T. C. Turnage spent the wetek end j in Washington; D. C. J W. J. Rasberry was a Witam visi tor, Tuesday. Miss Mary Barbee spent Sunday with relatives in WSaon. Mrs. Nannie Moye Humphrey visit ed, friends in Wilson, Sunday. Miss Maggie Tucker, of Washing ton, D. C., is visiting relatives here. Mrs. J. W. Bass and daughter, Miss Hasel, spent Wednesday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Ogiesby, of Kinston, were visitors here, Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt visited relatives in Warrenton, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst and son, Zeb, were Kinston visitors, Wed nesday. Miss Suaie Gray Cobb, of Eureka, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John T. Bynum. Mrs. Mattie N. Stansill, of Rock ingham, is visiting her son, J. M. Stansill - Miss Sara Perry, of Durham, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. Frank Harper. Mrs. Laura Shearin, of Louisburg, is visiting her son, J. R. Shearin, and Mrs. Shearin. Mrs. Jennings Knight, of Roanoke Rapids, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. Duke. Mrs, J. H. Harris spent several ' days of this week with relatives in ] Murfreeaboro. ] Miss Fanny Gary has returned to Murfreesboro after a visit to Mrs. ] J. H.' Harris. ? , Mrs. A. F. Hammond, Jr., of Fort 1 Custer, Mich., is visiting her father, T. E. Barrow. Friends will regret to learn that 1 Mrs. W. C. Askew is ill at her home 1 near Farmville. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Lewis and Mr. j and Mrs. J. R. Shearin were Green- j ville visitors, Tuesday. j Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. T. C. Turnage is recuperating ( from a recent illness. s j Friends will be glad to learn that ' Mrs. C. S.. Hotchkiss is rec uperating from a recent illness. . L, Mr. and Mrs. Edison Moore, of s Norfolk, Va., are spending the week i end with relatives here. Miss Margaret Walter, teacher in < the Washington schools, is at home j for the vacation months. j Mrs. R. T. Williams and -little daughter, Nan, are visiting relatives , in Chapel Hill this week. ] Mr. and .Mrs. R. L. Manning are ' leaving Sunday for a visit to rela- ' tives in Nashville, Teim. , Miss Nita Lee Townsend, teacher 1 in the Raleigh schools, is at home ' for the vacation months. < Mrs. Alex Bynum and daughter, of Charlotte,-spent several days of this week with Mrs. J. Y. Monk. ( Friends will be glad to learn that < Postmaster B. 0. Turnage is out , again after a recent illness. Vassar Fields, student at Tacoa Falls School, Ga., has returned fox.* the summer vacation months. Mrs. M. V. Jones and daughter, ? Betsy, and Mrs. W. M. Willis, were Greenville visitors, Wednesday.- " j ? ? I 1/ Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickett and | children hare returned from a stay] I of several weeks in Kentucky. I I ? Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fields, Jr., of] I Rocky Mount, spent Monday with] ? Mr. and Mrs. R! A. Fields, Sr. I I I I Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lloyd and ehii-11 dren, of Raleigh, spent Sunday with]I I Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Harper. II I 'II Lowell Liles, of Washington, is]I I spending today, Friday, with his]I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manly Liles. 11 fl Mr. and Mrs. Ted L. Aihritton and ? family left Wednesday to spend ail I month on the beach near Southport jfl I mie, and Mrs. Candle, of Ayden, were I ? gnosis of Mrs. Dora H. Keel, Sunday. I ? . i,.' -A r '-'"V IMr. and Mrs. Ben Lb Lang and Mrs.!I days. I J Tf IT J I Miss Fanny Cobb Barrett, of Washington, D. C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Barrett Mrs. Herbert Kemp and daughters, Lola Gray, Janie, and Douglas Kemp, and Mrs. Manly Liles spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Miss Nannie Smith, teacher in the Henderson schools, has returned, to tier home here for the summer vaca tion months. ' 1 ? Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rollins and party of friends spent the week end in Virginia, visiting scenic points on the Skyline thrive. Miss Ruth Robertson, of Knight iale, and Roy Prince, of Oak Ridge, ire spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheless, Jr. Miss Frances Joyher and Miss Inez Moore, members of the Raleigh schools faculty, spent the week end at Miss Joyner's home' here. Friends will be glad to learn that aeorge Ballew, who is ill and under going examinations in a Fayetteville wspital, is. reported as recuperating. . Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Shytle, of Sil ver Springs, McL, and small daughter, Barbara Ann, are spending the week jnd with Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Mash 3 urn. Friends will be interested to learn hat Miss Geraldine Cameron, teach sr of the commercial school here, will leave next week for a motor trip if six weeks to California. Friends of Miss Lena Carraway, tvho has been recuperating from an iperation at Duke hospital, Durham, will be glad to learn that she return ed to her home here Thursday, and is reported as^ improving. Migs Helen Willis, senior at Duke University, spent Tuesday and Wed nesday at her home here, and at tended the Willis-Herring wedding in Wilson, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Willis, Tuesday eve ning. : - Prank Dupree and son, **ank, Jr., land J. H. Paylor are leaving during Ithe week end for Dawson, Ga., re I turning by Milledgeville to bring I Kiss Frances Dupree home. Mies Frances is a student at Woman's College there. I The members of the senior class Iwere guests of Mra. D. R. Morgan at her summer^cottage on the Pamlico river, near Washington. Mrs. Mor gan had as?ouse guests there this week/ Misses Geraldme Cameron, Ellen Lylee, Anode Lee Jones and Margaret Thigpeni1 ?1 W 'M: I Mayor and Mrs. George W. Davis and Miss Elvira Tyson have return ed. from a motor trip to Binning U?m, AJa., St Louis, and Memphis, est in several of the Southern states ed this week into the home formerly occupied by Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Ivey, Contentnea street W 1 SOCIAL CALENDAR 1 M Monday, June 1 2:30 P. M.?Spiritual Life Group, Methodist Woman's Society, meets in the Church 3:30 P. M.?Baptist Missionary / Society meets in the assembly room of the Church. . 3:30 P. M.?Circle No. l, Presby terian Auxiliary, meets with Mrs. W. Leslie Smith. 3:30 P. M.?Methodist Woman's Society of Christian Service, meets in the Church. 3:30 P. M.?Woman's Council of the Christian Church meets in the Church. 8:00 P. M.?Circle No. 2, Presby terian Auxiliary, meets with Mrs. John B. Lewis. Tuesday, 2 3:00 P. M.?Contract Club meets with Mrs. Lath Morriss. 6130 P. M.?Rotary Club. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 3 ! 3:30 P. M.?Literary Club meets with Mrs. Henrietta M. William son. Friday, 4 3:00 P. M.?Lamrad Club. 3:30 P. M.?U. D. C. 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. \ Saturday, 5 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. . . I One of the largest and loveliest of social events held during the entire Spring, season, was the dessert bridge and announcement party, given by Miss Verona Lee Joyner on Saturday night, at which she announced the engagement of her sister, Miss IVan ces Barrett Joyner to Robert Turn age Monk. ! . The affair was held in the D. A. Rii Chapter House, in which double rag ged robins, larkspur, snapdragons! and roses, in shades of pink, were used in combination with pink can dles with artistic effect Guests were greeted as they ar rived by the hostess, the honoree,j and Miss Inez Moore, of Raleigh, a house guest in the Joyner home, ami directed to their places at sixteen tables, which bore lovely appoint-1 ments for a dessert course, served after all had arrived. Ices were in bridal motifs, mints emphasized the1 I color note of pink and white, and the cakes, cleverly designed as colonial nosegays, concealed cards, which read Frances-Robert, July-9, thus announc ing the approaching marriage of these popular members of the young social set here. Miss Joyner is the ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Joy ner. Mr. Monk is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk. The bride elect's place was marked by a corsage of white rosea' Following three progressions of contract, Miss Gene Horton was pre sented with a flower container as high score award and Miss Inez Moore received a compact as the con solation. The honor guest was pre sented with a gift of silver in her chosen pattern. Miss Elizabeth Lang and Mrs. M. H. Potter, Jr., of Snow Hill, presided at the punch table, where iced fruit juice, a variety, of cookies, salted nuts and mints were served. Assist ing in serving were Mrs. T. E. Joy ner and Mrs. Nonie Barrett, mother and grandmother of the hostess and Miss Frances Winstead. Mrs. A. C. Monk, Mrs. J. W. Love lace, of High Point, Mrs, John B. Joyner, Miss Bettie Joyner and Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck joined the other guests during the refreshment hour. Out of town guests were: Mrs. Woody Sander!in and Miss Inez Moore, of Raleigh; Mrs. Benny Bul iod^ of Burlington; Miss Jenny Mo Medta, of Rocky Mount; Misses Catherine Holtz Claw, Mary Greene, Jessie Seholz, Laura Bell, Jane Had ley, Agnes Fullilove, Louise Datam, Alice Woo ten sad Martj Thomas Smith, of Greenville. v * *? Tea Mrs. Abram James Moye, whose marriage occurred this month, was feted at one of the loveliest teas of the season, oh Wednesday afternoon by her mother-in-law, Mrs. Joel Wil liam Moye, Mrs. Howard DeWitt Moye, Mra. William Jesse Moye, Mrs. Lawrence Anderson Moyet Mrs. Clar ence Hardy Moye and Mrs. Milton James Moye. The^tea was held in the D. A. R. Chapter House, which was beauti ful in its decorations of delphinium^ sweetpeas, ragged robins,' larkspur | and roses, carrying the pastel shades [ and. used with artistic effect as a background to the pink tapers. Mrs. J. 0. Pollard greeted guests as they arrived. i*? tt ur mra, ociuieks m. *? iiuauibvu in troduced the receiving line, composed of Mrs. Joel William Moye, Mrs. Abram James Moye, Mrs. hsland Kitcbin, mother of the bride, Mrs. Howard DeWitt Moye, Mris. William Jtose Moye, Mrs. Clarence Hardy Moye, M?. Lawrence Anderson Moye, Mrs. Milton James Moye, Mrs. Annie McDowell, Miss Blaria Kitch in, Miss Rahlyne Stroud and Miss Ruth Hayes Turnage, brides-elect, Mrs. J. Y. Monk, Jr., a recent bride, Bliss Kate Parks Kitehin, Miss Annio Gaynor. Mrs. J. C. Manning directed the way to the purfch table with its lovely appointments. Serving here were Mrs. M. T. Moye and Mrs. Mac Evans Moye, Miss Ann Turnage, Miss Esther Lou Albritton, Miss Agnea Virginia Quinerly. grajgagH Mrs. A. C. Monk received at the stair. At the door to the banquet room pranos; and Mrs. John D. Holmes, - Two hundred and fifty guests call ed durin?~the afternoon, including' a ' number of friends from Greenville, * Snow Hill, Kington, Wilson, Maury, 1 Rocky Mount, Terboro and Scotland Neck. Fine At to i The Fine Arts department of the < Woman's Club held , its last meeting ] of the year at, the home of Mrs. B. ! A. Parker, with Mrs. J. M. Christman, ] Mrs. Chariee H. Mozingo, Mis. i1 Joseph Batchelcr, Miss Mamie Davis and Mrs. B. B. Fordham as joint hos- ! tesses. Bowls of mixed summer i flowers were used on mantels and i tables. < Mrs. J. D. Gold, of Wilson, as I guest speaker, charmingly presented j the characters of her recent book, "It Was Forever," as personal and > intimate friends, and gave a brief review of the getting and plot. Mrs. J. H. Harris, program chairman, in troduced the speaker. Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr., presided j and spoke briefly during a business , session, regaftling the yearns activi ties and expressed appreciation for } the support of the members during ( [this time. , A refreshing ice course was served 1 after adjournment. I Garden Club The Garden Club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. E. C. Carr, with Mrs. John E. Wilker son as joint hostess. Arrangements of snapdragons, sweetpeas and rag ged robins inade an appropriate set ting for the group, whose study for the afternoon was based on "English Gardnea." Mrs. C. S. Eagles, of Saratoga, was guest speaker -and traced the gardens of England from their beginning as plots designed and worked by the monks. Roses W?re found to be the predominant and favorite flower in the English garden and the hedge enclosure the distinguishing feature. Mrs. J. W. Holmes, retiring presi dent, and Mrs. E. F. Gaynor, the new ly elected head , of this group, sppke on subjects relating to the activity |of this department- ? ! 'Ices, cookies and nuts were serv ed.; Special guests were Mrs. J. W. Lovelace, of. High Point, Mrs. M. Y. Self, and Mrs. Ed Nash Warren. Progmpto Bridge Club i Mis. J. H. Danjen was hostess to the OPhogrestfve . jBridgc Club, this week, when table .prizes, novel coast er sets, were won by Miss Tabitha DeVinsconti and Mrs. Jack Smith. A delicious marshmallow salad course and iced tea were served after play. Ace Club Members of the -Ace Club enjoyed an afternoon of contract at the home of Mrs. Lyman Joyner, in which roses and swiectpeas were used in pleasing arrangements. Iced fruit juice was served after the guests air rived, and sandwiches and tea were enjoyed When cards were! laid aside. Mrs. Jimmie Snath, winner of high score, received a* salad set and Mrs. J. H. Smith waa given vases as con ? - v- -- i- Mi? n ' .m i i ?, Mrs. W. Leslie Smith. The program was featured with a talk by Mre. J. W. Lovelace, of High Point, a former member, on Spring. Mrs. Lovelace concluded her interest ing discourse by reading a group of poems. A variety of dainty sandwiches, lookies, salted nuts and an ioed bev erage were served daring the social period, wM "!m Couple Club ^ Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Jones gracious ly entertained the Couple Club and additional guests, Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, Miss Elisabeth Davis and Mrs. Sallie Horton, Monday evening, at their btome, vin which roses and larkspur were effectively used. In the gamee of contract, Mrs. C. H. Joyner scored high for ladies and received lovely vases, and W. EL Joy ner won the men's award, handker ihiefs. Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt compiled high score among the guests and was presented with a guest towel. Ices, cakes and nuts were served sfter play. MAR'lIAGE ANNOUNCED I The following announcement has teen received by friends here this week: ' "Mr. and Mrs. Eli Thomas Am mons announce the marriage of their laughter, Mary Ella to Mr. Alvih A. Snyder, on?6aturday, May 17, nine? tew hundred forty one, Spartans burg, S. C." . ' ? . I LJ. ' - ! : PARAMOUNT F^MSuarn'C. : W??k of May 31 __ j SATURDAY I BIG TRIPLE PROGRAM" I . ' Dob iPT: Bony?fa r "TWO GUN SHERIFF" -i Richard Arkai And Andy Detfa? 3 ! ;/ "LUCKY DEVILS" - I Alaon Chapter Nbl4?Sf THE f "MYSTERIOUS DR. SATAN* SUNDAY-MONDAY Joan Crawford?Motrin Doqgto News and Cartoon ' ? ? | TUESDAY , I I ? r?v VsWk?f UncHiwuJht : I :-M*J 1ubee?Co Hughes?fi || II "SCATTERGOOD ?HAlNES'v.; If! J] v/iry viour/ i! || ^n^RART^ ^PHOONRR^"' It JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT few Gladioli Bulbs State Inspected / Dr. Bennett, Scarlet Red $2.00 per 100 ' Minuet, light Lavendar $2.00 per 100 Picardy, Salmon Pink $1.50 per 100 Maid of Orleans, White $2.00 per 100 v: Farmville Flower Shop 115 & Main St.?Dial 467-1 , . ? I ????.??wwmwm??ml??rnmttmmmmm???im? ?WKg& Don't put up with scorch* ing, sizzling days?swel tering, suffocating nights. Keep cool throughout the | hot summer months with | l EMERSON ELECTRIC | V Fans ? famous for their J umechanical excellence J and low cost of opera /tion. A wide Variety of jf sizes and types reason* ably priced and guaran teed for 5 years. By all j means see them. I IB ? ? -^^K^^B^Bfe t1 ?^^IMIgygMllill^BI; .'-'? ?^^^Bv^^HB>; ^Bl ^^H2 Vflna^V#tfff^Hv? -^^BCBh ;' :'-: ''- .l~;r w:'v# HI ' - - - '1' I ft I I ?B BtJH Farmviile Furniture Co. ?\>^ - ' FAEgmLLE-Nc ? . ?? ?? -?,'??>.- ??-? . ' ??..?. V- ? ? ? ? ? ? :v ? ? : - ' v/,.nv'-; evflhi 1jw raOII I W a ml I Kill/ i| ? K Sail I I S? /I . , ? JL wGL ' I lwAHAI*01 n lAATWA B ^V1 -y ' : *? A product of the world's largest and-pldest electrical ^manufacturer. More people , i r prefer G-E than any other re frigerator to recent soimessi . tmcrSiSMf' ^ BnajlBF-'"I