^1 's'^4 " ??^?j Mil I II Wll?1 ft A VVO XaRu lfajtp*GkNMnl Jjoo^ L? Dfvfu'n. uao vu . . J , I ? four of' tnfr * stroctSTM axe TV imhAi i i j by 90 feet. *. ; x'V. ^ jv I i ---?- ? i- t ', j'lji ? - . ajak. i j voice is xmpertaw?;qeaaK*i*. hopm: I . ? ? iL/j . . jmm raa rill ITI ?? a# 1 1 I wegi&n xonage xbcjcqmob ojo smps ui j ] I Britirii Bod 198 sbipe ^ 1 ^ I ^ SOVIET GOLD | : I I of i.O^S^Liwdflm troops and to|! I mands from abroad. I 2. Adolf Hitler. - Fl 3. 1958. ^ ^ j! ^fA*^toh aaedieni comt, wUehlj ruled aititxarily, secretly and with-1, growing stronger in. wrath aa HieL In Eastern Ruririi. far *h* j1 ? S- Vvjl. "' ' *-" V-? "? " "" ", -' - I . I pwwayr battle lines, Pravda went on,!' I And betoTltoeto yet untapped!. Tirmrrng" mr will go late?Mm. I atety by ft si&ui&f ynpniiniHiv). call at belligerent porta or traverse jomhat zones. ^Govefcent but vift the eriti Daovinsr jmd^ efficiently in the iiiWdon^ Republican presidential nominee in 1936 contin sea ins vigaroup attack upon^ tlie mwrinwai production r ..11 J.^i. , ,, Lii signea aamtniwtfatxix, or attorney, as. Farmvillo, N. Cn on or before the 10th day of October, 1942,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to 8?id -estate will please rnalrft immedi ate settlement* This the 10th day of October, 1941. ' Saiah f. Phillips, A ilmln ??! mi I nf ? .nl {,: . The Turnsgc Co*) Inc* ? ~.,s ^ ~ Baby Chicks Every DAVIS SUPPLY CO. lfaravjlle, N. C. . Save With SING'S HI-TEST GAS * Resrular First Grade 1st Grade^Kerose&e 10c G&L Bfotor .00 10c Qt and Up .300 SOUTH MAIN ST, , r*" ! ! i lumber" Farmville Retail Lumber Yard ? Phone 302-1 ? Located Noar Norfolk Sootkera ^ Depot ? FaraiTiDe, N. C. ^lumbe^ moving* SCREEN DOOR STOCK. J ^ v Tour Patronage _ Respectfully Solicited -WI' ^B&^r - BP ' ?? w ? ?f- - K.; " WP'? . ? > ?>, H*? |Hj ?? m h Ik - JH'V"I H ~M :-B B ? ? ! 0 " ^^SgsaiWiBK^fe' -?v?^3a--: 1_? W''igaffi&i *& ^?K=_ mm .u'MjawtiE Sflap*^ -tf *&?'' WCV;^^^?;-^^B';-,,.r^^E-Bpi)|^E.:jHlW'' ? ^^R^K"; ' r; "-'"? '^B.' . V- ^0 V M ? ? "B--'"^^B . -r ? 'i-^^m- ^^0- -. 'B rW .^" ,'v** ^-?i-? V ~._^B'?*. j^m gnggjfl^''.. \fr*