? ttTgjpji r.ii. I v ; IJ il weekly ??i ?il jiiil ?! Beoowd cSBlbttet at the ,4 pMtoffice at Fannvffla, R CL, ua- i (far act of March trt im .' v'' ** ' '- '? J-. 1.' . ALMOST CRIMINAL If everyone m the United States was given a satisfactory diet,Nfrom the standpoint of health and general well-being, the nation would eon some twice as much green vegetable* ? and fruit, gays Secretary of Agri culture Claude R. Wickard. The National Nutrition Conference, called to consider the food probems of the people of this country, em phasised the need for more attention to the matter of proper diets, even by families that are able to afford all necessary food. Mr. Wickard declared that at least one-fourth of our families not on re Kef have poor diets and estimated that at least three-fourths of us do not enjoy satisfactory diets. One of the best uses for land taken out of cotton and wheat, said he, would be in the production of products to built up the health and stamina and strength of>our people. In the South, particularly/ Mr. Wickard thought there should .be more diversification and production for home use. SERVICE FOR THOSE IN SERVICE v The President has asked-the peo ple of the country to support the thirty-day campaign of the United Service Organization to raise $10, 760,000 to defray the operating costs of 350 service clubs for members of the armed forces and. for workers in the emergency industrial areas. The campaign goal will provide services for many thousands of young fnen and women in hundreds of towns where the influx of soldiers or in dustrial workers has presented prob lems which are entirely beyond the resources of the local community to handle. By contributing to the or ganization, the people of every sec tion of the United States will be helping to care for soldiers, sailors and defepae workers, which includes individuals'from every county m the nation. " 1 ? Sj ' A WARNING TO SMALL BUSINESS The small businessmen of this - country, including most of those operate in Pitt County; might be in terested in the warning of Thunnan W. Arnold, Assistant U. S. Attorney General, who says that small busi ness is is danger of being crushed by big business and labor. ^ Mr. Arnold, who is in charge of anti-trust litigation, says that big business, while not unpatriotic, fears over-expansion and believes * that over-production will cut its dividends after the war. in the viewpoint of _ big business, "letting the little fellow in means future competition-:-and lower prices." Mh Arnold ehargesrlaboi- organixa NBons, though not all of than, with ?putting protective tariffs around !.>' St mu! LiiJLi 1 .UlLi ,1 ;,,nr ULw watactmg skills, preventing .?J^pse of more efficient methods, charg 1 :.:ne? men in jurisdictional wars." : J These charges are fairly specific. '">pThey carry distinct warnings of dan aystam of priorities in bSe" mater: * iali, the exetuaion of mnell busmees ? , , I,. .. >?_i i hall rrom a snare m defense production, restrictions on the distributions <* . J In Mr. Arnold's opinion, fthigh gamced effort to, represent tii* in-1 ' miriit "rn mth _ *Km* th?r )e*dl . t , 1M '-o j to monopoly control wfticii. mesnfl | 'pi.'- '.*V.JV and the opportunities to further your education, are the same as for Regu lar Marines. You will be well cloth ed, well fed, treated medically --and dentally when necessary, and the chances are a hundred to one that your tour as a Marine will leave y .:?' ^(MEuUl 9' IjpUO 31^613^ I *' 1 r*' i" Aluminum Roundup 0poperator8.' : "v ' ?? . > |T|| I ??? III 'I | isi ? -v ., ' ' , I ? h jyj, uf* ' ? x-1 JiiL-r' :J-~' # - v;'-': : ?-' - 1 * x ? -* ? ' fjrT. ? I Miss Jesn Owens is visitinsr Mr. 1 j in?netod^^yCedric Woodall of ifttf^pent Svmd&piA i^ U^) -?? * ,:^-, i; BIRD NOTES - , Billie Russell read An article about ' the slate colored Junco, whieh spends . its winters in^e South and comes He is a trim little bird,&ylish in ap- ?< pearanee, slate color above, white j , ,, :'iit iVv'- ^ ? '? j white outer tail feathers, which are j I ground or in low bushes and lined with hair. James Thorne read about the Blue Jay, which is a very intelligent bird ' and seems to have a keen sense* of n humor. It eats many harmful. in *, * i sects and mice, constructs its'nett in the crotch of a tree, of twigs quite . strongly interwoven^ though the in side ia, soft. Its eggs are a- pale olive grfeen sprinkled with brawn and are usually ifipom four to six in' number. He is a bright blue. Jessie Hack Carraway was wel comed as a new member. Several members had very attractive bird scrap books on display. ' ?-? We know a man who yearns for the complete economic liberation of women; he, says there is no reason why his wife should not support the family. ? M , M , ww iUlu xXUSi gfc: ? uL iii ?| place near by. Send letter at once to X-18, care of Fartarille Entter I ^ ^ tfi j Windshield^ leaned Free! Cars LUMBER |j i! _ _ . i ? j j ?__ i ? " v..'..__i yi n ,-1,. | J ' WUW r I 1 -j||^^ y|| - M JJ , 1 jlltVm 11 '^ ~ ^' ' ' '' * " ??411 held throughout the country recently. ??-? A 942 ' ai f lotment of 56,000,(M#acr.'1<-^fj?':T-.,, ' *A'?<**.?1>LL"-' . i.^ . iMfr * *f y V. ii (A ' - ? _ M- ?''* *__ iKcfrYvifc*J?? !??? |R| 81?*' 1 I each wheel is revolved st I I THIS iJUpui Aw" 3 I |p^'-iir-^-:.?ar&ry--J?}->:.::.'>v?3*?Wg^^WB^K^HpE^^^Bgj.:- ..'- . ' ?''"I, ..'. ?-:&??!>-'"?/? -vr