? ?r?. VABMT ?ft VITJJE KNTKBPBNE ? JLJMMh fWi & XUML BJU9A rARMttLL* N. C axm wee, Editor, Owner ft Mgr. Era Herton Rooae , Arcnrietn IMtter - Pabliehed by - THE K0U8S PRINTERY WWllto. N. a Ye*W flwhotrlpiton Price: .00?? Mm. $1?? Mm 60c All Lev kl Adv. 6c a Una per week. Pabliehed weekly and entered aa Second Claaa Mali at the Boat Office at Fanwrille, N. O. under Act at March talUTS. Activities Of Women In Church Groups Baptist The Emily B. Holmes Class met with Miss Elvira Tyson as on Tuesday evening, and with Mrs. r. Ibert C. Holmes presiding. An inspiring devotional, stressing ? theme "Love," was given by Mrs. Maker, who also read an ap propriate prayer. Mrs. Holmes was in charge of the entertainment program for the eve ning and conducted a series of lovely games and interesting contests. ITie hostess served delicious ice cream and cookies. Mrs. Cecil Wlnstead was a visitor ?nd Mrs. C. L. Laagley was wel comed A a new member at this time. The Young Woman's Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Society, met Monday evening with Mrs. H. D. Johnson. Miss Elvira Tyson presided and as program leader made a splendid talk on "Spiritual Atomic Power." The meditation was based on 1st Peter, 2:1-10. ' The hostess served a delectable salad plate with baked apples form ing a rose motif, sandwiches, crackers and coffee. Christian Group l, Woman's Council, met at the home of Mrs. Z. M. Whitehurst, .Monday evening, with Mrs. Prank DaVis, Jr., presiding. Mrs. Florence Thome presented the devotional, wWch was followed by a prayer chain The members, led by Mrs. Thorn took part in a discussion of the pro the comcil publication, The World Roll CalL" j Refreshment money was donated! y the hostess to the council treasury. Mrs. L. L. Hardy was hostess to . Group 2 at her home in Madry, Tues day evening, in which early spring ETTLT* I*"101 artistic ef fect TTie meeting was marked by Mli. Robert D. Rouse presided tiS ^^.8eleCtf0n reUtin^ to Chris of the devotional i2e? Skinner, program eader^renducted a quiz on Scripture references and home and foreign mis sioos. Mrs. c. H. Moye delighted' thegroup ^ voca, selections, with! Piwo accompwiiment by Mrs. Jake kStfllST** ^ h?^ the ^ P?? Pies, towed With cream, and coffee. eetZlH^ MrK Emegt Rm" ??"> Wednesday evening, with Mr? ^v^!!.11510110 ? Ch*rge of the de Eta? Ted I* Al * brief busi pUns were tSd iTp^L W^ip Snpper' to be veteped by the chairman. Mtfowmg adjournment, fruit cake, topped with cream, nuts and coffee wens served by the hostess. Is ChriltowityT^ThU followed fey a discussion of the by the members. Mrs. W. A. conducted the regular "Hidden An swers" portion of the Mrs. C. L. lopes, whose birthday the aaipe as that of meeting, was remembered with gifts from Hie other During the nodal hour, the hostess served cookies, nuts end coca colas. The Woman's Auxiliary met, Mon day afternoon, with Mrs. G. Alex Rouse. Mrs. W. R. Bumette presided and outlined objectives for the m year, which were featured by the General Church's Foreign Recon struction proposals, the World Day of Prayer, to be held fYklay, March 8th, with this group as local lewfe and the Lenten educational program. Mrs. Rouae, treasurer, gave a report of receipts and expenditures for the past year in the Five Fields of Service. y.l Presbyterian Members of the Presbyterian Wom an's Auxiliary and their guests, mem bers of the Ballard's Auxiliary and Garraway*8 Chapel Circle, met at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, on East Church street, Tuesday, for a special . and * covered dish I CUfton Corbett, vice president, in the shswe of the presi dent, Mrs. W. H. Moore, Jr. Mrs. E. S. Coatee- conducted the devotional program, end a ftnign mission study baaed on the book, "tin Cross Over Africa," by Bishop Nis san, was* developed by Mrs. M. E. Pollard, Auxiliary Secretary of For eign Missions, and by Mrs. J. M. Mewborn and Mrs. Cherry Easley, who reviewed the book fa its entirety, pointing out the opportunities and responsibilities of the churches in the African mission Arid. Following the presentation of the program, a covered dish luncheon was served, buffet style, from the dining table, which was centered with a love ly arrangement of growing plants. The Rev. E. S. Coatee gave the invocation. Burley tobacco farmers have ex pressed desire for a 1946 acreage cut of at least 20 per cent and a 50 per cent penalty against growers who violate quotas. Mire Elixbaeth Gafaey, Home Dem onstration Agent fa Cumberland County, N. C., for the past 32 yean, was recently honored by the farm women of the county who gave her a handsome bronse plaque. PARAMOUNT 1 THEATRE 1 FARMVTLLE, N. C SATURDAY, FEB. 2 SATURDAY :r Crebbe-Al St Joto-in "FIGHTING BILL CARSON" Chapter 2, "Purple Ronetir^J Strikes"?Also Comedy. SUNDAY art MONDAY Betty Huttorv-Berry Fitsgerald Doft DeFore?in "STORK CLUB" ? Leteet Neee?Cartoon), ? ? ? kY Pet O'Brien-George Murphy FOR SALE-AT ONCE! Mrs. C. C. Joyner Re&uldence on Corner of S. Contentnea St and Pine St, Farmville, N. C. This is a nice home, Steam Heated, with 2 living rooms, 5 bed rooms, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen. ' 2 reception halls and nice closets. ? CASH or TERMS! ? SEE J. W. JOYNER Phone 257-1 Farmville, N. C. We Have on Hand Electric Water Pumps AND Electric Heaters FOR SMALL ROOMS STOVE MATS, STOVE PIPE and COLLARS We also have a Good Supply of Bagal Base Bulbs for Floor Lamps Any Sfae-? MANNING'S WILSON STREET FARMVILLE, N. C. ? Oi ? - ? ' Joe R. Joyner & Son Funeral Home Ambulance Service ? Day or Night 105 WALLACE STREET FARMVILLE, N. C. - / HOME OF Joyier Mitnl Birial Association,las. If JM are not already a member of this Association, it will pay you to iarestigate its advantages*. Everyone can afford to carry the protection it offers. 1 E5 I [?*< p(W ' The law requires all Taxes to be listed hi itf* January, alao a 10 per cent penalty for failure to list on time. penalty -AND He AC'S ABOUT TH* POINT WHERE I STARTED EATING SOUTHERN BREAD/ I THHIBMH MUTTUlf Want Ads! I JUST RECEIVED Shipment Hud' hags and Luggage. FARMVILLE FURNITURE CO. I KEEP TOUS EYES OPEN FOR the New Complete Line of ZENITH ft TRUETONE RADIOS I WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE. | FOR SALE?Several loads of Fire Wood, Oak and Pine; 1 foot and 3 foot lengths. Miss Bert Burnette, Route 1, Farmville, N. - C. I EXPECTED SOON?RUGS ? Wool Ruga 12x21, 12x13, 12x18, 9x12, etc. FARMVILLE FURNITURE CO. [RADIO BATTERIES ? We hare a good stock?Come in and get one today. WESTERN AUTO AS SOCIATE STORE. | ATTENTION BUSINESSMEN !? I am now open for some business connection of some knd. What hare yon to offer? C. E. Modlin, Phone 249-2, Farmville, N, C. 2tp [FOR BLANKETS, COMklRTS, and BEDSPREADS, See; FARMVILLE FURNITURE CO. THE WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co., announces its new musical program, scheduled for every Son day morning from 10:30 t? 11:00 over station JWPTF, Raleigh. TAKEN UP ? Small |ig found near my hog lot Omeran get same by giving description and paying small coat. Floyd Morgan, Prolific Hill Farm, Farmville, Route 2. COMB IN AND LOOK AT OUR TOOLS. WE CAREY A COM PLETE LINE OF GARDEN AND YARD TOOLS. WESTERN AUTO ASSSO. STORE. FOR SALE ? Extra heavy SO gallon Hot Water Tank for range or Laundry Stove. In use 12 months. Mrs. R. F. Tugwell, Farmville, R. F. D. No. 2, Telephone 187, Foun tain, N. C. F-l-2tp GROW YOUR OWN FRUIT by planting early bearing Fruit Trees, Nut Trees and Berry Plants, of fered by Virginia's Largest Grow ers. Write for New low-price catalogue, lilting extensive line of Fruits and Ornamentals. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, . - WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA. WANTED ?WHY WORRY IF] Afflicted With Any Known: SKIN DISEASE, Ask About . V-J-O. City Drnff Company.' HnHHR ?? ? NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified u Administratrix of the Estate of R. H. Knott, late of Pitt County, State of North Carolina, J this is to notify all persons having! claims against the Estate of the de-j COosed to exhibit them to the under signed at Farmville, North Carolina, on or before the 1st day of February. 1947, or this notice win be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All peraoi indebted to the said Estate will please made immediate settlement. This the 81st day of January, 1948. LOUISE W. KNOTT, ~ Administratrix of B. H. Knott Estate. John B. Lewis, Atty. ? F-l-?wks Farmville Retail m STATE COLLEGE FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION: What an the prhs pects for getting- new farm machin ery this year? ANSWER: Not too bright. The actual production of new fanning1 implements during the last three months of 1946, a peacetime period, was approximately 10 per cent lees than in the last quarter of 1944, a war period, Extension Service spe cialists report , QUESTION: What are the rates of payment to be made under the 1946 AAA program for seeding Whi ter cover crops, ANSWER: State AAA men re port the following rates of pay for cover crops seeded with inoculated seed in well-prepared seedbeds. Crim son clover, 16 cents pa- pound; hairy vetch, 12 cents per pound; Austrian winter peas, 6 cents per pound, and annual ryegrass, 8 cents .per pound. QUESTION: Is it really better to prepare tobacco plantbeds in the Fall? ANSWER: Extension Service to bacco specialists say poeitively "yes."' Fanners who prepared beds last Fall and applied cyanamid and uramon to kill weeds, though delayed now by wet weather in planting seed, are far ahead of farmers who must prepare beds from scratch. / - i Back of the Considerate Service of fered by our establishment lie years of professional training and experi : - i'ir i- " ence. You can trust us to perform our necessary tasks with skill and .v a same of deep responsibility. v , ; ? -r"" ? V'' ? i? .V? - f* " ? ? **sr r ? ?. i?/ zf?'* *' * * - .ry , '. <1: '< ~ 'v;-*" *' "SINCE l?lt" . FARMVILLE FUNERAL HOME TELEPHONE 889-1 AMBULANCE SERVICE This is to inform my many friends and customers that I am now associated with the FarmviUe Motor Co. ON MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE ;''r.X .i., ? ' ? ?< 'v';- ---i x' X ? And I invite you to come to see me at the above Garage for your general Auto Repairing, Body Work, Etc. ? Your Patronage Always Appreciated ? L. E. FLOWERS WITH FarmviUe Motor Co. ' HUDSON SALES and SERVICE MAIN STREET ? PHONE 284-1 ? FARMVTLLE, N. C. y * u BETTER REST ? ma BETTER So best mattress money can Yea, it's a scientific fact! The secret of a aunny disposition, of extra energy ... is frequently the proper kind of rest. So be sure your mattreas is a famoua EnglAndee! You'll sleep in blissful comfort, your body correctly, buoy antly supported on Englandee'S ex clusive "Non-Stretch" construction. And the Bodyguard gives you yecrt of splendid wear. Its band-tailoring . . . pre-built borders . . . over-sue inner rolls combat sagging, bulges. Stunning, durable tickings. Cease end seel IN I liWIB - i' "T?->.-$? . - v , Ifta a *