in Snow Hill. Miss Virginia Spill i? visiting friends in Rochestnr, N. Y. m ? ? Mrs. H. D. Johnson l? confined to her home on account of illness. ? ?' 9 Mrs. Paari Pargis, of Norfolk, V*., is visiting friends here this west ? * * . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wsrrsn, of Speed, visited relatives here, Sunday. ? ? ? Homer Spell left Thursday to at tend Mardi Graa in New Orleans, La. ? ? Miss Agnes Melton was at home from Campbell College for the week Dr. and Mm. M. J. Gregg and cMl dren stfent Sunday afternoon m Km ston. ? ? ? Miss Doris King, of E. C. T. C., was the week ?d gnest of Mrs. O. G. Spell, Jr. George Robert Smith, Jr., S 2/c, at Camp Peary, Va, was at home last week end. - i Mia R. T. Williams and Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss were Goldsboro visitors, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Lang left ?t?. ana nn. "?c Wednesday for a week's stay in New York City. ? ? ? Mrs. G. M. Holden visited her sis ter, Mrs., J. W. Dixon, in Raleigh last week end. s Mrs. Willoughby of Rocky Mount is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Smith. ? ? ? Mrs. Nome Barrett and Mrs. S. G. Gardner spent Sunday with relatives j in Greenville. 9 9 9 Mrs. J. W. Joyner is receiving treatment at Woodard-Herring hos-j pital, Wilson. - a ? ? William(Duck)Drske, of Cartilage, Term., visited Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. j Drake, Tuesday. ? ? ? , Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Manning and son visited Mrs. Manning's parents, in Clinton, Sunday. ? ? ? , Mrs. Leland Day, of Morehead City, was a guest of Mrs. E. L. Barrett, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Thompson and family, of Wilson, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Mizelle. Mrs. Leroy Parker and son, Roland, rf Rocky Mount, visited relatives j friends here, Wednesday. - ? ? Mr. and Mrs- Ray Smith and son, Donald, of Washington, D. C., visit id relatives here last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J* Mann, of Joneeboro, are spending the week end | -with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Melton. W as ? Bud Dixon of Wilson and Jackson ville visited Mr. and Mrs. John D. )ixon for a short while, Monday. ? ? ? . Mrs. Wilmot H. Owens, of Rocky Kount, was the overnight guest of l|rs. George V. Monk, Wednesday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hart and Mrs. J. W. Parker spent Sunday in Mount Olive with Rev. and Mrs. M. j Y. Self. 9 9 9 . Mrs. Melton Allen, Mrs. Paul Allen, Jr., Mrs. J. C. Brock, Jr., and Mrs. Jimmie Lewis were Kinston visitors j Tuesday. ? ? ? i Mrs. Paul V. McDonald, of Wash-1 ington, D. C., spent the week end I with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. | Gaynor. 0 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. Knott Proctor and daughter, Hannah, of Greenville, visited Mrs. Louise Harris, Sunday | afternoon. 9 9 9 , Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Harrington and son John Milton, of Greenville, spent the'week nod with Mr. and Mrs. G.| W. Windham. ; _ I ~ I p . Flora Dean Johnson, Jane Turnage and Margaret Bynum, stu dents at Louisburg College were at home last week end. ? ? ? Dr. andHra. M. J. Gregg and fam ily hare decided to remain in Farm vUle. Dr. Gregg will resume his practice on March 10. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Corbett and Ashley Corbett visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cobb, at Ballaitfs, Sunday. ?M . J Mrs. D. E. Gmrganus will return to Norfolk, Vs., today, following a visit at several days with her brother, E. F. Gaynor, and Mrs. Gaynor. *?? Mr. and Mrs. George E. Jr., and son, Edward, spent ?-* in Raleigh with their umcnwr, trtn abivlanf ah- UmhwJUIi ^ " dh- * m "&/? ? - > pi* y ;? 'i ?CALENDAR? Mv, Much 4 I AX) P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary math with Mrs. R. S. Scott M 3:00 P. M. ? Woman's Council moots in the Christian Church. S:M P. M.?Woman's Society of Christian Service meets hi the Methodist <>?"** 8:30 P. M.?Woman's Missionary Society meeta in the Baptist ohurch. 1:80 P. M.?Circle 1, Presbyterian Auxiliary, meets with Mrs. G. Komegay. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwanis Club. 7:30 P. M. ? Worker's Council, Methodist meets with Mrs. Cur tis Flanagan. 8:00 P. M.?Circle 2, Presbyterian Auxiliary, meets with Miss Edna Robinson in the home of -Mrs. J. I. Morgan. Tueeday, 5 3:00 P. M.?Contract Club meeta with Mrs. Marvin Jones. 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the ? World. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Woman's Club meets with Mrs. Sam Lewis and Mrs. John Mowborn. 8.-00 P. M.?Annie Perkins Circle, Baptist, meets in the Assembly Room of the church with Mrs. C. L. Lsngley as hostess. Wednesday, 8 3:46 P. M.?Literary Club meets with Miss Elisabeth Davis. Thursday, 7 3:30 P. M.?Girt Scouts. 7:00 P. M.?Junior Order. ' Friday, 8 3:30 P. M.?Book and Bridge Club meets with Mrs. Walter Jones. 7:80 P. M.?Boy Scouts. Saturday, 9 10:00 A, M.?Bird Club. TOMORROW 3:30 to 6:00 P. M.?Mrs. Alex Allen, Mrs. Frank Allen and Mrs. Lewis Allen entertain at ten at the DAR Chapter House, honoring Mrs. George Allen. ? Miss Hazel Spell and Mies Shirley Isteg&ll, of Durham, and Mrs. Kath lerme .dark, of Mount Olive, spent I the week end with Mr. and Mrs. O. G. I Spell, Sr. Mrs. Joah W. Munden and daughter, jBettie Jane, Miss Mary Barrow and ?Mrs. Ed Nash Warren visited Mrs. I A. P. Hammond, Jr., in LaGrange, I Wednesday. Mrs. J. A. Viverette, of Battleboro, I visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nash Warren, J Wednesday. Mrs. J. E. Warren ac companied her here and remained Ifor a further visit. Josh Turaage whp has been receiv ing treatment at Duke Hospital, Dur han^for the past two months, is In?w recuperating at the home of his I brother, L. E. Turnage. Ben Gardner, Jr., has accepted _ I position with the Town of Parmville? as Street Superintendent and Equip I rnent Operator. He was formerly i I ployed at Pender's Store, here. ? ? ? < Mrs. Jack Lewis continues her; visit with her mother, Mrs. N. H. White hurst, who has been ill at tier I in Greenville. We are glad to r_ I that die is somewhat improved. ? ? ? Staff Sgt. Lester E. Turnage, Jr.j who arrived in the States recent!} from the South Pacific arse, reach Fort Bragg, Monday. He expects be discharged sometime this week. ? ? ? Sgt. James R. Lowry, of Mass., and Pfc. Carlos Patterson, Huntsville, Ala., who are stationed Cherry Point, were guests of Tabitha M. DeVisccmti during Mi*. Buasell Carraway, the fo_ tisa Frances Virginia Cobb, has ed her husband in Petersburg, Va aud i# residing at 306 Wythe St Carraway is attendfcig Q. M. I at CampLee, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Pollard everal days of this week in Roi_~. Va, where Mr. Pollard attended s Frd COnaection' ' he is a member. ? ? ? A large number of Farmville fa re attending gamee of the i Inual Southern Conference & began in 7:00 . In (he progressive contract games played at two table* by "screamlined ruka," la the evening, prizes of for mal pastel postals were won by Mrs. Robert D. Rouse and Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt Tellies were in the spring me mode and packets of flower eds were given as favors. Club members in attendance were Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt, Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr.. Mrs. L. E. Waist on, Mrs. Henrietta M. Williamson, Mrs. Robert D. Rouse, Mrs. S. A. Roebuck, Mrs. P. E. Jones snd Mrs. W. Leslie Smith. B AND B CLUB Mrs. James Lang entertained the Book and Bridge Club, and special guests, Mrs. Neal Howard, Mrs. Ted Albritton, Mrs. R. V. Flser and Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver at a delightful afternoon of bridge Friday. Mrs. Frank Allen compiled top score for the three progressions. The books, "The Friendly Persuasion," by Jeesamyn West, and "The Egoist," by George Meredith, were awarded Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss and Mrs. T. S. Ryon, first and second high score winners for the month. The patriotic motif, in observance of Washington's birthday, waa er phasisod in the floral arrangements of flowering quince end japonicaa, and in the refreshment plate. Ooca colas were served with mince meet delicacies mod other party knick knacks. Open-ipced sandwiches were decorated to form cherry bunches. GARDEN CLUB HEARS INTERESTING PROGRAM The Garden Club held its February meeting on Monday afternoon with Mrs. J. W. Holmes as gracious The president, Miss Tabitha M. DeVisconti, presided and gave a re port on Garden Pilgrimages. The program was presented by Mrs. B. Streeter Sheppaad whose subject -was Vegetable Production. She stressed proper tools and properly prepared soil before planting good seed or plants, also proper cultivation, tail ing when and what to plant and urg ing canning or freezing of the sur plus. Speaking of gardening as a help for wounded Veterans she quoted Raymond Clapper, foreign corre spondent who was killed in the South Pacific, "But it is gardening that seems most of all to heal the sold.'' In a round table discussion, mem bers talked of annuale, insects, spraying, and what plants to fertilise now. Jonquils and sprays of flowering quince were in lovely arrangement throughout the home and in the social period, cherry pies topped with cream, salted nuts and coffee were served. RECENT BRIDES FETED Mn. Elbert C. Holmes charmingly entertained the Emily B. Holmes S. S. Class at its February meeting on Tuesday evening, at which time Hie class honored Mrs. Robert P. Who le ss and His. Carol W. Modlm. Flow ering quince was used in decorating the bom*. An entertainment program was led by Hi*. Albert Lewis, after which the hostess served chicken salad and tomato aspic molded in graduated heart shapes, potato chips, cookies and coffee. Mrs. Wheleas was presented a shower of handkerchiefs which, fur ther emphasising the heart theme of the evening, were beautifully ar ranged as a large heart nosegay. Mrs. Modi in was remembered with a gift of silver in her pattern. . Additional guests of Hie hostess in cluded Mrs. Bill Gamer, Mrs. Roderick Harris, Mrs. E. W. Holmes, Mrs. Red Newton, Jr., Miss Louise Fsrrior, and Mxs.~Leiaad Day of Morehead City. WSt CLASS SOCIAL The Loyal Woman's Class of the Christian Church enjoyed a social meeting ah the home of Mrs. Louise Harris, Friday evening. Mi*. Lester Tuntage led the de votional. In her remarks she spoke of George Washington as a great churchman as well as a leader of his country. Mrs. C. L. Ivey conducted s Bible quia. Ice cream, aalted nuts and sand tarts were served. Cherry candiee note to the refreah MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Xing, of Leuisburg, riage of her sister, of Glenn Dale, MA, to m :: * !npi jo .i"3 I the commercial exploitatio^*!*8 various countries and m a conse \wmn tfceTifrican has become a "?WgpEW. la Ua own land." ? Mr>- Jsm?s Lang:, president, pre sided over the meeting. Mrs. W. R. Ipleted. The Auxiliary is in charm of this observance to be held March 8, in the Baptist Chunk After adjournment the hostess, Mm T, 8. Ryon, served lemon bisque, j coffee and nutc ? *" "*... .. Altar Guild The Episcopal Altar Guild began a evening, when Mis. W. R. Burnette ^*}ina^Jhe opening chapter of the book, "The Episcopal Chord* Its ^?ctrfal8' Ministry, Discipline, Wor ar1 sm?^" by g~? Hie Directress, Mrs. John D. Dixon, presided and appointed as a nominat ing committee, Mm Burnette. chair man. Mm Will Jcsm, Jr., Mm T. S. Kyun. The Guild made plans to buy an Altar Curiam. I la the social period, the hostess, S, Scott, served chocolate *"~1 ?q>/eakea and coffee. BIRTHDAYS observed AT PARTIES TUESDAY .. j?f* Nancy Lu Moore observed her ttfrteenth birthday. Tuesday, at a party, having as guests Misses R*y Hathaway, Gayie Cheek Ik? gan, Ruth Tyson and Ann Bynum. *** and color ?o^ie beautifully decorated the table wWch was covered with s lace doth ?nd centered by a floral arrange, raeufe Place cards wen attached to party nut cups. ^ W" H- M?w, Jr., mother of the henoree, served a fried ddeken menu followed by a dessert course, ,lices of tbe lighted birthday cake. Mr"^ u"*? daufrhter of ^"f1 ** W. E. Forbes, also cele bmtrf a birthday, her tenth, on Feb ruary 26, when twenty young friends f0r m afterno<m Party. Rifts. 7h? lighted Birthday Cake dec orate in pink and green and y tall green tapers, centered the dinmg'-room table from whidl ^ ??. em*m and nut. were RECEIVES DISCHARGE Pvt Harold (Tony) W. Melton is at home having received his discharge at Fort Meade, Md., on Feb. 27, fol lowing two years in the service, five mouths of which he served as a rifleman in the European theater. While there he was awarded the Pur ple Heart for wotnds received in combat against the enemy, and the European campaign, ribbon with two fcattle r? He returned to the States in Feb ruary of 1946. For the past six months he has been employed in Of ficer's Quarters, at Camp Lee, Va. - It fore entering the service Pvt. Melton was employed by Williams' Grocery and Market, her*.. ? FOR SALE ? Barred Rock and New Hampshire Red Fryers ? C. E. Modlin, Phone 249-2, 209 North Maki St., Farmville, N. C. 2tp FOB SALE ? SECOND HAND ESTATE HEATROLA in A-l Condition. If interested, call early before someone else gel it. Priced to sell quick. Duke Garner Co., FarmviBe, N. C. FARMVILLE, N. C. WEEK OF MARCH 2 SATURDAY Wild Bill Elliott?in "MARSHALL OF LAREDO" Capter 6, "Purple Monster Strikes"?Comedy. SUNDAY sad MONDAY Judy Garland-John Hodiak?in "THE HARVEY GIRLS" Latest News. TUESDAY Jack Haley-Helen Walker?in "PEOPLE ABE FUNNY" sport ? uartoon. ri", jkkim. " Other, the color Coven were laid 'rt* eJnM II mi x - ... Enjoying lire. Hatsm's hospitality and, Mr. and Mra. Mr. and Mra. Charles I. Mosingo, Miss Jane Greene, J. fates, Mr. and Mr*. Ed Hatem, Misses Marie and Helen Hatem, Mrs. 8. layef, of Scotland Neck, Naseif Can ion, Mra. E. N. Hatem, Mr. and Mrs. L H. Nichola and Mrs. Lillian Curry, THE SUPREME WEDDING GIFT The bride will be thrilled most by % diamond engage ment rin? and wedding hand ensemble in harmoniz ing design! We have a variety starting at... ? $39.00 ? Robert's Jewelers FARMYILUrS LARGEST JKWKLBT STOKE H. & HATEM, * ALL ELECTRIC * COMPLETE WITH CORD Ip ' * FOR STEAKS OR .CHO^l ? ATTRACTIVE - . - " TiW 7 - - ?" *?. - * SEVERAL STYLES PILLOWS! * CURLED FEATHERS * ELECTRO CURED * SCIENTIFICALLY PROCESSED WAGONS! . . * ALL METAL * RUBBER TIRES * SIZE 14"x29" \ i HOT PLATES t ?: ' $850 * TWO BURNERS ? TWO SWITCHES ? ALL ELECTRIC . BATTERffiS!# 55?5 * HEAVY DUTY * 1 Yt VOLTS "A" * 90 VOLTS "B" DUKE-GARNER CO. Phone 416-1 Farmville, N. C. m ii Phone487-1 FOR Cab Service ? J. I. Murphrey Corner Wiloon ft Contentnea St*. FARMVILLE, N. C. Farmville Retail Lumber Yard L ROUGH AND Gs Wall Bond and Coffin* ? Phone 802-1 ? - Located Near Norfolk Soothan Depot - Farmrifla, N. C. fflSSSSSS;- vJlgR' 3B55?^sISES ???Ej>'" "' ?HiAHiMiiii&MiHBifiiir ' Eafe&KSi Designed for Comfortable Living and Cheerful Surroundings. LET YOUR HOME COME FIRST gSU:*- - \ ,* * J|ipipiBip f CHEERY DISPOSITIONS COME FROM CHEERFUL, COMFOR TABLE HOMES. LET US MAKE YOUR HOME MORE LIVA BLE WITH OUR NEW LIVING ROOM FURNITURE. ... , ? Beautiful New Covers, New Style Lines and the utmost Comfort and Dura bility. See our two and three piece suites, odd sofas you buy. A complete line of YTKItt FOR THE MBY ? CRIBS Jg ? BLANKETS ? CARRIAGES ? TOY CHESTS ? PLAYPENS ? ROCKERS ? TRAINERS ? SWINGS ? HI - CHAIRS ? BATHINETTE ? WALKERS-' ? MAI Just Rm' m?m ? Ice Refrigerators

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