fabmtox*. N. c. G. Editor, Owner * HP Eve HortoA Editor Published by the bouse pbintery K. C. _ Men: Tour |UM Hon. >1?8 806 All Local Adv. #e a 1 hSSmRI*! MERITORIOUS March 1st marked the dep from our midot of * you?K man. wh coming' to reeid* in .Farmville nearfjj four yea" ago. a total leaves a hoot of friends, T"0 eyes ware misty, parting br clasps wann with real feeling, words, expressing joint regret good wishes, genuinely spoken their hearts. Josh Munden returned March to Elisabeth City, his old home .to' to assist in the management of 1 Belk branch there, pending the < pled on of the new Eden ton store t? be opened by him aa manager m course of the next few months. < heartiest congratnlstions to Josh his promotion. He has been c nected with the Belk stores for ?past 12 year*. We feel that Farmville has t enriched by the sojourn here of Jo Munden and his good wife, aiid 1 departure moves us to an txpres3ioi of gratitude, felt by the entire com! munity, for the outstanding and 1 nal service he has rendered the t in war time activities and worth! while movements of a civic and reii gious nature. Yes, his leaving Fanfville mo\ us to review ? his activities wh here and to an expression of appro eiation for his keen interest, his unl flagging zeal and meritorious achiev" ment in community affairs while resident. Josh came to Farmville in 1942, highly recommended as a ble awl efficient young business ma but citizens were to discover as, ... ? ?ortunitie months went by and oppor presented themselves, that Josh Mv den was much more than this. I like Ernest Petteway, for whom was sent as supply, (the for manager entering the .service of cowtry) made a splendid record the conduct of the -business of 1 firm. * I Arriving here just as the shock o war time scarcity of goods becami universal in the business world,_ar the ebb of finances low, resulting a near paralytic condition, he * maiiuri long enough to see this deviated in a great measni-eT and ? purchasing power of the conro revived. He obtained and held confidence of his associates in ' ness circles here, attaining and better still deserving and in all "dignifying his oo . as an opportunity to serve society. Rejected by military authority - later, Josh redoubled his valiant forts on the home front and beer eligible, we think, for citation courageous patriotism and achi ment right here in Farmville Pitt County, embodying as he outstanding characteristics so pensahle to the defense of our try. " His is a distinctive service as vealed by a review of his re found in our own publication durh three years and ten months: He served as War Finance chr! man of the Merchants Division of the War end Victory drives, and re lie# campaigns including the Rei Cross, receiving special recogmtioi in this regard from J. B. Kittrell am Sam Underwood, county chairmen and from A. B. Corey in relation i the Victory Clothing Collection, which he was the local chairman; member of the Board of Directors the State Merchants Association (the Carolina-Virginia Retailer re ceutly carried an article compliment ing Ms activities); a member of th Pitt County Board of Price Control of the Chamber of Com to Association; i as a member a ' Directors and as chair ~ lowship and Attend a 32nd degree Ma ior Warden of tin a member of th a loyal of til* church, h* served this body in the woe un ? bat effective way that he served his firm and community. First as a teacher of the Youth Branch at the Sunday School and for the past two years as Sunday School Superintendent. tossing an eager desire to serve, irrepressible energy, contagious eu i and perserversnee, his of any cause assured a * 'f. * teiafiwn gratiiying' termuiauoii. There is another commendable characteristic pome?od hy Young Munder in a marked degree. * It is that of a devoted family man. Com ing to Farmville ? a recently mar ried couple, Josh and his wife, "the former Miss Laura E. Burgees, of Camden, established a home and Stor ing their residence here have had ? additional blessings two winsome daughters, Bettie Jane and Miriam Elsie. - Josh is the son at Mrs. J. W. M lin den, of Elisabeth (Sty, and . the late Mr. Munden, former Register of Deeds. His mother has been con nected with the First National Bank in Elisabeth (Sty for the past 25 years. Our mutual interest in the further ance of business in this community and in war time endeavors brought us into do? alliance with Josh, and contact w? constant as we worked together upon the problems affecting both. Thus we came to know him well wid a strong and lasting friend ship was formed. As he bows off the Farmville stage, we wish him continued suc cess. We shall mi? him; Ids genial manner, happy disposition and at tractive personality. He leaves a deep impress on this community and well exemplies the Rotary slogan, "He profits most who serves best," bringing to mind a verse, by John Bert Graham, of Waxahachie, Tex., a Past Rotary District Governor, who might have penned it with Josh in mind had he known him. IF If I but owned a little shop I'd see that my employees bop To meet a buyer at the door; And not look like it was a bore To wait on folks. I'd make folks feel That when they finished up a deal, Both they and I were gainers. For when customers came in my store I'd want continuing goodwill To be the reason why my till Was filled with cash. And, after all, The forthright way you hit the ball Determines if you lose or win. My motto, "Each customer a friend." Wartime timber cutting and loss in Lhe United States was 60 percent greater than annual timber growth. NOTICE TO CREDITOBS Having qualified ? Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Florence V. Nelson, deceased, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to'the undersigned administra tor or attorney at Farmville, North Carolina, on- or before the 2nd day of March, 1947, or this notice-will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will plea? make immediate payment. This the 21st day of February, 1946. W. R. BURNETTE, Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Florence V. Nelson. John B. Lewis, Atty. F-22-6wks S3 ? i r . nrm APRICOT (Jlfr*4 - ; .?v >"* ?III mrfimtN WANTED TO RENT House la or Near FARMVILLE Win pay one year's rent in ad vance. If yen haw something to offer, see party at 122 South Main Street. k " n.c. i Both ha?ball and faming am in ?, the spring training stretch before starting the final big poet-war sea son but the "curves" thrawn by Harm era will hold the respect of the pay ing public long after Newhouaer Hughson, Leonard and-company havt pitched the laat strike. ] J. Frank Doggett of the Soil Con serration Service at State College declared that the "string method" of contour tillage for craps (such ? tobacco) which require ridge culti vation and are sensitive to draining is - expanding rapidly in this ?ate and will mean an annual saving ? both in cash and soil fertility ? of millions of dollars to farmers. The curved row practice, which has proved so effective in the past in quelling erosion and preserving the quality of tobacco and other crops, is being adopted this year by tobacoo farmers in Maryland and Connecticut who recently sent representative* to this state for study of the plan. J. E. Graham, tobacco fanner of the Godwin community in Cumber land County who began using carved rows two years ago, reports that to bacco does not drown in the terrace channels and, inasmuch as channels do not fill up, no rows are broken, by water run-off, a common damage re sulting from the use <x* straight rows. In applying the "string method,' the farmer simply uses a string and stakes to mark off a curved guide row and follows that contour through out the field. When a pitcher "polls the string," he serves up "sl6w stuff" to Stop the batter. When the farmer pulls the string, he slows up the water and stops erosion. Buy "Savings Bends" Have! Hold! NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified aa Administratrix of the Estate of R. H. Knott,-late of Pitt County, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of the de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Farmville, North Carolina, on or before the 1st day of February. 1947, or this notice will be pleaded ill bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said Estate Will please made immediate settlement. - This the 31st day of January, 1946. LOUISE W. KNOTT, Administratrix of R. H. Knott Estate. John B. Lewis, Atty. F-l-6wks Just received - A Lot of Special CO-OP PRESSURE COOKERS in 16 quart sizes NEWTON'S FARMERS EXCHANGE - Farmville, N. C. y made by her in the community. Tv the social period, the hostess, Mm Curtis Flanaga* assisted by w daughter, Ctah Belle, wved^s Patrick's motif was noted in the re Circle Groups of .the Presbyterian Auxiliary held their final meetings rf the Church year on Monday. Pro pram theme for the day was "The Church Wttl Win." Circle 1. met with Mrs. George Reckman with ten pteaent. /lbs. George Moore, incoming chairman *f this group, gave the program, Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, the devotional. After adjournment, pecan piee^-coca-colas, mints and salted pecans were served. Miss Bdna Robinson. was hostess for Circle ,2 in the home of Mrs. J. [. Morgan. Mm C. F. Baucom, chairman, presided and presented the program. Mrs. William P. Easley led die devotional. New officers for this group are McJm hjoun PERFECTION OIL STOTE JLait ? In these days of shortages, . you can add new life to your old Perfection Stove or Range with repair parts. Let us check it Ifit needs a new burner part, chimney, mica for chimney,, grate, or other part, let as help you bring it np to 'good operating condition. Get bet ter performance, too, with a set of the new, patented -Inner-Flow Perfection Wicks. Farnville.Fiiiit?reCo. (Fashion Shop For llie Home) FARMVILLE, N. C. JUST RECEIVED A Shipment, of U. S. No. 1. Maine Grown Seed Irish Potatoes Get your requirements now at $3.65 Per Bag NEWTON'S FARMERS EXCHANGE "JES' AIM NATGHjEt, SONNY!1 URING THIN. FIGURING THINGS OUT M ft- ?/??. HS-. AwMe bade I was learning Sonny how to handle a shotgun so he could figure out where Br er Rabbit natchelly was going to be onliis next jump. Sonny got the idea mighty quick for a boy his age. Maybe it's because he's noticed how us fanners always tries , to do dungs the natchel way. For instance, it just comes natchel to use Chilean soda to give our crops a quick start and keep 'em growing strong and healthy. Us fanners has been using natchel soda for more than a hundred years. Seems like just being natchel from any other kmd. k't be able to get ? '*# ? 9 ? season, but if we re IK fpf#? -f ?|he guests, Mrs. John T. Thome, Miss Annie Perkins, Mrs. S. E. Eweil and Mrs. J. M. Hobfood, were presented camellias as favors. The hostess By reducing the wheat content of bread, the U. S. expects to conserve 26,000,000 bushels of wheat this spriiK? NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrators of the Estate of Richard A. Parkei, Sr., late of Pitt County, State of North Carolina, this is to notifypll neons having mgmhtt*. the EsUte of the deceased? to exhibit them to the undersigned at Farmville, Ninth Carolina, on or before the 1ft day of February, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please made immediate settlement. 4 v ?? This the 31st day of January, 1946. CHRYSTELLE h. PARKER and v J. LEROY PARKER, Administrators of Richard A. Parker, Sr., Estate, John B. Lewis, Atty. ~ F-l-6wks FOB SALE ? PEANUT HAY.. Con tact John E King. Earmville. ltp FOR SALE ?LOUISIANA STRAIN ! SEED POTATO SUPS. Fred |' Carr, Phone 216-5 ? FannviUe. N. G, Route 2. F-22-3wks-p I FOB SALE ? THREE HUNDRED BALES HAY. Contact MLm Bert Burnetts, FarmvUle, Rt. ,1? ltp | 1 FOR SALE ? Barred Rock and New Hampshire Red Fryer. ? C. E. Modlin, Phone 249-2. 209 North Main St, FamviUe. N. C. 2tp j |FOR SALE?One slightly used John] Deere No. 110 Roughage Mill ? See or Write R. F. Tugwell, Route 2, Fsrmville, N. C. M8-2tp I FOR SALE ? Tennia Racquet Re stringing Equipment, complete with automatic tension lightcner. Phone 436-6, Dr. M. J. Gregg, ltc KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR the New Complete Line of ZENITH ft TRUETONE RADIOS I WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE. I FOR SALE! Meadows Upright Grist MIH and fixtures. See H. C. Nichols, llO E Wilson Street, Farm rill e, N. C. F-22-4tp| | WANTED TO RENT:. Small apart ment or house in FamviUe. Furn ished, if possible. Please write W. Gt Allen, Jr, Rt. 1, Fountain, N. | C. ?- (M-l-2tp) | THE WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co, its new musical j program, scheduled for every Sun day morning from 10:38 to 11:001 over station WPTF, Raleigh. COMB IN AND LOOK AT OUR TOOLS. WE CARRY A COM-1 ?PLETE UNE OF GARDEN AND YARD TOOLS. ' WESTERN AUTO ASSSO. STORE INSURE THE YEA# ROUND FORT of your Home with Celatex Rock WoM. For free estimates, write Eastern Rock Wool Insulat ing Co., Box Washington, N. C. M8-2tp SALESMAN WANTED MAN-OR WOMAN?Physically able and willkig to serve 300 customers in FamviUe for about $40.09 week ly ? experience unnecessary ? age no handicap. Write J. E Watkins, Dept. S-S, Richmond. Virginia. (F-22-3tp.) WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF BATTERIES Gntptinteed from six to eighteen months. Wa Abo Charge them the Old and New way for Fifty Cento. WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE < FOR SALE?BABY CHICKS. These Chicks aire Good Quality from brood-tested floeks, carefully cull ed and supervised. Can furnish Barred Rock, New Hampshire, Reck and Red Cross, and White Rocks now. Place your order for or later delivery. NEWTON'S FARMERS ^note of appreciation iation for, the many act* of kindness md expressions of sympathy extend d during- the sickness and death of ?ur loved one, Mrs. Julia Allen. The Family. THANK YOU to express my si neciation to each end overy an so thoughtful of me d ng illness. Mrs. Apple E. Fk [ LENTEN SERVICES EVERY FRIDAY EVENING At 7:30 o'Clock St. Elizabeth's Catholic CbuS Pine and Contentnea Sts. I finest Speaker-lev. Jade McCaut TOPIC "The Need of Penana BRING YOUR RA1 TROUBLES to FARMVILLEI SERVICt At 124 North Main St. Radio Tubes, Battel and Aerials for Au or Homes WE CAN ALSO CHANGE YOUR BATTERY SElf TO ELECTRIC ! We Also furnish Public Address System for Any Occas Prompt Service! ? Reasonable Prices ? G. W. ANSLEY, Manager rr??hl? PL AC ? TOJE AT / *??*(*? US^ ymwmum N sec tm?t SlflN, BOB ^ Y'CAN'T SAT anything BCTTCB than That iCTTCA than IA That, any I _ PLACE/ 7 n ?<dci \ ^ . / ,/ < *? # I teg-1 w?? Southern r Bread J. \mmwiiMiHMiiwwi { AI WAYS ASK FCTR SOUTHERN WHEN YOU ASK FOR BREAD ' I wish to inform my many friends that am now interested in the Norman's Grocer Store on South Main Street and invite yo< to come to see us, where I shall ptit fort! every effort to serve you with the best avail able things to eat at all times and at price: reasonable. We Specialize ia Heavy aid Fancy Groceries, Contry.Prodice aid Choice Moats. We are glad to inform you that we arc expecting to install new meat cutting equip ment which will aid us in rendering bettei and quicker service to our patrons. - ?1 '??"^ i-'v- -T L r LET IS KNOW VOIR WANTS rvice ?' n

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