ft For Foot Protottloo on iko Hiykwoyl Adapter Unite I .. .wdw ?% ? A Joy to Use COOK WARE _ " &fK-....I.30 fi?ts 1.60 ii??*. J.40 .??? nd tta PUt bdilihttl tOt fftlttf Rl ME 19 tiH&l ?< NOW IN STOCKI u? u< tiiki mr ?Mlif. M bated nu top...Ufa a femow far Quality! RIVAL CAN OPENER ??ar J?mt AtmilmMe Tka only tin built with tkt only tire bn mi OwOrfy oor4 l?ay; H , Oomtrnctlon for yrootox . 109 South Main St FARMVILLE, N. C. ?# Wi m * were dinner guests of Mr*. Smith, Tueeday evening. Mrs. Tampie Burch, of HL__ Mi*. Roy Holt, of Jacksonville, visit 60 moou ana relative? m ana town Sudsy. Mr. ?nd Mr*. Esrl Long *nd dough tor, Egrten* maris a business trip to Richmond, Va., Tuesday. :?*'%'. Dr. Circle, of Raleigh, and Miss . janita Redick spent Friday sad Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Redick. Mr*. Graham Smith want to the Carolina General Hospital in Wilson, Tuesday for treatment. ? . x ' MT. and Ml*. Tom Hflloman and daughter, Patsy, of Moultrie, Go., spent last; week visiting Mr. Hollo roan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Holloman. M/Sft Jamas C. HoUoman left Monday for Fort Meads, M? to said win please made imntadl ?'? P This the 31st day of January, 1PM. p GHRYSTELLE L. PARKER an U * UCROY PARSER, . Administrators of *?" * Parker, Sr., Estate. " John B. Lewis, Atty. F-l-?wk? ? 1 j ' ? 11 W': '? rv ~yy H I--i| prr-IfK^r. 1 H ?jf Mm k_ Br - J r |l-,-J ,^'aH j gr f\ - 9'W [ . # r ? m ""*4-v '> ??-v>.- - w We will be glad to provide those ex tra Chairs you may require for par -7.? r -. ? M*""? etc- ** *er*iee" *** " ?, you call or send for them. m^SSKKm ?? '+*1 - ' ? - :1 - $ -since iwr * r%v .. ^j.' FUNERAL HUME AMBULANCE SERVICE ? ? , i ..'i. 'V?..*;?jjjr ; ... v_ ????? ->*r ' -FSv *.'. t ? _JP ? it-.-'*> '. rt' ?TtgE^. ' ;/2. ~i ??? I I l ii A Apple SauceM^cT 18c Cut Beets 14c Super Suds i^n, 23c Tomatoes 12c Orange JuIceS?r??!40c Baby Food ta 7c Sandwich 12c Ubbr's Quafttr Foeb BEANS iTmCm 10c MUSTARD ST 9e BEETS 13c D, P. Spaghetti6c Safe Hem Matches ?? 5c Meter's Pan Cocoas 10c Saahrite Chaater 3 15c colonial SWtFT PEAS I 29 ivory nakesT^"23c THBOr Grapefruit 29c S Sirs? 69c i lit ?"WW p PC *???# E ?' '?" ? ? T-vi-,"!, J :_J; JJ''?.- w vTt. ? 1 M^6H 23c JIFFY PIE CRUST fcS 14c OXYDOL POWDER SSS5? 23c CLOROX BLEACH % 19c HREDDED WHEAT ???? 2 23c >now s&rsu 23c IROTS jlr* *Pc "?"14c GREEN GOLD LABEL ????1 COFFEE ':.y; GREEN BEANS.... 2 lbs... . 27c GREEN TOPPED CARROTS 2 bchs. "... 15c FLORIDA GREEN CABBAGE 3 lbs. 15c MUSTARD OR TURNIP SAIAD..... 2 lbs. ? 29c U. S. N*. 1 IDAHO / J POTATOES 5 lbs. 25c FLORIDA JUICY?Size: M to Crate GRAPE FRUIT .. . 3 lbs,... 17c