FARMVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM Reading from left to right, front row, Joyce Tysotj, guard, Betsy Monies, guard, Margaret Williams,: Ana Moore, center, Daphne Yelvertan, guard, State Meatoy, guard, Lola Gray Kempt *?red; middle K>w, Walgton, guard, Bora Mae Barrett, guard, Bredah Oaaaey, guard, Faye Corbett, guard, Billy Johasatv guard; row, Jean Baiter, forward, Bettie Wainright, forward Bettey Jones, forward, Jean Byrtum, Forward. Severe! f were absent at the time tills picture was taken, including Marjorie Killibrew, high scaring forward. BASKETBALL NOTES Farmville girls have won 10 games, lost two and tied one. They lost to Arthur by a score of 14 to 11, and to Chicod by a score of 88 to 28, and tied Arthur 36 to 35. The Farmville girls have defeated Ayden 18 to 6; Snow Hill 26 to 8, and 58 to 26; Beivoir 87 to 12, and 32 to 13; Grimes land 39 to 22; Bethel 40 to 15; Stantonsburg 26 to 13; Washing ton 27 to 15; Walstonburg 13 to 9. The two Arthur games and the Wal stonburg game were played without the services of Marjorie Killibrew. Farmville will play three gamee at home next week; meeting Walston burg Tuesday night, Chicod Wednes day night and Grifton Friday night Inapite of the fact that the Earm ville girl's team lost so many players by graduation, it has developed into, one of the best teams in Eastern Carolina. They always play the game with lots of pep and enthusiasm and are noted for their hard work, coop eration and sportsmanlike conduct After loaing such outstanding play ers by graduation last year as Johnsie Moore, Margaret Bynum, Jane Turn age and Mary Leah Thome, the pres ent sextet is determined to maintain the fine record set by the girls last year. Farmville won the County Championship last year. Check the Enterprise next week for a record of the boys. They have also won ten games out of 18 played. In recognition of agriculture's vital interest in the disposition of surplus property, an Agriculture. Policy Committee has been appoint ed by the Surplus Property Admin istration. ~ ? March of Dimes Symbol . For millions of American^, Franklin P. Kosscvclt, who re d to accept defeat from Infantile. paralysis, symbolized the' ration's light against the Great Crippler organised and directed by he National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, which the late 'resident founded. The above poster was prepared. Mr the NUtlen J Foundation for its 1946 March of Dimes, January X4-J1, SANDWICH Loaf OUR PRfDE 2^. 15c I QUALITY Armour's TreetJS"34t Spry Shortening?* 24c ockwood's Cocoa S2f 10c sr 12c Gibb's Brand Spinach H a i - w> LETTME SXtSt 2 ? W NMEHHHT 5S* 2 - W tour -xjrsss. lit KilnDried Sweet ^ Potatoes .... 3 lbs. New Guop Florida Green Cabbage .... 4 lbs. .... 15c Atbemtrle- Pterin jPsI' S' 'v'"'I IQ ?"*T iSw*7A\: i ? '-^y Apples ? 2 lbs. .......25c It Easy To Peel a " COUNTY H bill lw-MnK tb tltt dW t 'fiM ?i of HteaKh t? date. him - ^ mkj The expense of i f# V Id I fl ^H. I ififftil 1. ' >n J - - ' ? < ? is jaBnnea wy Tncrewieea pronui to turners, M L O. Sehenb of the State Extttimion Service, 4k VNftVtCJI, , ? J* -ii... ?' the operation of the water, i electric light system* of ft* Town, which are sot pledged or otherwise applicable by law i to the payment of HEtffiY RENFREW iadd ? ? 4 com HI I Hi ?r W fTVt? ? J F / i&0< i nl IN TOUR HOME *Y AlWKfllfflNT n u riRIX m ?MT?w mstiommsm WW ta* Sec. 8. That thia ordinance shell take effect thirty day* after its fiMt publication unless in the meantime a petition for He wnhmiewion to tfie voters is filed' under mid Act, and in such event it stall take effect whan approved by- tile VQfcrs of the Town at an election as provided in said Act - j The foregoing ed an the 11th day af January, 1946 and ww first published on fee 18th day of January, 1944. Any action or proceeding qalsMiaitag the vSBdlty of said ordinance must be commenc ed within thirty days after Its first publication. (J-18-2tc) R. A J0Y1W5R, TOWN CLKBK. designed to make shopping easier and nippier ier returned service men and their wives. A fll Tine of aceessoHcs for each room. EASY An Inviting 3 Pc. Hatched ti?QQ Af| Suites from ____ 2 PC. Matched ' ?-f 1A 00 Suites from _____ ?pJ' lt/?? Sheraton, Lawson, Duncan Phyf e |E|!L 4114 Broadfelt Rugs, 9x12 .. . blue green, burgundy, AA red ? only tPOO.UU. A full line Cocktail, End and lamp Tables, table and door Lamps. BED-ROOM SUITES ? 4 and 5 Pc. Suites ? 4^Pc. Walnut Finish Bipch Wood, Mahogany finish 5 pes. include Nite Stand tjgj .A AM and Bench tfcJWMr* 5 Ptes. SoKd and ' Poster Bed, Vanity, Twin Bed Suites, Maple! and Mahog any?a targe 'display Boksprings and Mattresses. m :M DINETTE | J 5 PCaJ Padded Leatherette Seats, White Oak finish? ife/teQ*00 red decorated