? THX BOGSB PBXNTKBY I ADVERTISING RATES: %\ Dfcptoj^(l^am)^?c ftr lack I . '.--I. l Pobhahed weekly and aateiai aa Secoaid Ckaa Mail Matter at tha PoatafSea at FarmviBa, N. CL, an dar act at ManASrd, 1878. ??J A PINAL TRIBUTE Tribute must here be paid to the late James Yancey Monk, who guid ed the establishment and destiny of the Farmvilie Tobacco market m its early years and successfully operat ed Monk's warehouse from 1907 to the time of his lamented passing, May 1941. Coming to Farmvilie 1907, two years after the Farmvilie market mas- established, he had personally conducted leaf- sales on the same site for S3 years when death put an end to his active career. Fhrmville's profound sorrow waa mingled with gratitude and pride . . . gratitude for having known one of Nature's noblemen and called him friend, and pride in the honor he brought to this community as a progressive citizen, and in his salient service as leader in bringing prestige to the Farmvilie tobacco market TV> thousands the name of Monk is synonymous with the Farmvilie market J* Y.'s entire life was interwoven with tobacco interests. He traveled tiie main highways and back roads of Eastern North Carolina for "many years in his endeavor to bring pa trons to this market, thousands of whom found when they reached Farmvilie, a man, who gave with his warm handclasp a wealth of human * sympathy and understanding. He knew thousands of people by their names. Few other figures in the history of Farmville's business life can lay claim to higher rank in the hearts of its people and in the esteem of rich and poor, black and white. Though his personal interests were strong, they were not the'dominant force in his undertakings, for J. Y. K was primarily concerned in the ex-, pension of the Farmvilie market and the ultimate results .. the bearing of the material fruits of prosperity and happiness to people of this communi ty. * The methods and policies advocat ed by Mr. Monk have proven soond and adequate and the results have drawn the attention of the entire to bacco world to this market . . . this is said in view of a statement broad cast on a coast to coast radio pro gram in recent years to the effect that Monk's warehouse for several seasons had sold more tobacco under one roof than any other in the world . . .tangible evidence of his success ful methods. Belief in the destiny at Farmville as a great marketing certer, animated the man from the time of his coming until his going again, and J. T. set himself to a task of great magnitude in fulfillment of his dream. He ad vocated and bant all of his efforts towards a con si stent improvement and development of marketing fa cilities until he snr a model tobaeco market brought into ori stance and thp gates at opportunity flung wide in thia community. A man of natural cordiality, en thusiasm and without peer in the yeafcn of Ms activity, he worked ttts lesel^in the interest of Farmville, and in winning for the market; the ^cognition ly isught, he won the. belabored jTl^^?lmhn7ni fsther^md a^ftfasM to^mnn, he^in the rtwd." , . .. . , .. . I In addition to the tobacco industry,! Mr. Mook manifested a deep interest in As civic, religjous and social life WfkHe tn (kidort of I f- . * ? X&Uf WW DvUCTO eflpv W* SyfTs* Wlil ? I . V , W yM I ??fni At .t wiMw, to puu tut smcereiy UNITY OP EFFOW^n ? ? TpL. ^ 'tii I ? ?? nin T ). ? I ? -. -I _ i* nid action. | FarnrriUe^Stocco Market this gea mn, which now promises added op On behalf of-the Farmviile Tobac co Market, we wish to thank the business men, of Farmviile, who have taken advantage of this apo- J clat edition to boost the warehouses here and to tell the world that PUnnvilie is one at the leaders in price averages and volume of sales in the Bright Brit and that Farm- j ville people believe the Farmviile market to be the beet on earth. We join with the merchants and tobacconists in inviting the farmers to attend the opening of the To bacco market and enjoy its festival like atmosphere and the usual fan fare aeompanying this event, and we want to assure them that we hope the most optimistic farmer in tiie compiunity will Mink in a hit of | amazement at the price range. FRIEND FARMER Hie farmer knows that America is definitely going forward, and the sum total of that progress shall be seen in the better way of life the greater number of its people shall enjoy, through their higher stand ard of firing. - Rural electrification has brought light and freedom from the most arduous toil to hundreds of thou sands who work the farms for the nation's sustenance. Low priced means of transportation, and more far reaching free schools, libraries and museums, are giving them a well balanced life and making them a thinking people, vitally concerned with every measure taken by the government, and by industry. Such a people as the fanners, whoee interests are not only for themselves, but for the nation as a whole, are contributing to that very unity which shall be the most pow^ erful factor in the new era of Amer ican progress. At our invitation the Governor of North Carolina and other officials of the many branches of State and nation, whose time and thoughts are devoted to agriculture and who have their fingers on the pulse of this industry, will speak in the pages of this issue to cur farmer friends, and we appeal to you to read these timely messages carefully and of ten, as they are based on the pres ent world and national situation in regards to matters that effect you primarily. t It would be a splendid idea to pre serve this copy of the Enterprise and use it as a source at reference in connection with the warehouse and merchandising firms and for this in formation in regard to certain phases of agriculture, which will be very helpful in the months to come. We would like to express our grateful appreciation at this time to Governor Broughton, the State De partment of Agriculture, and the U. & Department of Agriculture for their splendid assistance in giving us timely articles by their specialists, and to Mr. John T. Thorne, one of our own citizens, who is president of the North Carolina Cotton Grow ers Cooperative Association for the interview, which is being printed in this issue. This issue was planned first, of oourse, to bringing the advantages offend by warehousemen and mer chants of Farmville to the attention of farmers; secondly, to stress the necessity for cooperating fully with the administration's defense program of Full Speed Ahead, and to give the farmers such information as will be valuable to them in carrying for ward their part of this vast pro gram. .. I | Secretary Tobacco Board of Trade and Sales Supervisor on the r|| Farmville Tobacco. Market < Looking Ahead Characterizes Officials' Policy ? 1 1 . r''\ ? The policy of looking ahead has characterised the administration of the present Mayor, George W. Da vis, and the'town board, which is composed of Dr. W. M. Willis, J. W. Joyner, R. 0. Lang, J. M. Stansill and R. LeRoy Rollins. Mayor Davis is serving his third term, a period of marked advance ment and several of the board mem bers have been rendering faithful and efficient service to the town for ten years and more. The ef forts of City Clerk; R. A. Joyner, and W. A. McAdams, Superintendent of the Water and Light Department, have contributed in large measure to the success of the municipal un dertakings for more than 20 years. This looking-ahead policy has marked a new era for the town and represents the major wfactor in its progress. The achievements of the administration for the past few years have been a triumph of ambitious thought and coordination with Fed eral forces in the successful culmi nation of various civic projects, which have provided the town with a recreational center and improve ments so vast as to almost be un believable, the span of years has been so short Paramount in these opportunities for advancement, which town authorities foresaw and grasp ed, was the provision of employ ment for hundreds of jobless men and women during these years. The meritorious progress, written in the history of Farmville under .i ? will be celebrated hy the showing of a new Gene Antry picture, Sun set in Wyoming, begrming at 10:00 teethe mormng and continuing ceased;late o?Fitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them tcPthe undersigned at Fountain, N. C., on or before tile 26th day of July, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bat of their recovery. All parsons in debted to said estate will pl ease make immediate payment y'tfcis the 18tit day at July, 1M1. f ED. JEFFERSON, Administrator Estate R. L. Jeffereon. John Hill Baylor, Atty. J2Jt6tr ? ? EXECUTOR'S NOTICE ^ - . ? . . Having- qualified as executor of the estate of E. Y. Beardsley, deceased, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to'the undersigned at Pannvflle, N. C., on or before the 15th day of August 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. I - ' This the 14th day of August 1941. W. E. FULFORD, Executor fed, > of E. Y. Beardsle7 EMn Hill Paylor, Atty. A-16-6t - WOM E jjfjk ifa* g* if THE POPULAR FILLING STATION :',r\^ yj~\; ?v ? -r.PrJv-,'/^ * - i-J*\ ? >ur.-. '-y'' ?-' YOUR FAVORITE DRINK AND TUNE , While Your Car Is Expertly Serviced ? SERVICE WITH A SMILE ? ? ESS'O PRODUCTS? ?ANgjNG^?p COCA-COLAS FROZENL - - . .. ^pttt * \ 'yj^Bi If _ | _ _ A* I IIM'% 12VlmH ' Hvvll ?# a??A?M?v? - J M - v ? g-..' g g ??WE PUT?# I ON THE ^ [ AND URGE OUR FARMER FRIENDS TO SELL I THEIR TOBACCO AND COTTON HERE j ? m? "? " '? 3 ? ? f- * ' , ? ^^ v<" s WE take Ibis opportunity to express our appreciation for the business you . /' have given us in the past 37 years, and to assure you of the pleasure we ? * have had in our business relations. We are looking forward to continuing : this pleasant relationship for many more years. ] &W. ' K \ : ' v ' r. - j ' ^ J GENERAL MERCHANT J ? ? - ' " ^Hr Make This Store Your Headquarters While You Are In To(wn ? Check These Values! __ M^ m AJIH ? JH fl I JkBBm B BBmBI" TCIMATiifn 'new pack a /q* ivmlifvku ?? w /? ^ citda^v liny oat t IK 11c rnl kaba dry) $alt ? lb. ii ? a^b i by a^m v w? ? ? || !? hftiii ?* Tin v aa ? III f lb - ID. nn ;?' " ? ?- "^^ ? ' ... _1^____ II tllABTraiHA 4 J SHORTENING ***2 27c jQt- Jar ;^|| | ? ? I rfl I ,"-'~-jr.... >'. ''l&y ' ?' ? ' ?-.' - ??;,?. - ? 0? . ? *:^-J'^../..'i ??A'^''1:?1; r ^ n - m nk wtk ? ;?fc.. ? ' tigs! ._ ?;'" ? ' *zf :.'? .'-'K^ nl r* am , ||_ mt 0O OF ? wS^^aPW^SK - ."' !v?9 I y| || j| f |ij |\ " [f| iril^ II.