++t i i ih?*I*M?IMM??*>II ?????* I - Mia Mary Barbae spent Soaday in Wilson. * * * Mrs. J. W. Parker left Tuesday on a trip to California. ? * * . -? ; Miss Sal lie Norwood was a week aid visitor in Henderson. * * * Miss Louise Farrier spent the week end in ffeyetteville. ? ? ? Miss Margaret Smith was a Ral eigh visitor, Wednesday. . ? ? ? Miss Annie Lee Jones spent the week end in Vandermere. ? * ? Charles Hotohkiss spent several days of this week in Norfolk. ? * * > Miss Raster Mae Gay of Wilming ton spent the week end here. * * ? Miss Annie Perkins was a Raleigh visitor during the week end. ? ? ? Mrs. Faank Sproul of New Bern spent Thursday in the city. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. John Bynum were Tarboro visitors on Tuesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Oglesby of Kinston spent Tuesday here. ? ? ? Miss Margaret Hester was'a Rox boro visitor for the week end. ? * ? ; Miss Louise Robinson spent the week end at her home in Oriental. I" * * ? Harold Rouse was the week end guest of Sonny Gates in Kinston. * * ? . Miss Nancy Gates of Kinston visit ed friends here during the week end. * * ? Miss Jean Thomas of Washington spent the week end at her home, here. * ? * Emerson Smith, student at David son, spent the week end at his home here. ?Mrs. J. M. Hobgood has returned from a visit to relatives in Hender sonville. * * * J. T. Windham and Miss Her ri et Carr were Greenville visitors, Monday. * * * Mrs. Owl Turnage, Jr., is spending this week with relatives in Wash ington, D. C. * * * Mrs. Robert Lee Smith and Mrs. M. V. Horton were Raleigh visitors on Tuesday. * * * Robert and Bryan Shirley of Nor folk are visiting their mother, Mrs. R. C. Shirley. ... ? ? ? Miss Edith Evans of Kelford is spending the week end with Miss Louise Paschall. * * * / Mrs. Tommy Ryon has returned from a week's visit to her parents in Washington, D. C. . * * ? Mr. and Mrs. Zack White of Ral eigh are spending the week end with Mrs. R. C. Shirley. ? * * Mr. and Mrs. Russell Britt of Ayden were guests of Mrs. Agnes Blount on Sunday. > * * Mrs. Linwood Joyner and son, Larry, have returned from a visit to relatives in Norfolk. ? ? * Claries Blount Quinerly, student at Chape] Hill, will spend the week end at his home here. ? ? ? Miss Ruby Bunch, Mis. Ruth Tee! and Mrs. L. W. Godwin were Rock} Mount visitors Tuesday. * * * Hugh Ras berry of Wilmingtoi spent the week end in the city, visit ing relatives and friends. ? ? * I Mr. aixL Mrs. Clyde Finch an family of Henderson apart Sunda; with Mrs. J. M. Christman. I I Mr. and Mrs. David Oglesby, Jr. of Elisabeth City, were the week en guests of Mrs: Ruth TeeL I ? Mr. and Mrs.* Curtis Flanagan an I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Raaberry spen I the wade end in Philadelphia. ? v ? ? * I Mrs. Maggie Jackson, of Aydei spent several days of this week wit her sister, Mrs. Albert Jones. I * * * Miss Yvonne Smith, student J ? Peace College, Raleigh, spent ti ? ; Mr. and Mm Stewart Powell < Reidsville were the week end guesi I of Mr.'and Mrs J. G. Smith. I I Mrs. L. E. Walston, this week. I 1 * * ? Mrs. Ellen Seaman returned We nsaday from a visit to her sisU tf? , lar* . ft... .I mk - 11 *? J MnL lftF ? *-?' ? - ?MMnm in ieTBiC?e*^TCini_ MM Wr ? ?? ? 1 1 ?? ? ?? M ?< ? ? Tpd ' A1hritfc/iT> at ^hH|hlnff spent Wednc Miss Ella Beth McCrery, of Cole-j rain, student at Peace College, Ral eigh, spent Sunday with Miss Yvonne Smith. - * * * We regret to report that Miss Gay Pippin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Pippin is critically ill in a Kins ton Hospital. ? ? * ? Miss Mabel Barrett is recuperating at Woodard-Herring hospital in Wil son, following and appendectomy on Wednesday. ? * * < Mrs. Prank Young, Mrs. W. Y. Swain and James Young of Hender son visited relatives and friends here on Wednesday. ? * ? Mrs. B. 0. Turnage, Jr., and son, Jack, of Columbia, S. C., arrived] Tuesday for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Turnage, Sr. -* * * Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Turnage and Mr. and Mns. J. Y. Monk, Jr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lupton in Belhaven. ?a * * Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Allen and sons, Wyatt and Sam, of Dixon Springs, Tennessee, are guests - of Mr." and Mrs. W. A. Allen. * * ? Miss Frances Howard will attend the Home-coming dances at Hamp den-Sydney College in Hampden-Syd ney, Ya.,~ during the week end. ? * ? Lieutenant A. P. Hammond of Fort Custer, Michigan, is spending a two weeks- leave with Mrs. Ham mond at the home pf Ts E. Barrow. * ? * Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nash Warren took their son, Bert Barrow, to Wil son for a tonsil operation at' the Carolina General Hospital, on Thurs day. . - * * ? Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ivey and chil dren, C. L., Jr., and Edna Ruth, left Thursday morning for Lumberton to attend the funeral of Mrs. H. F. Ivey and Infant. ? ? * Mrs. J. L. Parker and children, Lee, Jr., Mariah Jane, and Roland Trimbull Parker, have returned after 1 an extended visit to Mrs. Parker's 1 parents in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones and ' daughter, Miss Dotdee, and Arthur : Joyner were among those attending the State-Carolina football game, in , Chapel Hill .on Saturday. 1 ? ? * Charles F. Baucom attended the Christian Educational Conference oi t the Synod of the North Carolina Presbytery which was held in th< First Presbyterian Church in Greens boro, Monday through Wednesday. i * * * Friends will regret to learn thai 7 Mrs. Dora Keel is suffering fron phlebitis at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Madeline Rountree, ii j Washington, D^C. Mrs, Keel and Mrs J. L. Shackleford were spending th week end with Mrs. Rountree whei d Mrs. Keel was taken sick. If LUNCH ROOM MENU kabkvnxa school ?? K ? ?, week of nov. 1? mm Monday?Sliced com beef, strin it baaaa, potato salad, com bread, ltk * qrwd?i *** m collaids, sweet potato fltrff, cor f bread, lQe; Cup cake with lsmo ? sauce, ^c. g Wednesday?Snaps and pork, sla\ ' candied jwms, earn meal muffin * 10c; Lemon pie, 6c, > Thursday?Salmon loaf, potato sa ad, slaw, biscuits, 10c; Oat ma cookies, 5c. Friday?Meat loaf, cabbage ai ' apple sateL baked sweet potatoe biscuits, 10c; Caramel pie, 5c. *-| The wisedt man is not the one wl | talks the most or shouts the loudest 1 11 1 I SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, Mot. 10 -i 3:30 P. M.?Circle No. 4, Metho dist Woman's Society'of Chris tian Service meets at the home ? pf Mrs. Charles Moringo. . ' Tuesday, 11 3:30 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet I with Mrs. M. V. Horton at the home of Mrs. 6. M. Holden. ! 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Banquet, hon oring tile Teachers and Rotary Anns, at the Country dub. - I Wednesday, 11 i 2:30 P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Bridge dub meets with Miss i Elizabeth Davis. 8:00 IV M.?D. A. R. Tournament. Friday, 14 " 3:30' P. M.?Woman's dub meets at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hob- I good with Mrs. R. A. Parker, Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., Mrs. A. i B. Moore and Mrs. J. M. Whe less as hostesses. . ' (T.I % f?h I miB 1^ | L Jill III mini iibiiJM ' ? i icyiiiyA U AfiffXIQC| * 8 ( 1 on Thursday afternoon and evening J J was a most enjoyable affair. Attract-M ive decorations of autumn leaves, Jl pumpkins, black cats and fall flowerB 1 carried out the seasonal motif, which, was repeated in the refreshments of 1 ice cream,* decorated cakes and Hoi- 1 lowe'en candies. Carolina Dairies of Greenville and Southern Dairies of j Wilson' donated the ice cream and Blackwood's of Parmville, the can dies. Prizes were won as follows:, in the afternoon, high score, a fifteen ' day pass to the theatre, given by the Paramount Theatre, was won by Mrs. James Lang; second high, red rosee, 1 given by Parmville Blower Shop, Mrs. . Frank Gass; third, ten gallons of gas, , (given by Archie Hinson, Mrs. Henri- . [etta Williamson; fourth, waste-paper | basket, given by the Furniture Store, Mrs. J. H. Paylor; fifth, a carton of ! -Camel cigarettes, given by R. E. Pickett, Mrs, Phil Combs; sixth, a pair of silk-hose, given by Dupree's, Mrs. James Wheless, Jr.; seventy, one dollar in trade, given by the Laundry, Mrs. W. M. Willis; eighth, costume jewelry, given by D. R. Morgan, Mrs. Arthur Joyner; ninth, carton of light bulbs, given by the Western Auto Store, Mrs. S. A. Roebuck; eleventh, a linen guest towel, given by El Ramey, Mrs. Robert Rouse; and the consolation prize, Revlon Nail Polish, given hy the Parmville Beauty Shop, | Mrs. R. H. Chadwick. ? - Prizes for the evening games were, i high score for the ladies, a table? I lamp, given by Belk-Tyler, won byl Mrs. Eva Shackleford; second high,l silk hose, given by the Turnage Co., j Mill Annie Lee Jones; third, a pewter I vegetable dish, given by Field's Jew-j elry, Mrs. Robert Rouse; one dollar in trade, given by the Farmville Laun dry, Mrs. J. M. CKristman; one dolly I in trade, given by Williams' Grocery,! Mrs. David Harris; "shampoo and! finger wave, given by the Vogue! Beauty Salon, Mrs. B. S. Sheppard; one garment cleaned and pressed,] given by Rollins, Mrs. Henrietta Wil- ] liamson; Turkish towels, given by] N. Thomas, Miss Margaret Thigpen;] fruit, given by Crumpler's, Mrs. Hu-j bert Joyner; shoe cream,' given by Trevathan's, Mrs. J. R. Shearin; and] consolation, a manicure, given by the] Vanitie Boxe, Mrs. J. Y. Monk, Jr. J Men's prizes were: High score,! ten gallons of gas, given by Briley's, won by Ben Lewis; second high, two steaks, given by Bonnie's, Arthur Joyner; shaving set, given by the City Drug.Co, R. E. Pickett; a car ton- of Chesterfields, given by Bill] Royster, J. H. Paylor; wash and| grease, given by Bill Morton, Arthur Speight; wash and grease, given by Linwood Joyner, Dr. W. M. Willis; | wash or grease, givpn by Moore's] Service Station, E. H. Robinson, of Raeford; wash and grease, given by] Walter Hobgood, J. Y. Monk, Jr., one] car wash, given by Lum_ Woo ten, ] Dickie Thompson; tie and handker-1 I chief set, given by R. 0. Lang, Bob ] Fiser; one quart oil, given by Bradley] Paul Ewell; and the consolation, tie,] given by J. H. Harris, W. E. Drake. ] A bountiful basket of groceries,] given by Pender's Grocery and raf fled in the afternoon and evening 1 was won by Mrs. J. R. Shearin. Rose's donated the paper napkins . and gift wrappings. ' -C- ? _________ - * | Mrs. William Leslie Smith charm , ingly entertained the members of the .Contract Club and other guests on Tuesday afternoon at the D. A. R. Chapter House. Artistic _ arrange?; t ments of yellow and white chryan ?: - ? ' ?? . A Amraw 'fwiif fffllili) wnfU ' I ? ** A/ iilv DctlAU "AUi llftlu OioCulUJj pivalOo. olttl UalCa Wool 3en Lang, Mrs. Irvin Morgan, Mrs.! Walter Jones, Mrs. Bex Bodges, Mrs. mTh'o14^ Mr*' Rouse, ^M?. George Monk, Mrs. Hen Mrs. S. A. Roebuck, Mrs. E. C. Bea- ? Sooige Moore, Jr., Mrs. Jack Smith, j Mrs. W. C. Askew, Mrs. W. M. Wil lis, Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, Mrs. D. R. Morgan, Mrs. Pat Buffin, Mrs. Charles Hotchkiss, Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., Mrs. Harry Harper, Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, Mrs. John H. Paylor, Miss Elizabeth Davis and Miss Mary Friar Rouse. The Literary Club met on Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. M. Holden with Mrs. J. H. Harris as hostess. Dahlias in shades of rose were in pleasing- arrangement in the home. In the absence of the hos tess, guests were received by Miss Fanny Gary. Mrs. J. B. Joyner presided over a short business session during which Miss Tabitha DeVisconti presented plans, for the distribution of the Christmas Seals for this season. Mrs. Neal Howard, program chair man for the afternoon, interestingly developed her subject, "The Burling tonian Period," in continuation of the Club's study of Georgian England. During a delightful social hour, angel cake topped with heavenly hash was served followed - by coffee and cheese straws. N Special guests included: Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. Marvin Self, Miss Edna Robinson and Miss Fanny Gary. Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., and Mrs. L. E. Walston entertained at four tables of bridge at the P. T. A. Tournament on Thursday afternoon.- Mrs. Hen-! rietta Williamson, scoring high, won a double-deck of Congress playing cards. Refreshment covers were in Hal loween design-and in addition to the tournament plates, the hostesses passed salted nuts and' mints. i NOTE OF THANKS ,./M The Parent Teacher Association wishes to express its appreciation to the Farmville Merchants and each in dividual who participated in the suc cess of their recent game benefit (Signed) _ Mrs. Mack Carrawoy, Prts. . Mrs. Ted Albrittou, Mrs. R. E. Pickett, Mn. Walter Jones, - . i Finance Committee. - . i . i r , | Fountain; Leon, Chester,. Quilliver, I and Cecil Little, Farmville. I ?jhe world is made Up of many I types of human beings; you do not 1 . ... |- i - l.../' I nave to approve every type out you | might aa welt learn to lire amicably I adth those who do not appi^ve your | I Week ofNovember 8 SATURDAY K '? "% 1 H PJ^^OLtrM| I ft.' ' Tenth Chapter of lif"> ?h. >v-. -, v V 11 yW?; n ggpf "JUNOIB I n "Oar Gang" Conedj _ Cartoon ; ? -- i ' ,> ?' " , ^ id TUlBS13^L3r p ? TT?1? Hi#- V H Short Act i.i * . II , II WEDNESDAY I II ][ George Montgomery?in .?ki v . -'? ."-.if A NEW SHIPMENT OF THE FAMOUS Jacket* UNDERWEAR # M ? I ' 2/C# | We still have some of these good Solid Mahogany Suites, such as DOROTHY Wins., aboee, at the ohi low price-Come in and see these I I beautiful suites, WHILE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY?Other Bed Room I Suites in Maple and Walnut . . ? A POUR PIECE WALNUT FINISH SUITE ? A good stock of LOW and MEDIUM PRICED living Room Suites and I f Odd Pieces, Good Sofas, two and three piece suites. Get our LOW Prices- I ? A Three ^^e Matchied Suite as Low as ? ^ I M^stii^bowe R?frig?N?w 5 ! I I I \v . fk'': yW(l EST I N OlI O^ff E; p| II'

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