WALSTOJVBURG . ? ? Mr*. W. E. Is* time with Mr. and Mr*. T. W. Simp son and family in Washington, D. C. Mrs. W. P. Ellis, of Wilson, spent Tuesday with her mother, Mr*. W. L Shacklrford. Miss Rath Owens, of Shrmtoga, Miss Elisabeth Hoileman and Rich ard Gay were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gardner, Sunday. Mr*. Sailie Mercer has returned to her home in Rocky Mount after a visit with relatives snd friends here. Mrs. Ky Crawford, of Bell Arthur, Mrs. Ray Oglesby and eon, Tommy, of Wbiterville, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Craft, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ray Whitley, of Newport News, Va., spent the week end with, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Whitley. Mr. and Mrs. J, A* Parker, of Ashe ville, were the gueaU of Mr. and Mr*. G. W. Bailey during the week end. Mrs. Jason Shirley and sons, Char les and Don Rav. were the week end guests of Mr*. Shelby Brewer in Wil son. Mr. snd Mr*. Paul Craft and son, Neal, were the dinner guests of Mr. snd Mrs. Ben Thomas of near Parm ville, Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. A1 Silva, of Oakland, Calif., are visiting Mr. and Mr*. Wiley Gay. Mias Rayonel Bailey, a at a. lent of E. C. T. C., Greenville, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sutton and children, Neta Marie and Faye, were the week end guests of Mrs. W. 1. Shncklefond. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Craft, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Craft and son, Neal, were Wilson visitors, Saturday. Mrs. Fannie Goin plans to leave Friday for a visit with relatives in Richmond, Va The national soybean reserve drop ped by about 6,000,000 bushels in 1946. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION? NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, County of Pitt, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ______ vie* Heater Butler Harris ? ' James Harris Hie defendant, James Harris, will take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Pitt County, North Carolina, to obtain absolute divorce, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at the office of the Cleric of the Superior Court of said County in the courthouse in Greenville, North Carolina, on the 1st day of February 1946, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 1st day of January, 1946. D. T. HOUSE, Jr., Clark Superior Court NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, Pitt County In The Superior Court. MAGGIE MAE LEWIS ? v? ? GLOSTER LEWIS The defendant, (Roster Lewis, will take notice that an action entitled as Above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Pitt County, North Carolina, for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation; and that said defendant will further take notice that he ia required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt County, in the courthouse in Greenville, North Caro lina, on the 16th day of February, 1946, and answer or demur to the complaint hi said action, of the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. 21, 1946. E. F. TUCKER, - Ork Superior Court. R. T. Marin, Atty. J-25-4wks For ] la that t receive the most wear, can easily to red by pointing in a new pet instead floor. Mark a the floor, patting large ones in tto arena that may have to be re painted. Paint ae you wish, choos ing the colore -that will harmonise with the kitchen. Points to check whan buying pens (and kettle*, specialists are: (1) Balance ? the pan and its handle should be well balanced so that the pan stands when empty. Too heavy a handle makes a tipey pan that is awkward to use and may cause dan gerous spills of hot water or food. at jointings, the mors durable and easy to ctaan it will to. (S) Bottom?A flat bottom helps keep a pan steady and maanr faster heating and more economical use of fuel. Pane for use an electric stores should have dull-finished bottoms to save fuel. A dull finish absorbs heat in contrast to a shiny finish which reflects it (4) Sides?Straight sides are more economical of beat and also of space on the stove than flaring aides. (5) Handles?Handles of pans and covert should be comfortable to and insulated against heat (?) Cover- A close-fitting coyer is essential for many cooking pro i, so buying a pan and cover to gether is often worth the extra money. (7) Thickness ? Thin, lightweight aluminum is lees expensive and lass durable than the heavy metal. Thin ware is easily dented, bent and scorches easier than heavy wear. Heavy wear is economical. Government price rapports and heavy demand are expected to keep dairy products high during the first half of 1946. Scientific agricultural experimen tation is now on a hemispheric basis to produce supplies which the U. S. but does net grow. gjgfiMH ? QUESTION: planted for timber he ANSWER: If ?**'*!? mended spacing*, they wih prune themselves by shading out the lower limb* and flowing trunks to ??w elfin aewlog Ungtjrn wife ble for tember. Trees and vnmfi of ltobeefi more subject to deam from wind and slant than T ? W fI TTpp*^ i|| I - I 111.* .1 ? * .*^ trees *which grow mora thickly and are allowed to front thsrenelven QUESTION: Give a ffore. for -sa^r-A ntisfactory latter score card would include: flavor, 46 points; body, 25; color, 18; salt, It, and package, 6. Good qeflity but ter should hare a pies wing taste amlf be free of objectionable odor* or flavors which might original dirt, aci?P milk, fasd flavors, onions, or' othftr should bs of uniform col ess tee from white specks or streaks of yel low, sheakt be worked Jut enough to thoroughly mi* the salt and should not appear ally. r? QUESTION: At what tempera ture should milk be churned ? - ANSWER; At A temperatom be tween 66 and 70 degrees fahmtheit. Get a goad dairy thermometer and find out by testing it yourself ediat churning temperature la beat to use. Stock peanut prices will be sup ported ait ? per cent of parity as at July IS, IMS, the begtanui* of the The U. a Department will publication of its yearbook in 1M7, after diecoetinmuwe during war i.t ? ? 1 1. ? ??1 ? 1 WAV., WOTS SO STRANGE ABOUT JMf KNOCKIN* IT I OVER THE FENCE 3 1 RATj GUVS OO/ 3 OUT vP |IB ? K i ny . T WNT DETAIL 77 MOO* < ? I v l\\ AustirvNicholsSCo I Y*? N*'* TORI Stay Oh The Right Side Of Your Budget! It will help to practice some of the lessons learn ed lit the past fevryeaxs. Boy only what you need, and set the beet quality you can afford. la the tag ran, ywrtl SAVE ALL WATS ? and make year interne go further. ntvrn in SAVWGS BONO* Our friendly service in ?li financial natters wilt met with your com plete satisfaction * "SAVE TODAY for the things you will want Tomorrow! Bank of Farmville ,1 ML . ?*the said to exhibit them to tin ua dersigr.ed at FWmville, North Caro lina, on or More tho 8th day of December. 1940, or tfeis notice will be Treaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will Ifcie 4tfe day of December, 1946. Robert I*. Flanagan and Alieegrne F, Ferrell, | Administrator* of Mrs. Alice Flanagan Estate. NOTICE I . NORTH CAROLINA, Pitt County, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Mae Bell Smith ? VS ? Huriia Smith TV defendant Huriia Smith will take notice that an notion aa above have been commenced in the Superior Court at Pitt County, North Caro lina, to obtain a divorce from the de fendant on the grounds of two yean separation; and the aaid defendant will further take notice that he ia required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Htt County ia the courthouse in GreetrcBle, North Carolina, on ihe Slat day of January, 1946, and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the compaint. This the 15th day of December, D. T. HOUSE, Jr., Cleric Superior Court Pitt County. Wm. J. Bundy, Attorney for Plaintiff. (D-21-4wha) BE IT ORDAINED bf at Commtosteeen at *? Town of Farmville, North Cerolina: Section 1. Hut pmsuaai to the Municipal Capital Reserve Act of 1M3, withdrawal from the capital teseiVs fund of the Town of Fhrm ville of the amount of 110,000 for necessary ffiyenawe and for ths fur pose of purchasing street mainten ance equipment am sanitary equip ment for said Town to hereby author ized. Sec. 2. That the source or ianaeys la said capital isasrvt fund for said itfadrawal la unappropriated sur kcea, aa follows, vis.: Receipts from from the operation of the water and electric light systems of the Town, which are not pledged or- otherwise applicable by law to the payment of existing debt .. ? ? ? Sec. 3. That this ordinance shall take effect thirty days nftar its first publication unless in the meantime a. petition for its submission to the voters is riled under said Act, and in such event it shall take effect when approved by the voters of the Town at an election as provided in said Act The foregoing ordinance was pass ed on the 11th day of January, 1946 and was first published on the I8th day of January, 1948. Any action or .proceeding questioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenc ed within thirty days after its first j publication. R. A. JOYNER, j (J-18-2tc) TOWN CLEBX. Bay Bends He Hays And Ta Held ! BELK - TYLER'S ? ? ? ? S|pedal Red Hot Promotion Items Being Put On Sale Each Day! FOR THIS WEEK END! - CANNON ? HEAVY WEIGHT ? limit 4 to a Customer ? BOYS'"MAYO" LONG SLEEVE ? LONG-LEG UNION SUITS ? Sizes 6 to 16 ? ? JANUARY SPECIAL! ? 1,680 ^pc Assorted Styles as 3 ? 2nd FLOOR _ 4? LOVELY EWE 9 REDUCED?Values to $6.00 ? * ^ mmm WEAVE ** Uk mrj ?8 In Solid Blue ? MEN'S FULL CUT UNDERWEAR Assorted Patterns?Aft Sixes 28 to 42 ? NEW SHIPMENT OAAfl SHOES - Girls *~'; _ B LOAFERS and OXFOBDS __ m All Sizes ? Genuine Leather fir-" JUST ARRIVED ? CHILDREN'S Sixes 2 to 8 ? 2,300 YARDS?HIGH QUAUTY ? Plenty of Patterns * rwoven p ^ "wmttuar L H JMMK: ? 9,000 YARDS OF ALL TYPE PIECE GOODS Prints ? Curtain Goads ? Spuns ? Faille ?Linens SoBd and Printed Rayons ? Eyelets .. ..... SELECT YOURS TODAY I ?? -.A^ ? "' wv