. . I | U I I llA U If HE Bl rll Vm| I ] ? - nB-nvv H v .. r /liljlmvf ??->. -''M'AV 2UA*1 Vi# '"* SMB sighty^five os?k ^ ^Bta^^^^^^Qresoo si^rd I'Itt vr^Etb l^kliUit? VILLE located directly in the | tojf^isjwritory. 1 tire ^Bdtfay <*f ?W, ?? ? tobacco is produed This fact-.is rise- < ere. Ai * remit all concerns keep 1 their ' best and most efficient boy- j . iBg organisations hire. i . Bight in the heart of this tend- < tory lies FARMVILLE, bounded on \ all sides by the ether big five mar- j kets. To even be able to exist in 1 such a location would be a credit j to any market and yetFARMVILLE 1 ? TOBACCO MARKET not only, ex ists hot has. grown steadily and ' continues to grow, but?only be- 1 caused it has worked and dees work ] . for the fanner's interest and welfare j on each and every pile of tobacco j sold here. To prove this compare ] fts averages over the years to any j other market or with the general 'i averages for the years. \ PARMVILLE sella more tobacco , per capita than any other market in Easten Carolina and this in the face \ of more good legitimate competition jj than, all the rest combined When you h bring a load to PARHVTLLE you ? may rest assured that not only the i warehouseman who sells your tobac- .] co for you, bat every man, woman ^ V* and child in tins town is pulling for 3 you also. Tobacco is the biggest in- j dustry in PARMVILLE and FARM- - V1LLE is a 100 per cent tobacco , town. With this in mind bring a j "load to Farmville for Jthe opening , sale, watch the whole town work for you and you will be convinced , Farmville is either on the top or , near the top in price average every ] season. It is the price, not the pounds , that sends growers home with the satisfaction that they received the marimnm for their crop Smiles of ] satisfaction are a 'part of "every sale \ on the Farmville market " ? ' * DOG CAUSES CRASH < Council Bluffs, Iowa.?When Wu I Pong, a chow dog, lunged toward a fl window to jump out of the car, Dick : Caugfclan, driver, lunged after him, i lost control at the car, wMeh upset in 1 a ditch. While neither or : the dog was hurt, the car was badly ] damaged I j^oed tobacco f " ^f H for sale it poor^ sorted, ^ Thin Sact vm brought cleaiiy to the ap antUm of farmers in ? press state neat issued by tobacco boards !|of ;rade in eastern North Carolina. &j| ribe statement was as follows: 'in viewer ^ tbe large qwuut||jof .obacoo offered. for sole ^rhie^i , ? baft jeen- badly graded, in many instances ?reen and brown leave^mixed-in the same boodle, we have been requested by the warehousemen and represent atives at the buying companies to arge the farmers to give more 1.1. nnj?V 1 ' ji? XV 11 in n r*? t*4- ri ri n n ,1 rt f .,1 IDOugHX TO ul6 |Tyip^lTjiTf^ft OX preparation tobacco for marirefc/V The principal buyers of floe-cozed bobacco are manufacturers who boy for their own factories and dealers ?vho purchase and pack- tobacco for resale orfor export. In addition, l\1??? it *- ujV__i__? rtMi jSaat mere ace speculators wnose opera* dons consist largely of buying to bacco which, because of poor prepar ration for market or viher reasons, sells for lessthaa ita current market ralue. - Such tobacco of&n nets the speculators, a profit through condi tioning, packing, storage, or ship ping. [ In some cases the speculators re mit the tobacco. Usually the re sorting is done by bundle with some leaf-plucking, but sometimes the to bacco is *nutied and is les&picked. [n either case: the object is the same, ?to correct the sorting wfistsks* made by the fhrmer and to resell me tobacco, properly sorted, at a profit. By exercising the skill and cart that the farmer failed to use, a speculator sometimes makes more profit on a lot of tobacco than the Farmer received in gross returns for several months of work. By care Folly and intelligently sorting tobacco s grower can frequently earn for himself the money which may go to ? <:-g The farmer i? coming into his own i once again with the. harvesting over i and jgn exceptionally larger and line i crop of tjibacco cured and ready t? 1 handle for the market. Tobacconists < tre buy with tlfc-preparation for | Located in Eastern North tTaro- 1 lina, in^the center isf the Bright Leaf i Belt, and . its reaching almost, to .the Danks -oi i Little Oontentnea creek; which winds j its leisareiy way to the river Tar, i is a "contented" grow of people numbering 3,500 composed mostly of 1 farmers, and known for more titan 'i six decades as the town of Farmville, < with e tobacco market which has 1 brought fame to its doors and thous- J ands of patrons annually to exchange j their offerings of golden weed for silver coin* S. ~i' ? "J '* V" ? Wholly Agricultural I Farmville is one hundred per cent agricultural, every buaineeB here de- i perating on-the farmer and whether < prices fen* his produce go tip or down ] the doctor,lawyer, merchant and i chiefs final summary?in his ac- \ counting for the year?black or red, 1 finding its results in the prosperity j af'tbe farmer. y kjfapet XV- - V*'f your omnrtry if' buying Defease Savings Bonds' add Stamps for its ' L . ^ mm 2 ? lit I I 1 J. in I I , jtulnafw J i vt^" 1 ? '? - ? ? ' i T|'p i * A iODftCCO jjXarivCv lo i iRBiiPSRsSH five leading" markets of the JJngatN gefc"yjHfc, ?I ii rt t-dy eighty per ?J?? HBSS^2? HpKSfH Uw. of th. Miricet I?oe bom trm#-' formed fromframp, shoddy buildings Ths^Meriwfc has gtmetfcrctitfithe hard school of experienc^ hut its leaders have held to their high ideala of community service, and by faithful and fhdtfoi service, have created and maintained a Market with an atmos phere^ of trte ;??MfltoeBS and a ^pirit of true helpfaineas towtrda .tho ,anBer- \ SENDS HOME ^OR BED Lob Angrta.-?After one glance at DoJ^ Keeney gave him permE 'ffiiTiml r'ifi n Vi /nf Vi ,?'!, ? ? r.i. r j GOVERNMENT GKADERS i Arriving foe free t INSPBCnON idRAOCO i ? - , . , Government grader?, compoeing the JRedend board of tobacco jnspec- . tion here, will be on hand, to inspect the opening sale Tuesday, and] throughout the season to judge to- , bacco placed on sale according to U. , S. standard grades and at Govern- r ment expense, and to furnish' free market news service. Farmville was chosen as Eastern Carolina's key market tor permissive government i inspection in 1931 when this service J was first inaugurated. >; v' - ; ; ^ i ;i The number offhie-cared markets ? on which Government inspection is < *?'11 . liiVii 'mi ^.ib.^,1 ii.; ' /?' i' ? ivailable was increased this season, lie Eastern Carolina markets to vhich this.service was extended, in iluding Robersonville, Tarbor6 and PVilliamstom Over two-thirds of the powers voting in the respective dis tricts of these markets; had'to ex press a desire for the service at a -eferenda held on July 24-26, ai order . ;o have it furnished without charge *> the grqwer. LESPEDEZA A seven-acre field which L. H. Raj)^ mit demonstration farmer of the Surnsvflle township in Yancy County lowed to sericea lespedeza four years igo has been a major source of in- \ :ome- since. s ii" fi ? i? ' ?1jl i ; ? ?? i T ? ? ii i -EV "' ? i. iS- 'S 'i ? Si ys. Every husband wants a wife who manages her home so she can step out with him! Take the hint and call 318-1 this very week ,.*l ? OIJR NEW WATER SOFTENER RECENTLY INSTALLED GIVES YOU WHITER, BRIGHTER CLOTHES. llll^^ ^Ifllflfll^ * ^1'^lj^^11llj^ 111^^ ' no tic e! tobacco growers Believing it to-be to the best interest of the tobacco growers in Eastern North ?arofo*, we : have decided to space the ba* kete^of tobaccojfausd in oar inches between hariretn in row. j U ** i0'v_ I |_ TTbi in ?Wb ', m m ja ? I ^**1: y*r. . ^T~y- I iAi Qwvoniii nn ? ? v H H ^B. ?HUbB ff ? s. B.B B B B^B fl ^1 nKK B^P ^BMBBBBl ? H ? ^^B-.'J^^K . >.^^B^^^BB^Bv~?'/* , : ??^-.,^tiK"-H^'^';'/-' ?~ i Bi.at;BLLkL?^&^?i^sLi?*M*iL3iifcii?fri^.S ?to,' ?t'Xty*'-^*- ? "*"'*?', 'fll ^Bk^BJK H Bl w wmt^ ????? ?PWWi^P^^H^W ' ' ^ ? 91' 7 ? . . ? ^ ^.-m, . -53 tt ~-- 9 ^L1 U^Myfvffl