t htrate Oar A4mteflpn^f ? Hi? in Cwwtm ~ | |juii^I^, m m ;-"r Sf;' ??? Total of 15^16^82 Lbs,]' ket for an Average off $31.11 ' ' ;;-3| With the season vapidly drawing! on the Farmville market throughout 1 growers selling the last of their j 1941 crop. Many of the tobacconists I are preparing to return to theirL homes daring the week end. Much of the weed offered on the! floors for the past few days has been)] of infetkr quality with some farm-1 ers tying up tobacco that would haujfl been disposed of as scrap last nessan.y figures to date, acrording to Sales ' Supervisor. R. A. Fields, show 15, 516^82 pounds sold for $4,827,927.13, ' or an avenge of $31.11 per hundred ' pounds, compared 'with offerings of ' 14,938,430 pounds sold for $2^48,- ' 272.71; an average of $19.00 per hun dredweight for the corresponding}; period a year ago. Several seasonal records have been j broken and many new* marks have. - been set during the current Beason. | The predominating features of the 1941 tobacco crop has been the light weight of the weed and the shorty ; short marketing season. Horse Show To Be Held In Greenville Sunday, Oct 26th ? Show Starts at 2 P. ML; F^ara viBe Horses To ParUdpate; * Many fHifilim Horses Of State Entered According to plans, which have been under way for some time, the Greenville Saddle Horse Association expect to present one of the best Horse Shows ever seen in this section ? - of the state Sunday afternoon, Oct. .26. The show will be held on their grounds near the ball path, a short distance from the city limits, of Greenville, and will start promptly at 2:00 o'clock. Many champion horses have been entered in the various clsnweo and a great show is promised all who attend. Among the entries booked will be two from Farmville, one own ed by W. S. Royster and known as Black Diamond, the other, known as "Queen,9 is owned by B. M. Lewis. Those interested in beautiful horses and enjoy seeing them perform, are urged to be present at 2:00 p. m. Sunday, when the show opens. Federal Land tsan& Announces New Plan] ?_____ I ? A plan whereby farmers . having I I Federal land bank loans i.iay pro- j I tect themselves against any post-war slump or crop failures by making payments a "flitaw payment" 'fond, which wjjll draw the same rate I of interest he is bin* changed on his I I indebtedness to the bank, is announc-1 ed by Mr. W. G. StanciTl, Secretary-1 B. Treasurer at the Farnmlle National I. Undi^^^w^ bank borJ I rower may now And funds to the! bank to be held in a trust account for future installments, and ^thhi I vSLlbri bank and the National- Farm Lean. Association feel of a^^ges to borrow ers," said Mr. s*?Tv.gr borrow * ***** *1 vy vv**w~ I er who has future payment funds in I the m bank ha$*backlog of ^ |tWfa> lean period. He is insured him for the insurance. j> AV^ V v ^^^h*-'1 * 1 "^-y-^fclk- ?, J1 ;':"^ -':** ??%. ? V: ??i "I--.; "The stage is set, the east waiting ? behind the scenes to make their en- 91 &ance and ail is in readiness .. . and v tonight is th^nigfct a?1 b; Orer," which is being given under]* the auspices of As Junior WomanVT C3sh, at which J|n. Tommy S. ByonnJ in the high school auditorium and ^ The director, Miss Jayne Flasher, ? af Miami, Fla., and her talented cast * made up of Farmville actors and 0 sctoessus and beautiful chorus girls, have been rehearsing every evening and working tirelessly in a Joint if- W fort,to put on a show that will prove ** entertaining and enjoyable/and merit the commendation ami praise of the large audience it is expected-to at ?- CJ There will be lots of gay momenta,. ? Med music and dancing and a great treat is promised to all who attend. The costumes can be described as gorgeous and dawling and the song * hits are bright end tnneful. It is a * show, which can be enjoyed by aduttsi and children alike, and the Junior * Woman's Club extands' an invitation to everyone to "Come and bring the 0 whole family." v Reserved seats are on sale at the ? City Cafe. y jj Today is the Last Day Popular Votes Contest j The "Bubbling Over" sponsors, the 8 Junior Woman's Club, wishes a last 8 reminder to go out to the community n that today, Friday, is the last oppor- b hpmjty to vote for your favorite mlv the popularity contest being conduct- e ed in connection with the local talent play. ' f So the Juior Woman's Club urges 8 that citizens patronize the Farmvflle ? merchants and ca? their votes for 8 the moet popular high school girL I Above all, remember that there * Will be only one performance and I thafcwill.be given tonight. Farmville J? folks will be given the opportunity I of seeing this gay, musical comedy in the school auditorium at 8:18 ^ o'clock tonight Reserved seats axe c on sale at the City Cafe. ? i TRACTORS ? Tractors have proven highly satis- t factory in cultivating corn in transyl- 1 i vania County, says' Edwin L. Shore, 1 assfetaai farm agent of the N. C. ' State College Extension Service. . * I ^ ? ? ' ? v-. vj^jC ll AOPnAC r A9lT r IlLuljlltjo I Con I I I AaVvl wHIVV A) WVMl ] I Re" ch e ^ "Breathless 1 Pjiitfniij. I jFoHTrtrC J T^?Ta?g ?. linfinn4^^ IS??tblSd ridebof SToiT^S^cttyj 1 moment came and went without any! ?*-1* -*?a- - . i B K j?axle acting lit concertiJBtat the Gov rnmenfc canstet should -awt irompt those fields of private en leavor that have, become an indis pensable part of life in America. - I "The Boy Scouts hate made and rill continue to make an important ?utribation to lie welfare of Amer^ a's vyoung manhood. The $Boy Jcouts hayo. always responded gow jrously when called into action -in lie service of th^ir communities *?f heir fellow* citizens. And so the latfcm is confident that the Boy Scouts stand ready to contribute to he national welfare in thete critical iouras?>^3^M^ fTt foUows, toewfote, that I am Eiptood of what you have done and. I un proud of what yon are doing? ?h#?n-p^of-wh^T know you prill do in toe days to come in play ing your part in omr American de -IHii ' ? ^ iUPUAy wivA sunk JMUK&1O6 Uftyiw* j? oy - r rm. _ - cnrt nnn AAA ^. J. '.t f 'I'hA %MR|T VI fyjllfUUl IrfRI CTwt haI1I!..IL -I 1 iA - TVTL11. till fltA nlflTlfo I , -L *' 1 _g ? . . f , j , > . I { W 44 L ? J rjH our army and, at the same time, sap. 1 ? iMM il>i-tlTJIM ' Ati4liAw?Mjl'\!aVAn4 ** ' I production were autnonzea aoout a ^ have been provided for the ordinance ] department, eleven for tbb chemical I varfare service and four assembly | two for small arms ammunition, two ^ ( While the progress made may!, seem small to many Americans, jt should be remembered that the Unit ed States is in the process of creating an armaments industry comparable to thoqe that have been maintained bjr-.eertain European nations ftfr cen utriee. We started practically at scratch and, naturally, many months are required to plan and 'build the [plants that must producethemuhi , tions, equipment and instrumentali ties of war. subcommittee, point? out that the ' present egwrgwey denands the . pro- ! | faction of certain critical munitions^ early as possible. He'includes shfps, fighting aircraft'ianks. anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns andfUMnuiutiom, To achieve the end in view, it will be necessary to utilise a much larger |jproportioaiof;the>; productive resour ces of this country. He expressed the apipion that^the demandIforl muni tiohs production will require use of help I The people of the Vnited^^^j tofof^^SeS^e Se.^^^t^ej ^ 180,000. \ I Defective eyee 128?0Q.: ? -bgjOOO. | I I Xf ujlvhIq defects ^ I vS?l diseases 57,000. j fl * "> ? ?> " I ?J o ^ I fl. 1/?wWJ Y* t - j, ?"TVlVvAT*-*.1 ..V-,:, . j CUlOSlS *v,wv ? ? l 'MiBceUaneou8 .16d,^^g g ? X t?- ? ?; U f r J - . ? V '-''I*. ;? I . _ . ' ? I ' ? ' -'t.fN.^. l"f- ':?' m'. V ?* 4 i i ? j o , ? ? ' r I BCVOP; smui anywhere J znt on tie ^ movements | the "American flag. Sunday off the west coast of Africa, and the Bold Adventure, American-owned) but ou eratkig under Panamanian registry, which was sent ta the bottom off Iceland last Thursday. er reported that her missing'number ed 15 seamen of various foreign na being searched by Navy patrols for a^triipe of additional survivors and nomced the torpedoing of the Lehigh 'j to Msiaress conference Jfesterday-*. with regret, he said somberly?and he dwelt pointedly on the, cirrum stances of the sinking. There wae no: doubt;lie regarded it as additional] argument Tor putting guns on Ametfcj IPhe Lehigh, he said, had discharg- j ed A cargo at BHI#o, vSpain, and was' out cargo, oa a trading voyage.- to the Gulf coast She was sunk just north of the equator between South America and Africa, she was "flying thf 6te.ES and' Stripes. nan been pickM op?It' coutaiDGu 22 survivd^/iome of jhem Wtohnded: by incidents were eloquent enougifc Y formed sourcee^d^tha^tihg 3s?> ;J ???' ni'r ??"sfe&gI , ? ' II II >TTi. J ' | t^.;nmlt il.A response^Aaqv-fceen gooo#. Eccoroiiig "to the c8BV8ssws? All ? of the tospifi ? ? t nAAVt 4-n ' K/W>A)YIO H \rnA "l\&V6 HO t Deeil ScCXl H'Sr'vvvuiv ? . Everv(Xne is urged to make .V y . tinie large 01 He aaid thel j ^42 bTahte 1 to muft^ anything bTce tha( strength i ~| army, m.jrtil aa^he ^Qstenans, is).I ma, tie ap th. scales one way or the , 4S?3s ??. ^er of previous at- ll tacks" and that the German army I aatf J He pointed out that Hitler - had : failed-to achieve the decisive result i promised in hflj/Speech of; October 8* I Ike ?- W needs ^ more rllK In ravnr j mm -jfMm-? ppjftpE ? ? W? -'*'' 'U *ls~'iri' v.;U *^nUE?^Sjl JiDlO^ 11; v;Jflfla^a i' nonttnc w /:?^>,: '^lly I IT; vIIullKCu HI \ I r>-- ^- 01 :i""* I ' ' ? ? T?-j , x-?"'* I | IIBBIIJ1 . Ir^>ymjt .- ?? - ..... ~ ' .T.-y ?)-? [ Si , vj*f h^tv5K?^C-ifci?7"'?'.""v '? J H %t JL XjJL vi9 dtJLl^K XJLA vOwt OVilo t"-' -;^. ? ? ' ihorizmg ship arming would push the country closer to ufrr, Chairman ^ mentt prepared*te possible use later ' .. I ^nnally reitersted previous stete Connaliy reiterated previous state ments that he favored elimination of mv :h#u;jXe utralffcy :4ct provision* :%hich ,!'f . I ore vent ^ericin flagships beringr belligerei^jports or combating r- ; V;- - I He said, too, that "hooking up the aimed ship and the belligerent port (Uestions inlone bfll probably wouk|^. take less debate in the aggregate than passing the ship arming bill now fuxT considering the other problem - \ .ss.tarzrs's reached a^sdsion r^tog^^o w^d^L."wiwX s^J^Ptt2 I the neutrality lav be repealed conv ! I pletely, OonnaQy declared adding: ets that we might leave around *or>5. rM ornamental purposes." ? These provisions inciuae uuw iur- W bidding the use. of the American flag by foreign ships and granting the % ' fgovernment control oyer munitions idze men were lost In tha staking R& American freighter Boid Yen State Hull spoke scathingly of Nasi as?"* *?~Z ? But -wind was ^flashed meaayph^-" that atfi '89 of the&4m?ican -creiri^ /?; aboard the freighter Lehigh, which was .torpedoed on * training voyage off the Afrioiii feilge Sunday, haii.i^' 3 ?fg/the British warship Vimy, an old - group ?. third ^assistant engineer, Ifrifl Joseph Brady, Jr., was tajuredfasl^. y'l oualy in the chest and leg and a Mgr. I man, Joseph Bartlett, lost three toes. v..vl (^riahi disclosed that 86 men, all ; f I ighich- w?a sunk off Iceland I Thursday, with her cargo at cotton, Thus, with 17 landed aaffy at . ?