Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Hart WW Durham rial tore, Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mr*. Clyde Finch, of Hen derson, spent Saturday here. ? ? ? Mrs. Jane Emory, of Durham, is the guert of Mrs. J". T. Bundy. ? ? ? Mrs. S. G. Gardner spent the week end with relatiree in Greenville. ? ? ? Lt Mel ha Fulfoid, of Raleigh, spent Monday with Mrs. R. T. Nor ville. i Mrs. W. H. Duke and son visited relatives in Roanoke Rapids this week. Miss Annie Lee Jones, of Raleigh, spent the week end with Mrs. D. R. Morgan. T. Eli Joyner, Jr., has returned from Chicago, where he attended the Furniture Show. ? ? ? Miss Frances Lewis, of E. C. T. C., Greenville, will spend the week end at her home here. Mrs. L. B. Nutter returned to Blacks tone, Va., today after a visit to her sister, Mrs. R. T. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fleming have returned to Martinsville, Va., after aj visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Joyner. ? ? ? Friends will be glad to learn that John B. Lewis is able to be in his office again after a recent illness. Pfc. T, E. Drake, of Cherry Point and Coffeeville, Kan., was the guest of Miss Tabitha M. DeVisconti, Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Flanagan and family moved this week from the country to their home on East Church street. Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr., and daugh ter, Mary Lu, and Mrs. Arch Flana gan, are spending today, Friday, in Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee and Mrs. Bob Joyner spent Sunday with Mr. | and Mrs. Beaman Worthington, Ayden. Mr. ana Mrs. Frank Eagles and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, of Tar boro, spent Sunday with Mr. and M^g. R. T. Norville. Technical Sgt E. F. Wilson, Jr., and] Mrs. Wilson and little daughter, ] Judy, are spending this week in | Abbeville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Brieger, Jr., of| Richmond, Va., are guests of Mrs. Brieger's sister, Mrs. Tommy S.| Ryon, and Mr.' Ryon. ? a * Mr. an8 Mrs. F. G. Dupree, Jr., and daughter, Miss Frances, spent several days of this week in Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. ? a a , Mra. J. W. Holmes and Dr. and | Mrs. Ashby Winstead spent several] days of this week iln Elizabeth City,] with Miss Frances Winstead. ? a a % Miss Etta Frances Harper and Miss Margaret Coatee, students at E, C. T. C., Greenville, spent the week end at their respective homes here. A. C. Monk, Sr., was a Rocky Mount visitors, Wednesday, calling to see George Morns, who is recovering from a recent operation at Park View Hospital, ? e a Cpl. Charles E. Sholdee, of Cherry Point and Cleveland, 0., and Mrs. J. M. Cfcrietman, of Kinston, were sup per guests at Miss Tabitha M. De Visconti, Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Gilchrist will leave during the week end to attend the State'Veterinary Conference to to be held at State College, Raleigh, Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Adelaide Dail spent Wednes day afternoon with her mother, Mrs.] Lanye Doll, who is receiving ment at a Rocky Mount Mrs. Dail is recuperating rapidly. ? ? ? Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Mack Can aw ay, at the Enter prise staff, has been 01 at bar home on Contanteea street this wpek- Mm. CartBuupr ? lynpystkig rpify, however, and hgpes to be out again JiWwHfe wiU bp glad to learn that little Margaret I^qise Speight, Mm- Apehie ^ ***! tote hp* receiving treatment in a Wilson hospital, has returned and is in* though slowly. W- ?4 Charles A. Mpringo w*n, Jr., have rptynad Will take ?vsr his ?t FalmhSd Airweft ? e ? ?CALENDAR# tt 8:00 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary meet* with Hn. 6. Alex Bom 8:80 P. M.?Presbyterian Auxili ary meets with Mn. F. G. Du pree, Jr. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwanis Club. Taaaday. 12 8:45 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet with Mrs. J. W. Parker. 6:80 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:30 P. M. ? Postwar Planning Board will meet at Mayor Joy Tier's office. V 8:00 P. M.?Junior Order. Wednesday, 23 2:30 P. M.?New Deal Club meet with Mm. W. Leslie Smith. 3:00 P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mm. John E. King. 3:80 P. M.?Presbyterian Juniors meet with Mrs. J. C. Corbett ' Thursday, 24 2:30 P. M.?Executive Board meet ing, P. T. A. 3:00 P. M.?Parent-Teacher Asso ciation. 7:80 P. M.?Masons. Friday, 25 8:30 P. M.?Book and Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Tommy S. Ryon. 7:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. Saturday, 26 10:00 A. M.?Bird CJub, TOMORROW ! 9:00 P. M ?Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Bur geron will entertain the Redmon Dupree bridal party at a cake cot ting. Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., and Mrs. Marguerite Britt, of Ayden, motored to Norfolk, Va., Sunday, where they met Charles Blount Quinerly, Mrs. Davis' eon, who has been released from service. ? ? ? Warrant Officer Ernest N. Pette way and Mrs. Petteway, who have been visiting relatives in Washing ton, D. C., Will spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John D. Dixon en route to Kinstan. Mr. Petteway is on terminal leave. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mozingo have returned to Snow Hill after a visit to Mr. and.Mrs. Chas. A. Mozin go. Mr. Mozingo, released recently from military service^ will take over his former position with the J. S. Hi.rdy Purol firm in Snow Hill. ? ? ? Mrs. Cecil T. Johnston returned, Wednesday, from a visit to relatives in Orange, Va. She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. Jimmie Sparks, who will spend several days with her and with another sister, Mrs. Archie Jones, of near Farm ville. ? ? ? . Mrs. Tracy E. Johnson received a telegram, Sunday, stating that her mother, Mrs. J. P. Miller, of Wood ruff, S. a, was seriously ilL Mr. and Mrs. Johnson left immediately, Mrs. Johnson remaining St her moth er's bedside. Late reports state that Mrs. Miller's condition la unchanged. ? ? ? Mr. and Mre-'Paul McDonald, of Washington, D. 0,, returned today after spending ten days with their parents, Mr. and Mre, E. F. Gaynor. Mr. McDonald, wfcO served *a a Qpi, i in the Marine Corps Has been reUsee* ed from service after M months over- i seas duty at Bougainville, Guam and : iwo Jima, see I Mr. end Mrs. Cecil 0. W Instead ; and sons, Cadi, Jr., and Wade Harper, , who have been residing at Angler for , the peat ?% years, moved here re cently and are livfa* at present with Mr. Wbuteed'a parents on East Wil son street. Mr. and Mrs. Wlnstead have purchased a lot on East Church street end are planning to build a home as soon aa possible. ~ |T. M. MIZELLE SUCCUMBS TO HEART ATTACK ; . 'i Just mm we go to prees we hare a report of the sudden passing of T^M. Mizelle, of Ahoekie, father < eur townsman, T. R, Mizelle. Mr. and lira. Mizelle left immediately open receipt of the message, Thpngay. WHfH^sa - pqx The following invitation has been] received by friends hate this week; "Mr. and Mrs. Boy Theodore Cox I "Wrt ?>f ??9WW 0f JW W*We| ^?ught? Janie Blair, to Mr, Robert Pattenon Whrises, en Saturday, the twenty sixth of January, at four o'clock in the afternoon. Missionary Baptist Church, Winterville, North Carolina." FOUNTAIN WEAN'S (JLUB Fountain?'The January mating of the $#> wan bald at the W lw? wCQrgfe t*, jri^rson, with tfc* maiden*, Mrs, Karl Tm? ?m, pi*?idin*, After the bwatmaa aaaaion, the wm tamed over to the pro Mrs, W. R- Harris, who (Lovely Parties Compli ment Miss Dupree; Miss Cox Honored At Tea; Clubs Meet A wedding, characterised by digni ty ead simplicity, was solemnised at the Farmvi lie Christian Church, Sou day afternoon, January 13, at four odock, when Miae Hildred Norlne Holloman became the bride of S/Sgt Joab Pennell Burnette, of the United States Marine Corps, of Camp Le jeune. The Her. C. B. Maehborn, Poetor of the church, officiated to the double ring ceremony. Pedestal baskets of white gladioli and Oregon fern, flanked by floor standards of cathedral candles, wen !u*rf ? ? setting for the wedding Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. X. V. i Jonoe, pianist, and Mrs. Floyd A. Andrews, soloist, of Xt Olive, ren-f dared a program of nuptial music. I Mrs. Jones played "Poem," by Fibich, "My Heart At fhy Sweet Voice"! from Samson and- Delilah, "Inter-1 mezzo" from Cavelleria Rusticaua,! and Schubert's " Serenade." Mrs. I Andrews sang "I Love You Truly," | by? Carrie Jacobs-Bond and "Oh. I Promise Xe," by deKoven. The tra ditional wedding marches wen used) and "O Believe Me If All Those En dearing Young Charms" ami "Drink I To Me Only With Thine Eyes" wore! played during the ceremony. Mrs. J Jones wore a rose drees with a con trasting bead-trimmed yoke, mid a. corsage of red roan. Mrs. Andrews wore a two piece costume suit of gold] taffeta and a corsage of Talisman) Hie bride, given in marriage by an uneleTWilliam A, Pollard, Jr., wore a wool suit in a pearl gray shade, with a small black roee-trimmed hat in spring mode, and black accessories. Her corsage was of orchids and rosea Mrp. Robert D. Rouse, Jr., sister | of the bride, was matron of honor and her only attendant She wore a suit of rose dust wool, with a modi* brown hat and brown accessories. Her corsage was of Talisman roses. Cecil Burnette, of Greenville, bro-L ther of the bridegroom, was best man. Ushers were Sgt Johnnie Lacott, of Camp Lejeune, Johnnie Wilkerson,, Charles J. Ras berry and Jake Joynar.|< The mother of the bridegroom. Mis. 11 Herbert Hem by Burnetts, of Green ville, wore a navy blue suit and a cor sage formed of the florets of white gladioli. Immediately after the ceremony,., Sgt. and Mrs. Burnette left for ah wedding trip to unannounced points. I, Upon their return they will be at L home at Camp Lejeune. The hride is the daughter of the], late Mr. and Mrs. George Holloman.!] The bridegroom is the son of Xra. h Herbert Hemby Burnette, of Green rille, and the l?te Mr. Burnette. Rehearsal Party After the rehearsal, Saturday eve ning, Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Rouse, Sr., entertained the bridal party, id, stives and out of town friends of the < wmple at a cake cutting at their home. The refreshment table was sprew . with a lace doth, centered with a | crystal bowl of pompon chryaanthe- < mums, narcissus and lace fern and' 1 illuminated by white tapers in cryatal 1 utngeliibife. The tiered wedding oakc with ? miniature bride and bridegroom grac ing the top, was placed at one end of the table, and was cut by the bride, who was assisted In serving by Mrs. L. E. Flowers. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Pollard served punch from the other end of the table. Nuts and mints ware passed. The tra3itional nuptial colors of green and white were used with pleasing effect in floral decorations throughout the Rouse home. Mrs. Burnette has been extended ( numerous pre-nuptial social courtesies since announcement of her engage ment in December. Compliment Miss Dupree Frances Earlene Dupree, i daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Gerald Dupree, Jr., wboee marriage fee James Walter Redmond, of Mead viiie, Pp., yiUH take glace Sunday, i January 80, has been the Inspiration for igvoly parties during the past several days. Mrs. Mabrey E. Pollard entertain ed at a beautiful bridge party, Sat urday afternoon, m compliment to Miss Dmngf, who is her niece. The Pollard home, on Home ave nue, waa appropriately decorated in the nuptial colors of green and white : with chrysanthemums, narcissus, ivy and fem being used in artistic ar rangements thrctqgkout The bridge tables bore appointments in bridal motifs. In the prpgrtosive gamps, Mrs. E. F. Wilson, Jp, won Ihn high score award, perfpn?& Miw Francos How ard retained the floating prize, a doable deck of Cungnai < MUa Hiidred Nertne ceived the consolation, a milk bonbon dish, - The honoree waa preeented laid with refreshment eloths and can with small arrangements m I fare. The ices an further emphasised th and white color note. . Guests were invited into the din in# room for coffee. The table wtt covered with an imported ckth ani centered with an arrangement oi white chrysanthemums and fan flanked by white tapers in crystal candelabra. Mn.E S. Coatee post ed coffee from one end of the table and the hostess served cheese straws, mints end waited nuts. ' The buffet bad aa a decoration a large doll in slipper satin bridal gown and veil with candlelight illumination. Sharing with other guests in the pleasures of the refreshment hour were; Mrs. Frank Gerald Dupreet Jr., mother of the honoree, Mrs. G. P. Bur geron, Mrs. E. S. Coatee, Mrs. Charles F. Baucom and Mrs. C. W. Blackwood. Mrs. Frank ?erald Dupree, Jr., en tertained at a lovely bingo party, Monday, evening, in compliment to her daughter, Frances Earlene. Man tels of the home were decorated with lovely arrangements of ivy and trail ing cedar, and white carnations pre dominated in the beautiful floral decorations of the rooms, whan bingo was played on heart ribaped boards. After the games, ices and cakes in the bridal colors and motifs were served. The bride-elect was then invited into the dining room, where she was presented a shower of miscellaneous gifts from the guests. Mrs. R. T. Williams entertained at bridge, Thursday evening, too late for this issue, inrcompliment to Miss Dupree. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Burgeron, aunt and uncle of the bride-elect, will en tertain the Redmond-Dupree bridal party, eat of town guests and friends at a cake cutting, Saturday evening, following the rehearsal. Miss Cox Honored Among: the largest and loveliest of prenuptial social courtesies extended bride-elects by hostesses here, during: the winter season, was the tea given, Tuesday afternoon, by Mrs. Ellen Lewis Carroll and Miss Elvixa Tyson, in compliment to Miss Jania Blair -ox, of Winterville, whose marriage to Robert Patterson Whelesa, of Earmville, will take place January k. - ? ? The D. A. R. Chapter House was the scene of the" affair and was decorated throughout in the tradi nonal nuptial colors of green and white. The colonial mantles, of the spacious. reception room, were bank id with magnolia leaves and bore tall white candles In crystal holders. Bowls at whits camellias were heed n further decoration of the rooms. Miss Nancy Lewis greeted the ruests-as they arrived, , Mrs. Vernon B. Cox, of Winter ville, introduced the receiving line xnnpoeed of the hostesses, Miss Elvira Tyson and Mrs. Ellen Lewis Carroll, he honoree, Miss Janie Blair Cox, *f Winterville, her mother, Mrs. Roy T. Cox, of Winterville, Mrs. J. M. Whelaes, Sr., mother of the hride froom-elect, Mrs. Dixie McLawhorn, it Winterville, Miss Marlon Lucille Davla, bride-elect, and Mrs. E. S. Holmes. Mrs. Soy Davenport, of Winter ville, directed the way to the regis ter, which was presided over by Mrs. J. M. Paylor and Mrs. B. M. Lewis. The green and white color scheme was carried out in effective detail in he refreshments. The table wad spread with a handsome lace cloth, ?entered with an arrangement of white pompon chrysanthemums, snap dragons, narcissus and \ fern and lighted by white candles in crystal candelabra. Mrs. John R. Carroll, of Winterville, was seated at one end of he table serving ices in the chosen solora and Mrs. A. B. Tyson, mother it one of the hostesses, served deeer ited cakes from the other end. Mrs. Eve H. .Tompkins, Ruth Tyson, Ann Bynum and Gayle Flanagan twisted in serving nuts, grew and white miutSi Goodbyes were said to Mrs. J. M. Whelesa, Jr., and Mrs. C. H. Ftana ssm Around a hundred and fifty guests :alled during the tea hour, literary Club The literary Ctnb was entertain ed, Wednesday afternoon, by Mrs. G. ML HoWen, who acted as hostess for Mrs. 0. Hubert Joyner, Mrs. Joyner was reported BA recuperating from .a recent iUn#aa. Early spring flowers were used w a setting far the meet-, iug. In the period devoted to hnMneea, Miss Tahiti* DeVtaeonti, Community Christinas Seal chairman, reported that the sum of fffM.SS was realised from* the December sale, which top ped all preceding'aaies here. Miss DeVisconti also told of the recent announcement to 4m Woman's Club of a proposed gift of a memorial library building by Miae Elisabeth who i*> member of the Liter aiso, and of a building Mfr " vis' sisters, Mr* Charles Of Wilson, and Mrs. W. of ftpnvitte, and a bra joy. with tha fact that Japm i b? permitted to be ome a military menace. Following adjournment, a fruit with cream, fa. white Mrs. Mark E. Dixon vh a gracious hostess at ths meeting of the Con tract Club) Tuesday afternoon at her hem* in which early spring flowers in shades of yellow were effectively High score for tha club members was compiled by Mrs. Z. M. White hurst, who was awarded table tiles, id the guest prise, a piece at pot tery, was woo by Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr. The consolation, a pie Mid, to Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt Mrs. Gerroll D. Ogiesby her mother in receiving and in serv ing a delectable salad course with coffee. Special gueeta wars; Mrs. W. C. Holston, Mrs. W. M. Willis, Mrs. & A. Roebuck, Mitt. G. L. Gilchrist, Mrs. G. Alex Rouses Mrs. Alton W, Bab bitt Mrs. L. E. Wale ton, Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., ami Mrs. Ben L. Lang. B. & B. Club Mr*. Prank K. Alton delightfully entertained the Book and Bridge Club, Friday afternoon in her home, which was decorated with foraythia, narcissus and potted plants. In the progressive games, Mrs. C, S. Hotchkiss won the high aoore award in bridge. The December win ner! were awarded book prises as follows! Mrs. Frank K. Allen, first, "Ship To My Lou" by'William Mar tin Camp, and Mrs. Lewi! W. Alton, second, "Ben Hut" by tew Wallace. . Party sandwiches, asserted pickles, olives, hot cinnamon rolls and coca colas were served after play. Special guests of the hostess were; Mrs. George M. and Mrs. W. Alex Allen, Mrs. Ted L. Albritton, and Mrs. R. E. Pickett, Home Demon*trmtion The January meeting of the Home Demonstration Club waa held in the clubhouse with the officers, Mia. Claude Joyner, president, Mia. J. R. Lewis, vice president, and Mia. B. M. Lewis, secretary-treasurer, as graci ous hostesses. Featuring the business session were plans for the next meeting, to be held February 13, which will be supper affair with husbands of Uie members invited as special guema. It was decided to invite the Seven Pines Club to hold a joint meet with this group at that time. In connec tion with the Victory Clothing Col lection, 4m club members volunteered to make garments as their contribu tion. Miss Verona Lee Joyner, Pitt's Home Demonstration Agent, was the speaker of the afternoon and develop ed a study of "Growing Food For Health With Emphasis On Blood Building," in an impressive manner. Miss Joyner was assisted by the hostesses, who prepared and served, as a practical demonstration of the speaker's subject, baked omelet with tomato sauce, LigM-as-a-Feaiher gin gerbread with cream fluff end cof fee. During the social period, the mem bers enjoyed singing favorite songs in unison, with Mrs. Bennett R. Fields at the piano. CARD OF THANKS We, the family, wish to thank each and every one who helped us in any way during the illness and recent death of husband and father, James Kittle, Jr. We especially wish to thank the entire staff of Pitt General Hotpital of Greenville and the undertaker at Farmvllle Funeral Home for what they did. May Gad's richest Uesqngs be be stowed upon you all forever is our prayer. MRS. JAMES LITTLE, Jr. AND CHILDREN. 1 PARAMOUNT I THEATRE J FARMVILLS, N. C. I P 1 I WEEK OF JANUARY 19 SATURDAY Sanaet Gum?in "CHEROKEE FLASH" Chapter 12, Federal Operator 99. '-' ?? 'M Ai*? SUNDAY and MONDAY Robert Montgomery-Donna Seed and John Wayne?in ? "THEY WERE EXPENDA BLE" ['.Lateat News. TUESDAY John Carroll-Ruth Huaaay?in "BEDSIDE MANNER" Vaaaing Parade?Cartoon. Guaranteed Quality 7 ; r -1 .v?; ?i" *???; ? JEWELERS FA&MVILLR8 LAKGKST JKWKLRY STORK H. S. HATEM, 103 North Maia St in, v n rmrmmvCf ?. u J Visitors are always welcome at our* establishment. We are proud of the furnishings and equipment of this Fur.'.ral Home. All dedicated to serv ing the public of this and surround ing communities. "SINCE 1912" FARMVTLLE FUNERAL HOME TELEPHONE 888-1 . AMBULANCE SERVICE Corn Wanted! We are Now Paying $1.20 per bushel for Yellow, Mixed or White Corn, either? SHELLED or in SHUCK * Delivered to our Mill B. L. LANG Phone 410-1 Farmville, N. CL Attention . FILL NAME WRITTEN IN GOLD On School Tablet Farmville Furniture Co. Big 5 School Tablet Standard School Tablet 8x10 ? ? ' 6?3 ^X' Including Free Child's Full Name Written In No 2T, MAIN STREET

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