Mrs. J. F. Hut to visiting relative* in Emporia, Vi. Mr*. E. C. Cur and son, Chartse, spent Tuesday in Wilson Mrs. L. L. Hardy, of Maury, spent Thursday with friends ham Mrs. L. E. Watotou spent Monday with relatives to Macclesfield. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Lanr are visit ing relatives at Lake Alfred, Fla. Miss Nell Taylor Be am an spent the week end with relatives in Hookerton. Jack Mozingo returned, "Saturday, from Danville, Ky., tobacco market. Mrs. George Monk and Mrs. R. G. Ruffin were Greenville visitors, Thursday. Mrs. C. L. Beam an and son, Carl Jr., spent Sunday with relatives in Hookerton. L. M. Shirley of Raleigh, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. G. M. Shirley. Miss Verona Lee Joyner, of Green ville, spent the week end with her family hue. Mrs. J. T. Guriey to speuding this week with her daughter, Mrs. Wil liam Easley, Milton Williamson, student at Wake Forest, spent the week end st his home here. / Mrs. R. T. Williams and daughter, Nan, spent Thursday and Friday in Richmond, Va. Mrs. Max McLeod and daughter, Maxine, left Thursday for a visit to relatives in Dunn. Mi.a Winnie Carr has returned to Wilson after spending several days with relatives here. Don Walstan, student at State College, Raleigh, spent the week end with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Walston at tended the funeral of Louis Jones in Nashville, Wednesday. / Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith, of Ham ilton, were guests of Mrs. Carrie Belle Joyner, Sunday. Mrs. Will Jones, Jr., and children returned, Thursday, from a visit to relatives in Whiteville. Mrs. Grimes Lewis spent lapt week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Robinson, in Oriental. Friends will be glad to learn that Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck to able to be out again after a recent illness. "Friends will be glad to learn that John Hill Paylor to "able to be out again after a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gardner and family of Clayton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Norville. Mr. and Mtb. R. A. Fields, Sr., visited Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fields, Jr., in Robersonville, Sunday. Mrs. Paul E. Jones, Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt and Mrs. B. 0. Taylor spent Thursday in More head City. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mozingo and son, of Snow Hill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mozingo. Mrs. Jack Gates retan?ed[ to At lanta, Ga., Saturday, after a visit to 1h* mother, Mrs. C. C. Joyner. Friends will be glad to learn that W. C. Hoi stem, who has been ill re cently, to aWe to be out again. Lt and Mis- W. W. Ward and small son, of Smithfieid, spent Sun day with Mrs. William Easley. Jesse Smith and Robert Hart, of Greenville, toft Wednesday to spend several days in New York City Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barrett and daughter, Miss Dora Mae, spent Sun day with relatives in Goldshoro. Mrs. R. E. Duncan, Mrs. T. T. Moore and Mrs. R. G. Barrett visited relatives in Snow Hill, Thursday. Mi.. Sarah Lee Taylor of Rocky Mount was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bradhan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Watson and daughters, Rachel and Rode, of Wil son, visited relatives here, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kittrell and family, of Watotonburg, spent Sun day; with Mr. and Mrs. Lath Morriss. Mf. and Mrs. Jack'Riley, of Ral eigh, will spend the week end with their mother, Mrs. Vernessa Town Mm. 8- a. V4 ?pn v-mtim, will leave Sunday to "Pond several day* with roJMiyp" and friends in Mr*. Grant Lee returned to her home in Oriental, Sunday, after a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Kdia?n Moflfft Alex Allen, Seth Barrow and Char 11# Hotchlpss attended Klwnnis meet ing in Greenville, Friday evening, making no attendance. rear 't.1 ' f lB*. Mr*. Irvtn Morgan, Mm. J. l- Mor gan, Mrs. R. 8- Knott, Mice Mao Knott and Mr*. John Parker spent Friday hi Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mm. N. B. Shearin. Miae Ida Shearin and A. J. Mima, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday . with Mr. and Mm. Ben Lewi*. Mr. and Mrs. Linwood Joyner and children, Larry and Carole, of Nor folk, Va., were week end gneete of Mrs. Carrie Belle Joyner. Mr. and Mis. J, M. Carraway and Mr. and Mr*. Carroll D. Ogieeby and Robert Windham visited relatives and frfanda in Khiston, Tueeday. Herbert M. Moore, S X/e, U. S. N., is *gpsliii| a If day leave at home aftaC whk* he will return to Norfolk, Va., March 1, to await discharge. Langfocd, of South Carolina, member ?f the Farmville faer.lty, who has lust been re ? CALENDAR? 3:15 "P. T. A. " S3 3:30 P. M.?Garden Qufc with Mn. J. W. Holmes. 3:80 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary meets with Mrs. T. 8. Ryon. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwanis Club. 7:80 P. M.?Woman's Council of the Christian Church has group meetings: Group 1 meets with . Mrs. J. O. Pollard. Group 2 meeta in the home of Mrs. R. D. Rouse with Mn. Sam Flanagan as hostess. Group 4 meets with lira. Flave Darden. ' Tsssday, 28 10:30 A. M.?Executive Commit tee, Baptist Woman's Mission ary Society, meets with Mrs. Henry D. Johnson. 3:45 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet with Mn. R. LeRoy Rollins. 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the WorkL 7:30 P. M.?Poet War Planning Board. 8:30 P. M.?Altar Guild, Episcopal, meets with Mn. R. S. Scott Wednesday, 27 3:00 P. M.?New Deal Club meets with Mn. G. Alex Rouse, 3:00 P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. W. Alex Allen. 8:00 P. M.?Group 8, of the Wom an's Council, Christian, meets with Mn, Ted L. Albritton. Thursday, 28 8:00 P. M.?Parent-Teacher Asso ciation. , - 3:30 P. M.?Girl Scouts. 7:00 P. M.?Junior Order, 7:30 P. M.?Masons. Friday, March 1 3:00 P. M.?Lamrad Club meets with Mre. R. V. Flser. 3:30 P. M.?Rebecca Wpiboume Chapter, U. D. C., meets with Mrs. Agnee Blount 7:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. , ?7:00 P. M.?American Legion. 7:30 P. M.?Order of the Eastern Star. Saturday, 2 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. TOMORROW ! :30 P. M.?Colonel Alexander Mc Allister Chapter, D. A. R., meets with Mrs. J. W. Parker. :00 P. M.?Major May Chapter, D. A. R., meets in the Chapter House with Mrs. John O. Pollard and Mrs. Paul E. Jones as hostesses, at which time the Chapter will ob serve its 20th Anniversary. Mrs. Herbert E. Hart is program chair Miss Jen Easley and her roommate, fiss Maxine Alexander, students of 'eace College, Raleigh, are spending he week end with Mrs. William lasley. William T. Jones of the Maritime Service is spending the week at home nth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. ones. He is at present stptiqned in laltimore, Md Audrey Joyner, who was recently el eased from service, left ^Monday o resume his duties as office * man ger for Burroughs Adding Machine Jo., in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Patterson Vheless have returned from, their redding tour of Florida and are re ading in the home of the bride groom's parents. Mrs. Lowell Idles joined her hus tand, last week end, for a visit with dajor and Mrs. Staton in Atlanta, la., afterwards returning to, Augus a with Lt Liles. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cayton and ihildien, Mrs. Walter G. Gay and on, Jesse Gay were in Wilmington, tunday, to visit Mrs. Boyd packer md Mrs. A. A. Steward. ~ Mrs. Mary C. Weatherly and daugh or, Mrs. Jpe Ppele, of Rich Square, ipent Monday as guests of Mrs- J. N. Parker, On the occasion of Mr*, Weather! yk Wth birthday Mrs. Mr V. Janes god Mrs. Arthur ?. Joyner spent the week end in lichmond, Va. Mis* Anne' Jones, rtudent at Merjerie Webster, Wteh ngton, D. C., met them there fpr a isit, Mrs. W. ?."Hackney, Jr., of Wilson, ipent Wednesday with her sister, drs. H. Neal Howard. Their mother, Mrs. H. L. Hold? who has been visit ng here the past week, returned to Wilson with bar. Friends will be glad to learn that 1. Berry Taylor, a patient at Veter an Hospital, Roanoake, Va., is im proving rapidly, is now able to be ip and about and expects to return jo his home hare soon. Friends will be glad to leant lbs. Nannie Moye Humphrey, who luebained a broken ankle in a recent Tall, is recuperating rapidly. Out of town friends calling to see her on Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. R. p. Sapp, of Washington, Mrs. J. Mat thews, of Greenville and Richard Shackleford, of Walstonburg, Ben Steppe and Mrs. J, B. jrairiouo At Friends of Postmaster B. 0. who has been ill for ii wom Col. Ben 0 "Jr., spent the week and with Ma to Washington, D. C., Monday. Sgt James R. Lowrey of Nattck, Masa., and Pfc. Barlos Patterson of Huntsville, Alabama, both stationed at Cherry Point, were dinner and sapper guests, Sunday of Miss Tahi tha M. DeViacontL Pfc. Patterson coatfciuad his visit, overnight Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Ruff in are spending the week at their home here. They will return Saturday to Rocky Mount where they have been at the bedside of Mr. Ruffin'a father, who has been critically ill. We are glad to report that he is now improv ing. Capt and Mrs. T. W. Weeks, Jr. returned Monday, from Memphis, Term., and Rohotole Beach, Del., leav ing Tuesday for an extended visit to Capt Weeks' parents at Moore Haven, Fla. They were accompanied to Florida by their small daughter, Marian Am* 'Mrs. J. M.' Hobgoed and Mrs. Wil liam Eaaley were dinner guests, Monday evening, of Mrs. Henry Walker, in Kins ton. After dinner, they attended an Auxiliary meeting at the Presbyterian Church, where Mrs. Hobgood, who is president of the Albemarle Preabyterial, spoke to the Auxiliary women. Supt J. H. Moore and members of the Farmville School faculty attend ed a dinner meeting at East Carolina Teachers College, GreenyiHe, Wed nesday evening. Invitations were issued to teachers throughout the County, members of the college faculty and a number of college stu dents doing practice teaching this term. Dr. Franklin H. McNutt of the Woman's College, U. N. C., spoke. RECEIVES HONORS Miss Hellen Rouse, Senior at Wom an's College, U. N. C., Greensboro, has been placed on the Dean's List Miss.Rouse has sIbo been made Edi tor-in-Chief of a Book Review for the-Music Education Club. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. .Benjamin Clifton Barbee, of Wilson, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Mary Elisabeth, to Mr. Alfred Henry Lewis, son of Mrs. John Reddin Lewis, of Farmville, and the late Mr. Lewis. The wedding will be solemn ized in March. - HONOR ROLL STUDENT Mara Hill.?Miss Janie Lee Kemp of Farmville is listed among those on the second honor roll at Mars HOI College for the first semester just released by the registrar's office. To be eligible for a place on the second honor roll a student has to earn 30 quality points, with no grade lower than C. Out of 758 students enrolled at the college the names of 73 appear qn the firtt-hpnor roll and 120 on the secqnd honor roll. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hender son, 1219 W. 48th St, Norfolk, Va, announce the birth of a daughter, on Sunday, February 17, at Norfolk General Hospital. Mrs. Henderson is the former Miss Blanche Rouse. Maternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rouse of Farmville. ATTENTION KNITTERS 1 Mrs. H. Neal Howard, local Red dross -knitting Chairman, requests that all finished sweaters be turned in to her by noon, Monday. If unable to deliver, call Mrs. Howard and she will have than picked upi. 1 WHAT'S NEW AT ROBERT'S? Robert's, Jewelers, are showing customers * lot of new, gay, party accessories for hostesses entertain ing at cocktail hours, at-homes and bridges, There are boxes of Toast Coasters, each containing 24 colorful coasters with sprightly toasts; Giant "Match Books, a gala party collection, each with its own fay quip; Snapklns, varicolored cocktail napkins with different illustrations and robust cracks, guaranteed to start off any party on its beat foot; Tally Sallies, 24 tallies, each with its own com ment on bridge and 4 score pads with "screamlined" bridge rules. The newest of the new?Flexglaas (mirrored) table mats (adv.) Phone487-1 FOR Comer Wilson ft , > " ' ?'?// *?$; ?? T'-; FARMYiLLfEr And To HoU I Country Club Scene of Party and Tournament Washington's in party decorations, nail flowering quince, camellias, pear blossoms, first breath of spring and early jonquils in lovely floral a Literary Clnb Mm. J. W. Joyaef graciously enter tained the Literary Clnb on Wednes day afternoon at her home on North Malm Street, having as additional foests Mr*. F. M. Davis, Mm Agnes Blount, Mm T. E. Joyner, Mrs. Nonie Barrett, Mm S. G. Gard ner, Mri. A. Q. Roebuck and Mm Prank Davis, Jr. I^le program for the afternoon was an informative paper on Indie fiven by Mm A. B. Moms. Using 1 ra*P die pointed out the geographi cal points of interest and influence, t?ut devoted her discussion mainly to the people of India?who they are, what they are like and how they live?depicting their social, educa tional, economic and political status, tn closing Mm Moore stated the rvolving India waa endeavoring to nmnect a worthy present with a wood past v During the social hour the hostess, issisted by Miss DeVisconti and Mr*. Cherry Essley, served cherry pies ?PP?d with whipped cream, nuts, cookies and coffee. The plates were ittractively decorated with sprigs of prince,-pansles and "George- Wash-It ngton hatchets." |i 4 Junior Woman's Club I Mr*. M. E. Pollard was hostess at I' i lovely meeting of the Junior Worn m's Club on Tuesday afternoon, I vhen Mm J. M. Carmway and Mrs. Slbert Holmes wars special guests. P A business period was presided P >ver by the president, Mrs. R. T. Villiams. Reports on die success of he Club's Benefit Bridge TournaJ nent were given. Mm M. W. Rol- < ins volunteered as playground chair- ] nan for the next two weeks. Mm R. C. Copenhaver reporting ' rem the current issue of General r federation Clubwoman nu?acine nought timely statements given by f ur Congreeswomen on "Citizenship." ' Irs. Frank Allan, chairman of Youth j Conservation committee for the ! farm villa club, outlined the Have's nd Have Nofs of the community as 11 egards advantages and opportoimi ies for our youth. I' For the refreshment hour, members ad guests were invited into the din ng-room where Mm E. S. Coatee, I tab sponsor, poured coffee from a eautifully decorated table which was ighted by tall white tapers. Pecan 'ies topped with cream and cherries, ed and white mints, stuffed dates | ad party cracker* were also served, Contract Oak Mrs. H. Neal Howard delightfully ntertained the Contract Club and ther guests including Mrs. W. M Wilis, Mrs. Jamee Lang, Mm, R. E tckett, Mrs. R. 0. Ruffin ?fld Mm, J. It Bradh&m, ft. en Tuesday after lOQA Bridge was played at three tables, nd lovely flower containers awarded a {wires to Mrs. Bnadham, Mrs, Ar hur F. Joyner and Mrs. J. W. Joyner. Mrs. H! L. Holden, of Wilson, aother of the hostess, assisted her in erring pecan pies topped with cream, lot coffee and Jordan almonds. Supper Club Mr. and Mm. Irrio Morgan and Dr. end Mrs. R. T. Williams were hoets o the Supper Club Saturday evening it the Country Club and had as their ipecial guests Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mckett, Mr. and Mm. R. C. Coperv PARAMOUNT 1 THEATRE 1 FARMVILLE, N. C. WEEK OF FEB. 23rd SATURDAY Tex Rltter-Dave O'Brien?In "FLAMING BULLETS" Chapter S, "Purple Monster Strikes"?Comedy. SUNDAY and MONDAY ?. Dorothy Lamour-Arture de Cordova?in "MASQUERADE IN ' W MEXICO" Latest News?Cartoon. TUESDAY Ghmy Simms-Robert Paige?in "SHADY LADY" Sport?Cartoon. WEDNESDAY Double Feature Day! ' Khrby Grant?In "GUN TOWN" Kayo Deed-Robert Duke?in "AN ANGEL COMES TO BROOKLYN" Chapter 18, "Jungle Queen." JoyaMe affair of the weak and wall Magnolia foliage formed a back ground for red, white and bine can dlea on the Country Club mantlaa and attractive tallies and napkins further emphasised the patriotic theme. Par ty cookies, sandwiches and salted nuts wnrs served with spiced tea. In the afternoon crystal ban bon dishes in graduated sizes were won as first and second high and* Ion* score prises by Mrs. L. E. Walston, Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr., and Mrs. Allan Drake. Door prises wept to Mrs. Harry Harper, Mrs. R. V. Fleer, Mrs. a A. Roebuck, Mrs. James Lang, Mrs. W. Leslie Smtih, Mrs. Walter Jonas and Mrs. Jeese Move. In the evening Mrs. Henrietta Williamson won high score prise, a reflector; Mrs. Lath Monies, second Ugh, handkerchief; Allan Drake, low, double deck of cards. Door prizes went to Mrs. Will Joyner, Mrs. Ed Owens, Mis. T. R. Mizelle, Mrs. Frank K. Allen, Mrs. D. R. Morgan, John Lewis and Clarence Hedgepeth. The Junior Club is indebted to the following firms for the attractive and. valuable door prises. Beik-Tyierie, serving tray; N. Gnmon, guest towelS; Robert's Jewel ess, cocktail napkins; Dupree'e, towel) Robs'! Store, potted plant; glty Drug Co., Talcum; Duke-Gartner Co., waste* basket; Centre Hardware Co., ash trays; D. R. Morgan Jewelry Store, tray; Williams' Grocery, canned pine apple and fruit cocktail; Pender's, box candy; Farmvilje Furniture Co., Flowered tray; "P7" Store, packages of Biequick, Flako Pie crust and s-pert Devil's Food Mix. A pair of nylons, gift of N. Thomas, sere won ki a apodal contest by Mrs. Richard Harris. Sapper Meet big Farmville Home Demonstration Clubwomen held a Joint meeting with heir husbands recently at the Club Souse. A covered dish supper of Murbecue, fried chicken, slaw, sand riches, relishes, coffee, homemade mke and pie were served. Mrs. Herman Baker . called the nesting to order. Mrs. B. R. Fields rave an inspiring talk on Family [dfe. Miss Verona Lee Joyner, Pitt tome agent, introduced Mr. Pruden, issistant farm agent; who gave an llustrated lecture on how to plan, mprove and build convenient, bean BIRD NOTES ______ The Swallow-toiled Kite is the moat graceful ta flight of all North American binds. Tha crown, pure snowy white. The back, wings and tail are glossy-Mack with vary, luster, principally violet and green iah-Mue. The lot* wings reach near ly to the tip of the deeply forked tail, the outer tail feathers are about eight inches longed than the middle pair. The nest, usually in the top of tall trees near water courses, is of dry twigs, sticks, hay i The eggs, sometimes four in number, ere white, blotched and speckled chiefly around the larger end with rich chestaut-browa and cinnamon. The Swallow-tail feeds upon snakes, grasshoppers, wasp groube, cater pillars. lizards, frogs and other small reptiles. Total domestic needs for lumber taring the first postwar deeade are expected to average about 18.8 bil lion cubic feet annually. Farmville Retail Lumber Yard II ?;<m: t, BOUGH AND DRESSED. Windows, Doors, Roofing, Gypsum Prod acta, Cdotn Wal Board and Ceffing. ? Phono 802-1 ? Located Near Norfolk Southern Depot ? Parse viDe, N. C. m THE SUPREME WEDDING GIFT The bride will be thrilled by a diamond ring and w< ensemble in hari tafr design! We hare a variety starting at... -$39.00 tobert's Jewelers FARMVILLE'S LARGEST JEWELRY STORE H. % HATEM, MULES! ? Another solid car load of NICE! MULES will arrive MONDAY; they are broke the best, have extra good hair, wide out and low down and choice ages, both mated pairs and single Mules. See OUR MULES, we can SAVE YOU MONEY and guarantee satis faction ! B. S. & R. L. SMITH FARMVILLE, N. C. WITH THESE HEW PIECES Living-Room mm .Suites ^ /?* In rich Tapestry Covers, Full Spring Construction A Variety of Patterns We have thee up free '107*50 2-Piece Suites up free '119*00 Deluxe modern design with re silient innerspring construction? is quickly and easily transformed , into a comfortable bed . . Yours for only $1.25 weekly ! $ y A COMPLETE AND VARIED LINE OF... - Sofas and Chairs, Tables, Magazine Racks, SPECIAL ITEMS BED SPRINGS BABY WALKERS CURTAINS DRAPES WINDOW SHADES KITCHEN CABINETS Porcelain Top Breakfast Suites NEW LAMPS NEW LUGGAGE HOT BLAST ^HEATERS LAUNDRY HEATERS YTOOD and COAL RANGES AXMINISTER ?RUGS ? 1?12x18 - 1?9x15 2?12 x 12 2? 9x101 1?81#xl2 2-9x12 SCATTER RUGS 24',x48,, BROAD FELT, blue, green, red By the Yard. HOOKED RUGS CHIFFEROBES,

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