T]? Mnji ITn^AVflviiA H0U8S| It iiii i ? flakriptki Nns 0>? Yaar|Lf>-gx,M H i Tit ADVWTSWG SATIS: Inch Second Cbm*Maft Matter at the Fulfil at Itanflk SC,?> dmeetsf Me?th>rd.l>Tt. 11 ? ' ? Sow hneiw wad in spite of the amy they axe operated. Tana axe wonderful until some legislator devises a plan to tax you. The position of France, as we gather it, fa that Vkhy is ready to fight for its f^tir1 possessions if A.V- - r> ?ef ?! n.a a.? Tpf unun tfiTviKQ y?" i BUSINESS PROFITS The regular quarteriy compilation of hnstnsss profits, tabulated by the Federal Beeenre Bank of New York, covers 441 industrial and mercantile corporations. It reveals that the profits of these concerns, during the first three months of the preeent year, were 16 per cent above the same period of last year and the highest of any initial quarterly period since 1929. WHERE THE U. S. STANDS The position at the United Stat?, in relation to the present war in Europe, may be summed up as fol lows: (1) The outcome of the straggle will determine who will regulate the world for many years. (2) The main interests of the United States in the post-war world are indentical with those of Cheat Britain. (3) A German victory would mean German control of the seas and the restriction of American commerce. (4) From a selfish standpoint, it is necessary that the United States aid the British to defeat Hitler in order to have e chance to avoid stag gering armaments or a stupendous war. (5) American aid will be sent to Great Britain, regardless of German threats and attacks upon American ships will begin a fight. (6) Shooting incidents in connec tion with getting goods to Great Britain may result in an undeclared war, with our objectives limited to protecting our commerce. (7) The safety and security of this hemisphere will not permit Hit ler to acquire Iceland, the Azores, or the Cape Verde Island*, and pos sibly, Dakar on the West Coast of Africa. (8) While every effort will be made to avoid forcing Japan to join in As straggle, there will be no ap peasement at Japan at the expense at the British, the Dutch, or the United States, in the Far East. (?) American defease production will be vastly extended and oar forces Amy, Navy and Air Corapr will be enlarged and ready for pro tective action whenever and wherever required. 18) At this tame there is tittle idea that American sohBsrm will ??r participate in the battles of Euragfc bat will ha sent anywhere, if nece* - - ? A._ ? a _ -A a-^t? w .., ? ?%- - mrj, to protect tms Hemitptoitt DJF prewxtiii? potwititl snenutpi * _ i JUNK BAY IN CAROLINA ? I White fleecy sails touched with fold Gliding on a tee artment of Agriculture. -- v^V; '-S.. . - . ' .< 1111 ? RISE Business men expect the general run of manufactured grocery prod ucts to begin reflecting the higher raw materials and labor oosts in early fall when this year's crops have been processed and moved. "J iJu u \ W* HOW*" \ ? . Rooms takie\>n new life?new charm when you use Athey's Interior Gloss to brighten your home. Ten glorious tints?colors that retain, their sparkle for years. It's economical too?keeps its fresh, WS?? look UDd" w,,er 'U. I. ? _ .urface?wood, pb*,r or mrUl. I. dftows rapidly and easily from the brush, does not , streak and leaves a smooth lustrous coating. See the Athey dealer in your ^eighborbvod-ask him you neetk?and staH now to make your rooms more ! ? beautiful?more cheerful places .'in; ^Kjjk m ^MRk* ab J?*' ^-' I