: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith spent! Sunday at Seven Springs.1 :i" T r t : I ? B. S. Smith, Jr, has returned after! . ?. Vfrtf^ch. V* Mrs. W. E. Joiner and son,'Charles are visiting relatives in Hoeierton. ( ? 9 * : ; - I Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Baucom [ and tens are visiting relatives at! ElleAy. ? ? ? . \ I Mrs. J. Y. Monk, Sr., is leaving! Saturday for a visit to friends in! Charlotte. - ... |. Miss Natalie Vought, of Baleigh,! spent the week end with Miss Gene! Horton. ? * * I Mrs. BB1 Dixon, of Wilson, is visit-! ing her sister, Mrs. W. J. TurnageJ this week. v ? 0 Mrs. Abe Joyner and daughter,! Miss Bertha, are visiting relatives] in Grifton. ? ? ? Allen Moore Harris has returned] from a stay of several weeks, at] Virginia Bach. ? ? ? I Mrs. T. H. Pope and daughter,] Polly, of Dunn, are * guests of- Mrs. ] C. S. Hotchkiss. ? ? ? Mrs. Bill. Gray and son, Billy, of] Shelbyville, Ky., are guests of Mrs.] R. E. Pickett. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joyner and Billy McCullum were Bayview visi-] tors, Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mann are ] spending the week end with friends] in Fayetteville. ? ? ? " Mrs. W. Leslie Smith has returned ] from a visit to Mrs. I. E. Satter-1 field in Durham. 0 0 0 Mr. and'Mrs. Jack Smith have re-} - turned from a visit to relatives in Spartansburg, S. C. 4 0 0 0 - Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr., of I Greensboro, is visiting her sister,] Mrs. J. L. Shackleford. * * ? Mrs. Dora H. Xeel and Mrs. J. L. Shackleford spent the week end with relatives in Greensboro. * ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. W. J. Thrnage is recuperating after a recent illness. ? ? ? Friends will be glad, to learn that < Mira Mary Friar Rouse is recuperat ing from a recent illness. ? ? ? Mrs. Harry Cooke and children, of Mt. Olive, arrived Wednesday for a visit to Mrs. B. S. Smith. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Spell, Misses Virginia, Hazel and Homer Spell spent Sunday at Candor. m ? ? Bobby Davis has returned from Charlottesville, Va., after complet ing a summer course there. 9 m m R. O. Tjmg- and Paul Allen have returned^to. Fort Jackson, S. C., after a visit to their homes here. ? ? ? A large n"mh?r bf local tobacco; nists left this week for the Georgia and Florida tobacco markets. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lyman Eason, Jr., of Newport News, Va., spent the week end with their parents here. ? ? ? Mr. \ and Mrs. T. R. Mizelle and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Joyner were Indian Island visitors, Wednesday.- ._ Mm D. C. Shytle- and daughter, Barbara Ann, a* Washington, D. tfc, j are visiting Rev and Mrs. C. B. Mash Mr. and Mrs. Lester Barrett afcd yil.illiil havejwtugMd to Vgphing .'?? Mr. and Mrs. L. N. WilBmns, ^ Frank Williams during th& past A T* 11 iin ii yp . tgS8&fWm end. y. ??$. i* V d ,Ji?'J ' irt " '* ? ?- j "vfWlonei AIIpjl JJ*, ."'Tutn326f - ox Washington, D. C., has returned aft^j a visit to his mother, Mrs. W. J. Mr. and Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst, little, Zeb, and Mrs. Cora Barrett Waited relatives in Raleigh and Safe & Jfcrn* m dtildren and Mrs. C.. E. Moore, of Wttaot* spent the past week in Bufort* and Morehead '?& 1 r^.;' Rev. and Mrs. Buford Fordham and daughtsag,' Patricia Ann, ale leaving Monday for a month's stay in Car roiton, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fields and Mrs. SaUie' K. Horton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Vought m Gatesville during the week end. Ps;'*- ? ?*-v? Mrs. Medeline H. Rountree and guest, Mrs. Helen Glascott, have re turned to Washington, D. C., after a visit to Mrs. Dora H. -Keel. ?'W ' Miss Mamie Davis, Mrs. Long Davis and Henry Johnson have *e?. turned after spending several days in Western North Carolina. ? ? ? Mrs. J: Y. Monk, Sr., and'Jr., Mrs. Rob Fiser, Mrs. L. E. Flowers, Mrs. R. D. Rouse and Miss Mae joyner were Goldsboro visitors Tuesday. ? ? a Mr. and Mrs. J. Sterling Gates and family, Ann Jones, Novella Horton Capps and Betty Lou Turnage have returned from a visit to Morehead City. ? ? ? Mrs. C. B. Mashburn, Mrs. p. C. Shytle and smdH^daugfater, of Wash ington, D. C., are leaving Saturday J for a visit to relatives in Asheville. ? ? ? Mrs. Gawthrope and daughter, Grace Edna, Mrs. Winders and Hal; Winders have returned from a visit to Mimosa Shores near Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont Hodge and' son will spent several days with friends at Myrtle Beach, S. C? en-. route to the Georgia tobacco market. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Garris and son, Stan, Mjss Geraldine Gardner, Miss Nannie Smith and Miss Lifa Hemby were South Creek visitors, Wednesday. 11 J - Mrs. Harold Sugg Askew and ] daughter, Betty Lawson, and Miss Marie. Stewart, of Wilson, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. 'Askew, Wednesday. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. Ted L. Albritton and children moved this week into the home with Mrs. Albrittton's mother. Mrs. Nannie Moye Humphrey, on Church street. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hotchlriss and small son are leaving during the week end for a motor trip to Bay view, Washington, P. C., and a visit to relatives in Virginia. Mr. ami Mrs. W. A. McAdeams and Mrs. .Graham McAdams, of Green ville, are on a motor trip vacation, which will include New York, Albany, Niagara Falls and Canada. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Newton, Jr., of Norfolk, V*^ spent several days of this week with relatives here. Their daughter, Shirley Ann, who has been visiting the R. R, Newton family, returned with ^hem. ^ ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. JR. A. Fields^ Jr., of Rocky Mount, were .diiuierjjiguests of Mr. and Mrs. H A. Fields, Sr., Wed nesday evening. -Upon their return from the Georgia tobacco market Mr. and Mrs. Fields, Jr., will-move their residence to Wijgpn. -Mr. and Mrs. T. W; Lang, Miss Tfljgftheth Lang, Mrs.- Herbef^j Pot ter, jr., and Miss^kgnes Moore ex plored the Endless Caverns at New Market, Va., while on a recent motor trip through the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. .| 11 BIRTH JNNOUNCW^^M . .. Allen* Jr., on Sunday, July 27th. V V 1 \ ft i ? a, nn frr - ijjl i wwi rwi f rr ' mm ? pgg^,^ JjSpeci^, guests .were. Ifafc^Obaries F. Baucom, Mrs. Henrietta M. Wil liamson, B&s. Bobby Smith, John B. Lewis, Mrs. Agnes Blount, and Mrs. Clyde Finch, of Henderson. ^ ??? CIRCLES TO MEET . - Circle tfo. 1, Pre&yfcriaii ^orili ss5^?^r^' ? ,r " At the Bird Club this week, Harry PdDfiiiipiAnflilP OA |AY*Q/J i'tn. -xnA* ' TlTRfn* l. x ^ _|||y 1 Y. *1 1_ I- ll !.? ? fts ^^^^^ ^ csji^lles mami. MIy Smith sang "I^ Love ftwnW -We," and Miss Helen Rouse and the soloist s*ng "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life" M*j* duet ; .fradWontf? ..wedding marches were used5 and j&e pianist ? w.iethevo^we The couple were-unattended. The bride wpre a travrifcjg ensemble of ytmr with White tjggiuidnj^ i w^ oTtS60"6"' Mre. Kilpatrick is the daughter of "lie " She Tn the Fountain schools, and has held a po8iti ??. > >:fl ? Dr. John M. Merwhorn, who is dir I reeling' the'securing of donations locally for the purchase ef a State? gift of an ambpiance airplane' fori Britain, reports that Farmville's I quota of $200 has not been reached ! as yet, but* depressed himelf as hope ful that it would exceed this amount! when the campaign is completed. ! The quota for Pitt County i$l 11260- I . The local committee, working with Dr. Mewborn, in this connection is composed of Dr. P. E., Jones, Mrs. J.I M. Hobgood, Mrs. Alex Aden, Stan-I 1 ley Gams, L. E. Wabton,. Billy! I Burke and H. H. Bradhaxh. . ' I The campaign is being waged! I throughout the State for the purpose! I of giving the English people a plane I ambulance to he used in moving I wounded soldiers and civilians where! ? tW'w?ecei# ?e ? ? Ell ?ffll IVIIfll'l Em ? ^vlyfi iWfllTKV%i* '"wrjl'i:B?r fl I Bp'? ? .IfflBATRjE'flp I I ? N3ByS!vT a-1 I I ^Week of August 2 I ' I SATURDAY / I TWPLB^ROGs|kr^^ Dick Foran?Peggy Moran-in I "HORROR ISLAND-! Johnny Mack Bn?wn4-in ? ^RAWHIDE BANGERS'*? h 1 ? iMSttp CAPTAIN MABVEL^j.i'^'" 1 1 ? ' ? - r -^4:: SUND AY^MONDAUf?,^ \ ? j H /"? A OV * I B "l: Hi -.j. i <7 . ^":? .*: ? i III meet ^ ^ ; i - ?? referee, to^tte Nari ia-: j SsSE?rFi ? The premier spoke before the. general mobilisation inquiry com mission. . . ., r, ... , . juunng toe uay, ine orjxisn am bassador, Sir Robert Leslie Craigie, /conferred for an hour jand a half with Vice-Admiral Teipiro Toyoda, the Japanese foreign minister, but the subject of their long talk was not disclosed. ^ The Japanese 'press' went on de nouncing the United States and Britain, calling them the masters of ? the Dutch East Indies and blaming what they called' American med dling fdr the suspension by" the islands of the oil shipment, agree-, ment with Japan. As to the "possibility of a full oil embargo by the United States^ which already has frozen Japanese assets in -that country, newspaper dis cussion was to the effect that Japan had in reserve enough oil for sev eral years. But on heavy industry, the news paper Nichi Nichi acknowledged that such; an embargo, might haye en adverse effect. %? , ' : ^75,000, with which to purchase a fully equipped (Jrumann ambulance plane. Frederick 0. Bowman, state chair man of the committee# explains that British production is-;overtaxed by the lease-lend bill does not provide for humanitarian facilities. There fore, any help which is given for medical facilities must come from private citizens. The citizens of North Carolina will be the first such group to present a fully equipped hospital plane for use by the British. V The pftoe, jwhe?;^elivered, wfll ,bb: used in receiving wounded civilians as well as fighting men. Mr. Bow man says, that. urban .reenters ;? 'Subject to bombing raids are so dia tant from medical aid that ainbulance planes are also needed on the high seas where they may effect the res ^ CreW" artb"i fighti"g Peace ia impoeeible uolese eati?M have confidence in their ^utual good faith and, as we see it.lMg asWnine , to put. any confidence in promises - made by Gehnhby, Italy or Japnh. > . 2 \ri wgk flLp IB SHE x - /{j '; I' . . ' . r- ' A*" ^ Jj ' . fl' ? ' 'v' Wr. . / .* ?r * hi- ' . ? V. ? , - - s Sfe FL0Uf 25 ibl2 ^.::: kw SUGAR 5 lbs. $ .28 ; SUGAR .;.: :, 10 lbs .. $.55 i;. SUGAR 25 lbs, $1.35 Soao Specials BIG QUAKER - $ big: cakes 11c : I : P & G 3 big o?kes .... ...... 12c ? ; ; OCTAGON 3 big cakes 12c :: Your selection of 3 to 6 of the follow- \ AM.*7?* int? magazines adding up to 12 points f l?^spa^ ywwrMU^??^t<>> poigta far tfc* wSirtm. UataOma Mah w5?d - ? ? ^TW-. 1 J l? . - " * ' '?' mb?jtption paper and the magazines I have checked on the above list, The total number of points is not nwre than 12. ? ^*. ? ~ - ' ~ K&S'r ' flrtCf flflTf >o ,k?" $.' ^ '* L?.'iv ^ ' ? f ?:'''? _T,r *? * -f'/., 4 . *?. . s.r K ' 1 rru -- i'lit',' ? :V*CV vtT1