txj& Mrs. R. T. Williams waa a Raleigh visitor, Wednesday. W. A. MeAdams made a business trip to Raleigh, Thursday. * Miss Peggy and Walter, Jr., gess spent the week end in Tarboro. Mrs. W. J. Raaberry leaves today for a week end visit in Raleigh and Gary. ? ? ? Harold Rouse, student at Oak Ridge, will spend the week end at home. Mrs. Jack Horton and son, Loyd, of Greenville, visited relatives here, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carr and Miss Harriet Carr were Wilson visitors, Sunday. . Mrs. M. E. Dixon who has been on the sick list this week is reported improving. Cpl. Allen Moore Harris is expect ed to arrive in the States sometime this week. Howard Harris spent several days of this week in Philadelphia, Pa., on business. Mr. and ? Mrs. Irvin Morgan and daughters, visited in Wilson, Sunday afternoon. \ Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Oglesby, of Kins ton, visited relatives and friends here, Sunday. Miss Mary Elizabeth Carr, student at Louisburg College, was at home last week end. Friends will regret to learn that B. R. Collins is ill at his home cm Belcher Street. J. H. Smith and family of Kinston spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Jones. Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner .and Mrs. H. Neal Howard were Tarboro visi tors, Wednesday. Mrs. T. E. Hooker, of Greenville, was the guest of Miss Tabitha M. DeVisconti, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burgess and son, John Lee, visited friends in New port News, Va., Sunday. Cpl. Jack Paylor arrived in the States Sunday night and is expected home during the week end. Dan Morgan, student at Darling ton School, Rome, Ga., spent the week end at his home, here. Miss Babs Williforri and Bobbie Russell visited relatives and friends in Stantonsburg, last week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas^ Ihimphrey, of Forrestville, Md., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carr. Miss Margaret Lee Jordon of W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro, spent last Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Teta Bray. Charles Parker, student at Darl ington School, Rome, Ga., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John C. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mozingo, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mozingo and son visited relatives m Norfolk, Va., last week end. Mrs. W. Harvey Allen and Mrs. Leon Smith of Greenville spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wilkerson. Mrs. J. W. Joyner, who is improv ing following treatment in a Wilson hospital, is expected home 'during the week end. Pfc. Willis P. Odom, who has been spending a ninety day furleugh with his family here, will leave March 11*, to report at Fort Bragg. Mrs. Annie Rigsby, Mrs. M. V. Jones and Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner were Ifincheon guests of Mrs. Walter Jones, in Kins ton, Friday. Ensign W. A. Carr returned to his ship at Norfolk, Va., Sunday, after spending several days with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carr. , Mrs. J. D. Owens and daughter, Miss Neva Owens, spent Sunday in Greenville .with Mr. and Mrs. Tab Skinner. Mr: Skinner seems to be improving. Mrs. John T. Thome, Mrs. S. G. Gardner, Mrs. wLouise Harris and Mrs. T. W. Lang attended a meeting of the Greenville Garden Club on Wednesday. * Carroll D. Ogiesby has recently ac: cepted a traveling position with Thornton Sales Service Co., in Greensboro. Mr. Ogiesby will have headquarters here. W. R. Bumette who underwent an appendectomy at Carolina General Hospital, Wilson, Friday of last week, is recuperating nicely and ex pected home tomorrow. Little Miss Annette McAdams is spending some time with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mc Adams, while her mother, Mrs. Gra ham McAdams of Washington, D. C., is visiting in Florida. Mrs. D. S. Morrill, who is a pa tient at Duke Hospital, Durham, is and will return home Polly C. Bunr'r has after spending her mother. Mrs. a CALENDAR Maife;, Hank 11 3:30 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary meets with Mrs. John 1). Dixon. 3:30 P. M.?Circle 4, Methodist Woman's Society, meets with Mas. C. H. Mostago. Mil Leon little is joint hostess. 3:30 P. M.?Presbyterian Auxiliary meets with Mrs. J. M. Hobgood. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwanis Club. 3:00 P. M.?Wesleyan Guild, Meth odist, meets with Miss Bettie Joyner, at the home of Mrs. 3. G. Gardner. Tuesday, 13 3:00 P. M.?Ballard's Home Dem onstration Club meets with Mrs. J. D. Jones. 1:45 P. M.?Merry Matrons meet in the home of Mrs. G. M. Hold en, with Mrs. A. C. Monk as hostess. 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. 8:00 P. M.?Mrs. L. P. Odom will entertain at a linen shower hon oring Pfc. and Mrs. Willis P. Odom. 8:30 P. M.?Altar Guild, Episco pal, meets with Miss Margaret Smith. Wednesday, 13 , 3:00 P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Miss Elizabeth Davis. 3:15 P. fi.?New Deal Club meets with Mrs. S. A. Roebuck. Thursday, 14 3:00 P. M.?Farmville Home.Dem onstration Club. 3:30 R M.?Girl Scouts. 7:30 P. M.?Farmville 4-H Club. 7:30 P. M.?Masons. Friday, 15 7:30 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 7:30 P. M.?Order of the Eastern Star. Saturday, 16 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. 8:00 P. M.?Supper Club, at the Country Club. TODAY :30 P. M.?World Day of Prayer Service at the Baptist Church. Union Service. 1:00 P. M. ? Country Club Supper for members and their families. A brief discussion of recreational activities of the Club will be held. TOMORROW 1:0Q P. M.?Mrs. R. E. Pickett- will entertain in honor of Mrs. George Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clifton and Miss Sue Sutton of Kins ton were veek end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. CarrawaV. Mr. and Mrq. \Frank Dnpree, Jr:, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Bergeron, Mrs. if. E. Pollard and Miss Minnie Ov^r ;treet attended the funeral of Mrs. I'. S. Pender, in Whitakers, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Collins and Mrs.E. E. Jor ion, of Wilmington, spent last week :nd with Mrs. Leta Bray and B. R. Collins. Mrs. Bray and Mr. and Mrs. Marsh visited their brother who is :ritically ill at Edgecombe T. B. San itorium, Sunday. Mrs. T. G Turaage, Mrs. John 0. Pollard and Mrs. G S. Eagles are at tending the D. A. R. State Conven tion in Charlotte.this week. During their stay they will visit Mrs. Tum age's daughter, Mrs. Archie McLean and Mrs. Eagle? daughter, Mrs. Bene Handison, in Charlotte, and Mrs. Pollard's son. Bill, student at Davidson College. They are expect jd to return home, Saturday. INVITATION ISSUED The following invitation has been issued to friends throughout the State: "Dr. and Mrs. William Ander son Marlowe request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, J&nie Eagles, to Mr. Thomas Vincent Heard, III, on Sat urday evening, the sixteenth of March, at eight o'clock, Christian Church, Walstonburg, North Caro CHURCH BRIEFS Special Lenten services, to which the entire community is cordially in vited; will be held in the Episcopal Church each Wednesday evening dur ing the Lenten naaarwi, at 8:00 o'clock, with the rector, Rev. J. R. Rovjiitree, The Woman's Auxiliary will hold a' Lenten study meeting each Monday afternoon, at 8:80 o'clock, through out this penitential season. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mrs. Roger M. Collins of the marriage of r, Jean, to T/Sgt Wil S. Russell, U. S. Army, which solemnised, February 16, in Wh. I'Min Elisabeth Davis was m graci to The Literary Club on Wedpeedsy afternoon. Spring flow fen wen tfeed in decorating the home. After a brief business period with |Mrs. W. M. Willis, president, presid ing, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. J. I. Morgan, program chairman for the afternoon. Mrs. Morgan gave an interesting and informative talk on "The Far East Colonies or States?" basing her remarks on Hal lett Abend's book, Pacific Charter, and supplementing this-with current conditions, status sad attitudes. Mrs. Morgan called specific atten tion to Abend's plea?"Do not give Japan a soft peace?apply the knife," and briefly summarised the shearing that has been dome. She also remark ed on the quiet and efficient wag General Mac Arthur has accomplish ed this. After adjournment Mrs. M. V. Jones delightfully entertained with piano selections. Miss Annie Perkins, a charter member of the Club, displayed the Club's first year book (then called The Ladies Magnates Club)?1911. This Year Book stated the Club was organised in 1904, federated in 1910 undo: the motto ''Semper para tua" and colors of green and red. The program for that year was based an a study of North Carolina History. Members were: Mrs. W. C. Askew, Mrs. E. C. Beaman, Mrs. F. C. Joyner, Mrs. J. Y. Monk, Miss Veneris Morrill, Mrs. 8. M. Pollard, Miss Annie Perkins, Mrs. J. 8. Smith, Mrs. E. W. Warren and Mrs. Helen Watkins. Mrs. J. S. Smith was president. Miss Davis then invited the mem bers and her special guests in the dining room for refreshments. Mrs. F. M. Davis, mother of the hostess, poured tea. Sandwiches, nuts and candies were served from a beauti fully appointed table centered with hawthome. Special guests were Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes, Mrs. M. V. Jones, Mrs. George Allen, Mrs. Zeb Whitehurst, Mrs. Alton W. Bobbitt and Miss Edna Robinson. ? / PARENT-TEACHER MEET The Farmviile P. T. A. held its an iual Founder's Day observance at the February meeting, last Thursday, then pupils of Mrs. I'. Thomas' th Grade presented a 3piendid pro Tam. Scripture verses from the book of Catthew were read by James Thome. Iioughte on the beginning of the ational and local PfA were ex ressed by Robert Pollard. An croetic, Founder* s-Builder's, was resented by a group of students. A sketch of the lives of Alice | limey and FJioebe Hearst were giv n by Gayle Cheek Flanagan and .nne Bynum. A song, "My Tribute" ras rendered by Ruth Tyson. The urpose of-the Annual Founder's lay collection was explained by Ray lathaway. The collection received t this time amounted to ten dollars. In the business period, a nominat og committee compooed of J. I. (organ, Jr., chairman, Mrs. LeRoy tollins and J. H. Moore, was ap o in ted. Room Roll Call was won by Irs- Thomas' grade. IT. D. C. The Rebecca Winbourne Chapter, |U. D. C., held its March/ meeting Friday afternoon with Mrs. Agnee Blount as gracious hostess. Mrs. W. M. Willis, vice president, presided and announced plans for the District meeting, April 1, in Roa noke Rapids. Several members plan to attend. Communications were read from District chairmen relative to their work. Mrs. J. H. Darden, program leader, gave an interesting sketch on the life of Steven Russell Mailory, Secretary of the Navy, during the War Between the States. . A variety of spring flowers deco rated the home and the hostess serv ed frozen fruit salad, ham biscuits end coffee. Special guests included Mrs. Louise Harris, Mrs. L. E. Wal ston and Mrs. S. G. Gardner. B AND DCLUB Mrs. Walter Josses entertained the Book and Bridge Club and special guest, Mrs. George E. Moore, Jr., for an enjoyable afternoon of bridge on Wednesday. Mrs. Jones' score tallied high in the three progressions. Arrangements of flowering quince and jonquils made a lovely setting for the tables. Sandwiches, pickles, nut bread, spread with cream cheese, and chocolate covered almonds were served with coca-coles. THEATRE- PARTY Ann Pollard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Pollard, celebrated her ninth birthday Tuesday afternoon with a theatre party, having as guests Fa ye Mewbom, Anna Morgan, Sybil Crumpler, Clara, Belle Flanagan, Sue Flanagan, Ellen N orris Spencer, Martha Holmes, Janice Atkinson. Jane Russell, Lou Taylor Lewis, and Prior to attending the movie, "Peo ple Are Funny," the hcnoree and her " ? to* mt BR in s pink and green color schema, ivy and tall A lovely U the it ? a . day by Kn. Ale* Allen, Mr,. Frank Allen and Mr*. Lewis Allen in honor of their sister-in-law, Mrs. George M. Allen, recent bride, and a new comer to FarmviBe. Flowering quince, camellias and lighted white tapers decorated the lower floor of Use D. A. R. Chapter House, sccpe of the event. Greeting fueeta at the door were Mrs. 3. Irvin Morgan, Jr. and Mrs. A. C. Monk, Jr. Mr*. C. S. Hotcfa kiss introduced the receiving line composed of the hostesses and the Mrs. F. M. Davis and Mrs. R. W. Rader poured Russian tea from a' beautifully appointed table centered with an arrangement of pink and white carnations and snapdragons and encircled by white candles in silver holders. Mrs. R. E. Pickett, Mrs. Ben Lang, Mrs. Harry Harper and Mrs. R. T. Williams served decorated sandwich es and cookies, ham biscuits, minte and salted nuts. Mrs. Robert T. Monk presided St the register. Good-byes were said to Mrs. T. S. Ryon and Mrs. John M Mewbom. JUNIOR CLUB Mrs. Sam T. Lewis and Mrs. John M. Mewborn were hostesses at a de lightful meeting of the Junior Wom an's Club on Tuesday evening. - Mrs. R. T. Williams, president, pre sided and welcomed the guests, Mrs. William P. Easley, speaker of the evening, Mrs. Ernest Pettaway, former member who has rejoined the club, and Mrs. M. J. Gregg, a new member. - Mrs. Howard Moye reported on re cant meetings of the Family Life Training School, being held in Green ville, for Youth Leaden throughout Pitt County. Mm. R. T. Williams and Mre. Frank K. Allen plan to rep resent the Junior Club at the next meeting on Tuesday, March 12. Mm. Moye is attending the School as rep resentative of a Home Demonstra tion club. Mrs. Stuart Sugg, program leader, introduced Mm. Easley who brought a most thought-provoking message on the subject, "Education For World Democracy." ? The Holden home in which the meeting was held was attractively decorated with quince, jonquils and spirea. Strawberry shortcake and hot coffee were served. CONTRACT CLUB Mrs. Marvin V. Janes charmingly entertained the Contract Club and additional guests Tuesday afternoon at her home, which was decorated throughout with early spring bloom. Bridge was played at four tables. Mrs. M. V. Horton compiled top score among members knd won an (iridescent flower bowl; Mr#. George V. Monk was presented a potted primrose as guest high award. Following the games, Bavarian cream was served with angel cake, salted nuts and coffee. Table ac cessories were in the St. -Patrick's motif. ' ?, Special guests included Mrs. R. G. Ruffin, Mrs. W. M. Willis, Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt, Mr*. P. E. Jones,'Mrs. G. Alex "Rouse, Mrs. R. 19. 'Rouse, Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., Mrs. L. E. Walston, Mrs. S. A. Roebuck and Mrs. George V. Monk. PARAMOUNT 1 THEATRE 1 _* FARMVILLE, N. C. WEEK OF MARCH 9 * SATURDAY l Sunset Carson?in "BANDITS OF THE BADLAND" Chapter 7, Purple Minister Strikes ? Comedy. SUNDAY and MONDAY Robert Walker-June Allyson?in "THE SAILOR TAKES A WIFE" Latest News ? Cartoon. TUESDAY Randolph Scott-Barbara Britton ? in ? "CAPTAIN KIDD" Passing Parade?Cartoon. WEDNESDAY Doable Feature Day! Range* Busters?in "HAUNTED RANCH" Sir Aubrey Smith?m IGA' Chapter 2, Secret . March 10. Dr. M. J. GREGG, States of Mr. and Mrs. | 'WHL^ I The daughter <rf the late Capps, of Raleigh, North Ci Mies Cappe was educated at Kton Hall here, Fairfax Hall, bora, Va, and George University. Mr. Adama will tie graduated from Hie Naval Academy in June. The wedding ia to take place, on June 6, in the Bethlehem Chapel of the Washington Cathedral SEVEN PINES CLUB The Seven Pines Home Demonstra tion Club h?M a Joint meeting with their husbands recently at the home of I* E. Garris. A picnic supper of fried chicken, potato salad, deviled eggs, sandwiches, relishes, cake, cof fee and hot chocolate, was served. Miss Verona Lee Joyner, Home Demonstration Agent, and Mr. Pra den, Assistant County Agent, gave a demonstration, "Planning Improve ments on Farm Homes." An enjoy able social hour was directed by Mrs. B. L. Tyson Visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Pruden, Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Tyson,'Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Tyson and Miss Joyner, all of Greenville. BIRD CLUB The bank swallow is the smallest member of the family and derives its namQ from its habit of borjng a tun nel into a bank, along a road or stream. There it builds its neet. In its engineering work this bird uses both bill and" claws. An enlarged chamber, lined with grass and feathers, at the end of the tunnel is the place where the pearl white eggs, four to seven, are laid during the latter half cf May. Bank swallows nest and migrate in colonies. The plumage of, this bird is dull gray above, with lighter un derparts v and a conspicious band a "oss the breast. It lives principal ly on insects caught while in flight. All swallows have Large mouths and long wings, by which they are well adapted for catching insects on the wing. They sometimes eat small wild berries. Their breeding grounds range from Central United States to he Artie regions. HENRY RENFREW-^ " PORTRAITURE and COMMERCIAL By Appointment Only RHONE 3252 ioi tAtrtaw snttn...MtKwvmt.se. ^K3?jag?B?ara TT~- ? . , :i THE SUPREME WEDDING GIFT The bride win be thrilled most by a diamond engage ment ring and wedding band ensemble in harmoniz ing design! We have a variety starting at ... -$39.00 Rebert's Jewelers FARMVILLE'S LARGEST JEWELRY STORE v H. S. HATEM, Manager Phone 487-1 ? TOR ? Cab Service J. B. Murpbrey f Comer Wilson ft Contenlneo Ste. FAKMVILLE, N. C. ' BEGINNING ? Friday Afternoon Mar. 8! WILLIAMS GROCERY! AND MARKET FARMVTLLE. N. C. SINCI 3 GENERATIONS TESTIFY TO SEALY COMFORT Relax on a Scaly Tuftless Mattress ?^ CC1IV TIICTI CCC f world-famous for more than 60 yean/ OCALT I Ur I LtdO // -and let yourtired body andianglcdl II1TTDCCC ' I Dtr1,es experience a revelation in restful. I MR I I l\L JO I refreshing and buoyant comfort.Forover | 3 generations the name Scaly bias been a household word for the most luxurious j of sleep < day of outstandi ng value and s MATCHING BOX SPRING \ MsJ.hth.msAengf 5?frX?sr ttuc price Jv SEALY au.sJ.uim..j MATTRESS CONN unrron/rMi <19.75 .p Farmville Furniture Co. (FASHION SHOP FOR THE HOME) Main 'Street Farm vilie, N. C. ' ANNOUNCING THE OPENING Saturday, March 9th Fountain's Newest Business Establishment Ethel Bell, Florist ? FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ? Shop Located* in the Building Occupied by Town Library FOUNTAIN, N. C. Dial Fountain 138 r,J3S?S'?? ... ' ? YOtl'PA rtWlOBjeAMMQlW a iirm nouss nwrC Y&XA-YAXl nVW contain* titanium, tb* whitest i^wnowtt Xv luence??i ptiiiimw wiuhium " ?x" ^ \ re?*t* discoloration. What"* mors, Vka-Var ? Hoot* Paint has n special V^Z^i action that actually cenaee th< action that actually clean itself. If yon want to costs in half, see us today I ?; _-Y' - ', ' , -'"'Jlv. . FARMVILLE, N. C. HAM _ _ ? m ^: 55 . !

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