^ IT T : The giblets at mm of the lea* appreciated yet most valuable parts at dhlchen or turkey, say food scieiv tists. Too many beat* cooks know Ml? of their use in giMet gravy aad do sot realise their ppaafklHHea for laUekMU diaimo Chicken tarkey livers especially offer rick ' value in iron and all vitamins. Some retail markets today aall gibhts or livers alone by the pound. In preparing gWMa aa tmpnrtant point to remember is that gizzards and hearts need bag ajpvr cooking by simmering to m*Mt tkms tender, bus hut are tender to begin with, so need only cooking. In general, gis sarda and hearts at oldrr take about twice as ldng to cook ss those at yowig binds. Giblets cook mora quickly if they ana out ha pieces first. To prevent a. eUW fMn t things which belong to others, give bis rights to therg.,1 Home Lftbv Must Meet Farm Demand can supply or draw from adjacent cQBuuaitim niiiiifr fa tfc& pro (taction of North Carolina cropa this year, in announced by F. S. Sloan, state program leader of the State College Bxtcadn 8tnigr, who said that outside help from migrants, foreign waiters aid "Bohunks" will be exceedingly short as compared with the votmme available in war years. No prisoners of war, who worked 312,485 men-days in 58 North Carolina counties last year, will be available for ferm labor after June f OS - ? * s if oiosn reported. Meanwhile, it appeared doubly im perative that state tanere pool mar ehinery and available labor on an ex change basis especially in perishable crops areas because of tha preepeet that faansr labor wfll demand Hghm pay aa industry ups Ms wage scale. Sloan also reminded that many older "wl physically-handicapped per sons who filled in at farm work dur iag wartime, now as* leaving the 9^661 hope and girls under of age who worked on farms in the state last year, many will not return this year beoausa tha patriotic appeal enhanced by the war now lest On t1;! bagis of figure* thus far, Sleast declared, it is < ed that lew than one in 10 farm boy vettnapa wfll return to farms in tips i ty Agent J, S. of 16 faun lads who - Noting that nnq| thousand baby ^' :J|iMl bfeifl^ for spring and WIMiiMiAraiby ffcrm Mo in evwy section of ?Mo, H. Brace Butler, assistant Wake County farm agent, says that "by this than all calms should be on Ml feed," using one of the home mixed feeds such as the following: | of cracked corn, two f erred, Butler reports, adding that the following i lot Tm pounds of mi Mora the calf M inches shorn * MS left TheSeeond gwrite, Mrs. R. N. Freeman, teacher led the primary school with SECOND GRADE?Reading from left to right, Bottom row: Cecil Carr, Edward Eari Baldree, Barbara Panunore, Geneva Braxton, James Murphy, Sam Naanay, Lecatta Oak lay, Matty Jonas Wialaton, Dorothy Allen, Frank Williams, Jr., Lois Owen. Middle raw: S. D. Bundy, Jr., BebMe Jones William Edward Hobgood, Janice Davenport, Vera Caiman, Faye Oakley, Peggy Joyce Oakley, Jane Joyner, Blanche Satterthwaite, Mary Lou Moore, Joyce Dildy, Bill ng*r. Back row:' Sudie Mae Davfc, Peggy Allen, Lillie little, Peggy Joyner, James Davenport, Cliff Williams, Billie Ray Mo?in#?,G?rdon Tillman Lea, Cliff Simpson, Mack Hoiama, Wilfiam Caroll Wooten, William Bdwafd Woo ten, Mrs. R. N. Freeman, teacher. Hie Seventh grade, Mrs. L. P. Thomaa, teacher, led the Grammar grades .with $41.50. SEVENTH GRADE?Beading from left to right, Bottom row: Rath Tyson, Randolph Allen, Betty Lee Owens, Mittie Baker Rouse, Julian Boyce, Basel Garria, Joyce Merritt, Margaret Andrews, Charles Joyner, Robert Pollard. Middle row: Aim Bynum, Everette Roebuck, Ray Hathaway, Gayle Flanagan, Betty Johnson, Nancy Lou Moera, Billia Bay Allen, Janet Hobgood, Conrad Mozingo, Charles Hinson. Back row: Jamee Thome, Marguerite Thomas, Wilbert Morriss, Carol Pippin, Wilbur Bennett,' Haywood Smith, Maggie Braxton, Joyce Morgan, Rulhy Matthews, Mrs. L. P. Thomas, teacher. John Russell Joyner was the day the picture was The Tenth grade led the high school with >41.60, Mm. J. B. Joyner nd Hti C E. staler, tauten. TENTH GRADE?Rfedmg from left to right, .I;'.--. Bottom row: Doris Ydverton, BUJie Johnson, Faye Corbett, Gertrude Eundy, Sadie Catee, Mary Ann Rouse, Louise FUlllps. :?* . ??? ? ' <1:^+ Mi' r- c: ;? Second row ftme butt*ais Dont Mas Barrett, Clara Brock, Allie Walston, Jean Baker, Dorir Tugwell, Max garet Wainright, Audrey Cobb. Third row from bottom: Mrs. C. E. Miller, ttsnhas, Charlie Nanney, Am) Moore, Vivian Scott, Betsy Jones, Joyce Tysoa, Doris ShadclatonL Mary Alice-llSMaa. * Fourth raw from bottom: Alan Parkar, Jamaa Baldree, Lola Gray Kemp, Bruce Tugwell, Beulah Causey, Mrs. Fifth row from bottom: Sidney Canmway, Arthur Catea, William Owens, Elbert Pittman, Betty Rose Wilkemon, William Sermons, Cedrlc Davis. Back row: Edwaad Allen, Billie FuMbid, Dewfcy Hathaway, Raymond Cannon, R. H. Lloyd, Aaron Tyson, Emerson Roebuck. PT| Can m ssviiur 1latching w and in the general MftfiUra of the breed in* flock wiS pay excellent dividends. A premium is generally paid for i of highH; ?JP., No treatment: 1,882 poun . Broadcast 1,200 pounds of dolomi-| ic limestone In Mntni,; ? J oundfe* " Broadcast 2,400 pounds limestone I i February, 1,784; Six hundred founds of dolomiticl an top of row after plants j 1,7#; - OB top] Pshm"?? ?? - J Six hundred founds plaster onf oliage at blooming, 1,858; Six taafeei pottMlMiimestoaje our at pfamtfc* mat Mt pounds ph w at Uswatiir, 1,597; ? ' Six hiusdred pounds potash lime) 100 %) in row ami 800 pounds of St blooming", 1,485; QUESTION: What is the pMSpeetff tW ttUWOaal farm lAor in North) Carolina this year? ANSWER:, Prisoners of wet are ut. Vary few mttiaaia are retort; of to farms; many older persons and hosa physicially handicapped will he triable to help out this year. little lasistswuu can be expected fTOm uigtant dad foreign workers, so it ppears that local labor win have to QUESTION: -What is the veter-j m's outlook for starting in the poul-| ry business? ANSWER: Veteran's prospects teginnefs in poultry production are) rrobably a shade hotter than for as 'ctoraaa because of government aa-| ilulumij but no new poultry busine hould be started unieea the operator m first obtained a trustworthy Euanmtoe that sufficient protein feed rill be available for feeding out the lock, . * v > Buy Beads T Bass And To HoM 1 j $14.50 $4.98 up w $1.98 $34.95 I _ M #16.95 $9.95 m $1&50 $12.95 $9.95 PHONE 410*1 v FARMV1LLE? N. C. H??KlmrA?nr^3iB4ik?.... ??? -? ?