: a ALEX BOUSE, Owner * Mgr.| ADVERTISING RA*B: It Di^^tily (H&beieudr} jj^pK^jj^|t^i|i Posfarffke at FsrasviBs, JL C, urn ' <'s^ t There is no law against courtesy, even at home and at the wheel of a motor car. If you think you have a yery inti mate friend, dont get into a' business deal with him. % ? - - ?* I ,V 4 ' '1 I War Hint; In the World War the Germans seemed to he invincihlft for nearly four years. Too many people.wast too. much time trying to tell other people what to do and how to think. I i * - "?? - ? - LX " Now that you are a member of the Red Cross, you should buy some Christmas Seals, or a 'bond. Work hard, save your money and you wi& die early enough for your heirs to enjoy spending it Side people often outlive well peo ple because they have sense enough to take care of themselves. i ?? Then there the story about the man who did not want to go to Heaven because he was too lasy to , twang the harp. ABE CROP CONTROLS NECESSARY? The argument about .crop control will be beard again as a result of ad vancing prices and some, grower* of cotton and wheat wQl likely dedde that agriculture can take care of if self, without the benefit of any regu lation of production. In view of the fact that cotton growers will vote on the question of marketing quotas on December 13th and wheat grower* will go to the polls next spring to decide the same issue, we think it pertinent to urge all farmers to think carefully before abandoning the system which has un doubtedly helped agriculture. It is true that cotton and wheat prices axe higher than they were when former' referenda were held. This seems to be strong argument in faVOr of retaining die restrictions which boosted the prices. Certainly, it is hardly wise to throw away the medicine that improves the patient's condition. ' - WW M _ _ W t . 1 moreover, growers ox wneat ana cotton should carefully consider the surpluses that exist and the bene fits that they derive from loan pro grama which peg prices. If.control -*-? ; - WALSTONBURG NEWS 4 I--? Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hicks aid family spentthe week end with-jela-1 tives in ItodriRghain. * 4 Mrs. J. W. Redick and Mrs. Cartdr Smith ' of Foontain vuuted friends near town Sunday .afternoon. Miss Lillian Corbett and Mrs. 33 C. Gardner made a boaineas trip to Farmville, Monday afternoon. * j Mrs. Irene Whitley and Mrs. Foad of Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. Rjfcp West, Sr., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lang of Wilson spent a while in town Smpday. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. JUgles and son, Guy, of Fountain visited rela tives in and near town Sunday. % i Friends wiN bejfcd to learn ttat Mrs. George Beamon has moved to town. ?. Ed Taylor, Jr., of Monroe spent the week end at home. Cameron West and. Bruton ^Taylor, ?tndenta of U. N. C^speat Jtfce weak end # ^heme. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Craft, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shelton and Mrs. N$a Shackleford were among tnoee wto attended the Union ai. Bell Arthur, Saturday, Mrs. Clifton Webb of Pinetops, and Mrs. George Lane of Fountain visited Mrs. W. ET Lang. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Brooks of Fai son visited relatives.here Saturday. Mrs. J. A. Mewborn of Farmville .spent the week ?d near town. Mrs. Rudolph Joyiier and Mrs. Lewis Thomas were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs; Psal .Claft Mr. and Mrs. Larry JSMtonu and family spent Sunday in LaGrange. " : Whatever the government of the United States may do, then will al ways bo a few Congressmen to argue that the other nation is right/ : ; FARHVnXB COOK BOOK IS USBPtn CHRISTMAS GIFT tifol red eowr wHl make air sttntatfTO ,?Si2^?J 32 &2fw and for many yean Sn d iiii at?y miyibflf of. ' rr-.^" 4m* ifUlfc- mmmm J -Wi\ \ JAM ~\3 ? ? ??* " vpy I I IwVW w/i JMooh W ^ HH|i)9 I ??? 1 #% 3 I - ,+ f M mjgm + J ? 3/k ' ' 1 E-- .; J -^rjp W* TH^g tp?v "-W- ? .??? . ! ?" ? ' - ? way is provi^for ?11 of ns to ?x CIB8? A. The means is thepurchase of available to' almost every man, wom and, and child Ownership of even a 10-cent Stomp carries toe satis faction of knowing you have helped \ the Nation to aim. - Q. What denominations of De fen* Savings Stamps are on sale af retailstores?" " J A.- Store* an concentrating on in'eriier to get a maximum number of agtotnaw to partidpate in the Defense SavingsProgram. ? Many etoree also carry 50-cent, $1, and ffi Stamps. - Stamps df all denomina tions may be purchased at post of fices. NOTE.?To buy Defense Bonda and orwrita to the Tieasum of tits Unit & a .Also Stamps now acBuOajtola at moat re tafi. store. ,. ? >? i-. . ,/V> ^^HOKNOWS? trail tv. Act uassed ? 2. How much bituminous coal is mined yearly in the U. S. T 8. Where is King' Carol, deposed xokr ofjfemania? t UksiklTell? 5. Which isQth*,4epgest river in Emppe? ?? Jpwtip J^yin,fprry? ;| 7. Which U larger, an, army corps or j^dbtokm? c A .nWhat to., the "critical point" in aerial operations? 9. What to the oldest aijned iorce in the United Statee? ' 10. -What is the strength of toe Japanese Navy? (See tkMwm?,: is |#o: m*d? todeed from X. Y. Monk and. wife to Marvin Tyson, recorded in Book J-18 at page 493 of the Pitt County Registry. Reference ia also made to deed dated May 4th, 1987 from Wilson Boyd, and wife to Josie Bojrti to John Hill Paylor, duly, re corded in the Registry of Pitt Conn- 1 tjr. . This the 12th day of November, 0941. ? JOHN HILL PAYLOR, N14-4t Mortgagee. I . '..i-iirrr: , . . . . ? .. Want Ads! | ' . COMBINATION RADIOS AND Yictrohm.' An enjoyable gift? 1 FARMVILLE FURNITURE 00. " I FOR SALE ? SMALL ELECTRIC Refrigerator Cheap. - Dial 271-2. P5-KP |FOR HOME BAKED FRUIT Cakes: Call Mrs. Reddin Lewis'or Mrs. Hanry T. Smith. White Fruit Cake 85c, Mack 65c per pound. D5-2t FOB RENT - SIX ROOM HOUSE December 1st?If interested see Mrs. Appie E. Flanagan, at 211 Grimmersburg St. tfti IF YOUR CAR WONT START ? Call >116. We charge your bat- < teriee in 30 minutes. Western Auto ; Store. O-Sltf < . ? WANTED?ALL TOUR OLD MAG- < asines, books, papers, etc. Will ! call for.same each Saturday?Boy ; Scouts. 10,000 POUNDS OF SAUSAGE Meat wanted?We are in posfetton ; to grind your sausage meat?Abo ' seanoumgB for sale?Modlin Mar ket & Pitoducd Co., Farmville, N. ! G?Phone 418-6. N14-4tp ; FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONSl ; Pot Plants, Cut Flowers, Corsages ' and Funeral Designs. Say "It" with ! 9 Jlowers. Farmville. Flower Shop, ; Myrtle Sutton, Owner. Phones:? < Day 467-1; Night 475-L 4fr| RESERVATIONS WANTED FOR~6 ; or 8 rooms to be used by Soldiers i ^ehO will be.stopping over in Farm ville from time to time. Ajnyonb; ; having a mom. they can ppare for ; ?this purpose will please call Police ' Headquarters, Farmville, 2#1-1. j' ''' ii ??w,?iwiiiMwwwwiMaiMmm - - - - , V IIjIjZIs) l^a v* I m Abo Cb.pter l4 <|p c, ? .i'iBJ?I'-f-' 'H. ..':''.j'.-.'JLV 'IUV. .. SUNDAY-MONDAY ' < ~ ?' _ " ? -j ! William Powell-Hymn Loy?in ''Shadows ofthe Thin Man" Also News and CARTOON hm' ? ^?ur.u ,i?o)uuinj .in ) "- i' TUESDAY Jane Frazee-Johnny Dewna^a "MOONLIGHT^ IN HAWAII" Also Selected Shorts WBD1??AY DOUBLE FEATURE ; ^Boh.Steele to '? ?* "BILLY THE KID WANTED? Wayne Moirte-Bremda Marshall "SMILING GHOST" Also Chapter No. 4 of "SEA RAIDERS" .'i i. umi, .j THURSDAY-FRIDAY Pteulette Goddard-Bob Hope?in "NothingBut the Truth" Abo NEWS and COMEDY SUBSCRIBE to THE ENTERPRISE ESSO PRODUCTS AND REAL SERVICE fa Washing, Waxing, Greasing and in M minntea charge for joor baiter? at THE STAND ARD SERVICE STATION, Mala Street, Linwood Joyner, Operator. ?W -a?he ' [1ALL/AARK will express your good wishes with charm /and perfect taste. ?/?A. "fatt***. *TK? Mark particular poopl# look for on tho bock of groolinf arfi Ifcty u?d and rocoir*. Sf# Our Complete Showing Of IjAULMABK ChristM*t Greetings. Farmviile Flower Shop FARMVILLE, N. C. ? / ? *&&-$ ? ?n'J tlT Lifcgh iJUj 1 - ? ? : - ?? DON'T DO YOURCHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY, unless yon do It in FARM VILLE! ' - There is a different gift for every friend and every relative ? IN YOUR FARMVBLLE STORES * Chanter of Conneree & Merchants Ass'a : OOOMMOOOOaWOMttOMMOMMMOOOXOMaiMMMIH? , ; ? ;: DIOR INN MO STATION i I ' / ' ? < ? ; (Opposite Bank of FarmyiHe) I MARFAK?LubricatiaB?SERVICE I l > j J ? Washing ? Greasing ? Polishing Waxing ? All Work Guaranteed! > . 3 j ; ASK US ABOUT OUR ' Monthly Washing and Greasing Plan WE OPEN SUNDAYS E. H. ROBINSON, Operator < i| MM?ei?eaMMi*KMM>MOMi! I "' fc^ ^^mL ^j|fl SMfea Ebhm^ J j^L i-Xtj. 'j