~f* -'""ML*- " *il ' liil w **'.'#'I M^J.^ l ? m??? Mn. W. B. Unr, Jr, .. I 5#| II .1 %?-.-? ^ - - a. ' " ^.T --???? -?? W_ ,-y, J I ?HwBt ATS. JJDfl pCIWS) MTi m ? Mrs. A. EL Davis in Windsor, Sun-1 Mrs. Nets Shackleford and Nets. I Marie Sutton were Farmville visitor* Miss Juanita Rediek and two friends of 'iouisburg College sad I Kb*. James A. Recb'ck of State Col- I lege spa* Che weak end here with Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Redick. \ ? Mrs. Pearl Johnston, Messrs, Jack I and Cecil Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. CLI -G. Spell of Parmville and Mrs. Gdens of Louisburg visited Mr. and Mrs. I Ray West, Sunday. ! Mrs. W. V. Redick and Mrs. Estele I Bailey were Looisburg visitors Mon- I day. Mrs. W. E. Lang spent Monday in I Raleigh. ? Mm Dallas Bateman and children of Rocky Mount are spending this week here with Mm BatemanVl mother, Mm Salhe Mercer. ^?? ?' ~ wwt Mian B Mrs. L. A. MirwiTl aw ? Ernestine Gardner of Saratoga spent Tuesday with l&s. A. R. Gay. Mr. ami Mrs. Sam Jenkins attend ed a druggists meeting' in Durham, Wednesday. Mrs. Susie Minshaw of Eureka spent Sunday here with her daugh ter, Mrs. Carl T. Hicks. . Children's Missionary Society haaora Mothers. Mrs. J. B. Henson, leader and the Children's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church of Walstonburg, gave a party for th*ir mothers on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henson. The guests were greeted at the front door by Alma Gray Beaman and Joyce Rouse. They were shown by Mrs. Henson into the living room where corsages were presented to the mothers. The rooms were decorated with a variety of summer flowers. A very interesting prgram appro priate to mother's Day, was given. Song?"We Welcome You To Our Party." Reading ? Mother's Day ? Virginia Fields. . ' Prayer. Song?For Mother. Playlet?A Gift for Mother?Ray onel Bailey, Frances Dixon, Emma Jean Redick, Joyce Souse, Retha Mae Ellis and Alma Gray Beaman. Song?Mother of Mine. ? Recitation?The Program is Over Pauline Dixonf ? -a " ? The dining table was covered JUll a lace cloth and in the center was a I dark bine Venetian bow! filled with I yellow ompdngons, iris, daisies and blue ragged rohina. On each end of the table was a smaUed bowl of yel I low flowers. Mrs. Henson assisted by Ramona Rouse, Virginia Fields, Ann Hicks I and Janie MeKeei served strawberry I cream, cake made as. yellow May I baskets, cookies and green mints. Daring the social boor music se lections were presented by Emma Jean Redick, Ann Hicks, Ramona I Rouse and Rayonel Bailey. ? At the chtee of the party Pauline Dixon PiwMdewtr of the Society in a B < very pleasiTig manner presented Mrs I Henson with a lovely table lamp as ' a token of love and goodwill. *he ? ^weaker. .Mrs. %ison .wffl f w* leave to make hear home elsewhere. I Depend^ Cotton One out of every five people inl ty 2r v. .. I Mr+$~JKr* Msy. ^oi ? ^Rup r,? >? , v?: * r~7^>- .T/^T ' ' **.- ?' w " . II ? li .". 4. ? ?? ? ' <>ury-Lll ' II II I -I I Claudius Cameron Joyner, a sum ss'Satrrs of aH mento-heter the x^wiKcW "well done, thy good and faithful serv*nfc enter thou into the >3* of the l4>rd.w I Since the^ws of his death spread throughout the^oaram^F',^we^flee sonality ever Kved ?? waIkedT*iai I Sit waf.j| |w^ joy and may the memo ries of this man. cling jwith everlast ing reverence and abide in the hearts ?of h? fellows. Dead, yet he lives. v?*'. S. B.-T. Martin.^ ^ p Thfljfti^ J ?? I E. B. Jlmtfi Julian Edw&rdfli J? N. j ? . ' I ? I; >;-.^rsj ? *^r t? ? ?. c t^?r - ?? - . ?"" ? 1 m; \ '- ?i v * ?-??- ' ? ? -"I I /t* If tj a Q-^ffK " n j. A 1 u&nton, a. a. oiuixii) iiflywsXKi a* j JET* Ni Howard, H. Q. Brsdh&RL Ben I I V ^ ^ ^ B * Bo ^ ^ ^ I (Sever Webb, Bob Edtmuiu^ J. X. j I. C. Brock, G. W. Davis, OuuriHft Meyers, L. W. Godwin, P. K. Ewell, J. W. Holmes, E..C. Holmes, . Sam Jenkins, B. L. Lang, C. E. Mod## Worth Stewart, W. H.' Hsher, R A. Joyner, Kinest ?'l^fcteway; -.: <3. W. Blackwood, J. E. Wilkerson, C. S. | Hotchkias, W. A. Savage, Jack Hor-| ton, E. S. (Bud) Dixon, S. G. Wilker-1 son, Fernie Brock, Charlie Dawson,' Lamb Dawson, Gjei' Ward, Raymond I Turnage, Frank Hart, J. B. Frizzelle, Ed Suggs, Herbert Suggs, L. R. Bell, Sam Lewis, B. M. Lewis, R T. Mar tin, John Parks, A. H. Hinson, Claude Turner, T. B. Roberts, ?. M. Rowers, I. E. Satterfield, M. M. Veasey, V. C. Dickinson, K. E. Hamlin, C. M. Cooper, 0. L. Cariton, Charles Gray, W. M. Scales, L. H. Hannah, j. F. Arthur, A. C. Ruffin, Dick Thornton, Toofie Hall, C. H. Webb, Lee Knott, Garland Hodges, W. E. Cobb, H. P. Foxhall, J. 0. Lovelace, Jr., J. L. Partner, S. P. Heath, J. W. WeUsT John Farmer, Bill Best, Henry Pitt man, John King, Bonnie Allen, Dr. C: F. Keuzenkamp, J. Frank Har rington, Henry. Skinner, Henry VipM diford, Lester Turaage, Knott Proc tor, Leroy Bass, R. E. Dudley, Robert p*-Wainright, John Renfro, Walter Jones, Guy Smith, Bob Rankin, Har vey Clayton, Arthur Ficklin, B. Ruf fin, W. M. Scales, T. Hanna, Johnnie Carraway, Randolph Eagles, Marlon Dail, Sidney Carr, Fred Darden, John Shackleford, C. M. Bostic, Robert Tede, Manly Ules, Earl Trevathan, R. T. Norville, Jesse Carrtway, W. H. Philips, Lawrsnce Moye, Howard Moye, E. E. Nethercutt, T. C. Oarl ton, Dr. J. M, Gregg,/ W. A. Mc Adams, Wity Fields, John Phelphtf Alton Moore, W. L. Dunn, Jr., R. B. Craft, W. D. Pitt, S. K Mdore, J. R. Walston,' Dr. A. M. Wooten, L: P. Yelverton, C.^ll. Smith. ^ ? , ? ?JfSpPARMVILLE OFFICE^fl^l : ; JcweU ji Store ? &JI I ? NEXT VISIT ? jTU^DAY, MAY 19th Eyes Examined and GUssm Fitted : ? irirmfK*-' Tw ~ ?.? $&] .arro' I' , A1 * ; ^ " - ,?7^| I L, ;.i ?v:?? ...J do ?-- ' jCommerciai tfrune amps ana,ww*?| iti ,r t lttn";ii ???j^,:''itt^i 1 I ft %rmr!BpOfti? SAT.ie gF BEAL of tarust made and executed by J. R. Dupree end Wife, Matriei^. Porter Dupree, to B. B. Merrick, Trustee, dated September 1st, 1936, end ap pearing of record in Book G-21 at page 687 of the Pitt County" Public Begistrv. default having' bean w1* in the payment of , the indebtedness [thereby secured, "the undersigned trustee will, on Saturday, the 24th day of May, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock NOON, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash before the court house door of Pitt County, in Green-, vfiile, North Carolina, .the: following described rriJ property: .Begimdnf .on the East ride of Main Street in the Town of Farm ville at Dr. D. S. Morrill's oorner; and runs thence Easterly with the said Morrill's line to the Eli Wil liams line; thence southwardly with odd: Williams line 52% feet; thence weetwariBy parallel with the first lfoe to Main Street; thence north wardly ?2% feet with said, road to the beginning. - It1 bein*t?the same o v , m 11 'as w^ land which was conveyed te Sallie Hopkins by Bettie Joyner which deed is recorded in Book Q-ll page 891,' of the Pitt County Begistary ahd the same land that was conveyed to Betfie Joyner by General Miqr, Which deed is recorded In BoofclMl, p# : I 21-22 of .me- m County Registry, and the same land which was con veyed to Gen*gl May by/. H. Joy ner, w^iich deed & recorded in Book m Davis, which deed is recorded in Book ?7?ge 887,. of the Pitt County IStcfL: ?S King Solorhan, Book T-19, page 867! 10 *r ?* of*. or her bid t, guarantee completion of the con .^ie prepjgi in ni rn irtg A | I I 3 1 MHIv ' eMP -itA iJirwA