1 G.A. Year AH Lagal Adv. fc a toe i Port Offies at Farmvill under Act of March 3rd, D. A. K. MKBTr.r Mrs. J. I. Morgan was a gracious hostess, Saturday afternoon, to the Colonel Alexander McAllister Chap ter, D.A.R., which is composed of members from Hookerton, Snow Hill, Pinetops, Crisp, Greenville and Fern i-1 ville. Camel lias and flowering shrobs were used in lovely decora tion throughout the lower floor of the home.' Mrs. Harry Taylor, of Hookerton, regent, presided. Miss Payne Sugg, of Hookerton, Chaplain, continued the study of Women of the Bible, 8 peaking of Rebecca. Mrs. P. W. Carroll, of Hookerton, reported en the State Convention held recently tn Charlotte. The re gent appointed as a nominating com mittee^ Mrs. R. W. Isley, of Pinetops, chairman, Mrs. E. C. -Seaman end Mrs. J. L Morgan, both of Farm ville. Mrs. Morgan, who was program chairman for the afternoon, intro duced as her guest speaker, Mrs. Herbert E. Hart, of Farm ville, who gave a splendid talk on "The United Nations Organisations." In addition to Mrs. Hart, guests of the hostees included Mrs. E. R. Clegg. Miss Edna Robinson and Mrs. J. Irvin Morgan, Jr. At the refreshment hour, chicken salad, tomato aspic, olive sandwiches, ham biscuits, nuts, chocolate candy and coffee were served. HOSTS AT DINNER PARTY Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Lewis were hosts, Thursday evening, at a lovely dinner party, honoring Miss Evelyn McLin and Horace Hudson, of Rocky Mount, bride and bridegroom-elect. The table was centered with crystal cornucopias filled with pink carna tions and fern, and flanked by pink candles in crystal holders. The chos en color note of pink, green and white was effectively carried also in other table appointments. Dinner was served at seven o'clock with covers laid for sixteen guests, all of Rocky Mount. A corsage marked the place of the bride-elect and other guests found their places by means of handpainted cards with decoration of bridal. mStifs. The hostess' presented Miss McLin with silver in her choeen pattern. GU.^D MEETING At the Episcopal Altar Guild meet ing Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. W. R. Barbette, Mrs: R. G. Copenhaver reviewed the chapter en titled "The Ministry," from the group's study book. The Episcopal Church. Mrs. John D. Dixon, directress, presided error the business session when plans to make the altar curtain were completed. The chairman of the nominating committee gave the following report, Mrs. James Lang, assistant directress, Mrs. W. R. Bur netts, treasurer, Mrs. Will Jones, Jr., secretary, Mrs. T. S. Ryon, chair man ways and means committee. m The first guild meeting of the month was held in the home of Miss Margaret Smith, with Mrs. James Lang presiding. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified u Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Florence V. Nelson, deceased, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to.exhibit them to the undersigned administra tor or attorney at Farmville, North Carolina, on or before the 2nd day of March, 1M7, or tMs notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. At] indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment. This the 21st day of February, W. B. BURNETTE, Administrator at the Estate of Mrs. Florence V. Nelson. John B. Lewis, Atty. F-22-6wka p? of mi esealleet idea, ha*| 1 his intention to oppo Congressman Herbert C Bonner for the nomiMrtw t Doctor Hwnber's announced eo- t pousal of a World Federation, which will become foe basis of his campaign < end Congressman Bonner's record of i service to his district, which will be J the basis upon which ha will ask ? further cemsidention at the hands l at his constituent* provide a sharply 1 etched divergence of the two men in i their concept of the duties of a mem- < bar of tha House of Representatives ] to the people of the district which ] selects him end to the people of the country at large. c Doctor H umber's concern is with t world problems. Mr. Bonner's concern i is, primarily sad properly, with the < needs of the people who have chosen him to represent them fat Congress. Actually the House of Representatives has little to do with foreign problems. These are matters that ar* by con stitutional provision, tha concern and, ,c responsibility of the Unitsd States ( Senate. A Congressman's business < is to represent his people hi Wash- 1 ington, as a sort of ? ambassador. By t his own confession. Doctor Humber t would be out of place in the House 1 of Representatives. His viewB, his t ideals end his energies would find a 1 proper field in the United States 1 Senate. ? Congressman Bonner baa served 1 his constituents very ably in Wash ington. Never has he been so en grossed with large national affairs? though he is not neglectful of such 1 matters?that he is inaccessible to his help. That is what a Congress man is for. . Congressman Bonner has served us with zeal and devo tion. ? ? " It is the considered opinion of THE DAILY ADVANCE that Mr. Bonner should, on his record, be re-nommat ed in May and re-elected in Novem ber of this year and biennially here after until he tiree of service or some man or woman appears as a candidate with superior capacity to perform the duties that make a Congressman a representative of his own people.? From The Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N. C., March 16, 1946. (Political Advertising) When they assure you that your counsel is invaluable^ it's time to re tire. , henry mna Bp Appointment Only PMONI 9252 KM BUTHW SUgT-MttPtaUHlC' W. B.I ? ion rooms ware d with a profusion The prografti opened with the he Preamble. The famie Davis, led a ng the subject, "Peace.* fields presented Mrs. Ben Weaver vho gave an intensely interesting aik on "Rehabilitation." Principal business of the afternoon oncerned election at delegates to the U?a Conference, ^contribution of 15.00 to the Cancer Control Drive, uxd appointment of Mrs. &, L. Rol ins, Mrs. W. M. Willis and Mrs. A. ff. Bobbitt as a committee to select i local high school girl to liris' State in Greensboro, in June, Plans were also made for annual "oppy Day, May 25., | After adjournment, strawberry ice ream) decorated cakes and nuts were ?erred. Mrs.. E. W. Holmes, a new nember, was given a cordial wne. - j-fc ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 Having qualified as Administrator tt the Estate of Paul Aaron Parker, lee eased, late of Pitt County North Carolina, this is to notify all persons iaviqg claims against the estate of he said deceased to exhibit them to he undersigned Administrator at fountain, North Carolina, on before he 21st day of March, 1947, or this lotice will be pleaded in bar of their ecovery. All persons indebted to :aid Estate will please make im nediate payment. This 21st day of March, 1946. J. C. PARKER, Administrator of! Paul Aaron Parker Estate. M-22-6-wks-c.) . HM APRICOT (JUvtrti BKAMDT Austin. Nichols ? - ? f A full College Course for you WITH EXPENSES PAID Here's important news for young men 18 and over (17 with par ents' consent). Under the 61 Bill of Rights, if you enlist jn the U. S. Army before October 6, 1946, for 3 years, upon your dis charge you will be entitled to 48 months of college, trade or busi ness school education. Tuition up to $500 per ordinary school year will be paid. And you will receive $65 monthly living al lowance?$90 if you are mar ried. 6et the facts at year nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Station. U. S. ARMY RECRUITING SUB-STATION, New City Hall Building, Greenville, N. C. -GROCERY all KINDS OF MEATS ? Fresh Vegetables, Canned Goods, Etc. Our New Meat Cutting Equipment has arrived and has been installed, enabling us to give you better and quicker service. ?\J 1 ? *- v.;-.-. -, - ? We Are Now Delivering by Truck ? .ifrij Each Day! At 4:00 P. M. . *?? rfti." ..'Si r S L- :h h ?f?7Kl Chased Romantique , ' ALSO [L v| and Luggage Bay Savings Bonds Now And Save ! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator rf the Estate of Mrs. Julia H. Allen, leceased, late of Pitt County North Carolina, thin is to notify all persons laving claims against the estate of he said deceased to exhibit them to he undersigned Administrator or attorney at Farmville, North Caro ina, an or before the 15th day of Kerch, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment.. This 14th day of March, 1946. ROSCOE C. ALLEN, Administrator of Mrs. Julia H. Allen Estate, lohn B. Lewis, Atty. M-15-6wks PARAMOUNT I THEATRE 1 farmville; n. c. WEEK OP MARCH 30 SATURDAY Johnny Mack Brown?in "FRONTIER FEUDS" Chapter 10, "Purple Monster Strikes" ? Comedy. ' I ? SUNDAY and MONDAY Bob Hope-Dorothy Lamour- Bing Crosby?in "ROAD TO UTOPIA" . Latest News ? Short. . TUESDAY Alan Curtis-Kent Taylor?in "THE DALTON'S RIDE AGAIN" Musical?Sports-Cartoon. " WEDNESDAY Double Feature Day! William Boyd?in "BORDER PATROL" ' Jane Darwell-Edgar Kennedy?in "CAPTAIN TUGBOAT ANNIE" Chapter 5, "Secret Agent X9/ THURSDAY and FRIDAY Sonny Tufts-Veronica Lake?in "MISS SUSIE SLAGLE'S" Latest News ? Musical, Z. B. Cox, Walter Reed . D. C., will. supply Rev. C. B. Mesh burn's pulpit Sunday morning. Chsj^ lain Cox, a native North Carolinian joined the church under Rev. Maah bdro's evangelistic wort - ;-;W;i Want Ads! LOST?BOY'S GOLD-RIMMED ETE GLASSES. Ffaider will please con tact Randolph Brock, e/? Mr. J. C. Brock. Up THE WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Ca, announces its new musical program, scheduled for every Sun day morning from 10:30 to 11:00 over station WPTF, Raleigh. MAN or WOMAN?We have a fine established local route avaiMMe. Good hour* Regular customers. Avenge $40 to $50 weekly. Write Hie J. R. Wat kins Co., Dept. 8-3, Va. M-29-3tp KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR the New Complete Line of ZENITH & TRUETONE RADIOS ! . WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE. FOR SALE?BABY CHICKS. These Chicks are Good Quality from brood-tested flocks, carefully cull ed and supervised. Can furnish Barred Rock, New Hampshire, Rock and Red Cross, and White Rocfe (low. Place your order for immediate or later delivery. NEWTON'S FARMERS EXCHANGE, Formerly Creel's Cash Store, Farmville, N. C. M-l-tf-c WE HATE A COMPLETE LINE OP BATTERIES Guaranteed from six to eighteen months. We Alee Charge them the Old and New way for Fifty Cento. WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE. BABY CHICKS?O. S. APPROVED. Shipped direct from the Hatchery to you. Barred Rocks, Hampshire Reds, Crosses or Leghorns, $13.95 per 100, postpaid. Send 10 names and addresses of friends who buy Chicks. Deduct $1.50 per hundred. Address SEELEY'S CHICKS, Nor folk 10, Vs. M8-tfc. COME (N AND LOOK AT OUR TOOLS. WE CARRY A COM PLETE LINE OF GARDEN AND YARD TOOLS. - WESTERN AUTO ASSSO. STORE. GROW THE NEW THORNLESS BOYSENBERRY. A most delici ous fruit, producing as much as five tons per acre. A cross be . tween Blackberry, Rasberry, sad Loganberry, larger $nd more pro lific than either. Plants postpaid $3.60 per dozen, $5.60 per 25, and $16.25 per 100. Write for Fns Copy New Pleating Guide. WAYNESBORO NURSERIES, WAYNESBORO. VIRGINIA. LUMBER!. * - WE HAVE ON HAND A GOOD SUPPLY OP WIMMfS, DOORS, ROOFIKt AND PLASTER PHONE 302-1 ?? Farmville Retail Lumber Yard Next to Norfolk-Southern Depot Farmville, N. C. - ? H^~\ r-lSSHP ?* h0N?.T,?? ?*t *|V Of ? . ?*? < "ody,?ord trsrTMiSS ?Pat *??? ""J?. t~. ?vtomobQe ? PAY THE L-O-A-N. ? Choose a type of Home-Loan that will let you get aheadl, No need of assuming the old, never-ending-expense form at "straight" Loan, now.. Now that our Direct-Reduction Loan is offered you. For new-home or replacement gage, ask us about this surer, easier, Monthly Mo|?Aly pay OFF! ? Loan. FIRST FEDERAL SAVIR6S ft LOAN ASSOCIATION OF OREERVILLE EVANS STREET ; GREENVILLE, N. C. '$J Phone 3224 -? A. C. TADLOCK, See. and Trees. m -JBS* SQUEEZE NATCHEL, SONNY!" una J a ThU i$ a drawing of one of the eight fine pebafiigt by Hy HmUrmeitter A LOT OF GOOD COMES FltOM THE EARTH Sonny was sayin' that ol' bossy cow is jes'.a natchel factory for making milk out o' fodder. But I tell him that making good milk begins when mother nature gave us the ferti lizer to help the fodder grow. I was referrin to the natchel soda us farmers ? usfts on all our crops. Natchel soda comes right from the earth. No body knows (or sure quite how it got there. But they does know the wonderful things natchel Chilean soda does for crops. Seems like jes' being natchel makes Chilean soda different from any other, kind. Maybe folks won't be able to get all they want this season, but if we're careful with what we get, it may do. \ OS Chilean nitrate of FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE ENTERPRISE ? IW OPEN FOR BISIRESS 'i FRED C. TREVATHAN, OWNER axi OPERATOR ... ?T , ^ # All Work Guaranteed! ? . ... ? "*5 - >' ? ?ifl ,.ni .'I ' mill. - HALF . WOMEN'S i i HAft# J I SOLES i . ? Miss Mot) daughter of Beli ef Wilson, and Cole Barbeev and of Mrs. John and the late Mr. Lewis were married on Suii r afternoon, March 24th in the st Methodist Church of 'Wilson, Reverend Walter C. Ball officiafc using the double ring ceremony, rail baskets of white gladioli, snap guns, and Easter Lilies, were ar ged on the altar, before a beck und of stately palms and ferns, ren branched jj candelabra with Lte candles were used on each aide the altar. irs. B. B. Plyler, organist render - a program of pre-nuptial music #r to the ceremony. Elbert C. Imes, soloist, of Farmville, sang, rink To Me Only With Thine Eyee" 1 "Because."' Daring the cere ay Mrs. Plyler softly rendered ebestraum" and for the benedic i Mr. Holmes sang' "The Lord as Yon and Keep You." The tra ional wedding marches were used the processional and receesional. he bride wag attended by her sis , Mrs. James J, Rowland of Wil , aa matron a? honor. She wore Itreet length dress of baby blue I navy accessories. Her flow rs re a bouquet of Briarcliff roses, I with pink ribbon. . he bride, who was given in mar je by her father, wore a wool suit grey, with Mack accessories and a ulder corsage of orchids. Her only ament warn a string of pearls, a rift of The >ia brother, Albert V. Ir., brother of r. Rowland of Wilson; aid a brother. Redding- < >f Farmville. Mr?. Barbee, iride, wore a wool, with black ihoulder coinage at >wia wore m drew oid a corsage of red After a wedding Carolina, the couple n Farmville. Mrs. Lewis attended" iigfa School and At College, Wilson", and -iage was employed romlinson. Mr. Lewis attended ligh School and ent n 1942 and served was. Ha is now fannville Furniture "Ed. Mote: A U-rg*| Parmville relatives n attendance. Rehearsal Immediately follow iarbee wedding light, Mrs. Eloise ained in honor of 1 ind Mr. Alfred ratting, at the Wo The club rooms lecorated throughout white spring flo was banked with gii erspersed with white j -er candelabra hold and lee stood in the nd. The bridal with a handsome loth, with a cent white flowers in a tfi&lf I'LL HAVE ANOTHER SLICE OF BREAP, Thanks/ r SEE HOW EASYI BEAT THE BOY S'HOUTAGE? ALL I DID 'EM YOU WEP GIRL-WITH I SOUTHER! Bread ram \ SWCtl FU TlttT pi I?limn as (OR SOUTHERN W H ( N Y OJJ ASK FRIDAY AND SAJDRDAY - * -?!- . \ J ji4 v.!

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