- , 1 ?nlp E. (X Caarr, Jr., ?P*t ?WT ?H, Raleigh I Mrs. J. K. Shearin wa? a Crctm F ville visitor, Wednesday. L Mr. and Mrs. R. A. ^tffcear wert I Goldsboro visitors, Monday. I Miss Fanny Gary is viafting bar I sister, Mrs. J. H. Hams. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carr w*re|| Greenville visitors, Monday. Mrs. Annie Riggsbee visited rela- I tives in Durham, Wednesday. Mrs. L. W. Godwin and<* friends spent Thursday in Baleigh Needham Askew, of Raleigh, * I visiting his sister, Mrs. "Lola Forbes. Miss Alice Harper Parker gent I the week end with relatives ? Snow , HUl. I Mr. and Mrs. B. H. spent Thursday and Friday in Beau fort I Mrs. J. W. Joyner and Mrs. W.C. Askew were Wilson visitors, Satur day. _ T A. Wass has returned to Cleve- I ,J5."Ohio after a virit to L,?ui I Bass. ? ?_ Ito Mrs. Grover H. Webb, of Pinetops,, spent Wednesday with Mrs. S. I Roebuck. II Bud Dixon, of Wilson, spent Wed nesday with his sister, Mrs. Louise || D. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Holmes re turned Wednesday from a visit to. Baltimore. .. II Fred G. Smith is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Herring in Kinston. Mrs. J. W. Holmes has returned: from a visit to relatives in Washing- J ^ ton, D. C. J S Mrs. D. E. Oglesby, of Kinston, U ? Was the guest ofMrs. A. Q. Roebuck, Wednesday. h Mrs. H. L. Watson, of Wilson,! spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. j J. Y. Monk. E W. B. Herring, of La Grange, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dar-I den, Sunday. h Mrs. E. N. Petteway has returned j " from a visit to he* former home at q Lake View, S. C. Friends will be glad to learn that r Mrs. S. A. Garris is recuperating aft- ( er a recent illness. I Mrs. Mattie Taylor left this week h for a visit to her son, Dr. M. E. T?y-| lor, in High Point. J C VKggpft Gray and Elsie Carraway n and Wade Drake were Greenville J visitors, Wednesday. j ^ Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. W. Leslie Smith is recuperating j c from a recent illness. ^ 11 Mrs. Henry Barrett has returned to Ralegh after a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Jennie Flanagan. Friends will regret to learn that I a Mrs. Preston B. Murphrey is ill at her home near Farmville. Mr. and Mrs. Hop Smith, of War saw, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. i Haywood A. Smith, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Skinner, of . Greenville and son, Gene, spent Sat- j ^ urday with Mrs. J. D. Owen. l ^ Mrs. George E. Moore, Miss Metai King Moore and Fred Moore were h T?aloigh visitors, Wednesday. 11 Mrs. I. & Satterfield and Mrs. C. , T. Dixon, of Durham and Wilson,!] were visitors here, Wednesday. J1 Miss Frances Winstead and J. W.[ Holmes visited relatives in Richr., mond, Vs., during the week end. J, Miss Louise Hams^o^rScly 1 I Mount, spent tike week end wiith her I parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Holmes and chfldren, of Hertford, spent the week ? end with Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Holmes. Paul Hicks Burnett, of Hampton, I Vs., spent the week end with his pa I rents, Mr. and Mrs. George Burnett. Mrs. Robert Lee Smith, Mrs. M. V. I Horton and Miss Alic6 Harper Park I Mr. ani jfrk jk O. Pollard return- J I ed Monday from * visit to their son, I Miss Margaret Lewis, Miss GeraK I I - Stantonsburg, were visitors, I Mn^J. and I I I I , .u , ... , .. . I . Friends will b$ glso to Ic^ni th&t ? ? 3- .? xrom ^ ??C6Ilt 3Jjp6DulCltl5 OXhtf&tlOCD in a Ejesbm hftfiuiftl am ? amiirwmrs* uvojnkm. libs a*u) 1|M |r v www I I ... - I. .. I ? J< Misses Estelle McBride, Louise L arrior, Pat McKinney, Elizabeth lo [otley and Elizabeth Rampley spent J< unday in Enfield and Roanoke G lapids. "W Mrs. Fred Crouch, Sr.,. Mr. and ^ Irs. Fred Crouch, Jr., of Raleigh, fe nd Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adams, of Si "ranklin, were guests of Mrs. Frank C ?upree, Sr., Sunday. ' B Miss Geraldine Gardner, Miss Ver ice Lang Jones, Miss Evelyn Gay, ^ Irs. Claude L. Barrett, Mrs. John ^ t. Joyner and Mrs. P.J!. Jones were ^ loldaboro visitors, Tuesday. Rev. C. B. Mashburn and a large I epresentation from the Farmville ? Christian Church attended the State I Convention of the Christian Church, ?eld in Greenville last week. I C. L. Branham, of Washington, D. I is recuperating from a recent ill less at the home of his sister, I . W. Holmes. Late reports state I hat he is recovering rapidly. I Mr. and Mrs. M. P. McConnell ac ompanied their son, James to New lort News, Va., Wednesday, where le entered the Ship Building and l)ry Dock Apprenticeship School. I Rev. and Mrs: M. Y. Self and Mr. Ind Mrs. J. T. T^orne and Mrs. R. II Joyner attended the State Con Isrence of the Methodist Church, leicg held in Durham this week. I Irving Bass and Ray Silton, of Boston, Mass., who are serviing the 180th Field Artillery on maneuvers In North Carolina, were guests of Biss Genaldine Gardner during the I Mrs. Ben 0. Tonnage, Jr.,vand son, lack, left Wednesday after a visit Bo Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Tonnage, for I visit to Mrs. Tornage's former Lome in Charleston, before returning fto Colombia, S. C. I Mr. add Mrs. Ted Horton spent the week end with Mrs. Albert Horton and Mrs. Kathleen Moore enroute Springs and Lexington, Ky., to their! I Dr. and Mrs. WHber JacksQ^^ofj eigh, spent Sunday in Farmville the] juests of Dr. and Mrs. Rsol E. Jones. ] WVWMftJ JXVUl ?* T**'' recovering rapidly# \ Sw&SraI H' mm Hint? nun ?^ .1 lli ?? . M J it. - ? preciaoons and tu I Qj qmj beloved father J T Tattle ChlidrAsifV- -I ?ilr SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, November 17 3:00 P. V.?Episcopal Auxiliary II meets with Mrs. T. S. Byon. I 8:00 P. M.?Presbyterian Auxiliary 1 meets with Mrs. Prank Dupree, 3:30 P. M?Mary Ellen Doxier I " Circle of the Baptist Woman's I ?, Missionary Society meets with I p Mrs. Lang Davis. I M Executive Board meeting P.- J ~ T. A. postpoaad to Monday, No- I J vember 24. i Tuesday, 18 " 2:30 P. M.?Contract Club meets I ^ with Mrs. Claude L. Barrett I 6:30 P. M.?Rotary? dub. J q 8.*00 P. M.?Junior Order. j ^ Wednesday, 19 I co 3:30 P. M.?literary Club meets I with Mirs. H. N. Howard as host- JI w ess at the home of Mrs. ~G. M. II Bi Holden. IfM Thursday, 20 I] THANKSGIVING DAY j w: Junior Woman's Club post- j j ci poned to Nov. 27. Jj ju American Legion Auxiliary 11 aj postponed to Nov. 27. If in P.-T. A. postponed to Nov. IIM 27. I h< Friday, 21 I (t 10:15 A. M.?'Tyson-May Reunion It*>3 at D. A. R. Chapter House. . Ij I 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. M 8:00 P. M.?Woodmen of the jj ^ World. I 61 Saturday, 22 I ^ 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. w * ml- inizffl V-.. *->. * * - ? trly winter season here was the ince given by Mtvhnd Mis. R. T. onk and T. Eli Joyner, Jr., at the >untry Club this week, honoring i88 Mary Jamieson^ Merritt, of reenville, and Joseph Loyd Horton, popular members of the young eial 'sets of Greenville and Farm lie, whose marriage will be solemn ed on November 19. ^ - ';'3fl The specioi? assembly -room of the Sub was decorated with a profusion ' chrysanthemums in the autumn Ion. \ i': Greeting guests as they arrived tee T. Eli Joyner, Jr., Miss Nellie utler, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Monk, iss Merritt and Mr. Horton. Refreshments, consisting of sand tehee, pickles, Saratoga ? chips, teese straws, cookies and tomato ice were served from beautifully ipointed tables during the dance termission, by Mrs. A. C. Monk and rs.' T. E. Joyner, mothers of the NStS. I The delightful affair was attended r seventy-five couples, v Out of town guests were: Mr. and rs. Dave Mosier, Mr. and Mrs. iarlee Bissette, Mr. and Mrs. Bob* t Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. John Wells, r. and Mrs. Tom Rivers, Mr. and rs. Jack Nobles, Mr. and Mrs. Gar* itt Stanfield, Misses Harriet Ltyyd, jan Blount, Marion TyBon, Emmy era Scales, Jane Garrett, Julia. Gay zd, Virginia Uzrel, Bill Saunders, >hnny Moseley, Harold Staton,' eorge Dowdy, Tom Webb, Caryj rarren, Ernest Griffin,- Howard raldrop; Barney Smith, Paul Clod ilter, A. L. Hobgood, and Edwin aund^rs, of Greenville; Miss Grace lara Taylor and Tom Wilson, of ethel; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fields, r., and Mr. and Mrs. Plato Monk, of Wilson; Audrey Joyner, of Raleigh; It. and Mrs. J. Sterling Gates, of inston. I ? x.; * ?,.? - ?. ? Rotary Banquet An anticipated event of the social ilendar each fall is the banquet held y the Rotary Club in observance of adies' Night, when members of the armville school faculty share hou rs with Rotary Anns as special uests. The occasion held by the Rotarians a Tuesday evening at the Country lub -and attended by nearly a hun red members and -guests, surpassed jrmer banquets in various ways, ccording to reports. Armistice Day as emphasized by the decorations, hich Carried out the national colors, y the use of the'flag, and.in the lace cards and' favors. Bowls of ad roses aori red and white chrys nthemums added color and beauty ) the banquet table. Jim Joyner, Rotary president, dis eased. cordiality and the traditional lotary spirit of genuine fellowship hroughout the evening as master of eremonies, and the program com littee composed of Paul Ewell, ohn B. Lewis, Irvin Morgan, Jr., nd Carl Blackwood had planned an ntertaining program that went over rith a bang. * o'C. :-p John Thome extended a warm welcome from the Rotarians, to which liss Marguerite McKinney respond d on behalf of the faculty members. Irs. R. LeRoy Rollins spoke out for he Rotary/Anns. Presentation of the entertainer for he evening was made by John B, jewis, and the occasion was made rayer by the antics oi Merman 7W jpb, who took time out from hie nerry-making to relate many of his interesting" experiences as a former :lown in Ringling Brothers cinnii^. At the end of an exciting drawing :ontest, the ladies were^happier as he recipients of lovely gifts of pot eery, linens, electrical appliances, cm* iy and potted plants. Mrs. Jim Joy aer won the grand prixe, $5 in Thrift Stamps,* other prises went to Mrs. J. H. Moore, Miss Annie Lee Jones, Miss Mary Frances Cntts, Miss Eliz abeth Motley, Mrs. W. B. Carraway, Mrs. Carl Blackwtood, Mrs. P. E. Edgerton Sirs. J T Thome IM^s. - During the time designated on tne program for fun and frivo]itj||Ed their classification and characteris WIIUl'3iS OX priZvS culu AIVJIUID I w^re Co., Mrs, M. V. ? Evening?Miss Tahiiha DeVisconti, 1st prize, a print, given by Quinn Miller Furniture Co., 'of Greenville; Miss Hattie Gut, 2nd, box of candy, by Blount-Harvey, Greenville; Mrs. J. H. Paylor, bath powder, by C. Heber Forbefc Gfl&enyille; Men's awards?bO gallons fuel oil, given by Briley Service Station, Stron by John B. Lewis; box of 60 cigars, given by Blackwood's Wholesale Co., won by A. C..Monk, Jr. Strife ? Mrs. Grover H, Webb, of PmetoPIM I charmingly entertained friends for seven tabto of bridge at the tourna ment including members of the New Deal Club, of which she was formerly a member. Prizes of double decks of cards were presented by the hos tess to Mrs. David T. Harris, winner of high score, and to Mrs. E. C. Bea man as consolation for low soore. ? . I ? -> ? . v ??? ? Mrs. Roebuck Hostess One of the most delightful social events of the week was the lovely bridge party given on Armistice Day at eight o'clock in the evening by Mrs. S. A. Roebuck. Hahdsome chrysanthemums emphasized a color note of red and white, and the nation al colon and motifs were effectively used in appointments for eight tables. Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss won the com panion fruit plaques, awarded for high score, and Mrs. G. M. Holden received note paper as the consols-' tion. Following the games, guests were invited by the hostess to Wheless' Drug Store, Where tables bore cen terpieces of flags and candles in'the national .colors and^i^v star' design. Raspberry ice cream" tarts, cocoanut cake and salted nuts, were served. Assisting the hostess ? in receiving and serving were Miss Annie Lee Jones and Miss Geraldine Cameron. ' Junior Woman's Club. K Inaugurating a new plan of meet ing as adopted by the Junior Wom an's Club, of which Mrs. Tommy S; Ryon is president, whs the evening meeting held at. the home of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, at which time twenty four new members were welcomed into this group, a majority being business and professional women. In the future the Qub will hold an Aft ernoon and an evening meeting each month. Mrs. Cherry Easley was invited to act as sponsor of the group. An interesting program, which took the form of a newspaper, was developed, with Mrs. E. C. Holmes acting as the editor. Members of the staff, submitting 1 copy for "The Morning, Headache," included Mrs. Jesse Moye, in charge of the front page; editorial, Mrs. J..M. Hobgood; serial story, Mrs. E. C. Holmes; so ciety column,. Miss Nellie Butler; literary page, Mis? Mary Friar Rouse; Dorothy Dix, Mrs. Easley; advertis ing, Mrs. Archie Cayton. A program of lovely music ^ras rendered by Mrs. J. D. Holmes and ; Miss Nellie Butler. Refreshments consisted of a de ' licious congealed salad course with *r coffee. .v ? Members and guests in attendance numbered forty. TO* 9ofegood home had pleasing decorations of-aijtumi foilage and chrysanthemums. * i Major May A splendid meeting of thfc MhjcJ Benjamin May Chapter, D. A. B., I held this week with Mrs. P. E. Jonei and Mrs M. V* Jones as joint hostesi white chrysantemuma. I jMrs. H. M. Williamson preside* imd^Mrs.E. B. Beasley, of beautiful year bwks as a gift to th Zebulen Vance, who rendered meri, ] brought the program to ? delightful dose with a solo, "Our America," - {with accompaniment by Miss Mar- ! Igaret Tyson- V;-^-''vy ' A variety of sandwiches, salted < i nuts and hot tea were served, the \ \ plate decorations being1 appropriate - to the autumn season as were die I floral arrangements in the Walter ' i I home. ! Lamrad Club Members of the Lamrad Club play- j I ed in the first of a tournament series ' I of bridge games thisweek with Mni 1 Bob Fiser as a gracious hoc- ; tess. >|j?yBanthemumBrJpplovifly ; autumn shades were used sis a set- ! ting for the tables. ^tMrs. Ben 0. J I ?Turnage, Jr., of Columbia, ,S- C-, was ; presented with a boat sof candy by the hostess. Deiiciops refreshments ; were served after play. ' LIBRARY HOURS CHANGED Hours of the Farmville library < are as follows for the month of * November: from the 18th through the 16th, 10:00 A. M., and 12:80 to . 5:30 P. M.; from the 17th through -1 the 26th, 9:00 A. M., and 12:80 P. * M., to 5:30 P. M. I'. PLOW-UP A. V _______ British farmers cure being asked to plow up another 2,000,000 acres of hitherto uncultivated land, includ ing golf courses, to help meet food needs. no Danger ? ' . ::M Although there are increasing calls for food from abroad, there is no danger of food rationing in this coun try, according to the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture. . I H -?$ ? ? - ' . The local churches,.for all that you think is wrong pbout them, represent 'the only organizations devoted en tirely to the improvement of human ' beings; if you -are interested, "join one ofthenL ?; CV I ? I a I II ? PLENTY OF TURKEY A. R. Hatchett, the Army's mar keting specialist fer poultry, has announced that he has arranged for the purchase of 1,500,000 pounds of dressed turkeys to supply the Jinny's Thanksgiving dinner requirements, $ I t ? -?: 1 HtffSON | ??r?I ' 1 * xCKi ?? || - .V: . OAUrt X V/ JLmL* ** JL VI ***** AWM *****/ ~ ? _ 11 /.? . ?T 44 -? .1 It Chapter No. 11 or the If "JfTNfHMI! GlRL* ?' Ifl y>~ 5H"* V8E h Hfe; OXtt ;0fuOC#9&JO , BWMOCrtO'' . 'fw RAiSKV Tins CllfilkiV I IfiS. t ?ggy-'" y| ?"'"? -*? |g, ? !?-:-?*/. ? ? 2 - ?Hmflli HIVaPafT 1 WW ?111 ImmBk ' A ' '* r* WWvV ^.wlSnspiP^I^^W. v v .'???I very latest colors and smart pat ternlitt tte fmest quality materi als. You can't beat this Itose buy at this price :?1~ ms* ? ^ , imw v Corner Main & Wifaoi, c ?- PARAMOUNT THEATRE ? ? r.:.. DIVE BOMBER /T rn i_. ? i -v ? (In Technicolor)?With : ERROLL FLYNN and FRED McMURRAT M'* * ; .T.*t i 4'.1 ' '*?' ' ji 'it' ' ? ' * !I v^- ? ^ ^ ? . ? ? * .. \ ' I ; Due to the extra length of this show we will : .openat 1:30 p.m. both Sunday & Monday. HON YTONK CLARK GABLE and LANA TURNER Thanksgiving Show Starts at 1:00 p. m. Malaya and Netherlands Indies teld vital to the United SHa When . Child Need* a Laxative I ,||Ipfel? Tour child should like tids tasty liquid laxative ind you should like the gentle way it usually wakes upr ' A' ? 1 1? 1 nhwiltlwAJl ?! |X? III PL -? youngsters lazy intesnnes ween . i given by tie simple directions*- S;^ , I sifcflp of black-draughtMI contains the same principal ingre- %. dient which haa enabled Ms older ? brother BLACK-DRAUGHT to give^' jsjwqr urere ?mch aerifying re ] J mf M Jijk MMAeMil lietzor so many years! p^ltafcapt that's why it usually gives a child such refreshing relief ..when tha familiar sympfcsni^nd^s cate a laxative id needed. % p SYE^(j^?ETto^^^3P t economy size is ,) E?2? PAVIS SUPPLY CO. I Save With?~" SING'S EI-TESf GAS Regular First Grade 18Jtf Gallon ' MotarOQ 10c Qt. and 0p . I 300 SOUTH-MAIN ST. Mrih' SWIHiBBBpi I I Vi ? \ ? ? v^H'i ^|l^I > < ! f #1 1 \^\ |>^ w^?i r^y^r^v cov^n P m-^aKnPX^ p*S* - i-ts^ -~A *fl* U^r I kM >