Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bumette ami ? ? ? Louis Sidney Bullock, of Greenville, visited Farmville friends Thursday. * * Miss Fauces Tugwell, of Greens boro, spent the week end With rela tives here. ? Mrs. C. T. Dixon and Mrs. W. R. Dixon, of Wilson, visited relatives here Tuesday. ? ? * W. H. Duke attended the State Undertakers Convention at High Point this week. ? e ? Miss Elisabeth Lang, teacher' in the LaGrange school, is at home for the vacation months. ? ? ? Mrs. Gilbert .Wheless, of. Raleigh, spent several days of this week with Mrs. J. M. Wheless. ? ? ? Mrs. Herbert Kemp, Mrs. Manly Like and Mrs. W A. McAdams, spent Tuesday in Kinston. m m m Henry M. Skinner left this week to accept a position with Quinn-Miller Furniture Co., in Kinston. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Haywood A. Smith is recuperat ing ifter a recent illness. - ? ? ? Miss Ruth Hayes Turnage, teacher in the Belhaven schools, spent the week end at her home here. ? ? ? Colonel Allen H. Turnage, of Washington, D. C., is visiting his mother,-Mrs. W. J. Turnage. m m m * Mrs." C. E. Moore and Mrs. Mable Joyner, of Wilson, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hubert Joyner. . ? ? ? Mrs. Z. V. Murphrey and Mrs. Henry Taylor, of Greenville, spent Tuesday'with Mrs. J. 0. Owens'. ? ? ? Ann Forbes, of Hampton,- ? Va., spent the week end with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burnett. Mrs. Herbert Kemp and daughters, Janie and Lola Gray, are spending Sunday with relatives in Middlesex. ? ? ? Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Mashburn were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Eagles, in Saratoga, Wednes day. ? ? ? Mack Pollard, of Oteen, arrived Wednesday for a two weeks visit to his parents, M:. and Mrs. W. A. Pol lard, Sr. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Moore, Jr., and daughter, Nancy- Lu, and Mrs. Louise Harris were Fort Bragg visi- [ tors, Sunday. ? ? ? Mrs. R. S. Joyner, of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. C. W. Jackson, of Charlotte, are guests of Mrs. R. L. Joyner and Miss Bettie Joyner. ? ? ? Charles Rountree, Jr., of Fort Jackson, Columbia, S. C., spent the week end with his grandmother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel. ? X ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Knott Proctor, Mrs. Harvey W. Turnage and son, Harvey, and R. L. Smith, of Greenville, visit ed relatives here Tuesday. ? ? ? Misses Lillian White Gardner and Effie Lewis, students at E. C. T. C., Greenville, are spending the week end at their respective homes here. ? ? m. Mrs. Lynn Davis, and small daugh ter, of Saratoga, Fla., and mother, I Louis Harrison, of Greenville, visit I ed relatives ami friends here Wed ? nesday. ? ? ? I Mr. and Mrs. George W. Edwards, of Snow Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben nett Mewborn, and danghter, Peggy, I of Goldsboro, spent Sunday with ? A. B. MeWborn. ? " .>?? ? I Friends will be glad to learn that ? Mrs. Nannie Lewis, who is under ? going treatment at St Joseph's Hos I pital, Hot Springs, Ark., is reported I Mrs. M. H. Smith, Mrs. Elijah I N ^ Smithy Wednesday. I -ar j. w ? ft I 1 ? , , ? I : ?*' ? Mf? flp 1(IV? ?? L. Aiken and cJul drto, Mrs. Ralph Emory and son, I ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Otto Turn age announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Hayes, to Den ton Warren Lupton, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Denton Warren Lupton, Sr., of P&ntego. The wedding will take place in June. MOYE-KITCHEN . Friends here have received the fol lowing invitation this week: "Mrs. Leland Hodge kitchen re quests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter, Lydia Bruce, to Mr. Abram James Moye, Saturday, the seventeenth of May, at twelve o'clock noon, First Baptist Church, Scotland Neck, North Caro lina." BIRD CLUB NOTES ? '? & At the last bird club meeting Don ald Baucom read the story of James Audubon, showing his great interest in the study and painting of birds, and Ferd Satterthwaite gave a de scription and the chief characteris tics of the brown thrasher. James* Thorne reed an article by Elizabeth Gordon and M. T. Ross, which stated, "Birds are only anoth er expression of God's love?birds are postry come to life and set to music. Only very thoughtless peo ple or those who do not understand would harm or frighten a bird." H. P. Norman was elected presi dent, Ferd Satterthwaite, secretary, and James Bennett, vice president, at this ime. Margaret Williams ^jyas a guest James Thorne wbm made program chairman for the next meeting. ATTENDED FUNERAL . ? ? Hundreds of out of town friends were in attendance at the funeral of Dr. C. C. Joyner, Saturday afternoon. Among tiie doctors were: Dr. J. L. Winstead, Dr. F. B. Harr, Dr. W. I. Wooten, Dr. Joe Smith, Dr. S. M. Crisp, of Greenville; Dr. Smith, of Grifton; Dr. Thos. G. Basnight, of Stokes; Dr. J. H. Harper, of Snow Hill; Dr. E. B. Beasley, of Fountain; Dr. J. G. Baby, of Thrboro; Dr. G? G. Dixon, of Ayden; Dr, D. L. Moure, of olyl w'Qn . * TT_TS ^ ^ ;; "lfja | ^ j unaII in SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, May II 3:80 P. M.?Circle No. 4, Mstho .dist Society Christian Service, meets with Mrs. ?. C. Carr. < 4:30 P. M.?Executive Meeting of [ P. T. A. "to lie held with Mrs. R. LeRoy Rollins. 8:00 P. M.?Couple Club. Tuesday, IS I 7 tOO P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order, 8;00 P. M.?Senior^ Piano Recital, Perkina Hall 3:30 P. M.?Merry Matrons will meet at home of Mrs. G. M. Holden with Mrs. R. H. Knott as hostess. Wednesday, 14 3:00 P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. James R. Lang. > Thursday, 15 3:00 P. M. ?*- American Legion Auxiliary meets in the Legion hail with Mrs. F. M. Davis, Jr., Mrs. S. A. Roebuck and Mrs. B. R. Fields as joint hostesses. 3:15 P. M.?Junior Woman's Club meets at the home of Miss Frances Winstead. P. W. Pickel simer, of Greenville, will be guest speaker. 8:00 P. M.?Senior Play "Little Women" to be given in Perkins HalL Friday, 16 2:30 P. M.?P. T. A. meeting, Fashion Show and Shower in the gymnasium. Saturday, 17 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. ? 1 "1 1 - T. W. A. MEETS The Toung Woman's Auxiliary of the Baptist Church mst Monday eve ning at the home of Miss ipWra Tyson. -The meeting.' wasf opened with special prayer by the hostess. After a business discussion an in ' titled "Youth For Truth," with Miss Marjorie Nichols as proga^^Mit Wn.'/"-IfiSssa ??Dot . Skinner,. T. Wil liams aiid Ada Welch assisted indis cussing the right way of Christian living with Mrs. Chester. Outland bringing the program to a dose with a selection relative to the new Hitler religion of Germany. ; . Misses Evelyn Gay and Nellie But ler were welcomed as new members of this group, making a total of thir teen. Delicious refreshments were served after the meeting. LEWIS-MOORE Washington, May 2.?Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Moore, of Eagle Grove, Iowa, announce the marriage of their daughter, Phyllis Jean, of Washing' ton, D. C., to Mr. Jamee Thomas Lewis, son of. Mrs. Nannie Y. Lewis, of Farmville, North Caroma, and the late James Thomas Lewis. The wed ding took place at 3:00 o'clock on Thursday, May 1, at the Chepel of Mount Vernon Place, . Methodist Church, Washington, D. C., with Rev. John W. Rustin officiating. The bride was attired in a powder blue costume suit with matching ac cessories. Her hat was dusty pink, and her shoulder corsage was of pink sweetheart roses. Mrs. Jack Lewis, of Farmville, North Carolina, was the bride's only attendant.- She wore a navy blue crfepe suit and her corsage Was talis man roses. The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Jack Lewis, of Farm Viile, North Caroma. Mrs. Lewis was graduated from Eagle Grove High School in 1929, and from Eagle Grove Junior Col lege in 1931. She attended Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, and the Washington school ior secreta ries and George Washington Univer sity, m Washington, D. C, At the present time she has a position in the Executive office of the President ? Mr. Lewis was graduated from Bingham. Military School, Asheville, North Caroline, and attended Duke University, Durham, George Wash ington University, Washington, D. C., and the Wake Forest Law School, Wake Forest North Carolina He is a member of the North Carolina Bar and is president of the Lewis Com pany, Washington, D. C. After an extended motor trip to New England and Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will be at home at 2720 Wisconsin Avenue, N. W., Washing ton, D. C. JUNIOR-SENIOR BANQUET FOLLOWED BY DANCE The Junior class, of Farmville high school, entertained the Seniors at the wmnei Junior-Senior banquet on Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock in the gymnasium, which was elaborate ly decorated with the class colors, pink and orchid, and effectively car ried out the theme of "Maytime." The canter decoration of the gym was a huge Maypole with festoons of pink-and white, which made the ceiling very lovely indeed. Sur rooming* the pole was a tidwer gaw en, in which 12 tables were arranged for the 83 guests. Ragged robins, narcissus and verbena were used, in the centerpieces, which adorned the tables. On the stage was a: white ivy-rotwined fence and large baskets of iris and weigelia. ' John ? Parker, president of the Junior class,- was toastmaster and graciously welcomed the guests. Wil liam Carr gave the toast to the Sen ior claw, to which the president, Bobby Rouse, responded. Vocal compositions, "Birds," Ahi Sweet Mystery of life," and "Will Jfou jMudment by Mrs. Haywood Smith.; . A'toast to the faculty was given by Doney Jones, with response made by Miss Geraldine Cameron. The J Elizabeth Barrett gave a musical [class will was read by Ruth Parker,! I iimi^ wiwVlirhlrr^ " '*'&' ?-'*"* ? I I were . rwvgurasu* J dim?1* I cockt&il; sorvGu in Mfty b&skotSf I I , , , . : v ? i I iwhiiiv^d cream. <* JLi^C^L vap,?. %? J3 li.^p?" C5 S3 aXV Mrs. John ByJoyner, president of at the meeting of the Junior Wom an's Club held this week^in the home of ?j*^:'^Ryon^pi. Joyner addressed the group on the subject, "What It Means To Be A Club woman," suggesting activities, which | benefit the clubwoman, her dub and communityi:^' >V> v .<:?(?" ' 7^' ?,: % | b celebration of the tenth anni versary of tee Club,. tee charter members Wire honored as special guests and presented corsages from the dnb. Those present werejifggi James M. Wheless, Mrs. Mabry E. Pollard, Mrs. Archie Cayton, Mite Elizabeth Davis, and Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver. The dnb president, Mrs. J. L. Parker, discussed the scrap book, which had been entered in the State' Federation contest, end expressed appreciation to Mrs. Mack Carraway, Mrs. Jesse Moye and Mrs. Carl Blackwood for their interest and work in this connection. Announcement was made that owners of bicycles, in Farmville had received tegs and numbers and so cial roles for safe riding from town authorities in a recent endeavor cooperate in a Safety campaign sponsored by the State Federation. The Club voted to observe May 18 as Citizenship Day, and a committee was appointed to arrange for its observance. Refreshments of punch and a vari ety of cookies were served from a beautifully appointed table in the dining room. ' . Contract Club. Loveliest of social events of this week vras the contract Club party, at which Mrs, J. W. Joyner entertained her card club and additional friends for fourteen tables. The party was held at the Couhtrjr Club in a setting of blue iris, mock orange and pink weigelia, arranged in floor baskets. Iris, narcissus and ivy were .used in effective decoration of the mantels. The guests were greeted by the hostess as they arrived and directed to the punch bowl, where they were served by Mrs. D. It Morgan, as sisted by Mrs. W. M. Willis, Mrs. W. E. Joyner, Mrs. Lath Morriss and Mrs. Herman Voss, . Following several progressions, Mrs. Wesley R. Willis, winner of high score for club members, and Mrs. & T. Wiiliamd$rwiuner among guests, were presented with salad bowls, and Mrs. Lath Morriss and Miss Vernice Lang Jones received glass baskets *s Consolation prises. Ices, carrying a color note of green, and white, were served with decorat ed cakes, and small containers, filled with pansies were given as favors. U. D. C. Mrs. P. M. Murphrey graciously entertained the Rebecca Winbourne Chapter, U. D. C., at the home " of Mrs.. G. M. Holden in whiph spring flowers were arranged. Plans were laid for the observance of Memorial Day with exercisee tit be held on Sat urday afternoon at Forest Hill ceme tery, followed by the decorating of veterans graves. j The hostess, who had charge of the program, told a true and hater-1 week .at her home, in which spring flowers were' used with pleasing ef fect The high score. prisfi com panion plaques, was '"won by Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson, and the consolation, a novel flower holder, by 'Mrs. Billy Burke. I A delectable salad asune and iced served after play Lamrad dab. The Lamrad Glab played another of its tournament series this week with Miss,Mary Friar Bouse as ho* I tees. A variety of floweri from her own garden were in artistic arrange ment throughout the home. Mrs. James R. Lang received the guest award, a coinage of sweetpeaa.] Other special' guests were Mrs. T. S. Ryan and Mrs. Walter Jones. I ' Delicious sandwiches and a bever-j age were served at the conclusion I of the usual progressions. ? THE METHODIST CHURCH 4 ?? > *,"? ? -v) ? ?. * ' - * - ???? Mother's Day will be observed at the Methodist Church. Miss Mary Barbee and Miss Mallette Green will be in the vestibule with flowers. At the Sunday school hour, ten o'clock, the devotional will be con ducted by a group in the Children's Division. This devotional will be a playlet appropriate for Mother's Day. At the eleven o'clock hour the message will be, "The Christian Home." Let every one wend his way to. the church of his choice on lather's Day. At 3:30 The North Carolina Sym phony CInb will'give a sacred con cert The public is cordially invited. The Young People's Groups will meet at ,7:00 o'clock. The evening worship will be at 7:20 o'clock. THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH The sermon topic at the Christian Church will be "The Home That Mother Built" A special anthem, "Mother Dear" will be rendered by the choir. Spring gardens are coming along fine, according to reports, but nobody has sent' us anything to eat ? - ' '? ? "?* '-y [if ; If you have settled all other prob lems, you might figure out what kind of a world we will have -if Hitler, Mussolina, Stalin and a few Japs regulate everything. v \ - ZH m ^ . m mmm Whatever labor, industry, finance, or any other economic group, be comes more powerful titan govern ment, the people of the United States need more government Wheless Drag Co. * wamm For the Convenience of Our Customers, We will remain Open Sunday, May II. Reg ular schedule of dosing alter cate Sundays resumed after this time. ' :. . . >4^ \ IIATIICD'ft IIIV MOTHER S Mi ,? ' FOR YOUR GIFT ? SELECT HOLLLNGSWQJITH CANDIES! ~ \ m \ [ amltVm^lwEOSmJKw ? f'f rv*ffwny I "Trto^andThTvTthfriglU to^yu'Srwtl^ti^gh jnT?on"2 I trade ..This does not happen very often. ? Leo H. Blua . v4 44i*V ?? A ? ? ^ ^ trm?y ? 1 5ttWfwT/wPof I I Refrigerator! I 9 ? I ; >m?;? i.uiIW,,1 llBil*r iB^^^B' I fjI JJJtfT; B 3711 T|||T*ji I .,'h^ ?jjjjjJSES^uBSEBKSS^^ ******** I Moist Master Models \w*u*J/ fl I Something entirely new in refrigeration! In addition ? tp the High-Speed Freererthere's a separate set of cool B . ipg'coils concealed in the walls. The giant Cold-mist Freshener with glass doors gives Super-moist stnmgeibr vegetables, left-overs and other foods?gvards. precious fl vitamins and keeps foods fresher. No need to cover fl dhto! S^these i^and^diiferwt 1941 ^ | ? mb _ _ _ ? y?t Fsrmville Furniture Co. SOUTH MAIN STREET FARMVILLE, N. C, . ! ? ? : Hff'* v ^f^0wit9 tMfttMf tm9 I ^ggLr, I * * NEW ELECTRIC TUNING ^ - Tk;- -+M ? - * - Efcf "*? Kf-penonnt. - \l ?HAS STAGE 0? t FR^SScY AMPLIFICATION ?' > - ' THU set provides triw RCA VictojjK pae-HAS12jN.

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