*i I MMOHHMIIiimyipni C. ?. ModHn was a tor Thursday. Mrs. J. S. Gates, of Sonatas,Spited friends here Monday. Mr. and Jin. J. a BoOard^ent - ? ?; H. C. Holland of Dunn, fcvtstong his sister, Mia & A. Gams. Miss Mamie StamriU spenra^Qm week end with relative* in Wilson. ? ? ? Miss Sallie Norwood visited rela tives in Henderson during -the week end. V ? ? ? ? Mrs. T. a Turnage has returned from a visit to relatives m Lumber ton. ' m ? ? Mrs. Marie Benson left this weed for a visit to relatives in Beaofort, S. C. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. "W. Leslie Smith were Greenville and Rocky Mount visitors Monday. ? ee % -V.V Miss Annie Perkins spent the wed; end with relatives and friends in Raieigh. ? 'ft; -j? I * * * . Mrs. Max McLeod, of Greensboro, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bass. m ^ ^ . E. C. Beaman and daughter, Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver were Raleigh visi tors Tuesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Claude L. Barrett and son were Kinston visitors during, the week end. Mrs. R- H. Chadwick returned Tuesday from a visit to her farmer home in Beaufort. ? ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that E. C. Beaman is able to be out again after a recent illness. ? ? ? Mrs. Sena Parker has returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parker in New Bern. * * * Miss Rosa Williams moved tins week into an apartment in the home of Mrs. F. G. Dupree, Sr. ? ?? Dr. P. E. Jones left Thursday to attend a National Dental convention being held in Houston, Texas. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr., of Greensboro, spent several days of this week with Mrs. J. L. Shackle ford. * ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holston, of Norfolk, Vs., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Lang during the week end. ? ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Earl Modlin and small daughter, of Portsmouth, Va^ spent the week end with relatives here. ? . ?? Mrs. I. E. Satterfield, of Wilson, and Mrs. Boy Lessiter, of Greenville were guest# of Mrs. W. Leslie Smith Wednesday. ? ? ? Roland Modlin, of Bdhaven, sad Miss Mary WHlard, of Greenville were guests of Mr. end Mrs. C. E Modlin Sunday. ? ? * Misses Helen and Haidah SmH I attended the Convocations! meeting I of the Episcopal Chorch held in Hert I fozd Wednesday. ? Tommy TOis, who 5a attending ? the Federal Apprentice School in ? Newport News, Va^ spent the week I enr at his home here. ? ? ? ?. I Mr. and Mrs. Tommy S. ByosaBj I attended the football game at Dnhej I drw^ej^STto^idSeB^ F Thursday, after a visit to Mrs. M I wards' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M I Whdess. ? I Friende will be fiad to learn tW I ^ Johp T" who inderweni I -heme m m m K. ' t . w' ?.*;*Sr''^. ? ? 1 ? "?'**. '' _ . yj" , ' ? - - T7? mitj'l Uaik| Tj.Viil p Waa/) Tpa of Ocean Park, Lynnhaven, Va.,* m ????? ? - - Archie Parker, who has been nerv ing in the United States Army with headquarters at Camp Polk, has re ceived an honorable discharge and has acrepted a position in the Nor folk Navy Yard. ?-a Frie.ids will be glad to learn that J, W. Joyner, who left last week for St. Joseph Hospital, Lexington, Ky., for possibly, a second operation and treatment, is responding so nicely to treament that an operation is not deemed necessary, and therefore will be able to return home sooner than first expected. SURPRISE PARTY Farmville friends carried a covered dish dinner over to Kinston Monday evening and held a surprise celebra tion at the home of Mrs. J. S. Gates, in observance of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gates resided in Farmville for a number of years before mov ing their residence to Kinston and have many friends here. - ATTENDED MEETING The following members of the Bap tist Woman's Missionary Society at tended the Baptist W. M. U., Rocky Mount Division, which held its an nual meeting in Immanuel Church, Greenville, Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph Batchelor, president of the local Society, Mrs. John B. Joyner, who took part in the pro gram, Mrs. C. L. Beaman and Miss Frances Beaman, Mrs, J. H. Moore, Mrs. A. B. Moore, Mrs. W. J. Ras berry, Mrs. B. M. Lewis, Miss Mamie Davis, Mrs. Appie Flanagan, Mrs. 0. H. Melton, Mrs. Ray Braxton, and Mrs. M. P. McConnell. BIRD NOTES iff'" **> 'f, . ."y ' -* Members of the Bird Club enjoyed a field trip on Saturday when they hiked down the Norfolk Southern rails to Mrs. Albert Hinson's, where they received a cordial welcome and were given water to quench their thirst The topic (ft discussion was the de vastation of woods by fire and its harmful effects on wild life. On the 1 hike the fire-blackened woods, which . were still burning, were used as an > object lesson and the boys were cau tioned to always extinguish cigar ettes found burning as a precaution r against disastrous fires. t ' George Monk was welcomed as s i new member at this time. Apples and toasted marehmaUows were en joyed as a special treat ? p-t. a. The regular monthly meeting o? I the P.- T. A. yaa held in Perkins Hall, Thursday evening, October 16th at 7:30 o'clock with the president, I Mrs. Mac Carrarway, presiding. ? The meeting was opened with the !{-,< -:a - . ? rrjii. |i"?ZlCv TY1 g^l.|qcr XlO ufi nftlfl OvuU t JM it i. , r)' ? , ? *? *' T t-i- j* j rf .^4 ??* . ] SOCIAL CALENDAR | Monday, October 27 H 3:00 P. M.?Garden Club meets 11 with Mrs. John B. Lewis and 11 Mrs. Dadar inar at .the home I of Mrs. G. M. Holder Tuesday, 28 4JI 3:30 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet (I with Mrs. R. A. Fields. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Friday, 31 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M. Woodmen of the World., \ ? _ ^ ? & **' jk I A' jjjj ? M ?? J I I fwYr ' -' ?? ' *""*V , ? -. r fpCvX _ Vj - " v" Vv" ?? * J *^? of "core prixo, ? ?ttspst of groceries, contributed by Pender's, was Mrs. L. E. Walston; second prize, two pairs of Claussner lyton hose, donated by TUrnage Co., iras won by Ifrs. M. V. Jones, and he third award, Paramount Theatre ackets, by .Mrs. Arthur &'Joyner.?? I t The second series is scheduled for Wednesday, November 12. Three ovely prises will be offered, each time and individual scores will be sept throughout the series for the arrand prize, one of the nearest models in bridge lamps, donated by the Parmville Furniture Co. Table reservations may be made >y contacting the chairman, Mrs. D. R. Morgan, and members of the com mittee in charge,-Mrs. M. V. Jones, Mrs. Z. M. Wbitehunst and Mrs. P. E. Jones. Members of the Progressive Bridge Club *ivi ?AiitininV friends, Mrs. S. A. Roebuck, Mrs. W. M. Willis, Mrs, D. R. Morgan, Mrs. Robert Rouse and Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst, played in the tournament as guests of Mrs. Jack Smith. Prizds of lovely handker chiefs were presented to Mrs. W. C. Askew, winner of the. club award, and to Mrs. S. A. Roebuck, winner of guest prise. ' / . .... ; The assembly room of the D.-A. K. Chapter House was beautifully dec orated with pink dahlias, marigolds, ageratum and lupin, and the mantels bore arrangements of magnolia leaves and ivy. The committee in charge of house arrangements is| composed of Mrs. J. O. Pollard, Mrs. C. Moore, Mrs. B. S. Sheppard and Miss Tabitha DeViscontL Table decorations of autumn fol iage, fruit and pumpkins gave a seasonal not to the banket room of the Chapter House, where a variety of sandwiches and cookies wfcre serv ed by the refreshment committee, composed of Mrs. A. C. Monk, Sr., Mrs. Louise Harris, Mrs. C. R. Town send and Mrs. Jesse Moye. Russian tea was poured from one end of the table by Mrs. D. R. Morgan, Tourna ment chairman. Series of Parties Among the loveliest of social events of the entire fall season was the series of partieargftun by. Mrs. Wesley B. Willis Tuesday afternoon and evening, at her borne on Walnut Street. Bowls of handsome roses and arrangements of pink dahlias, lupin, ageratum and marigolds were need with pleasing effect in the roams 'where tables bore appointments sug gestive of Hallowe'en. In the afternoon, Mrs. Willis fcgd as guests the members of her eerd club and additional friends for five tables of contract. After the games Mrs. W. Leslie Smith, winner of high score, was presented a hobnail flow er bowl as en award, and Mrs. George Moore, Jr., received the guest prize, a crystal bowL Mrs. W. Drake was i given a bowl of bulbs as eonaolation, ? and table pH^swere woTS* BT I A. C. Monk, Jr., Mis. J. I. Morgan, ? Jr, Mrs. Arthur P. Joyner, Wm. ? Robert Monk and Mirs. Harry Harper. I In the evening, Mrs. L. E. Walston I won the high score award, and the I consolation went to Mrs. John it. ? Mewborn. The slam prise, facial tip- : ? sues, was retained by Mrs. Bob iRsefc?Mrs. John B. Wright, J*., of "Greensboro, an odfi- 'of town guest, was remembered with a lovely gift. Table prizes were,won by MraK. O, Lang, M? W. M. Willis, Mpa B. S. Sheppard, Mrs. C. S. Hotchki*ind I Mrs. J. Y. Monk, Jr. Delicious heavenly hash, seiyed; on | both occasions, was followed by J I cheese cakes, candies in pumpkin de-J sign and Fall activitiar ?T5?" Junior Worn ail's Club were continued at a delight-1 ?Jful meeting held at the home of Mrs. rfoct in the Mome, .4 . I t!a ' r> tW?^M^?Sr'reeeni GlS^Safe J Institute held at Greenabofe. Miss ^.-- * ___. rjai ? tt n I-i ? - ? i i ? .? , , - A ^ . Tl? I Qumerly gave an interesting 4alk on the courses of study and events of the week's program. Mias LUla Gay nor, pianist, rendered two beautiful] Frank Harper, Mrs. Garris and Mrs. Bobbltt reported visits to parents made with. Mre. Caraway, teacher of the grade adopted by the Auxiliary, in relation to grade! mother service rendered during thej month. Mrs. J. H. Bynum, chairman of ???he finance committee t?yi Mrs. I I'M. V. Horton, membership chairman, outlined plans being made by their committees for fall activities. Notee of appreciation from ex-service men at Oteen, to whom cheer had been sent daring the month were read byj Mrs. Louise D. Harris.. Delicious refreshments were serv ed after adjournment. WMfaiMabv PhiK A delightful meteting of the Wed: nesday Afternoon Club was held this week with Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver as gracious hastess. The Hallowe'en colors and motifs were carried in de tail, beihg 'observed in, the floral ar rangements and in refreshments as won* After guests had arrived, hostess plates containing rolled sandwiches, ham biscuits, pickles, olives and1 chocolate cake were placed on each table and accompanied by an iced beverage. In the games which followed, Mis. George Moore, Jr., was awarded a bonbon dish as high score prise, and Mrs. Rob Riser received the consola tion, a crystal ash tray. Special guests were Mrs. H. Neal Howard and Mrs. John B. Wright, Jr., a former member of this group. New DealQub The New Deal Club enjoyed a morn ing of bridge with Mrs. Billy Burke as hostess and with additional-friends playing in the progressive games. Zinnias, marigolds and lupin were used in colorful arrangements on the mantels and tables, and the circus idea .was carried out in the novel table appointments, which included circus performers. Balloons also added to the festive atmosphere, and the color note of red, white and bine was effectively used. In the bridge games Mrs. Prank Davis, Jr., won the dab prise, sheer hosiery, and Mrs. C. H. Joyner was awarded perfume as the guest prise. Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson receiv ed a vase as oonsolation. The. bingo games, which followed, again empha sized tho. Circus Day ids* did -the reiresnments, waxen consisted 01 cheeseburgers, slaw, tomato aspic, deviled ^eggs, pickles, crackers, ice cream and animal cookies. Mrs. Burke had as special guests, Mrs. R. T. Williams, Mrs. Waltej ' ;Jones, Mis. C. BL Joyner, Mis. Xy thur F. Joyner, Mrs. Lath Mprris and 1 Mrs. Jimmie Surrett. ? . .# ? -2. Wr** i^j? Mv ? _ I rarmrrices LiiinD '^r? p.-'?p-r ? ? *,7vr5r* ^qjw\? ? T V.**- ~,. ?." ? J l .^fSnrl^T!"\ I ill fill T. * iiirl (^fi - SI 1 Ti I iiil/L ? ill pftfli it^fifl ?tOIii?" | | ' -, ? j come approaching 13 IdlHon dollars, J greatest since the lush days of 1920. I Quoting latest estimates released I ? |. rw "? ** ? ( ? 1 i ? u ?J ? - - : - W* Kur^ Pit'C I; p^pSuSf* ing this emergency, J?i i I ?-Favorable ??-egg"' prices, together with the Government pledgio -to -put I a floor under prices, provide a, strong: > I incentive to boost production.' I I ? I Dairyman Requested^ I j To Increase Supply The greatest seed for increased production under the nation's gigaa? tic food-for-defense program in 1942 lies in the field of dairying, says John A. Arey, extension dairyman of N. C. State College. . Yet existing facilities for produc tion in relation to probable needs in dicate that dairy farmers of the coun try face a different task in meeting the national 1942 production goal of 126,000,000,000 pounds, an increase I of 7 per cent 'over the 117,000,000,000 pounds expected to be produced in 1941. However, North Carolina farmers will find the deniand not too difficult to meet, since they have been asked to increase production by only 4 per ceifc, -This year it is estimated that Tar Heel cows wiU give 1,462,000,000 pounds of milk. Next year their' goal has been Set at 1,520,000,000. At the same time, North Carolini ans have been asked to add 10,090 milk cows to their herds by next year. Cow popnl&bn this year is estimat ed at 880,000. Next year the-Gov ernment has asked that it be jumped to 890,000. I The State College specialist point ed out that better feeding.and man-' agement should bring North Carolina up to its 1942 goal with no trouble. He expressed confidence that cow owner? of this State would heed the Government's request and try to do i their part in this national defense ' effort. ' ' "-V; ? ?? Much of the expected increase will I be used ?t home , to improve ihfi health ot American eitisens, while , additional large amoqnte will be > shipped overseas to the British . through the Lease-Lend Act. 1 ' ? : ? Mass production of munitions un der way in number of plants. ? .. 1 S ? 9 ; .y, _ FIMEIK MAYO^mMCO ,.d?W UtoMhrCwt 1?-Automatic Cut-off Valves IllSSeSSe One^ace Porcelain coated inner Cyl : J?ij| i r n' ?" ? '"''A. ->A. ?* " Many other Florence-Mayo Exclusive Features "The World's Best Tobacco Curer" LEWIS & LANG, Distributors FARMVILLE, N. C. ? PLAN TO ATTEND THE ? ^ IN GREENVILLE, N. G V. ? ' ~ * ? ' ^Lt To Ball Park ? r-"?/?. - ? ^ ? , There will be Pine Harness Horses, Cham pion 5and-3 Gaited Horses, Champion Walk ing Horses, Hunters, Jumpers and Pleasure Will Participate In The Show. i ii iiitiii aiiii.itfii' ?T"- ? ''.?ei-'T-f\. \ i"': r-lI<"'^&'''.' v>S> + :c. '?*'>'?''?-? *v. * '' 52 ?^V*' -- '' J ? . . iyiUM IAB I ll^g Ii MMMT ?? - - ? lit:- ;: ?"? ?.>-??; :.>v: : : ??: ? / S ' A WESTS NGHOUSE " ' ' ' ' ' ^^H9?9re8||