Club meets with Mrs. ?. C. I| Beairum, Fridhy, 9 3t30 P. M.?Woman's Club meets I at the home of Mrs. J. M. I Hobgood with Mrs. J. S. Gates, II Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck, Mrs. Cher- II ry Easley and Mrs. Herman II Voss as joint hostesses. ~ 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. I 8:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the I World. I Saturday, 10 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. 3:00 P. M.?Major' Benjamin May I \ Chapter, D. A. R., meets in the I Chapter House with Mrs. T. ?. I Hooker and Mrs. Frank Brown I as hostesses. I The largest and loveliest of events on the here thin week was the bridge party given by Mrs. D. R. Morgan and Mrs. Pat Ruffin ;? at the home of the former, in which roses, tulips, sweetpeas, ragged rob ins, iris nnd spires were used . with artistic effect ' Floral tallies directed the guests ; to their places at nine tables; In the progressive gamin Mrs. H. H. Bradham scored high for guests and received a vanity case, and Mrs. Sam Heath, of Greenville, compiled" high score among out of town guests and waa presented with a hostess plate. Mtb. E. C. Beam an received the consolation, a potted plant Table prises of novel flower con tainers, filled with spring flowers, and used as centerpieces when re freshments were served, were won by Mrs. James R. Lang, Mrs. L. E. Walston, Mtb. L. T. Pierce, Mrs. H. H. Bradham, Mrs. Lath Morriss, Mrs. James H. Smith, Mrs. W. E. Joyner, Mrs. S. A. Garris and Mrs. Billy Burice. The delicious ice course, served with individual cakes and salted nuts, earned a color note of yellow and white. Out of town guests were: Mrs. C. H. Edwards, Mrs. Ed Bawls, Mrs. Sam Heath, Mrs. W. J. Bundy, and Mrs. E. R. Conway, of Green vRla An interesting meeting of the Literary Club, was held on Wednes day with Mrs. Haywood Smith as gracious hostess. Pleasing arrange ments of spring flowers, with sweet peas and roses predominating, were I placed on mantels and tables. Mrs. J. W, Joyner, retiring presi dent, presented the gavel to Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson at thin .time. Following a short acceptance speech, the new president appointed the following committees: Book?Miss Elizabeth Davis, Mrs. J. W. Joyner, Miss Annie Perkins; Program?Miss Tabitha DeVisconti, Mrs. J. I. Morgan, Mrs. J- W. Park er; Chairman of Music?Mrs. H. Neal Howard; Librarian?Mrs. B. S. ShepphnL Mrs. J. W. Joyner was elected as delegate to the state Federation meeting to be held in Winston-Salem this month, and was instructed to promise a gift of $85 to the Sally Southall Cotton Loan Fund. After the business session, Mrs. Williamson presented the guest speaker, R. A. Joyner, town treasur er, who held the attention of the members throughout his interesting and enlightening talk on "Town Af fairs." Mr. Joyner gave a history of Farmville, its growth and develop* ment, which he. described as slow and healthy, noted municipal im provements and the record in which his office feels a justifiable pride, that fit having met all obligations when due. He gave the budget for 1981 as $105,000, net assets $652,000 and called attention to the low elec tric current rate provided for con sumers. The speaker concluded with the suggestion that the women as sist in keeping the spiritual and cul tural life of the town on an even ' keel with the material progress be ing made. ? Ia deugftii'ul IroWBTSBH^wbh ? I and iced tea were served. Special ? (guests' were R. A. Joyner, Mrs. Mar I vin Y. Self and Ma. J. G. Smith. ? I Members of the Garden Club enjoy ? I ed a meeting of that group on Moim U day with Mrs. W. C. Askew and Mrs. E. L. Barrett as hostesses. Quanti 11 j ties of spring flowers were UBed id 111 which the meeting was held, with tia t I miniature garden arrangement or Is the dining room table being the den LI ter attraction of tiie decorations.. I announced the program, which wa* I I developed by Mrs. Joel Moye, whc 'jdiscussed "Spanish Gardens," an* by Mrs. Lester, Turaage, who rea< '~{ suggestions .on "Highway Beautifi f' In a business session the club de I efrfcd to beautify certain places li I town, which would provide pieasra g-1 Club^ pU^ed interesting pregiresdon '?j lovely setting for the tables. Mn H i " 9 ^ {award, a .-Scottish bank. ill XMIdous Btfiffbfrfy ico crc&m, ii | * a '' | ' v ? ? ? 3 ? ? , I UfrluUfti CftKvS. wQU Solwu Jlui3\ WCX b?*rta* Mrs. H. B. Baker introduced tire receiving line, composed of Mrs. J. J R. Lewis, president, Miss Joyner,! honoree, Mrs. B. L. Tyson, ot Green- f ville, Mrs. B. P. Tyer, of JUkland, Mrs. B. K Fields and Mrs. W.. T. Hobgood, county and local officers. Mrs. Lula Fortes and Mrs. Ltutb i Allen directed guests to the tea table, which was centered with a lovely ar-1 rangememt of yellow tulips in - ; a I white container, flanked by. tall yel low candles in crystal holders. Serv- ] ing here were Mrs. J. H. Bynum and] Mrs. W. R. Hinaon, and assisting in passing sandwiches, cookies, mints and nuts were Mrs. S. P. Hobgood,! Miss Penny Norman, Mrs. W. J. Baker, Mre. C. B. Joyner, Mrs. C. L|| Do tier, Mrs. L. R. Carraway, Mrs. | Julia Allen, Mrs. W. E. B&gley aadjfl ?Mrs. C. L. Ivey. The register was presided over by?!] Mrs. R. P. Tugwell. Mrs. A. C. Carr jl raway directed the way to the kitch en, where Mrs. L. W. Andrews re ceived and displayed the complete kitchen equipment, of which the dub ps. justly proud. , Goodbyes were said by Mrs. B. M.j 1 Lewis and Mrs. L. R. Bell. fl " Lovely piano ana vwm I1IUUWBV J were rendered throughout the after noon by Mrs. John D, Holmes, Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes, Vn. J. S. Gates and Miss Paulyne Stroud. - More than a hundred club mem bers, representing all of the. Pitt county home demonstration clubs called during the afternoon, Mrs. J. H. Moore and Mrs. J. H. Harris were gracious hostesses this week, entertaining the Fine Arts Department at the home of the form er, which was decorated with spring flowers in mixed arrangements/ Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr., presided. Mrs. J. H. Harris, program chairman, presented Miss Betty Wilson, a mem< ber of the graded school faculty, who made an interesting, talk on Brazil, Mexico and Cuba, Which brought to a close the club's study of a Good Neighbor tour of South America, ' It was decided at this time to contribute reference material ilsed by members -in preparing pa pers on this country, to the City Library. A musical program was developed by Miss Paulyne Stroud, who ac-' companied Majorie Smith, of Foun-. tain, and Nancy Lu Moore in delight ful, vocal numbers. . ! 4 ? i A congealed salad course and | t hot tea were served during the social j I hour. Special guests were Mrs. Hay wood Smith, Mrs. B. S. Sheppard, Mrs. A. B. Moore, Mrs. W. A. Mc Adams and Miss Virginia Moore, of Falkland. \ * Mm James H. Smith delightfully entertained the Ace Club this week at her home which was colorful with lovely arrangements of roses, iris, narcissus, pansifes* and snowballs. Mrs. David T. Harris won (he club prize and Mrs. Leonard Joyner re ceived the guest award. Mrs. R. T. Williams was given the consolation. During the games a favorite bev erage was enjoyed and afterwards sandwiches, cocktail snacks, pickles and tea were served. Playing with the memhen at this time were Mrs. Leonard Joyner, Mrs. Henry' T. jV 1...1LLA .J tv_ OT4J lfyfl Y%aa J .. r . -1 ? 1 fns^wil , t .? s.;-fl^, setting was achieved witfl iovety Cravat The guest prize, a cigarette humidor, was presented to Jimmie SurretL A delectable salad course was served after the games. Misses Annie Lee Jones and Ellen Lyles were gracious brkfre hostesses Wednesday evening, when they en tertained friends for four tables at the home of Mrs. D. R. Morgan, in which quantities of colorful flowers made a pleasing setting. Miss Mar garet Lewis and Archie Speight, of Stantonsbmg, were awarded the at tractive prizes offered for high score I among the ladies and men. A- delici ous sweet course was served. .. %#- 'V CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY ' Lovely little Barbara Ann Greene celebrated her 7th birthday at the home of her maternal grandmother, Mrs. W. Leslie Smith, Friday, at a party attended by 36 friends. Mrs. James Smith, Mary Frances Greene and Frances Howard assisted in re ceiving gnd entertaining the guests. flanked by tall pink tapers. Ices, cake fancy candies were served, j Elected To Presidency ; of Bright Belt Ass'n. John Hfll Paylor, of Farmville, was elected President of the Bright Belt Log Boiling Association, at a meeting held in Farmville Wednes day, April 80th. Newman Lewia of Camp No. 807, .Shdmardinfc Was elected Vice-President, and C. G. Simmons, of Kinston, was re-elected Secretary. The meeting was well at tended. Banquet was held ,in High School Gymnasium, speeches were made by John B. Lewis, and Profes sor J. H. Moore, being in the nature of a welcome, and responded to by Newman Lewis. The- principal ad dress of the evening waa by Judge Harrington T. Hill, of Wadeeboro. Other talks made by L. C. Venters, retiring President of the Log Roll ing Association, 0. L. Smith, of Boar noke Rapi<k, C. S. Simmons, at Kinston, and T. E. Newton, State Manager of Woodmen of the Worifcl ? ? ling traits. This bird has a rec for feeding on many of the wt agricultural peeta and occupies an important place among birds devMfig H. P. Norman told of hoar birds appeal to the interests and affeqgH of mantflrind. Hie fact that they feed upon practically all insect pests esthetic reasons, this attracting JpHs! statistics to prove that when |jrop?B measure of this qtod ?e taken an and a decrease in loss from dspno dation of injurious insects. PORTO MCO^POTATO^PLAim $er Gall Mrs. k FRANK HABB? I ill ??!^4 "?J-4 : ? '?-'& i ? jT I B m f^ ii - v'-v -' >^V: - 'i*V'i',"?' '.i I _ _ _ _ I HB'A '- ???'ftii A I ^E- B^BH H ? ? ?^CJI f ^Kjj ? | "PB* B^TBB^P ? Hi ^BP B Bi BP?B-BBBBBBB'B B^^B ? Would you like to furnish your living room like this with Nice, new, modern and comfortable furniture ? TRADE-IN OLD FURNITURE! ^ ; 7 - vr Hi ___ We win make a generous allowance on your old furniture, in good con dition. Let your old suite pay part or all of down payment and pay the balance on our easy payment pbn. I Come in and see our New Spring line of living-room, bed-room, dinette and kitchen furniture. Ask us about out TRADE-IN PLAN! ? ? _ Farmville Furniture Ci * , ' ___ I REFRIGERATORS I ||l ? n - ' . ' I ' I RECONDITIONED -REPAINTED I I If your budget does not allow the purchase of a new refrigerator I I and you want the convenience, economy and safety of modern I I electric refrigeration, you can't afford to miss this great money I | saying opportunity to buy a thoroughly reconditioned refrigerator I I 2?5 cu. ft. Croaley electric refrigerators, 1 *rTi'' ill wot typo ^ 4 a~ 111 . Hftn will aavo you iDfinly on unnK cooiingf. H^/f/l ImI ? !? < % MvUj VViU V ??? ? ?/ A A ff?Jf r Qiy^ ftwsy ,b&r^sin ?????? ^ |(1 '

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