FarmTille Enterprise J a ALEX ROUSE, Owner 4 Mgr. Bra Horton tThsrMsford ' !<< ^ ? THE BOUSE PRDEFEBY 1 One Year *L50 ? Six Mentha lie ADVERTISING BATES: Display (Minium) Me Par lack AH Legal sdvs. Se a toe per week Published weekfy entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the PostaCfiee at FwrmvflJe, N. CL, un der act of March Sii 1878. PEACE HAS ITS PRICE v ? The people who say they hope the world will one day enjoy peace and that peoples will develop the ares of civilization without recort to war fare seldom ask themselves the price that individuals must pay for per manent peace. s . No nation, and no people, can selfishly retain every advantage and expect other nations, and other peo ples, to like it. The United States can hardly take pride in its higher standard of living, and maintain it by artificial devices, while pretend ing to serve the cause of humanity unselfishly. We are not saying that we must give up our progress but, if we want permanent World pence, we must be ready to share everything with the world. ONLY ONE QUESTION BEFORE US The foreign policy of the United States, epitomized in the Lend-Lease law and implemented by appropria tions made by Congress, is the only foreign policy of this country. Loyal Americans are confronted, therefore, with a choice of support ing their government's foreign policy, or opposing it. There is no middle ground and no way, under our con stitutional system, of altering it for some months to come. It is well-known that the enemies of democracy contend that the peo ple of a free nation will not unite in support of their government to an extent that will enable any liberal country to withstand the organized impact of a totalitarian state. The people of this republic today face only one question: Can a free people, with differing opinions as to proper foreign policy, unite in sup porting the foreign policy proclaimed by responsible and constitutional au thority, in accordance with law and tradition? Herr Hitler, and his stooges, have taken the negative side of the debate. They are assisted, at times, by ill-ad vised Americans who hardly realize the gravity of their attempt to ham string the government in its rela tions with these foreign states. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT WHEREAS, our heavenly Father on September 4, 1941, saw fit to call from earth one of oar most faithful and loyal members of the fWmville Fire Department, and at one time Secretary of the Department, Mr. George Marion Shirley; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED First: That we express oar deep est appreciation for his twenty-four years of ansrifigh and loyal service to the Fire Department and the Town of Farmville in giving of his time sad effort without the hope of mtth ly reward in the saving of life sad Property of his F'eUow-Man. Second: That we express to his family our deepest sympathy. Third: Hist in the passing of Brother Shirley, we bow in humble submission to "Him who does all things welL Fourth: That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon tie min utes of the Farmville. Fire Depart ment, and ? copy be mailed to the family and the Earmville Enterprise. Committee: R. A. JOYNER, ED NASH WARREN, LATH MORRISS. WOMEN M mm MM mm M/i wwwWwl& V ^ w H Popular 61 years .? ? NOTICE OF SALE} : ? . Pursuant to the power and authori ty contained in as Order of re-sale, BRftEStSsBHin:^^:'/' L-& ' -0^1-J:,>'ija undivided interest in A 259-52/100 acre farm lying, being and situate in F,armville Township, Pitt County, N. C.; Known as the Francis Joyner Farm, and being the identical lands and premises described under Section 0 of the petition filed in said Special Proceedings, to which reference is hereby made for an accurate descrip tion. ||| TOWN LOTS: One vacant lot situate on the East side. of Main Street in the Town of Farmville, "County of Pitt, North Carolina, ap proximately 75 by 200 feet, and be ing the identical lot and premises described Under Section E of the petition 'filed' in said Special Pro ceedings, hereby referred to for an accurate description: ? One vacant tot situate on the East side of Grimmershurg Street, in the. Town of Faxmville, Pitt County,! North Carolina, approximately 95 by 210 feet, and being the identical lands and premises described under Section F of the petition filed in said Special Proceedings, hereby, referred to for an accurate description. This the 3rd day of November, 1941. ... R. Tv- MARTIN, Commissioner. Date OfSale-November 19th, 1941. Place of .Sale?Front of Town Hall, Farmville, N. C. Time of Sale?12 o'clock?Noon. Terms of Sale?Gash. N-7-2t > v Miss Hazel McKeel of the Enfield High School faculty spent last week end with her mother, Mrs. Trypheina MeKeeL Mies Lillian Corbett and Mrs. W. A. Msrlnwe were Goldsboro visitors, Friday. Mrs. Geo. Edwards and Mrs. Carrie Brown of Show Hill were in town for a abort while Tuesday. Mrs. T. (X Hicks, Mrs. W. A. Mar lowe, Miss Helen McKinney, Anne Hicks and Evelyn Fields were Ral eigh shoppers, Saturday. Mrs. W. V. Redick and Mrs. L J. Rouse woe the guests of Mrs. J. B. Hinson and Mrs. Geo. Eason in Show HiB, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. JF. EL Goin and Miss Alice Goin were Goldsboro shoppers; Tuesday. Mrs. G. W. Ba3ey, Rayonell Bailey, Mrs. R. D. S. Dixon, Pauline, Fran cis, Doris and RQly Dixon were Wil son visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Yetverton of Pmceton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bailey, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jones and Miss Fannie Mae Smith were Goldsboro visitors Monday. < Friends of Mrs. A. J. Craft will be glad to know that-she is out after a recent Alness. Mr. and Mrs. w. a. vuay, at. ana Mrs. Douglas Walston and Miss Grace Dildy visited relatives in Nor folk, Vs., Sunday. Miss Dildy re mained, having accepted a position as beauty operator. Miss Alice Talley was the dinner guest of Mrs. Lydia Walston, Sun day. Rev. Key W. Taylor and Mrs. J. W. Webster were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hicks, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Craft, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Craft and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bynum of Farmville attended the R. L. C. A. Banquet in Bath, Fri day night. Mr.-and Mrs. Floyd Sutton and daughter, Fay, of Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ellis of Wilson, visisted their mother, Mrs. Nita Shackleford, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Simpson, of Washington, D. C., announce the birth of a daughter, Carolyn Lang, on Sunday, October 26th, Providence Hospital. Mrs. Simpson was before her marriage Miss Virginia Lang, of Walstonburg. Students of the seventh grade of the Walstonburg school made a tour of the Capital City Tuesday. They visited the Hall'of History, Museum, shook hands with Governor Brough ton at his office in the Capital Build ing, visited the Air Port, Dix Hill, State Prison and Blind School. They were accompanied by their teacher, Miss Naomi Sommerville, H. T. Her ring, J. C. Gardner, D. D. Fields, Ar thur Jones and Mrs. Graham Smith. Charity is a great virtue but it is seldom seen in economic activities. ? w OAliw 1 V I ? ?.??...> ?? ' '??Vi ^ uri^Sii 1 I A ^Alirj I ^ ? ! ? rAJKl jjlXiJuiJX ' iHjp'l ? - jry-"? ?! Vy ^ '?'*'' J ? g JL/AWAX. ?*? V .*-? ? ? S Fur Trimmed COATS I Just in for this one big sale, fine fur trimmed coats . . all sizes ? and a good selec tion of colors & styles. Values to $16.50 $995 Wmea's New Fall KATS All o? the^ne* Apes and the latest Fall cdore Values to $2.00 Children* Sox ... 5c I ! WOMEN'S Mm P?tiM.. isc SALE! ? 27 INCH ? OUTING ? Colors White, Blue, Pink or Grey IOC yd. -MEN'S Cotton Stockings 10c WOMEN'S Rayon Slips . . 48c IF W^plwFe 3 0 0 NEW I DRESSES Special for this sale, 800 bright new frocks in the \ season's very newest styles Buy several at this low price Igl ? SALE!? 36 INCH FAST COLOR SHIRTING SALE ! ? 200 CRINKLED Bed Spreads DOUBLE BED SIZE 69c DOUBLE BED SIZE COTTON PA. BLANKETS... O 57 C ? SALE! ? IEMT TOWELS Heavy bath towels in solid color pastels or plaids?values to 19c 15c ? ? SALE! ? ? Men's New Fall SKITS | Hundreds of new Fall suits in hard finishes or tweeds . . . ? M Mm V single or double breasted JRI models?a size to fit every-^raB CAQC ' yllvv T ?? H Sh BOYS' ? HEAVY OVERALLS I SIZES 4 to 16 I 59c | MEN'S I Heavy Unions I ALL SIZES 36 to 46 ? I I TABLETS CCI 2 For I ? SALE! ? I PART WOOL I Double BLANKETS I Assorted Colors H . I Sale Soap g ? Swfrn Soap .?6c I ? Lifebouy Limit 5 cakes. *Vj ? SPECIAL SALE! ? * 200 Pairs Fine Ruffled CURTAINS New ruffled curtains in white ecru or pastel colors?full 2^ yards lengths $1*00 ?> : : _|_ ? SALE! ? WO,MEN'S SPORT OYFARnfi VAf UH1I9 ..vlSo'i ' '? ? ? Women's all leather sport oxfords . . . your choice of brown or black?Values to $2.50 DAVK SUPPLY CO. Farmville? *1?. ? BHBHBBHBHHHHBBWBBBbwbwbm I ? ^ ~ ' " ? ??jiL ?: '?. ? ?:?'?, - . ? W^BB. ' - ^B ^B ^B ^B >? WW ?? ? X |U v vn ijnifimf~ ? i 1 '-?'? A n ? ? VICTil\|MOi9k v H ? * ? a ^B ? Z " ?" W - ^B^B ^B -;ii"v ahaaphu ????%* . ''0' ]- ? ''?m-^' .\'w% ?? f\?L. ' ? :*-' 1 48Hm w awtJUP CDAftFDV RS jmyy^ n yb Jf ^1 ? ;HHB-' I '-^Wsta m ^\. f* wi ? * b n * * w% ? m ,W-.. (TiCiil@$$ r lours and CJudittt/ foouS (if N!&asanan?& Etric@s I . :__ ** # ? " ' 1 ' w . 1 1 J ,. ? ? . _ _ . , . ., ; ? . . ? HI B| B H H ^H b H ^g| |gh ji -?--. yyg r3^- H TItnnll B HT'I H-B B ; H JHE b/-^B JHB^^IpPl^y ?? 'w#Pi-? jH^'gli^' - H^ -4^ .|..|HfaO- ? & BH:^Bf: -I ?- "^H STATION