nwi mu ? Ftrmrille Enterprise ! mmnn a & wrt louss nomtT Qna YJtLil 1 teMteha W> ADYBtTUOW KAWi Display QtMmwm) Ms Fto la* Ail LsgaJ adva, is s tea per we* PnhH*ed sssilj aad mteni as teste Gkas Mail Matte at ths DssteBes st FtewvilK N. CL, s^ test ^Mswatrf, nm A GOOD CHANCE FOR PITT COUNTY Now that our county has a candi date for Congress with today's an nouncement by Harris K. Blount that he will seek the Democratic nomination in next spring's primary, Pitt County has a good chance to elect one of its sons Congressman if we will all get together behind him. Marvin Blount is a man well quali fied to fill the office of Congress man and we are sure that through him the entire First District would be well represented. His past record of public service to his city, county and state is evidence of his ability in affairs of government. For more than forty years the Congressmen from this district have come from Beaufort County, and it's high time some of the other thirteen counties in the district were having a look-in on this Congressman busi ness. We believe that throughout the district there are many voters who believe as we do, that it is time for a change and if we are willing to stand together in this county as a unit and support our candidate we believe there will be little trouble ^ ' l-:? 4 LV TK++ in uuiimi&uiiig mm. /uwuvu^u im County casts almost a third of the votes is the district, we have been willing: for nearly half a century, to cast our votes for a candidate from our neighboring: county of Beaufort and continue the Washingtonians in office. We repeat, we feel it is time for a Congressman to be named from some other county in the dis trict than Beaufort, and we further feel that next year is the time that it should be done. Practically a third of the votes in the district is a good start for any candidate, and yet that is what our candidate can have for a starter if our people will make up their minds now to stand together and giro him their wholehearted support. On the other hand, we cast put out several candidates from this county and divide our strength and defeat all our candidates, causing-the nomina tion to go to some other county. One of the main reasons that Pitt County was recently successful in having one its sons, Col E. G. Flana gan, appointed as a member of the State Highway Commission, was be cause other potential csndidstes from this county realised that in unity there was strength, said they declin ed to become candidates in order that our county could present a solid front for the cause of one candidate There are probably many men in Pitt County of Congressional caliber who might be inclined to seek the job but if they are willing to follow the example of those in like position regarding the Highway Commission appointment and pot the good of the county above their own personal de sires, we will "have hot the one al ready announced candidate for Con gress and with the help of our friends from other counties of the district we will win. Now is the time for all Pitt Coun tians to get together behind our can - didate for Congress and use all our influence to nominate him in the primary nest spring.?Greenville Be fleeter. I FOUNTAIN NEWS I Joha FyUlUj.nl ^ Hospital in bar condition ia ^ry t$tMati&rj. ^ ^ ^ J^1 A ? m.A "*y y.* - **y jy I spect for eur recently deceased mem ber, James Yancey Monk, do here with ax that; WHEREAS, Jama Yancey Monk, known bo everyone a J- Y., helped to found the Fartnville Tobacco Mar ket in 1907 when he began the opera tion and management of Monk's Warehouse which grew and pro* peredL under his able leadership until hit untimely death; and WHEREAS, ail through these eventful years his efforts were al ways directed to the building of the Farmville market and this communi ty without regard to personal bene fits or rewards to be gained for him self; and WHEREAS, he knew and loved all tobacco farmers and to return re ceived and kept for the past thirty four years the affection and admira tion of all tobacco formers through out eastern North Carolina, regard less of their creed, color or race, due to his genial good nature, his un bounded generosity, and his untiring efforts to see that his patrons and fanner friends always received the highest dollar that could be had, of ten times satisfying them out of his own pocket when prices were low; and WHEREAS, he was equally well liked by all tobacco buyers and com pany officials who recognized an expert doing his work fairly and squarely, ariring no favors for him self, but striving at all times to se cure the highest dollars for the man who cultivated tobacco; and WHEREAS, his genial good na ture, his irresistible personality, his faultless friendship, his unlimited liberality will be sorely missed by the tobacco farmers, the buyers, the company officials, and all others con nected with him through the Tobacco Board of Trade and otherwise; NOW" THEREFORE BE IT RE SOLVED that the members of the Farmville Tobacco Board or iraoe ao i herewith express profound regret for his untimely death, and do herewith extend our heartfelt sympathy to his wife, his son, his daughters, his other relatives, and his countless friends throughout the tobacco growing lands of North Carolina and Georgia; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be mailed to his immediate family, a copy to The Farmville Enterprise, a copy to the Tobacco Journal and a copy spread upon the minutes of the Tobacco Board of Trade. Respectfully submitted: R. H. KNOTT, H. N. HOWARD, G. A. ROUSE, Resolutions Committee. JAMES YANCEY MONK, SR. Tuesday, May 13th, 1941, in the! quiet stillness of the night, the death angel touched the body, 'of 1 James Yancey Monk, Sr., and remov ed him from his materialistic home I to the Kingdom prepared not. by I hand* of mmi, but by the sweat, blood and suffering of the lowly N&zareoe: a Kingdom of everlasting j joy and peace, with angels and arch angels singing the glorious Anthem of the Redeemed around the throne of God?there to be and abide, for ever. "J. Y.," as he was known to his I many friends, believed the language of Him who said, "Do unto others as ye would have others do unto you." His precept of life was predicted upon the principles of righteousness, binding together men's hearts in the great chain that binds the soul of I man to the throne of God. He guard-1 ed with zealous care the rights _of J all people and finely administered j unto suffering humanity; He spent! his life for the uplifting of mankind, j and for him there is no death. Could that radiant glow of joy and happkl neea which he has poured into the J** ?avi desolate of the] suffering and dirtroaaed be reflected, we'eould see him paas from this life to that of the maims above in a halo of Heavenly glory. It is no hyper bolical Hgnr* of speech to aay, be paaae fzeoi public sight amid sobs and tears of many friends, bat as peaceful and quiet as the foam that rides the placid bosom of the silvery lak* and the reflection of hie love] sunset's afterglow. " iln ill ?* -* .- yhe fi *m ' >- ,il j- m??i aaaman< dust mi Deity, totters mri]|:tewvd, under weight of yMtfg god p**1*, towards foe gaping teaab, bat when the Angel of the Heavenly Boat whispered in "J. Y.V ears the menage of hia Esther, he said with a smile, "here am I, take me," because he' knew beyond the grave, in that Aide a, hope ^ ii spirit to God. I speak not perfunctorily when I . jT - IT* ^ ~ "g Board of Directors of the Farmvllle Clamber of Commerce and Merch ants Association, being deeply griev ed by the untimely death of J. Y. Monk, one of the charter members and ataunchest supporters of the or ganization; and;* ' WHEREAS, In the opinion of this Board, The Town of Kannville tost one of its most zealous and hard working public servants, one who placed the good of his community and the progress of the Jkrmyille Tobacco Market above his own per sonal ambition; and WHEREAS, his leadership, his personality, his ability to draw men and tobacco to Farmville, his familiar and ringing voice, and his never-say die attitude (even when tobacco was cheap) will be geratly missed by his associates and all business men of Farmville during this and Hie com ing yean; and WHEREAS, we have lost a friend, our town has tost a booster, and his family has lost a faithful and cheer ful provider. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE SOLVED that the merchants and other business men of Farmville do herewith express their deepest and aincereet regret for the loss of such a good man, such a hard worker and such a splendid leader, and do here with express their deepest sympa thies to his relatives and many friends. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread on the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of the Merch ants Association, a copy sent to his | immediate family, and ,a copy sent | to The Farmville Enterprise for I publication. Respectfully" submitted: W. R. WILLIS, C. H. JOYNER, JOHN" B. LEWIS, i Special Resolution Committee. TIRE OPPORTUNITY PRESENTED NOW IN CURRENT' SALE To Provide Safer Motor Car Operation on Hot Summer Highways Anticipating the year's first new peak in tire buying, scheduling of the annual Spring sale has just been announced by The Farmvihe Ser vice Station, local Goodyear dealer, who paints out that the opportunity is timed to coincide with the begin ning of what may be the country's biggest driving period m any year. Present plan for sales' dates covers the period from May 21 to 31 during the 10 days of which dealers nation ally will feature the first-line G-3 All-Weather tread tire offered on a special trade-in deal, aa well as the Ail-American in rive popular sizes, attractively priced for the sale. Backed by a written guarantee, these tires built with improved Supertwist cord have, increased body strength, the G-3 in actual tegts hav ing averaged 20 per cent longer tread wear than other first'line tires tested. With rubber prices steady for the -time being at least, despite a crucial international situation, now would be a logical time for those who need tires during the Summer to make re placements on their cars, in the opin ion of Mr. W. C. Wooten, especially since prices are lowered in a period when buying should be increasing, because of a seasonal demand for new tires to provide safer motor car operation on crowded highways. my~7XT^i CHURCB 11:00 A; M!-4f<*ning Worahip. 7:00 P. M.?Junior and Senior En I deavor. 8:00 P. M.?Evening Worship. 8:00 P. M. ? Wednesday. Prayer Meeting. "7" V" . ; -:v. -,3% EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. J.'R. Roan tree, Beeter. ?$?j 10:00 A. M.?Sunday School. J. W. Joyner, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.?Rrst Sundays ? Holy Communion and sermon. 11:00 A. M. Third Sundays-Merit ing Pntyer and sermon. THE METHODIST CHURCH Rer. M. Y. Self, Paster. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday School. B. A. Joyner, Superintendent i 11:00 A; M.??Morning Worship. 7:00 P. M.?Young Peoples' Croup, i I 7:20 P. M.?Evening Worship. I I ? PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rer.H. M. Wilson, Pastor. 10:00 A. M.?Sunday School. C. F. Baucom, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.?Morning Worship. 8:00 P. M. ? Wednesday. Prayer Meeting. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. B. Roberta, Paster. 11:00 A. M.?Second Sundays?Morn ing Worship.* CATHOLIC CHURCH Ret. Francis McCourt Paster. Holy Maw 9:00 A. M.?Every Sunday. . Loyal Americans almost went to J war last week about a strike; the umpire called it - ? . - ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE! I I ? . Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Dr. C. C. Joyner, de ceased, late of Pitt County North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Farmville, North Carolina, on or Before the 23rd day of May, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will ? please make Immediate payment. This the 20th day of May, 1941. MRS. LUNA NEWELL JOYNER, Administratrix of Dr. C. C. Joyner. John Hill Piaylor, Atfcy. M-23-6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICEl Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. Y. Monk, Sr., de ceased, late of the County of Pitt; North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to please file them with the undersigned, in Fum ville, N. C., on or before the 20th day of May, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate, will please make immediate payment with the undersigned administrator. This the 19th, day of May, 1941. J. Y. Monk., Jr., Administrator M-23-dt. ^ of J. Y. Monk, Sr. f:f?UNDAT-MONDAfMll I ? Alice Fej* Jelw l .yce, -1 "fhefo^A^riran ?*2ss* Mitchell?4n "FLIGHT FROM DESTINY" > I Al?> Cartoon and a Pete Smith I " Shorty.'-v- T.' I I . ? . ,ii ; ?/ - ? I WEDNESDAY ? TWO BIG PICTURES ? John Wayne, France* Dee and Edward EUia?In "A MAN BETRAYED" Richard Dix?in "THE ROUNDUP" Also Chapter No. 2 of "SKY RAIDERS" ? ? THURSDAY Lionel Barry more and Edward 'Arnold?in "The Penalty" Also News and Cartoon FRIDAY ?LFL ABNER" ' ? with ? , Gay Owden and Kay Sutton Aloo A Oar Gang Comedy ? COMING SOON ? "Seattergood Haines" ? . "Love Craay" "Sis Hopkins" "People to Doctor KHdaire" "I Want Wings" "That Hamilton Woman" rr* 5?? J DR. V. H. MEWBRON ? OPTOMETRIST ? PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE! FARMYILLE OFFICE: Flelft, Jewelry, Store ? NEXT VISIT ? TUESDAY, MAY 27th . ? Tarboro Every Saturday ? Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted * . ? I . J^Wf< ?* I Jr^ong ft laxatives all over the South ft-/-;;;^-ffi;ff^ LUMBER Farmville Retail Lumber Yard - Phone 302-1 - Depot ? Ferarilh^N^C^ S^EN yOORR^c? z a*a a' m m /lyf/? m/% w XI I A M m g^k^a ? a^M z I I# A >>? Will x X A ' I ? ? I ? ? V ?' ;? j\ MgjipMBte' ;v^b New * ?' A'1 X j^_aq ^VITl^A t _i ritAAjjr Doil't Wflft ' T jf l*Tvr UUloU > ? ? JUIt ?? IriVA/WIti *vn * A if RJ^ ?f' Lm^ttAdMt