Miss Naomi Dail was a Hookertoa Visitor Friday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holmes and -hildren spent Monday in Wendell. ? ? ? Frineda will regret to learn that Mrs. George Burnette continues quite ilL ? ? ? Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Joab Tyson is ill at her home . here. ? ? * Miss Ruby Gray, of Hookerton, spent the week end with Miss Naomi Dail. | ? ? ? Miss Virginia Harris, of Wilson, will spend the week end at her home here. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes and 5 Miss Frances Winstead spent Mon day in Raleigh. ? ? * ? ' -./| Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. E. C. Beam an is improving after a recent illness. * v ? ? * I Mrs. W. Alex Allen, Mrs. Frank M.' Davis and George Allen were Raleigh visitors Tuesday. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Harper vis ited Mr. Harper's sister Friday in a Kinston hospital. ? * * Mrs. Miller Thompson, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday with her moth- [ er, Mrs. Lanye Dail. ? ? ? ? ... Dr. P. E. Jones attended the Flori da State Dental Convention at Miami Beach, FIsl, this week. ? ? ? Mrs. John A. Moore, of Fayette ville, arrived today for a visit to Mrs. Louis D. Harris. ? * ? Mrs. J. Knott Proctor and daugh ter, Hannah, spent Thursday with Mrs. Louis D. Harris. * * ? Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Ewell and John B. Lewis have returned after a visit to Washington, D. C. I * * ? Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Willis and daughter, Miss' Helen, of Raleigh, spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lupton, of Belhaven, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Turaage. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lynch, of Goldsboro, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Prank Harper Sunday. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. Lath Morris, M. V. Horton and Mrs. J. L. Shackleford spent the week end in Washington, D. C. ? * * James McConnell, student at the Apprenticeship School, Newpoi News, Va., spent the week end with his par ents here. ? ? ? Miss Margaret Hester, Miss Louise Paschall and Miss Nellie Butler axe spending the week end with friends in Kinston. ? ? ? ' Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Beam an and daughters, Misses Frances and Nell Taylor, are spending today in Rich mond, Vs. ? ? * Mrs. P. E. Jones, Miss Vernice Lang Jones, Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt and Mrs. Ted L. Albritton were Rich mond visitors Tuesday. ?? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams, Mrs. W. EL Moore, Jr., Mrs. T. R. MiszeBe and Mrs. Gordon Lee were Raleigh visitors, Tuesday. . ? ? ? Mres. S. E. Ewell, of Elizabeth town, who has been visiting her so* P. K. Ewell, left Sunday for a visit to relatives in Elkhart, Ind. ? * # Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Williams and son, Frank, Jr., and Mrs. Kath leen Moore visited relatives in Nor-, folk, Va., during the week aid. Mrs. SaDie JL Horton,, Miss Gene Horton, Mrs. M. V. Horton and Marl vin, Jr., left today for a visit to Rich mond, Va., and Washington, D. C. vl ? Captain and Mrs. T. C. Turnage I mo vied this week into the residence formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Drake on North Church Street ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dixon, of Wil son, and Mr. and Mre. George wJ Windham spent Sunday at Fort Bragg with Corporal Robert I Mayor and Mrs. Gebrge W. Davis, Mrs. George Beckman, Mrs. A. Q. ' ^Roebuck and Henry Johnson returned Wjmm after spending several days in Richmond, Va. and Washington. I M5C improving rapidly. ? s ? SOCIAL CALENDAR ?? . - -3 Monday, December IS , 3:00 P. M.?Circle No. A, Metho dist Woman's Society, meets ?with Mrs. Robert Joyner at the Methodist parsonage. 3:00 P. M. Executive Board P.-T. , A. Twa^y, 16 2:30 P. M.?Contract Club meet* at the home of Mrs. 6. M. Hol den with Mrs. H. N. HoWard as hostess. 6:30 P. M.?Kotary Club. 8:00 P. M. Junior Order. Thursday, 18 . ? ? : ?? f* : I 3:00 P. M. American Legion Aux iliary meets with Mrs. P. E. Jones, Mrs. Edward-May and Mrs. W. M. Willis as "joint host esses. 3:15 P. M.?Junior Woman's Club meets at the home of Miss Mary Friar Rouse with Mrs. Billy Willis as joint hostess. 3:30 P. M.?Mary Ellen Dozier Circle of the Baptist Woman's Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. J. W. Holmes. 7:30 P. M.?P.-T. Association will meet in Perkins HalL Friday, 19 3:30 P. M.?Woman's Club and Garden Club will meet at home of Mrs. J. W. Holmes, with Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck and Mrs. B. M. Lewis as joint hostesses. 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M.?Woodmen of the World. Saturday, 20 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. ! LIGHT PLANT CLOSED TO NIGHT VISITORS Supt. W. A. McAdams asks all citizens to observe no visiting boors j at the mater and light plant grounds at night, as same has been fenced off for the protection against Invaders. : Grounds are policed and no trespass ing will be allowed. CANDLELIGHT SERVICE AT BAPTISST CHURCH DEC. 21 Announcement has been made of a Candlelight Service in the Baptist Church on Sunday night, December 21, with a program of special music: presented. CHRISTMAS SERVICES AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Christmas message will be de livered by the rector, Rev. J. R. Roun tree at th regular service on the* third Sunday, December 21, and there will be a special service and celebra tion of the Holy Communion on Christmas Eve at eleven o'clock in 'the evening. , ? CHRISTMAS AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH There will be a Christmas sermon and special music at the Christian Church Sunday morning, December 21, at the regular worship hour. The Primary Department, under the di rection of Mrs. Florence Thome nad Mrs. G. B. Mashburn, jr., is rehears ing a Christmas program to be given at an unannounced date. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ? . 1 ''Christmas in Scripture and Song" is the title of the program to be given at the Farmville Presbyterian Church, Wednesday evening, Dec. 17, at 7:30. :A' ;?,%& .; The program will be given by the Woman's Auxiliary and the Young People's League of the Presbyterian Church. A "Joy Gift" will be re ceived for Ministerial Relief. The public, is cordially invited, e H. M. Wilson, pafitor. m WHITE CHBM5*43*SEKYIC& - I . - If A White Christmas service will be I held jointly by the chorehee of farm I vflle Sunday afternoon, December 14, at five o'clock in the' Methodist Church, at which time the opportuni ty will be provided for everyone to ' contribute gifts foir the needy df the I quested that each gift be wrapped in white paper and that no writing done except to give information of what the package contains. If a toy, state whether for a boy or girl, and age. For further information please con tact B. A. Joyner. I SPANISH CLUB NOTES ' I i held on Friday, December 5, at tin ? 'flfc K'v:?s9b?&^ Ha 1^1 B ' P?? ? -? ? v,;^ ?? i i .I i ? ? n > iiirxi? I 111 VVl AvV ww /|||n Q 11 D I if ulf ? I f lUs WteL ^ I ___ m I The concluding semes'of the bridg^ [tournament, sponsored by the D. A R. Chapter daring the late fall, was held Wednesday at. 2:80 o'clodc in this afternoon* and at 7:80 in the evening. , Both events taking the I form of lovely Christmas parties. The favored combination of the tra I ditional colors of red and green in the Ynletide decorations of, plants, I forest greens and lights were used effectively in the Chapter House by (the committee in charge, Miss Ta bitha DeViseonti, Mrs. B. S. Shep I paid, Mrs. C. E. Moore and Mrs. J. 0. I Pollard, and the refreshment plates J were also seasonal as to color and I content I Mrs. M. V. JonCs was winner of the I grand prize offered in the tourna j ment series, a bridge lamp, contrib uted by the Farmville Furniture Co. | Other prizes were awarded as fol lows: Afternoon?high score prize, I one half box of oranges, donated by the Cut Rate Fruit Store, won by (Mrs. R. A. Gardner, of Fountain;! I second, a cake, given by a- Chapter; | member, won by Mrs. Carter Smith, I of Fountain; third, potted plant giv en by the Farmville Flower Shop, J won by Mrs. Wesley R. Willis; fourth,] I Enterprise subscription, given by the I Rouse Printery, won by Mrs. E. Bruce | Beasley, of Fountain. Evening?Ladies, high score prize, one half box of oranges, donated by I the Cut Rate Fruit Store, won by Miss Margaret Thigpen; second, pot i ted plant from the Farmville Flower Shop, won by Miss Annie Lee Jones; j third canned fruit, given by a Chap | ter member, won by Mrs. J. L. Shaek leford. I Man?USraf i>ri?e. Concress cards, donated by Beasley Drug Co., of Fountain, won by B. A. Pope, of Fountain; second, carton Lucky Strike cigarettes, given by G. W. Jefferson Co., of Fountain, .won by Walter Jones; canned vegetables, given by a Chapter member, won by G. W. Lane, of Fountain. Mrs. S. A. Garris entertained the New Deal Club at the tournament, at which Mrs. S. A. Roebuck won thff high score prize for club members, a potted plant, and Mrs. Claude L. Bar rett won the-guest award, handker chiefs. Mrs. John E. King was hostess to the Wednesday Afternoon Club at the tournament and presented Miss Elizabeth Davis with the club prize, a potted plant Mrs. W. R. Harris, of Fountain, entertained her contract club in the tournament series of the afternoon when Mrs. E. Bruce Beasley, as win ner of high score for members, and Mrs. R. A. Gardner, for guests, re ceived towels as awards. Mrs. R. A. Fountain, Sr., was remembered by the hostess with a milk glass fruit bowl at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Harris were hosts to the Couple Club at the evening event, when Mrs. E. Bruce Beasley won the high score for ladies, towels, and B. A. Pope the men's award, a cravat. Mr. and Mrs. E- W. Hunt were re membered with gifts by the hostess. Mrs. D. R. Morgan has acted as chaiman of, the tournament series, which is reported as having been very successful. Mrs. M. V. Jones, Mrs. P. E. Jones and Mrs. Z. M. 'White hurst have served with Mrs. Morgan on the reservations committee, and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Mrs. Joel W. Moye, Mrs. Louise D. Harris and Mrs. J, 0. Pollard on the refreshment com mittee. ? ~~ * ? / I ' Junior Woman's Club Mrs. E. C. Holmes and Mrs. J. F. I Surrett were hostesses at a delight ful meeting of the Junior Woman's I Club, held this week at the home of Mrs. J^ M. Hobgood, in which forest greens and red berries were used with artistic effect. Mrs. Tommy S. Byon presided and announced the program, ; which was developed with an interesting paper, "Our Town, Farm vine," by Miss Frances Winstead, and with a timely talk on Defense Bonds by Miss Ger aldine Gardner. The program was brought to a close by the singing of Christmas, carols with Mrs. Cleveland M. Paylor at the pian^ Plans for Christmas cheer forthe grade, spon ? sored by this group were made at The Merry Matrons held an enjoy r able meeting Tuesday at the home of , Mrs^G. M. Holder., with Mrs. R. H. j| red -berries and fanHian were season I VQflffAmATlt iiran^emenu I Mvsl I Rnv- RaIH 'AoA H U ^ xvomns presiaea ana I } J if*.. ? 1 1 j ?' i IBQ cL - OX WvixoUv ? WflrC vC II be undertaken by this croup <fiiWwg 3 "T* * 4.- J U ' * ~ * I "?'??Jiee. Julian (wfaa is as l&jaraSflH erly;n^iryHtal Gralg/(^1wng ox ample of the nare which we admire), j Wilma Stansfll; Paula Bpberts, (? Corley Ann Johnson; Alicia Julian, (a person of charm, manner and] poise), Edna Both Jvey; Michael Psv loff, (good-looking, humorous attache of the Soviet Embassy), Cabot Monk; Don Carlos Sebastion, (a handsome, I youthful Spanish artist), &dpa?B?Hl mey; Emil Stamm, (an eminent yj?. linist of impulsive nature), Cecil Lil-J ley; Phillip Holden, (the sturdy, hanHyvrwa cmmliwry of the Good-Wllil Society), C. L. Ivey, Jr.; Natalie Tjnol (nonchalant and sophisticated I in appearand but attractive), Almal Grey LiUey&Mrs. Macready, sharp, sarcastic Irish landlady wio doubts everyone), Frances Lewis. It is truly a "Crazy Mix-Up" when Lee Julian.finds that she has actu in a contest but cannot collect it due to the fact that she is not a man. So ... if a suit of boys' togs will win the prize^ why not be on the inside of them? Now what happens when she attempts to collect the prize? Could she.help it if the Rep resentative happened to be a very handsome young man? Could she help it if her friends refused to tu* derstand the things that happened in her apartment? Could she help it if her mother .descended on her with all the maternal fury of one who feels that the^priee of genius is too high for financial backing? So what is the outcome? Come see the "Cmzy Mix-Up" as it begins, develops, and is finilly cleared. An evening of enjoyable entertainment you will have. So join ; the crowd as it moves along to i . . ? ? ''*> . ' V ; BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT | Mr. and Mrs, W. A- Bollard, Jr., announce the birth of a son, Jamas Albert Pollard, on Friday, December 5. ? , I ? I TniL TTii 1 11iiinitim ^iailitwli 1 aircrart caixicr ^ i^nu6rpns6^ wzucu | be a guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Payne struggled with the ignition of his car, a county policeman offered just aLnd. ' 1 J Kind words and deep sympathy sel dom take the place of bread 1 to eat. Publicity may be aa art but therej ?' " """"""m^mm I Ki JaLl.' . a. ? ? ? ?' gtt [ t_ ?J? o c to I&y their ???i hi/w^vw, are on flat rocks or upon the grounds 1 fin,. -.-u- OT,int7^ V^oW-nrr 'I ine mumpers enjoyeu neuing _ 1) tiis Sco ts t th Ral h* ville "exhibit. The latter waa decor-' ated with strings and, popcorn, cma-1 nATTlAfl atin funA MUfiK illlAfl TOIrfl 1 suet A?d candles of suet *?i bird tremely patriotic when it means rotee I at home. Jjjg ' S ?|| % ? |j[* they can't be tear for smart craftsmen, of exclusive, lns mddedVfit d* i\ fjitlc sod provide trio com fort. Regular, Kern or "Tab less-Tab"' collar styles. Mark "TruVal" opposite every man on yqur list.. . and yon'll be : a super-Santa this Christmas! Corner Main and Wflson Sto. FARMVnXE, N. C. ~ ; ? 1942 gardeners already looking it the catalogs and deciding what and of vegetables they will grow. jj| MAGAZINES -r CHRISTMAS* GIFTS MBS. Ed. NiA-WAEEBji Va^ * I ' r?ft/ziPrt- ? '" ? V-,^* irr/v I ' ..?? ?.?, :.. ;"'?'/ *?? ' '*? -? ? o'-".'?%> . J- r. '-'^??. ? ?r^/'"" - -'? IJSZ ___ ;?? ? - "ri J - ? H ' . ?;,. ;. ,v ' >?.,'? -jM* L Bring your gift list to our store." This is a year to oe prac > l 7 \ .[fi jl, 11 ^rlth 111 thM(ff?v sjitiflicntfiMfli JSr* """?. 'ro .'.- '-L ? ? '-' ' ? IS "553311 ^ a ?'^Hv ^ H ^ \m:" ""? ~n i -9-4 :--HH

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