voLtw *mrrr>srx smarata, nrt ooaanr, WMS wohh^ feiday, January ts, i?? NUMBER THIRTY-SIS YOUR BUSINESS WANTED ! MAKE FARMYILLE YOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS Victory Clothing Drive New On In Earnest Here J. W. Munden Named Chairman of Drive For Farmville Community; CoUeotaon To Be Made Sunday Afternoon Mayor J. W. Joynev today appoint ed J. W. Mondesi, manager atBtik Tyier Company. Oiahrwan of the Victory Clothing Drive at the villo community, which in already wall larfirin y throughout the and. aathai r?mi. ...... Mondesi stated that the clothing collected jroold be pecked and shipped, to oar Alliee in the War tqrn Countries. These people ere deapermtely in need of any items in ogsd clothing and shoes. Every citizen of the Community is; urgently requested to go through, all of their clothing and shoes at once and peck all the things they will be able to give in a box or handle oi some kind. Chairman. Munden re thai items be pat on each a'a-frcait porch ao that they may tile street not later | than 8 KM) o'clock Sunday evening, January 27, after which time they will be collected by City tracks and Volunteers. A group of loeal Indian, girl scoots and boy scouts will be asked to co operate in sorting oat end packing1 the clothing which is collected. AH items will be- otsriad to the First Methodist Sunday School Basement,' which will serve as the CeUeetion Center until the clothing is disposed of. | Anyone living outside. at Kasim ville who can contribute to the drive is safcwi.te bring, same.and-idspesit in the Basement at the Methodist. Church. Anyone who is doubtful as to Just where to. pat the oldtiMa. in the. Church is asked to contact Mr. Munden at Beik-Tyler's. Chairman Munden especially re-, quests that all local "Clothing stores in this most important Victory Clothing Drive. Each merchant io asked .to go through his atoek and j make acollection at anything hp may, have in a?slag append or sheas -which ha would be willing to denote.' Mr. Munden stated that it would be indeed helpful if each merchant would put his Collected clothing in a box and send to the basement at the Methodist Church. Remember, let's all do our part to help those who are so much more un fortunate than we. Go through that clothing'teday. It is very important, that tUs clothing be pat on ypnr north by Sunday evening. January 27 by 8 KM) o'clock, after which time it will be collected. Citizens of Fermxttle have newer fell down on any., EMve. Let as all give to this most imyrt'tsul Victory Clothing Drim 4-H COUNTY COUNCIL TO MEET IN GREENVILLE TONIGHT A regular meeting of the fttt County Council will be held Friday, night, January 28, at 7:80 efeMfcin the Agrieultusni Building la. Gresa ville. Ruth Moore, o? the Lang's 4-H Club, and president of the County Council, will pratfe. An MumMk and useful program is planned pre senting an outline of the work to be .-in kMC. IsweMfrrwsa* and a good time await all who attend. Smtbaths Pot Meat On ?? John Rich, W. W, 2, Wa Holding: Cum, Route 2, Wake Forest, as beneficial to tired built , IM If on the aide by glaas windows hing ed at the toy, allowing sunlight to bate the itole ' sm through meet, of the day. A calf raised in this new land in an old-type barn vir doroid of internal light but in their sites light theCaster growth rfthe*ywmg is built At The Rotary Club At the Rotary meeting; Tuestei evening, program chairman, Walla* Jones, prnpMGigp Monk, who ia tan introduced t. S. Ryon, guest Mr. Ryoa. made a apian#* comprehensive talk on "Variant Taxation.1 who is an outstanding tn analyst of the Fkrmvfile cotrnnunfr ty, diacuased, mainlf, the method at paying and collecting taxea and oak new rtlaa far the year 1946. Joah Mundm, i h?l?? of the fat reported 91A9 daring the past parted. Then ance priae fee the evening was swank ad Dr. diarh a E. FttsgerakL Audrey - Joyner, recently released from military service, was a visitor. MISS EVELYN WEBB BRIDE-ELECT HONORED Pinetope.?Mrs. Parry E. Lee, Jr., Mra. Richard C. Whitlard, and Mrs. LelaadH. jfitshra ssmplimsatsd Miaa Evelyn Webb, bride-elect, and Mr*,1 Bon S. Lovetac* a rage at baide, at a bridge party* Thursday evndng, at the home of their parents in C*isp, which was daasrated with mixed fhieeis and ivy. v At.the conclusion of play, prises ware awarded Ma. N. T. Parker, high, and Miss Nina Smith, low. TWehostesses praeeatad Miss Webb with a gift of crystal m her oheaaa pattern and she was showered with handkerchiefs from the gueats. The nhsaer waa attractively asranged to lepicseut a bride's bouquet on a pnaypr, bode. Mrs. Lovelace waa showered also with miscellaneous gifts. An ice eourae: was served. Mrs. Join IX Sh sarin, -Jr., end mo ther, Mrs. S. R. Jenkins, entertained at a bridge party, Friday evening, at 8:00 o'clock, in honor of Miss iFebb, hklde elect Seven tables were ai united for ptay. High score pid went to Man Graver H. Webb* moth er of the henons* sad Mrs. Benjamin Lovelace took the consolation prize. Miss Webb was prasented crystal in her pattern. A salad (date was serv ed. MRS. GALbOmur PA SMS, AGKT1 Wilson.?Funeral services for Mrs. Susan Emma Gainey Galloway, 71, wife of E. D. Callaway, of Wiles*, who passed way ??'? a Wilasn has* of severs! weeks, were held, Wednesday afternoon, at 3:00 o'clock, from the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Kelly, -415 Herring Am Rev. L. B. Manning, ef the PVewWHf Bap tist Chuisfc, of wtdeh she had bean a laaanber for .40 years, was in charge of funeral rites. Interment was made in the Owens cemetery, near Sara toga. Surviving ate her huaham&> 8k D. Galloway, four daughter*, Mrs. J. C. Kelly and Mrs. Euley Wheeler, of Warn, Mm Calvin. Bshar and Mrs. Lorn Jeffs?on, ef P walahn and fees son* J. I, Rby, Lloyd and Wffeet, all of Wilson. [Hens Demand Elbow j Boom Around Hopper Since many urban families in North avotta* hun gry" because supply has failed tor catch up with dwnand, R. S. Dear stjrse, baud rf the jPopartmest. of ri-? ? ru.11JI_ reluury BCienW AX ouHXe UlllCfB, 1188 courpUei A lis* of pointers for pool f Mll>i, n , n ,1 ? A ,, trymen dBnpM to put during periods of low produer titan. Hans demand "elbow room?" at the hopper. Otoe linear foot of feeding should. be * provided far eves* fortr not be too faH be supplied daily. To forestall egg eating by the bens themselves, at least five corrective eaauxes may be IsJbn: (1) Pro vide at least one dean nest for every five.Myers? (Vf Shade or dasfeear 'poets, with burlap if Qifcjvjtnmlic Tn JUGCIufiDS jo Business Suspended Durinr Hew of Ttee Funeral of Prominent ORizen Fmml uli.ia for Richard Aim* Pkrtter, Sr., 64, prominent Farmvflle and a highly Pitt county citizen, who succumbed a series of heart attacks aftar node* *U? conducted ftrom home at 2j00 o'clock, Saturday by the Rev. Edwin S. Oaatap, Preaby terian minister. Buaineaa was sus pended here during the funeral hour, and boats of friends assembled at the hoam-for tfca final ittes. Bdttehei*- composed of Mrs. M. V. Jonas, Mm. Alton W. Babbitt, Mr. Md Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. B&uoosupeJ TW OM Rugged Gm% Abide With Bra. and Bye and No was mads in the family on the Parker plantation, near FarmviDa, beneath one' of the largest and handsomest floral offer ings seen here. Active pallbearers were; Herbert E. Hart, David and Robert Parker, C. A. Tyson, Glynn Newton, J. W. Joynar, Arch J. Flanagan and J. M. Stansill. . > Mr. Parker wii boa November 80, 1881, the son off the lot* Richard B. and Delphia Tyson Parker. Tfeoagh reared on the farm and spending several years there during his early married life, he had resided here for many years, becoming prominent in the business and civic life of the town and community. He had en gaged hi the automobile sales and repair business here for more than 25 years. Of a genial disposition and a kind ly and charitable nature, he had hosts of friends in this community and throughout Fastsni Carolina, who an saddened by his sudden passing. He was a loving father and hus band and' devote^ to .his home. He has recently purchased the Rountm residence on Walnut street and was preparing to move when he was stricken. _ '-X Mr. Parker was married three times. His first- wife, the former Miss Dole Bryan, of Falkland, died in 1818. Of this union the following children survive: -Mrs. W. D. BroWn, of Raeford; Mrs. E. P. Rothrook, Mr*. R. M. Wall aad William B. PUshe*, of LeaksviHa; Roland B. Parker, of the faculty of the Univer sity of North Gsrelina, Chapel Hill; J. Leroy Parker, of Rocky Mount, and R. A. Parker, Jr., of Dyenburg, Term. Ha second wife, the former Miss Mary Council, of Lake Waccamaw, died in 1981. Survivors of this mar riage are John Council Parkier, medi ae)' student at Duke University; Jtmes R., af Lake Waccamaw, and Charles E. Parker, of the home. Survivors of the third marriage inainde Ms wide, the former Mas aejntelS Loans, of Benseu; a daughter, Mary Faye, and a' son, Martin L. Parker. Other surviving relatives are-two iters, Mrs. W. A. Hearae, of Mac clesfield, and Mrs. W.* S. Newton, of Fountain; two brothers, J. Cleveland, of Farmville, and William B. Parker, of Bolton, and a number of grand Piji* Log Mao's Pay Ptitr Mayer lit Shade Louis K Mayer of the MOM movie fins is lisUA by the income tax croupier* as the highest paid individ ual in the United. SOtes today but E. P. Saler, "dirt" farmer of the Mee Le? section ot Clhy County, North Carolina, whose income has in 700 yes cent in pest seven yean puts Mayer in f? cool shade whan percentages an considered. Mayer netted almost a million dol lars more money in 1946 than did farmer Caler but the movie mogul's increase over previous yean was low while Calebs was 700 per cent over ma Caler, who took over what waa a ly the "peasant farm in Pine hi the Bnatown watershed " "00 for Us efforts in IMS netted a Wan. Gnkam McAdams Recehreg Commendation Friends her? will be interested to lean of the certificate of new# tien ineMi William. Mt Adiat wcertly by the Navel Ordn ance fgdmafaay, fa Waehingtoo, D. c. Z-rZi;.! *'?' r"""; ;: B?a-certificatem+t u. . "Mr. William G. McAdama, a mem ber cf the fljiaalatfsn Subsection of the Test Divide* Navel Osfaanee Laboratory, has shown marked abili *t*t ?H fa the conduct and evaluation of teats on mereiu meohaniaau. His work has b"?painstaking and precise and at all times hae ben carried oat ex peditiously. In wumidfam of Ms ingenuity, engineering aMIity, and nidi Judgment^ Mr, KUeA4awb is aramsded the Naval Qnfaaaee Labora tory CeaUflcato of Commendation." Signed W. G. Schindler, Captain, USN, Officer-in-charge. JtcAdams, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mcdrftama, of fhnn ville, was with the Jfitime aad Light Cbomission in GMmvilfa prior to volunteering for military service in December, 1942. He wae later re aad baa been with the Ngval Owfaaace Laboratory in Washington stare that time. His wife is the fermar Miss Helen Eaeon, of Greenville aad EarmviUe, The? have a small daughter, Annette, who makes extended visits to her fond gsawlaaraats here. FABMVILLS BOY MAKING HIS MARK AT A. C. C. L. D. Braxton, son at Mr. aaA.Mn. L. D. Buaxtan, Sr., of MuuntiU*.- now n Freshman at Atlantic Ctohttian at his Orientation Qnup. Also he i? a member of the Dr?sHcn Club end gave a good performance in then recent presentation "The Imagi nary Invalid." Mr. Bnurten graduated from Furm ville High School, FarnwiHe, m the spring of IMS, and ho pee to finish Atlantic Christian College with the class of '49. " POST-WAR PLANNING BOARD The Poet War Planning Board met in Mayer Joyneafs office, Monday Waning. B. A. Joyner, chairman, presided ever the business session, in which committee chairmen reported on the paogrese being made in the work on the projects of its varied program of service, and further discussed was the possibility of a new Post Office building, mora adequate Bus Station facilities, the building of a communi ty center, street paving, e proposed playground for thecolored, a modam hotel, and the possibilities of an air* port for Farmville. Thf members expressed deep satis faction at having their desire for a library building consummated in the very generous gift of a library budd ing for Farmvilla, announced by Miss Elizabeth Davis, last week. An invitation was' read inviting representatives to attend a Confer ence meeting of the Eastern North Carolina Communities, which was held in the Queens Street Methodist Church, in Kinsfon, Thursday. Theme of the masting was, "Building Better Representatives appointed to at tend the conference were. Rev. E. S. Coates, Rev. E. R. Clegg, Dr. John M. Mewborn, Mayor J. W. Joyner, Mrs. J. W. Parker and Mrs. W. Jesse Moye. 4-H Club Gardeners Produce Much Food Every county in North Carolhia it* boys and girls growing 4?H the total number of gardens runs into many thousands* are conducted under the super' vision of the farm and home agents of the State College Extension Ser* vice and its horticultural specialist* Rachel Sites, a member of tit* Balls Creek Senior 4-H Club m Ca tawba County, is only fourteen years eld but yet she presents a good ex ample of what so many of bar 4*H brothers and sisters in gardening ?*? jWS* TJiia year Rachel won (he Victory garden contest in Catawba, sponsor ed by the Sears Roebuck Foundation and came second in food preservation* <0 bfcdMli o t vegeta bles, growing 11 different types, with I lima beans, and. tomatoes leading. i is one of Local Order Fetes Hus bands and Notables At E?nqutt % all A flatting of beautifully appointed tftfriffl, tl^ prwwricci of hoikiiDds yd of thk tion of the State, combined to the banquet, gbqi by the load Order of the Eastern Star, on Friday eve ning, a gain occasion. . The mantles of the Country Club, in which tho banquet was held, were attractively arranged with and glowing red candles. The center banquet table bore a lovely centerpiece of roses and carna tions in an arrangement of cornucop ias, which also served m holders for red tapers. Satin ribbon stream ers, in the O. E. S. colors, were showered from the floral center snd had attached hand pain ted place cards. Covers were laid for aevsnty-flve. A three ooune turkey dhmer was serv ed at 6:30 o'clock. The invocation was offered by Kiss Mamie Davis, Chapter Chaplain. Mrs. J. W. Parker, Past Grand Ma tron, acted as toastmistress. Words Of cordial welcome were spoken on behalf of the members by Mrs. C. H. Flanagan, Worthy Matron and W.TB. Joyner, Worthy Patron, to which Ed Nash Warren, in his happy manner, responded. The eighteen members of the local chapter were recognised and spoke briefly, and following this feature; Elbert C. Holmes, Worshipful Blaster of the Farmville Masonic Lodge, brought greetings from his organiza tion. Alter dinner, greetings were brought from other distinguished guests: Mrs. Maude B. Foy, at Kinston, District Deputy Grand Matron, of District 3; J. T. Gregory, at Elizabeth City, Dis trict Grand Patron of the 1st Dis trict; Mrs. Louise Wells, of Green ville, Grand Electa, North Carolina Grand Chapter, 0. E. S. Mrs. Parker introduced the guest speaker of the occasion, Mrs. Blanche Twiford, Worthy Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter, N. C. O. E. S., who brought a message of interest to mew here, stressing the relation ship of the Masonic Fraternity and the Order of the Eastern Star. Blest Be the Tie That Binds was appropriately sung in closing, and the- benediction was pronounced by Dr. E. W. Holmes, of the Baptist Church. Following the banquet, members of the 0. B. S. repaired to the Ma sonic hall, Wham a regular meeting of the Order was held with the fol 1 owing distinguished guests In at tendance: Mm. Ray Clarke, Grand Represen tative of Quebec, in the North Caro lina Jurisdiction, and Mrs. J. T. Gregory, Associate Matron, District 1, J. L. Phillips, District' Deputy Grand Patron. 2nd District, and Mrs. Phillips, Mrs, RcwMle Stroud, Wor thy Matron, Kinston. Chapter, Mrs. Addie Wooten, Mrs. Bayndr, all of Kinston; T. A. Etheridge, Worthy Patron, Greenville Chapter, Mrs. Etheridge, Mm. Mauds Lee WiHi ferd, Mrs. Emery, and Mrs. A. C. Tadlock, of Greenville. Other out of town guests, tossstianad as attending the basque* warn present also. Mrs. Flanagan, Worthy Matron, presided over the session, and Mrs. TwiJkttd, Gsrasd Matron, madman in spiring toik on the theme, "The Gard en of Friendship." Members of the Farmville Chapter presented Mrs; Telford with a lovely gold bonbon dish, ana memento,of the occasion. RELEASED from sertice Eton 2/c U. S. N. R. CUrles Blount QtdHsriy,-8*sr o# M#ir Frarit Davis, Jr. and Us late J. K. Quinarty. was re leased from service at Camp Sbelton, Via., January 18. Fhm. Quinerly began his service at N. 0. B. Norfolk, Nov ember 23, SMI, where he researsd his basic training. He then attended the Hospital Medical Carps School at Md., audi was first 'rtfr Camp Elliot, San Diego, California. J 0010611/8 longest period of service was spent on Guadacanal, when he was attached to the Fleet Hospital 108, and from whom he was assigned to the U. S. S. Fergnes, his last duty before being releanad He was awanMd the ~ Amerfc, Area, Asiatic-Pacific and Victory ^???B? Cpi- Tammy M. Tuolm, sob of , Mr. ?" * ? ' M ' " *ftr ** Fort At Hie Kiwanis Club David Harris yraa in charge of the meeting Monday night and had a* hie guest speaker R A. Joyner, Farsi ville's well known City Clash, who gave a splendid resume of the growth of the Rural ion. Mr. Joy out very clearly the many that R. E. A. offers the dm have had to de conveniences for the they have lived on their farms. It was interesting to-note the feet that R. E. A. is self sustaining and its growth has far exceeded all expectations, having a present mem bership of 1800. Mr. Joyner spoke very highly of the fine work David Harris has den* while earring in the capacity of R. E. A. Service Depart ment Manager. v A good response was reported on the sale of tickets for the Benefit March of Dtmes hall to be held Jan uary 31, fur tin Infantile Paralysis Foundation, being sponsored by local Junior Woman's Club. Roland Lang, Audrey Joyner and Warrant < Officer Pettaway, all of Famville, were guests of the club, as was Jack Conn, of Rocky Mount The psugram neat week wHl be un der the direction of John D. Dixon. HEART ATTACK IS FATAL TO TIM" MIZELLE Ahoskie. ? Timothy M. "Capt'n Tim" Mlselle, 75, one of this Area's best known residents and long-time carpenter, died unexpectedly Thurs day, January 17, at' 11:30 a. m., as the result-of a heart attack. "Capt'n Tim" collapsed at work at Lawrence Harris Lumber Co., as he he wsa crossing the lumber yard. L. I. Vann, a-fellow employee, took him to this office of Dr. J. B. Ruff in, but he passed away before be reached the office. Mr. Miaelle, who moved to Ahoskie from Windsor in 1924, was a member of the Ahoskie Baptist Church, from which the funeral was conducted Fri day afternoon at 3:00, with the pas tor, the Rev. Mr. Creech, in charge. Interment was made in the Ahoskie cemetery beneath a large and hand some floral tribute. Surviving are his wife, a daughter, j Mrs. O. E. Early, of Ahoskie; two sons, Russell, of Farmrille, and Wal ter MtoeHe, of New Bern; three stepsons, Fred, of South Hill, Va., Luther, of Windsor, and George Thompson, of Texas; three step daughters, Mrs. J. L. Barnes, of Colerain, Mrs. F. D. Swartz and Mrs. Lsura Sanford, both of Norfolk; a brother, Lfem, of Enfield; two sis ters, Mrs. W. C. Hardison, of Lynch burg, Va., and Mrs. Bettie Davis, of Windsor. DDT Not So Deadly To Bees As Feared DDT, highly effective supplement to nature's own method of controll ing insect pests, is still under inten sive study by researchers and the re sults of tests' made to date are en couraging, according to specialists of the State Collage Extension Service. One of the early fears?that DDT would destroy too many bees which ?re useful as honey collectors and particularly valuable as poHeniser* of steps sueh as legumes and fruit?has been virtually eliminated by the dis covery that DDT is actually less deadly to bees than the arsenical sprays now commonly used. Bee keepers now are beginning to reganf DDT as a promising relief for bee losses by arsenic poisoning. Ueur- objections to the new pest control have been predicted upon the con teat ion tfcat it would "upset, the balance of nature," a theory that beneficial insects, birds and other predaters can sufficiently control in sect pests. So, intsnsive tests of DDT are being made to determine its insects and other wild life. In regard to the widespread use of the chemical, it now appears for the first time as a practical control for The current "crop" of beetles and other injurious pests in North Caro lina has been described by Extsmdon specialists as normal with no dan gerous outbreak ~ J? Seren More Days Raleigh, Jan. 24.?Only seven <iays remain before the 1945 ear licensee become invalid in this state, but sales of the 1945 tags ai* lag ging behind, last year, motor vehicles Commissioner T. Boddie Ward re port*. He said that sales throagb ?Hp totalling 411,002 were 93, less tan for the same period last Infantile Paralysis Benefit At Coiuitry Club To Be Coimmmi^i ty Affair Plans for FfcimviHe's March of Dimes ball have been complete^ the bail -will be hnhl Thursday m ning, January 31, at the Oasatry Club according to Margaret Smith, who with sistant chairman, Mn. Frank K. Allen, and the sponsoring orgaaisa tion, the Junior Woman's Clufc, are striving, to make this one of the most enjoyable events of the winter sea son, in addition to managing, it so that it will result in being a seeases ful benefit in point of finance. Tickets, at 12.00 per couple, are now on sale at the City Drug Stare or may be secured from the jyidaat I of the Junior Woman's Clab, Mrs. R. T. Williams, or any member of that group, the hall will begin at 9:00 o'clock and continue until mid night or later. Plans call for a well known orchestra. It is hoped that everyone in the community will buy tickets and at tend the ball if poesibl*. In con tributing your dimes and dollars yon can help polio victiaas of ttte com munity as well aa those throughout the nation. The celebration of this occasion by the American people this year will be the first held in 13 yednr without the living presence of and the inspir ing broadcast of Franklin Mmo Roosevelt, the man who a nationwide fight against disease of infantile paralysis and be came the symbol of success in his personal struggle against this tragic handicap. The late president bequeathed to the American public ? the cause to which be was so zealously devoted? extending research toward complete ly conquering the disease and con tributing funds to the Warm Springs Foundation, the facilities of which can aid those who alw. already' StsMfc en.' The 1946 March of Dimes is dedicated to his memory as the foun der of the National FmsdHiae for Infantile Paralysis. - . Y. W. A. REORGANIZED The Baptist Young Woman's Aux iliary was reorganized at the home of Mrs. H. IX Johnson, Young Peo ple's Director, on Tuesday evening. Mrs, Johnson gave the madftjtion and selected for Scripture Ecclesiastes 12: 1-7. | The following officers were ed at this time; Miss Elviia Ty*0n, president; Mrs. Annie Andrews; vice president; Mrs. Rosa Humphrey, sec retary and treasurer; Miss " man, study chairman; Mrs. Moore, program and social man; Mrs. Ida Pate, community mis sion chairman. Following adjournment, refresh ments of peach salad, crackers, ham biscuits, nuts and coffee GERMAN TG UDAUTISM IIP JG5 DllUIVMi Ui London, Jan. German flee*, one? a ] tor In world affair*, ed among the victorious Biff ! Britain, Russia and the U. S. A. Operable surface units of the Ndsi navy, amounting to 1,789 veeatia, to gether with 30 submarines, an betffff split up on a-share and share allfce basis, a tri-power communique arid last night. The action leaves Germany wiffi out the vestige of a combat fleet A British source said the chant fleet also would be divided later, although fishing 'J! not be taken. Involved in the split-up wen two cruisers, 30 destroyers and boats, 48 torpedo chips and 109 other unit*, including and harbor petrol boats AO of 1 many'8 battleships were sunk the war and the British disclosed that 100 sumndared German U-l were scuttled- last November. Each nation, in addition to 10 i marines will ? >. ri?; cruiier iTinz ers and torpedo 1 560 pads

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