' I III ' 1 )? I, a ALEX ftOUtt, Own?r ft Mgr. in nwiiiifniii >5 v .? - rn.iu._n - -*' JUVOCSKQ Muwf THE BO^QSB^PBINTntY Mnliftt Price: One Yeer *1AQ ? Six Mitths We ADVERTISING RATES: Display (Minima*) Me Ftr lack Aft Legal aim Se e Ine per week Published weekly and entered m Second Class Kail Matter at tfca Poetaffice at Farmville, N. &, un der act of March 3rd, 1878. ? HALF THE LEGS IN THE NATION. The critics of the government's foreign policy have aomthing to shout about, at last! Here we have a virtual stoppage of the import of raw silk, without regard to the welfare of half the legs in the nation. The ladies, we know, simply can not get along without silk stockings. Nobody blames the good ladies. Cer tainly, the men of the country do not. '* So it has come to pass that this nation takes a more serious con sideration of vague-rights in the Far East and the halting of aggression than it does in the appearance of the well-turned calves of America. What an issue! * . _______________1 BOMBS AND U. S. GUNBOATS " 1 Japanese bombs have been dropped upon an American gunboat, anchor ed across the river from Chungking, China. Damage was superficial and there were no casualties. The Japanese have apologised and this apparently ends the incident. In 1937 another gunboat, the Panay, was sunk on the Yangtze river by Japanese bombs which were dropped in a deliberate attack upon the American warship. The testi mony of officers and newspaper cor respondents, like Weldon James, definitely demonstrate* that the Panay attack was intentional. We do not know whether the at tack upon the Tutuila was plainly deliberate or not but the incident illustrates the danger of the Far Eastern situation and the willingness of the Japanese to take risks. A TREND IN THE WAR The trend of the war ip. Europe may be judged by the fact that Lon don had only one air alert in the month of July. It was the most peaceful month the British capital has enjoyed since the Germans began bombing the great city in August, 1940. In the months of May, June and July there were only twenty alerts and some of these were bomb free. In the meantime, the German cap ital, Berlin, has probably had more alerts and received more bombs than for any similar period in the course of the war. This is indicative of what lies, ahead of the Germans, who have yet to show that Berlin "can take it." The occupation of. much of the German airforce in Russia gives the British a distinct edge in bombing attacks and, what is more important, offers them the' opportunity of sur prising the numerical strength of the German air arm. The United States, through the production of heavy bombers, is playing a big part in bringing about this new condition, which will mark an epoch in the conflict. DEFENSE AND RURAL UNEMPLOYMENT. There was an idea once that the Government of the United States in locating asm plants for war indus tries would be able to do something tween agriculture and industry. Due no doubt to the speed required it has been almost impossible to plan the Vocation of defense industries to take adyantage at available labor the defense program will result ia ? ? .? ?. . ? some improvement of the situation.^ C. D ^f^iw'ui"TL?ni Security ? IV . . * ' ' i Mr. and Mrs. Levi Walston near Farmville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mercer and Mr. and Mrs. Barf Lang are spend nig this week at Virginia Beach. Mrs. CC T. Bt^ man and -mm, Jim mis, of Lumberton visited Mrs. Bea man's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wheeler last week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hicks,'Anne and Tommie Hicks and Bliss Hilda Grey Yelverton of Eureka left.Monday for a few days stay in Western North Carolina. Mrs. H. C. Burch and daughters, Mary Lou and Bonnie Lee, are spend ing this week in Roper the guests of Mrs. C. H. Floyd. I Mrs. Appie Flanagan and Mrs. I Florence Vernelsorr of Fartnville visited Mrs. J. H. Wheeler, Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Marlowe and [ family left Tuesday for a few days I stay at Carolina Beach. Miss Mildred Mays of Hoopewell, Vs., is visiting Miss Juanita Redick this week. I ' Mr. Allen Thacker of High Ppint spent last week end visiting friends I here. _? Mi3s Jacqueline Daniel, Miss Ruth and Miss Naomi Morris of. Wilson Iviaited Miss Fannie Mae Smith, Sun I day night. Mrs. R. A. Pearson and sons, R. A., I and Billy, have returned to their [home in Wilson after visiting her I sister, Mrs. Jason Shirley, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Redick and [ family are spending some time this I week at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shirley en I tertained a few friends at a barbe | cue chicken supper Tuesday night. Miss Susie Bfinshew of Eureka is spending a few days here this week. I Miss Clara Jenkins left Sunday I for a week's visit- at her home in I Fairmont. THE ANSWERS 1. Mitchell Field, New York.? J 2. The body of water between Scotland and the Hebrides. 3. Bohemia. 4. An African tree-snake. 5. It is under guard in New York | City. - 6. From $25 to $100. J 7. Tripled. 8. Better. . I 9. October 5, 1937, at Chicago. 10. Above 20,000. 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S XUTlCE Having qualified as executor of the I estate of E. Y. Beardsley,' deceased, I I late of Pitt County, North Carolina, ? this is to notify all persons having ? claims against the estate of said| I deces"*"* to exhibit "them to the ? I undersigned it Farmville, N. C., on ? lor before the 15th day of August? 11942, or *hig notice will be pleaded ? I in bar of their recovery. All persons II I indebted to said estate will please fl ? make immediate payment. . (f. H I This the 14th day of August 1941. ? W. E. FULFORD, Executor I of E. Y. Beardsley | John Hill Paylor, Atty. A-15-6t I Most people are ready to take a| I if it costs them notheing. I I Want Ads! ? TOR SALE MILCH COW SEE T. Cl Stokes two ..miles from Falkland, I Tif' ' P* 9:45 A! 0. WowMpuiv? r 7:00 P. M.?Junior and Senior Sa> sioo R gjh Meeting. EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHUBCfc Bev. 1.1 Rountree, Rector. pV 10:00 A. M.?Sunday School J. W. Joyner, Superintendent 11:00 A. M.?First Sundays ? Holy Conunumoni and seamon. 11:00 A. M. Third Sundays?Mern '.5 ing Prayer and sermon. I THE METHODIST CHURCH Rot. M. T. Self, Pastor. J 10:00 A. M.?Sunday SchooL R. A. Joyner, Superintendent x -; 11:00 A. Mll.o Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1941 RECEIPTS: Taxes and Penalties Collected $ 27,641.72 Water and Light Department Collections?? . 64,244.84 Privilege Taxes and Licenses 2,951.50 Court Costs Recovered ; 984.90 Paving Assessments and Interest 855.55 Cemetery Lots Sold ? 320.00 ,? Interest on Sinking Fund Investments 619.07 Building Permits ? 37.25 Collection Service Charges ?? 219.04 Electric Home and Farm Authority Collections? 4,208.77 Pitt and Greene Electric Membership Corporation 7,878.77 Meter Deposits Collected 569.00 Water Taps _ 438.60 Refunds from RJBJL for labor and material 5,923.04 Refunds - Recreation ' Department 140,57. % ?' ? ;v ^ \ ??? ? p Balance?-Cash on hand July 1, 1M0- 1? 1.919.11 - ~ DISBURSEMENTS: " . Water ftod Light Department Expenses 31,496^4 j Electric Home and Rirm Authority?IZIIZIZ 4,208,77 | - I] Total. Disbursements 118,78640 _ I v " I . ' - I ? ' _ . ? _ ?V I ?? ? m w ?nn J C AM<| r M J.T, . I pOT; . WHITE ; Name: ? Allen, C. N., 1 lot??:i*?J10.92 Andrews, L. W., 1 lot^?^17.25 Barrett,, R, G., 1 lot 26.09 Corbett, S. L., 2 lots 17.83 Harden, Mrs J. H., 9 lots _ li6.98 Gay, W. G. 1 lot. i 26.57 Gay, Miss Lizzie, 1 lot 17.25 B^hre^H^lot__g5^75 S3, C. W^T 2 Art*. __Z*2201 Mozingo, Mrs. Nannie, 1 lot- 19.65 Qglesby, D. EAloG^- 33.63 Paylor, John Hill, 9 lots. 100.92 Pefiarf, S. M^|lot-_-53^6.90 Riwto, MtbTa. H. and Mrs. Tm. V. Jones, 1 lot- ? 38.35 Rountree, Mre Madeline 8 lots. 24.16 Bouse, lbs. Jack, 1 lot 9.20 Smith, J. L., 1 lot t?? 88:60 TyBon, C. A., 1 lot- ? 21.49 Wilkerson, John E., 2 lots 21.56 COLORED Name: ? -.ir . Amount Artis, Amanda, 1 lot 12.65 Atkinson, CoriK 6.90 Atkinson, Ferby, L lot 1.16 Atkinson, Perry, 1 lot.. . 1.15 Atkinson, Robt., 1 lot 7.19 Atkinson, Spencer, llot? 1.15 Baker, Haywood, 1 lot 1.15 Bttnee, Annie, Heirs, 2 lots? 6.88. Barnes, Tom, l.lot ___ 1.15 Barrett, Cora, 2 lots? 16.10 Bennett, I. S., 5 lots 51.18 Blount, Glascow, 1 lot- 6.38 Blount, Joe, 1 lot :?? _ 11.95 Boyd, Wilson, 2 lots : ? 12.42 Bryant, Mareellus, Est, 3 lots- 8.05 Bvnnm, Jane 1 lot 4.60 Chestnut, Lee Harvey, 1 lot? 6.16 Cobb, Lula, 2 lots 8.91 Dixon, Lutica, 1 lot 1.72 Dunn, J. H., 1 lot 1.72 Dupree, Jacob, 2 lots-?_? 11.86 Dupree, Paul, 1 lot .86 Dupree, Bed, 8 lots? 10.35 Foreman, Arthur 2 lots?? '9'.78 Glover, Carrie, 1 lot 5.75 Gorham, Walter, 1 lot 5,45 Graham, James, 1 lot.. 4.03 Grimesley, Emma, 2 lots .? 10.93 High, Elizabeth, 2 lots 7.48 Johnson, Mary Best, 2 lots 6.40 Joynei^ Herbert, 1 lot 11.12 Joyner, Joe R., 6 lots 24.50 Joyner, Mattie, 1 lot 1.15 Joyner, Rosa, 1 k>t_. - 5.75 Lane, Allen, 1 lot-: .4.89 May, George, 1 lot -2118 Merchants and Farmer's Bank; ? : 3.45 Moore, Carolina, Hiers, 1 lot__ 1.15 Moye, Elbert, 1 lot 6.84 ?Robetoon, Effie, 1 lot 3.45 Sanders. Eliza. 1 tot ^ 3.45 Vines, Amy/Estate, 1 tot 145 Vines, Ben, Estate, 1 lot__l___ 3.45 Vines, Marcellus, 1 lot ? 9.82 Vines,.Maude, 8 lota 8.45 Williams Gladys 1 lot 8.45 Wooten, Lyman 1 lot?. 6.60 One of the easiest things in the world to do is to stand to one side and tell the rest of the people what to do. It is rare that a man, sitting down to a good meal, suggests that, maybe after all, his wife cooks too much. - - ' ? : . . TRAINEES The War Department reports that its " personnel classification system is placing the right man in the right place in the Army. Among 130,000 trainees examined, 47.13 per cent were "above the average in intelli ? ? L V ' ? I I u gence " compared with 31 per cent in the average civilian cross-section. In a month or so now, the farmers of the Nation will know whether Na- . ture has been kind to them this year; they will also have an idea ae to prices. [?gpv-: ' . I Mayonnaise ^Treat_Qt- 35^ I Sweet Peas ^ 2 r 25^ a I Grape Juice ??-? 10 Fluffo Oil - 20*?- 35* I p 1^31)kS Tender Skinless?lb. |2|| ^ I ENRICHED WITH* VITAMINS AND IRON 11 ?.*'47?"J M*| '? 4PS-WII I BREAD wsr. 2 ss 15* I I I (wim KINO Of RADIO ^*v^al^:Suadud' m ^; SiuHt-W*T? and FH tecepcioa ., At thl* toMuagfj low a*c. Entirely new FM circuit I r. ii j{A ? ? 1 ' Al > - -t? -t . . ?- I I I I I - ? ? " ??- ??? ??. AttAL iVUU . TREBLE CONTROLS J BmphaOTe 'kmf tad "highi" I in ?ny ownHniriao you wrier J-;t4-v- & ' ' / ,'\^i- L?l*? .'? ?\ I /^rmcD tixrDt?At)\/T\TP 1 (sAo TO**! 11^3' I ? ??? *j_" *, ? I ^ ? " ' . '? *'^h I HHRHBH 9 M I E^^&t\JL,lJx^.<<*??r'ZMlgXrffT; ^C^BTf^?jej?yf^f: . Vtay^^taS-.. WM > ? ? . *1 f #*. J^J H. rli/^.. B I .?Br jRCBMOftV jHNfV^WOyV ?' K^HiXSfl " ^H