??????Mill Miireivvi Dr. M. L. C?rr, of La Grange, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Praton Murphy Friday. , . ; ^ * ? ? Mrs. J. H. Privette, of Spring Hope, ?m the guest of Mrs. J. Mj Wholosa Wednesday. * ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that Jack Smith is recuperating from a recent illness. ? a * George Allen has returned after a two weeks visit to his oM home and a trip to Penn. ' ? ? ? Mr. toad Mrs. Haywood Smith are spending Thanksgiving Day with rel atives in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee and son are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nor ville 'in Chicago, HL ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. James Joyner, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. Joyner spent Sunday in Wilmington. ? ? * Mr. and Mrs. Claude u rsarreti ?uu ? son are spending' Thannsgiving Day! in Kinston with relatives. . ^ ? Boots Thomas and Edward Harris,! were among the State students at home for the past week end. ?~a * Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. 6. A. Winders continues ill at! her home on Church street. - - ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Roebuck and! sons are spending Thanksgiving Day with relatives in Robersonville. Mrs. Ted L. Albritton, Mrs. P. E. Jones and Miss Vernice Lang Jones were Raleigh visitors Tuesday. I Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wheless, Jr. I and Miss Georgia Howard spent sev- J eral days of this week in New York. J ? ? ? Walter G. Gay, Jr., of the U. S. j army, who is stationed at Fort Eustis, J Va., spent the week end at his home here. Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Williams and! daughter, Nan, are spending Thanks giving Day with relatives in Green ville. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. James Joyner and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Welton 3pent Sunday in Littleton and Roanoke Rapids. * * * Robert Pierce, Emerson Smith and Bemice Turaage, students at David son College, were at home for the week end. ? * * - Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. Preston M. Murphy, who has been ill for several days is able to be oat again. * * * M. V. Horton spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel and sister, Mrs. Rerun tree, in Wash ington, D. C. _ ? ? * "v Friends will regret to learn that Miss Maggie Tucker is ill at Emer gency Hospital, Washington, D. C., with pneumonia. ? * * Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. E. C. Besman is ill at her home on Contentnea street. Reports state that she is improving. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barrett and Mrs. Carl Tyson and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barrett, Jr., of Wilson spent ? ? -'?? I Sunday iatireensDoro^^^^^" 1 A large number of Faimville citi I zens attended the event held at E. C. I T. C. Friday evening and heard Mrs, I Franklin Dt Boosevelt speak. Mrs. C. M. Paylor, Sr., and Mr. and ? Mrs. Walter Sacks Edwards, of Pet I ersburg, Vs., are aimniUiig Thanks ? giving Day with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. I Paylor. I Julian Smith, Tommy Lang, Bill ? Kasberry, Charles Blount QcdnerlyJ I Morten Roan tree and Bobby Rouse ? are expected home for the Thanks ? giving holiday*. I I Mrs. Frank Capps and Miss Dors I DeGraca Rountree, of Washington! I D. C., spent Wednesday night hetM I and attended the Horton-Merritt wed and I ThanksgiviDg. Dsy 8d3 4hB rcnuuiMte I The Farmvffie graded schools doon I Mr. and Mrs. E. H. an in ? 9 yrn ni pii.pie^ *~"r * - - - -r?? | SOCIAL CALENDAR I 1*3^0 j I I 3:30?P**It*? Enrative Board | I Meeting P. T. A. [I I Tuesday, IS j I 3:30 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet I! I with Mrs. M. V. Jones, j 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. j [ 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. 1 Wednesday, 26 j 10:00 A. M.?Mrs. Henry Harper j hostess to Wednesday Afternoon j Club at luncheon. . I 2:30 P. M.?D. A. R. Tournament, 3rd series. Mrs. Jade Lewis will entertain" the New Deal J Club at the Tournament. Thursday, 27 I 3:00 P. M. ? American Legion I Auxiliary meets with Mrs. W. If E. and Mrs. C. H. Joyner and Mrs. J. O. Pollard as hostesses. I 3:15 P. M.?Junior Woman's Club. I 7:30 P. M.?Parent-Teacher As sociation. I x Friady, 28 I 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts, j 8.-00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the j World. Saturday, 29 j 10:00 A. M. Bird Club. >' V ? ? . ? :? - ? - .. . .? .>??**? .. , ? ? .. ??? Arthur Joyner, Jr. and Gregg Gibbs of Morehead City, students at Uni versity of N. C? are spending the holidays at the home of Arthur, Jr. * * * Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree underwent an appendicitis operation at Emer gency Hospital, Washington, D. C., Saturday night. Late reports state that Mrs. Rountree is improving. Friends will be glad to know that her mother, Mrs. Rora H. Keel, who is recuperating from phlebitis in Wash ington, is recovering rapidly and is expected to return to her Tome here in about ten days. CRAWFORD-LEWIS Mrs. James Thomas Lewis, of Farmville, announce the engagement of her daughter, Mary Rachel, to Leonard O'Banion Crawford, of Hot Springs, Ark. The wedding will be solemnized in December. D. A. R. TOURNAMENT I pi* The third of the bridge tournament [series being played under the spon sorship of the local Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter, will be held in the Chapter House at 2:30 Wednesday afternoon, November 26. The arrangements committee has not announced at this, time whether there will be an evening event in this con nection also. Prizes will be very de sirable as heretofore with, players adding, their new scores to those of the other series for the grand prize, a beautiful bridge lamp giveh by the Farmville Furniture Co. Reservations will be gladly re ceived by Mrs. D. R. Morgan, chair man, Mrs. M. V. Jones, Mis. Z. M. Whitehurst and Mrs. P. E. Jones. Julian Boyce read a selection regard I ing the Towhee. Julian found tha I the male bird has a glossy black I brown, with the outer tail feathen I at each being tipped # with white I Lulu Benson read an article on jjp I Cedar Waxwing, whose ptomttge if ? of perfectly blended colors, the effec yellow underneath and an the tip a I is a good means of identification ? Una bird.Jt' eat# insects and fnu seeda and may Been m groups I The nest is placed in deddious. trees Ifr: ''dihan Jolmsoo conducted if contes B on bints with James Johnson making B pictures o^^m^ at^ the close of Uk - AitSWiiiKo TL^ILL jt> ir- ? 1TV- "V^sT - -' V " 'V- ' '!? _____ I ! OTTR^TION* what Vtub of VM . .1 *1 A v SW VP'' Vyjli*! Vogftti i^T^ATlBin ? 1iBiil|ilat^^rm?_iJll fx.*! fr *? -i> " , ? #n% ? ? ? 1 J 4 " I " ' - |. Wfc ? Mlw . ? . J urday morning} November 15, at nine o'clock. The Rev. M. Y. Self offid The v*fe ware spoken before m improvised alter hi the Un worn. Fans formed a background for two seven branched candelabra of burn ing white tapers. On either side were tell baskets of white chrys anthemums. The were light ed hy*T. Carr only brother of fee bfete, and Hubert Worthmgton, brother of the bridegroom. Prior to the ceremony a program of nuptial music, composed of "0 Thou Sublime Sweet Eveofay Star," "To a Wild Kose," ana m uwtwmt, wedding marches, was presented by Mise Grace Griffin, of Cero Gordo, who wore a green velveteen dress with a corsage of talisman roses. The maid of honor was Miss Doris Carr, only sister of the bride, she wore a blue velveteen dress and a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom met the bride at the foot of the stairs and they enter: ed the room together. The bride wore a Hattie Komegar Model cos tome suit of wilderness green with brown fur trim and brown accessor ies. Her corsage was of talisman roses. v- . Immediately after the vows had been spoken Mr. and Mrs. Worthing ton left for a wedding trip to unan nounced points, after which they will make their home near Aydec, where Mr. Worthington is engaged in farm ing. DRAMATIC ART CLUB TO PRESENT PLAY The Farmville High School Dra I matic Art Club will present its first (play of the season Friday night,. November twenty-eighth, at seven thirty o'clock in the school auditori um, under the direction of Miss Ellen Liles." This play, "Dotty and Daffy," is one of-the most amusing three act comedies to be written for ? high school cast. It is the story of a beautiful widow's attempt to "cop" a wealthy husband. In order to ap pear twenty years younger than she really is, die dresses her daughters* aged twenty and eighteen, as little girls, agend twelve and ten. The girls' sweethearts decide to dress as little boys, since their girls are "acting dotty and daffy". The plap is complicated by the sudden appear ance of a man-hating old maid, who declares "ajl men are beasts, vile and contemptible. She has her nieces to promise never to marry one of the brutes. Three different nation alities are represented in the serv ants. There is the Swedish maid, English butler, and Irish cook. The members of the club taking part are as follows: Hilda, the Swedish maid, Johnsie Moore. 'Molly, the Iriah cook, Janie Kemp. Hopkins, the. English butler, L. D. Braxton. Dorrothy Travers, "Dotty", Anne ; Jwm* V*. ~ Danhne Travers. "Daffy", Cornelia ? wt Jimmie Rand, Dorothy's sweet ? heart, gqtJJMT. a Mary-Leah Thome, ft ' Mr. Payton Belmont, the man af i ter the wealthy wife, Donald Wals i. I i Aunt Hester Hariey, a man-hatin* I f m WO, Jane >Tuma^gf t -Hugh Band, the wealthy . uncle I r Danny Bo$brgaamp I t ?> The dub Jb charging fifteent^guu . twenty-five cents admission. Th< i prodeeds will be used in helping pa: t for pur aew;<ftaii^SB|^.f;;^^ I MAY^CAJJLS I M.mnM r? jr^H p&viQg, project wmcn inciuucs ui ??iW**#'"*!; aaoy ana* I Proponer^apib well as the oppor (. 1V?'. ?' ' Jfxt .':ftifcL XV, ' jji& inmr views. iu6 p^iuoos ivr.w I --I _ *1 I. *' * ? I i r*? 11 III 11 ' TAaamli T aiwJ TT.vtif. .l 1 j party o*;, ixioiiuiiy cvemng, su* vfPicn i j mt. ana airs. a. o. aioiik, Jr., anal | miss u6n6 * norton wcto fiosts MW? Chapter Souse 'which- was bcsutlflii-} I A tUTKey {USC9 J**** in turkey form, asparagus tips, yam marshmallow croquettes, pickles and hot rolls, was followed by a grape I fruit salad, served in .the rind sliced I radon-wise, and by a dessert course I at molded bedding rings, topped by I tipsy cake in bridal rose design and by love birds. I After dinner coffee, cheese straws,] I heart shaped cookies and salted nuts were served from a fireside table, at I which Mrs. Joseph Loyd Horton, mo ther of the bridegroomrelect, pre sided. Bridge Hostess Among the largest and loveliest of fall sopial events here waa the bridge party given by Mrs. Bob Riser and Mrs. J. Y. Monk, Jr., on Wednesday afternoon at the Orantry Club. Open fires added a note, of good cheer and the ^Thanksgiving suggestion was 1 rangenteat used on the .mantels and If the tallies and appointments for the Ij fifteen tables^bearing the autumn I colors 'and Thanksgiving motifs. ?I Mrs. J. P. Surrett scored high and ?{received a beautiful compact, Mrs. H. H. Bradham retained the floating prize, a silent butler, and Miss Elsie Carraway received the consolation, a I by demi basse and cheese straws. 11 Mrs. H. L. Watson, of ^Wilson, as Isisted the hostesses in'serving. 11 were hosts at a lovely dinner party ?{Friday evening, in compliment to I Miss Elizabeth Craig, of Wilming II ton, and Mebane Lee, of Wilson and I Mr. Copebhaver will attend ns one B]table was laid with an imported ban ti^> I P1bc68 of ^ ? honor i COV6W jujrf for. fliflriit, ? T!fa? dflffiftT recently, | m? . ' , . g. - ^rJ, ., , _ - . || , . I . I ^1*nn nof%m A tMAMfiftlid ' QIia ntirtffliJ I 1 Oug ^UvlcU 1 Mrs A. 0. Roebuck conducted ai S":'r I and roc^ved & flower bo\rt ss . an tract Club unaa held Tuesday after lTy?Uow! with artistic effect iii the home. Tal lied -were in Thanksgiving design. The high, score.a ward, a piece of pink pottery, was won.?by. M&rs. W. S, Mra" L^'wSon6^6 M^S.^A.' w?r? arrang^gt^i^y. cen of Richmond, V.. jt t&Kfen irom her bridal bouquet. > j Greenville high school, attended St.! r ^111 oii Sit xb 011 p cottrs6- oif icots 03mod ^he h^ftrt niotif I viru, (Vumlo Vo* *- - ?ulamilirnlii ? .to Ane ;p??Pie :??? DCfn extensively entertained since the announcement of tfieir engagement in October*.. ^ SSS?E?i' nett, Mrs. Nat Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Merritt, Miss Mamie Mer ^ ^e8dSUc >dE^TW^s Catcher, litisf#fe-Jafistln; Mfc and Mrs: Champ Wingfcead, of Boxboro; Hra. Miss Dora DeGrace Rmmtree, of Washington, D. C.; Dr. and; Mrs. Joseph Thomp*1 ?n, A OMtojroi Mjaa lda lliMjp. son, Mr. and Mrs. BOt Court, Misa SSK ??tgX?i lian* Taylor, of .Warrenton; Mft-and Mrs. P. K. Miles,' of Bsnvflle. Va.; Mr. and Bfc*. Percy Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller, of Snow Hill; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Taylor and Miss Grace Taylor, , of Morehead City; Mr. sad MrsT7 M. Wheless had a, watermelon cutting party at their home one evening this week, the huge SSSxE'S Srof-.the fine melon.6 We Wieve If. . .L/? H^?l' A# XfAoamW 22 I TT ecu. Ut X1VTV?UIW? T. SATURDAY TRIPLE-HIT PROGRAM j Hoptldng In "OUTLAWS OF THE DESERT* Chapter No. 12 of "JUNGLE GIRL" SUNDAY MONDAY Week End in Havana Lat?tf; March of Time and Newa TUESDAY SUa Uoxel-OUTer Hardy?In _ "GREAT GUNS' , BbRle Pe^Md OmOmt WEDNESDAY EmT,' - -N i-V? ? MLma U.U * vPi't. | ? TWO BIG FEATURES ? Roderick Crawford-Andy | Deyrne?in I "BADLANDS OF DAKOTA" I rP^NoialfrMary Beth Hhffa* ? In ? I I : j ? I WILL TOU BE THE LUCKT PER- J ao?i to Get the NEW HUDSON to el be given away Dec. 21th? For I I "? I ? *"' 7 MJE jlli^ir^v f w\ 1 _J

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