? ; ^a8myiu? S. 1UI Mm 0?M * M?r. Eta tthim HiiHif rl "" TBS BOUSE fHDCTBT -ii" ii i ?' * 0? Yaa^frM ? ttOlMtfM Tie ADVERTISING RATES: Display (Miian) Me fm feck AD Legal aim 5c a Im per week . i Published weekly sad eatered as Second Class Mail Matter at Dm dsr act ?d Mawk fed, 1871. Freedom does not mean the right to disregard the rights of others. * - Fasions for women are in what might be called the look-and-see era. When gangsters work together, honest people might as well cooper ate. Japan seems very anxious to pre vent the United States from getting into war. The average club, or organizatrv , will grab almost any excuse for a qrunrw If you fail the first time, there is no reason why you shouldn't fail the second time. MOTHER'S DAY Nearly everybody in the United 'States will join in the celebration of Mother's Day, which occurs on the second Sunday of May. We hope that the people of Farm ville and Pitt County will reflect upon the debt they owe, as indi viduals, to their mothers and pay tribute to the loving- service that had iriuch to do with making them human beings. In observance of the special day there is no use to become foolish. Let us recognize that there is no miracle that lightens the load of care or the burden of worry that weights down the average mother. To be good mothers they have to give up many of the pleasures that life offers and their unselfishness is consequently more notable. We hope that all living mothers, for one day, at least, will be happy in the thought that their children honor and love them and they will be remembered, as they should, by their scattered family group. For mothers who have passed on, there is nothing that we can do, but their sons and daughters should not fail to recall 'heir memories and pay tribute to their goodness. THE NATION'S NUMBER ONE FARMER When Claude R. Wickard corneal to Raleigh next Tuesday, May 13, to I address an expected crowd of more I than 5,000 farmers hell be right at I home. For Claude R. Wickard is a I farmer, a born and bred one, and I close to him say that he is so firmly I rooted in the soil that even Washing- I ton can't change him. And he's a I farmer who takes his farming sen- I ously. ? So seriously in fact that when he I waa named to the AAA job that led I to the Secretaryship of Agriculture, II he wired back asking for a few days H of grace before takng the job as the jfl nation's number 1 man from an agri- jl cultural standpoint The reason: He II was harvesting hay and he wanted to I be sure the job waa done right before I leaving the 380-acr* farm in Carroll I County, Indiana, that he still owna. ?? A lot of farm folks from this sec- I tion are planning to be on hand at II the annual Co-op Meeting Tuesday to greet their fellow farmer Wickard when he pays his first official speak ing visit to the State as a cabinet member. And we hope they'll march right up to him and say "Look here, I Claude, here's what we need for agriculture in Nor* CMu*." And they have every right to express their views for, with the exception (Hand* ^Vickard who- loow theirI MOTHER'S DAY Today I can't wear a blushing' rose of red, For'my dear Mother is dead Today I must wear a delicate rose of white, Tis hard to be brave and say its all right. But Mother dear, its the only way I can honor you today. Oh! days may come and days may g<>? c Darling Mother of Mine, I miss you so. I miss your sweet voice so kind; I mias your cherished "Good Night,", I miss the touch of your hand in mine, When there are battles to fight. But dearest Mother of Mine, I would not have you know, What I must meet in the drifting rain , Of sorrows and pain here below. May you not see "me sad ! When I try to smile through my tears; For to had such a mother, Oh! I must just be glad. And when from Heaven's golden streets On me you do watch and peep, Oh! may your mother love guide me, Until in Heaven your smiling face I see. Mother dear, there's still one con solation sweet Which fills my heart today? I gave to you my very best Before you went away. ?Sue Perkins. (In memory of my mother, who died 8 years ago on Mother's Day) INTERMEDIATE GIRLS AUXILIARY - The Intermediate girls auxiliary met for their regular session on Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Miss Nancy Gates. ( Misr Dorothy Rayles had charge of the.program, "Building your house ? After the program the hostess serv ed delicious refreshments, of life," was the topic. At the previous meeting the girls hiked to the woods where they spread their lunch, and toasted weiners. After sapper the regular meeting was held. '?w?TOOL - _ pickles, con bread, 10c; Banana pie 5c. ' fffiK m i ITm | '?- ?" ? ? ' rueaday?wavy Dears wjtn port, THANKS I wish to express my sincere ap preciation to the citizens of Farm ville for again nominating and elect ing me as your Mayor. I deem it a great honor to be able to serve yon in this capacity, and I shall continue to serve yon to the best of my ability. GEO. W. DAVIS. J NOTE OF THANKS ' I have had a bad leg for 12 years and been in three hospitals, but am now well and ready for work again. I thank the Lord he has spared me to get Well one more' time in life. So I want to give thanks to the Lord and to the kind people here, who have helped me when I could not help myself. Edmond Sharpe. SUBSCRIBE to THE ENTERPRISE NOTICE ! For Your Convenience The Office of'Dr. C. C. Joner will be kept open for * abort time for the benefit of thooe who wish to call and pay their accounts, or to make arrangement for future payment Your prompt attention to same will tie greatly appreciate ed. ''Build-Up'7 for Women Helps Avoid Distress Do yon raffer periodically from headaches* nervousness, lirlftiHI* ity, cramp-like pain? If ao, hero's good news! . These may be symptoms 4L functional dymcnorrkta due to malnutrition, often helpod by CABDTJL CABDUI usually increases appe tite.and the flow of flatric juice; ao aids digestion and helps build up v distress. Or you may find thla alao hrfpi HUBt JOTT pffftoHft Take CABDpI* few days beforo y i and during "thujtam* 60 years of ... use and popularity Invite your ? ; confidence in CASDUL ; i How meagre seem the thanks I offer you When weighed against those love-endowered years Of sacrifice and service, tender, true, Of too few joys and fax too many tears; Yet gratitude ears heaven'sholy mark, And hallowed is the blessing that it gives To one who will but use its glowing spark, To search the soul whore m affection lives; And though a queenly crown I could bestow, Twould fail to cancel such a debt as this, For rather would you hold me close, I know, And feel the rapture of a thankful kiss. So take the heart I give?and think of me, A boy, in mem'dy, playing at your knee. ?W. Dayton Wegefarth ' B ' m S Let it rain or snow; let a stunner aun do Iti van* - vitfi It* withering heat weather, climate or season ! 1 dull the heuttfnl, harmoniona shades of Athens 1M% Pare Paint The longest bating pre servative coating gen can use for ftne homos. Keeps year home in goad repair and appearance .and holds poor property value high. Select and use any of the 24 boantifnl colors ef ^ Athey's 100% Pars Point or Athey's White, the whitest of all white paints. M*nnjccturrd by ' C.M.ATHET PAINT CO. ' MtamMi. ' HMmMjjl The Taw.ee Co. FABMVILLE, N. C. ^ .1 ii , Farmville Retail LnmberYard ? Phone 302-1 ? Looted Near Norfolk Southern LmraBB^rarai^ : PALMOLIVE BEADS Wmmlaii II m II t*TKL T? TVLL ImiTTki P | X IwaJiLixi"vT 1/vUOmU II Also Latest News and Special ' iw* Short Subject tfh Greece fffia Fights Bock ?^??? V" -fi-i'.-x":, -??: ? ? ^ft"r??f Stuart Erwin and Beby Sandy \ ? in ? "SANDY GETS HER MAN" Also Cartoon and Our Gang g Comedy.' | E"'MWEDNBSDAYpi!?^l BIG TRIPLE HIT PROGRAM The Dead Old Kids and Little Tough Guys?in "GIVE US WINGS" Bob Steel?fas "WILD HORSE VALLEY" Abo Chapter No. 1 of "THE SKY RAIDERS" THURSDAY-FRIDAY ERROL FLYNN?ii\ "Foot Steps In The Dark" Abo the Latest News and Cartoon - . ? ? ? COMING SOON ? "ZI EG FIELD GIRLS" "UNCERTAIN FEELING" THE PENALTY" "LIL' ABNER" } We are for peace but human be ings base never found abiding peace in cowardice and surrender. DR. V. H. MEWBRON ? OPTOMETRIST ? PLEASE NOTE DATS CHANGE! FARMVILLE OFFICE: - Mi Jewelry Store ? NEXT VISIT ? TUESDAY, MAY'29th ? Tarboro Every Saturday ? Eyao Eramtned and Gbeaee fitted . .4. A A A C ? ? * * a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a' a a r1 v1 - 1^1 I I 1| ? ? _ _^v AtlAUI ^ m mmmm mm m*mm mauammi I ' ?,t->V7 ' 3 IF VR' - ^xDUhQES. Tgrali KkDW y!flH. lK THE L"AVDH^H'r.i.vi-i 'I-'.'.fl1-'. ?aj ? ^ ?llllliili*?p B?w; www L II Hill w ?"? *"? ?,IM"1 fc? vThits THE sn^fljwESE CAMalg UKEAIUMOIWlT 8XTIUJRATE fl | CAMEL THCVUfi *J: WITH ME I I MAuyMll^> WOVM6THC f & TOO EXTRA J EXTRA SMOKINtr JLhb size and number of eggs your flock will lay next fall depends much on what you feed your pullets now. Purina Chick Growena, a complete feed, or Poena Growing Chow to be fed along with : your grain built to give you full, complete development in order thai you may have big well-ma tured pullets during the fall when egg prices are high. Feed your pullets well now if you want lots of eggs next fell Come into the store and get your supply of the poultry feed that fits your own i .pnticdtt iv^?i ' ; , ? . DAVIS SUPPLY CO. 110 West Wilson St Farmville, N. C. ? i i i . i . i ^LOWERS ! !! * ?' ? ? - j ITS EASY TO WIRE T FLOWERS! ' ? 11^^. | "Ti'u MOTmRisthfaU^tf , "?. -^ ?isffi I ~f, _ -!. will be drflrned to her... I r;v|uid your will '? ?' I ) wherever she Is . | > . n-WtiOIl Of * ffCall to- ?oe''^.?^^fe'?3i^:^: j;':'? J&? I ' ?. -:::?-. .??"?? ' ??'?- .. ? . . .. " " .'?? ! ! ... I p?E8??ij pre AB ' aw* MA ? M ^pppB^^Bp^ - ' ^^^B:in s At SIAQnl^E^ - . Xr* .*. ? - jm^^VT.Q]1 i ? i ' ?*? 'i J ? ?:,??. ? ???-?*? . ?.# - flK^^F ? _^M ' BW. ' J?' ? ? Y W Bffy fPRv A W Mr Am ^ rou ro spend ten aunutic m * gr