I HI <1? Mrs. H.A ins from a. ferw days tidnem. ? ? ? Little BOtts Tripp, of Greenville, is visitor fate sunt, lire. 3. B. Briley. ? ? ? Mr. sad Mrs. R. G. Baffin will spend the week end in Rocky Mount. Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr., and Mrs. Jj. E. Waktan spent Thursday in Ral eigh. ? ? ? Mrs. E. C. Beaman has returned from a visit with relatives in Snow Hill. ? ? ? Mr. Md Mm A. W. Bobbitt spent the weak Md with relatives in Palmer Springs, Vs. ? ? ? Mrs. Alfred Lewis has accepted a position with A. C. Monk Enter prises, here. ? ? ? Mrs. J. M. Ctetetman, of Kinston, spent Tuesday tegfct with Mies Tab), tha M. DeViscontL Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Joyner and daughter, Pat; spent Saturday in Durham and Raleigh. Mrs. Jelm T. Walston, Mrs. a C. Hedgepeth and children were Green ville visitors, Thursday. Miss Agnes Virginia Quineriy, stu dent at Salem College, is si the week end at her home1 Mrs. L. E. Flowers, Mrs. J. T. Windham wad Miss Delphi* Paster were Raleigh visitors, Saturday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Long of Eden ton were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Whiter B. Jones and family. Mrs. George Wflterson ami neptawy Steve Wtffcerson, of GreenviHe, spent Sunday with Mrs. S. G. Canker. Miss Adelaide Dail, Miss Frances Howard and Mrs. Carol Modi in were Rocky Moant visitors, Wednesday. Miss Bertha Lang and Mre. R. C. Copenh&ver returned Thursday night from a week's trip to New Yolk. * ? ? Bill Pollard' returned to Davidson College Monday after a few days spring holidays spent at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lewis and daugh ter, Eva May, and Mre. Stella Shear in visited relatives in Rocky Mount, Sunday. e e e Mr. and-Mrs. R. D. Rouse, Sr., and Mr. and Mre. R. D. Rouse, Jr., spent the week end in Greensboro with Harold Rouse. ? e ? Miss Elizabeth Lang, of Jktrmville and Roanoke Rapids, attended the State Teachers meeting held in Ashe ville last Week. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Briley, Mrs. R. J. Warnwright, Mrs. J. B. Davis and lbs. Herman Baker were Richmond, Vs., visitors, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garner spent Tuesday in Richmond, Vs., where Mr. r was on a baying trip for the Gamer Duke-Garner Co., here. Mr. and Mrs. J. ii. camion ana Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Salisbury o# Ayden, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, Jr.; Sunday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Babil, of Wel doo. are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Gorge S. Thomas, and Mr. Thomas, at their home on Pine street. - Mrs. E. N. Petteway left Thursday of last week for m visit with relr tives in Lakeview, S. C. She is Tasted home during the weak end. Mis. Margaret Brttt and aon, Sid ney, and Miss May Johnson, of Ayden, were guests of Mis. Doris, Jr., and Mrs. Agnes Btosnt, Sunday. e ? ? Charles Blount Quineriy, Tommy Lang, Cabot Monk and Grayden Lite, students at the University of Worth Carolina, spent the at their reapaetiv ? * e Bishop W. W. Pfcde, of' V*, and Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Grant, of Bodty Mount, ?day of Bee. Mrs. E. B. Clegg. i Mr. wmmm Jy moved their to N. G, where Mr. Luptoi 3:30 P. M.?Woman's Society of Christian Service meets in the 7:00 P. 7:30 P. M. ? Worker's Council Methodist, meets with Rev. ao4 Mrs. B. R. Clegg. ?'wiOflEta. John T. Thome. 6:30 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:00 P. M3 ? VbotMM el the World. 8:00 P. M.?Boy Scoots. 3:00 P. M<?Wednesday Afternoon Clab meets with Mrs. James Y. Monk. 3:15 P. M.?New Deal Club meets. Itaestey, 11 10:00 A. M.?Hit and Miss Club, at the-Coeatry Ctob. 2:30 P. M. WmiavPtu Heme Dem onstration dob. 3:80 P. M.?Giri Scouts. 7:0# P. M.?ftartvffle 4-H dab. 7:30 P. M.?Masons. 1 ? Friday, 13 1:00 A. M. ?Pre-School Clfaie,! Farmville High School. . ' . 8:30 P. M.?B A B Club meets* I with Mrs. C. S. Hotchktas. Saturday, 1$ 10:00 A. M.?Bird Chib. 3:00 P. M.?Major May Chapter; D. A. R, meets in the- Chapter Howe. Geo rye S. TTiomas recently pee chased the former home of Dr. C. G Joyner, on OoadeeSaW stseot. Mr Thomas states that he hepea to move his family Into their new homo in thi early summeav ? ? ? Representing the Rebecca Win bourne Chapter, U. D. C., at the aw i#> meeting of District Eleven ir Wekion, Tuesday, were Mrs. R D Rouse,-Mrs. W. M. Willis, Mrs. J . Parker, Mrs. F. M. Davis, and Mrs. B. S. Smith. . Friends regret to leant of the sod den illness of Mrs. Albert Jones wh< suffered a stroke Tuesday. Hai daughters, Mrs. Archie Pridgen, ol Portsmouth, Va., Mrs. J. L. Mount castle, of Weidoin, and Mrs. Charlie Gray, of Robersonville, are here tc be with her. J. Berry Taylor, who for the pas rive tnanths has beat receiving treat meat at the Veterans Hospital, Boa noke, Va., will retain to his home hen doing the week. end. Mrs. Taylor Mies Lossie Reddep Smith, Jesse am William Smith visited Mr. Tayloi there a few day* last Mies Rosemary Holmes, student a! Limestone College, Gaffaey, S. C. is leturaed after spending thi spring holidays here with her pa ate, Rev. end Mrs. E. W. Holmes The T iiiimUsm choir, of which Misi Holmes is a member, will begin or Monday, April 8, a week's tour o South Carolina cities. Miss Holmei is among die soloists of the chot Mr. and Mrs. H. N. McCleee, o fetambia and sea, Jamaa Henry, wfar has recently been discharged afte four yearn amy Service, spent i eral days this week in the home o: Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck. Ac rompaaied by Mrs. J. M. Waid, Sr. Mrs. Math W. Joyaer and Pat Joy ner, they spent Monday fn Middles visiting friends, and Tuesday Greenville, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ward, Jr. Mrs. G. Ashby Wi wfll lswe Aprfl 18 Ga, where Dr. surgery, at St Joseph's Infirmary Dr. Winstead who has been on th staff of Park View Hospital, Rock Mount, dncd February 1, plans in Atlanta a little over ? mA.Iili. 1 wall tiiLi.. t jpnpr* wipBr $0 Wm reuini t Farm vine . PARTY Carolyn* Roebuck celebrated h twelfth birthday last week with Twenty-six friends Municipal enjoyed th The meddfag <*?!*?? Butiar ami Mr. Life riMeepread in terest in was solemnised fajy-aftenWon, Bay Butlir, fa quiet pastor of the testes Church, by relatives and intimate friends. The vow* ware spoken' befire as improvised altar ftn* wkteh ferns formed a back|l?aat Pedestal baskets of wMtT gfadteli. lift an* spirea, flank* by floor standards bearing cathedral candles, made a lovely settfag for the bridal Ubleauj Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. Edna Barton RobinsoiC af Milledgeville, played Liebestranm, by Liaat, and Mrs. Clifford Brown sang Because, by d'Handalot, and I Love You, by Grieg. Eftrellita, by Ponee, was I softly played during the ceWmony, 'and Lutkln's Benediction was render ed at the chrie by Mm. Brown, Mm. John Dwight Holmes, of Port Worth, Teaa* sister of the Mite, and Elbert ?C. Holmes, of Fuwvfila. lite tradi tional wedding marches wan Used. MHO Louise Farrior, of Mfarwr and Farmville, attended tite bride eg [maid of honor and preceded bar down the stairway. She was' attired in a suit of brawn wool and worn a yellow felt hat with brawn trim salt'match far accessories. Her sh*M? cor sage was of yellow oiteMds. Hie bride, deecending tite stair, was mSS by the bridegroom and his heat man, A. C. Monk, Jr., pf Farm ville, a brother-in-law. She wore m soil of pastel blue wool wittf navy cesaories and a modish spring hat' of'Straw and horsehair baaid fa the darker blue shade. Her drily "orna ment was a pendant necklace, a gift of the bridegroom. She carried a .jbbuquet of gafeadafe, tied with white satin ribbon and centered -with a white orehkb Following the ceremony, Mrs. John Dadgfat Holmes entertained inform ally at a reception fa the home of Mrs. Butler. The dining room tabic waa aprepd with a white emtaNMar ed cloth and decorated with a crys tal bowl of white flowers flanked by white candles fa crystal candelabra. Close friends of the bride aarieted the hostess fa serving bridal ices, salted nuts and mints, and assisted the bride fa cutting and serving the tiered wedding cake, which was top ped by a miniature bride and groom. The couple left afterwards for a motor trip to Florida. Upon their return, they will be at home fa Farm ville. Mrs. Lang; gifted musically, and a young woman of much personal beau ty and charm, is the daughter of Henry Scott Butler, of Milledgeville, and the late Mrs. Butler. She was graduated from Georgia State Wom an's College. She haa lived fa Farm ville for the pent several years and holds g. position with A. C. Monk ft Mr. Lang is the son of Mr. and Mm Roland Octavius Lang, Sr., of Farmville. He attended Davidson College. He was released fa Feb ruary of this year from military ser vice, having held the commission of Cagfafa fa fee United States Army, 89 3rd Infantry, 99th Division. He waa commissioned in October, 1942, Tfcaatrfe for 1* mtofea.- He is aada dated with his father fa the mercan tile DESSERT BRIDGE * Joyner gractauly CoattactCluB and Mi special gueet, Mrs. Ben Lang, Tues day afternoon at her honker Spring garden flowersvw##- seed in decorating and t, the refreshment tshias Pudge cake WaawWrirtwith coffee prior to the ^n#t hosteaa M__ W pmeast with a bcdtfa of p?* memento of her recent Florida trip. High score prize, a novelty lapel pin, was won by Mrs. Arthur P. Joyner. n aSed' ia f Ifaft W. li. ?d oedr ? i and Aimia H? the afternoon an iaiareitbut I on "ftlte MOlt 9t her thoughts en Virginia PnCwHt's ------ - Tomorrow. m from President Monroe's of the Monroe PunUinei duairtMng the "de?ar IMpftlniter," ?ft| Big Stick," and various Inter-American nfterthcer to the development of NetgNtor PeHef. Sheeted ed'thdt in hef opiiSon llhseel! Ba*ett pertln "MytWtt-y- S** ?? clM* bolized and carried forwev* by ttte AtMriHNt PIeg, and suggests the secret of American future will be spirmiai awuairnjf, KnOwifOgv or CM and faratherW in atf WMk. In closing Ste*? IMriftna read sslec tiosu from "My Country." "After adjounUMKt the hfistew, assisted by Miss Edna Rdbttum and* Ml*. J. L Morgan, Jr., served congealed salad, sandwiches and iced the Ham bfc cults, nuts afid candies ware passed: Special guests were: Ml*. R. W. Radef, Ml* T. %. Davte and Mlis Edna Rbi lnMw cntfWw groups sttarr The Womtf'a Couratt of the Chris tian Church met'to regular *w?* this week, holding bttstoeas Mesions, basing programs on Hidden Answys from The World CW1 plana for the Council's Easter Week of Prayer. k Group 1 met with the assistant chairman, Mrs. Louise Harns^Tues-1 }? ^"devotional. Ice cream cookies were served. , The Loyal * Womfo's Class of the Christian Sander School enjoyed a . i. .. ? ? ?T m wlum Coca-colas, cookies and nuts were ? The Y.W.A., Baptist, Md it's re| |ar meeting, Monday efWtog, in the aiffv <?' mfitUtur M, carried the ring- to Mia and b . rhymed veAe an wedding for tha m-mtl i wore assisted by Mrs hoar . MfS. Layne Hail of Hie MUdo eieet, and Mrs Louisa Harris, mother of the grown elect, who wen remembered wttl camellia corsages. Oat of towi gveata wen Mia. Mlly Thompson sitter of the bride^ect, and Miai Teeny Joyner, both of Rocky Mount In the Uvea progressions of play a* - ?to - w T 11 i r iisi ? I. ft ? J Vi^L m-w MTB. W? ?i> JO/uW SCOroa will nteg * Phir of decorative swans, and Mrs. Carroll Ogiaaby, second high ffl-iTira - The hnatiaam irmartart the few one with gifts of china inher choser pattern end a sfemldbr damage, fash loped of emndllw mrf ^le|| mier - - ? ,if-r! '-n? GOLFING BRIEFS Twenty-five Firmville golfers wen in Plymouth tor tournament piaj Wednesday at which time the ho?1 team triumphed, dufeating our mei by a score of 47-18. Low aoodpr for the locals wen brought in by Lilae, 81, Boyster, 84 dhd Joytier, 90. Farmville golfer! Will play In Wilson next week. James If. Monk will serve as Captain. Or Wednesday, April 17, Farmville will be boat to the Wilson team. Robert Bouse will be in charge of arrange a potato to an'* Club on the ?ffor Hie second troop, be officially ed their Tendarfopt pins by the Club. It wag announced that annual re ports have been sent to State Fed eration headquarters and that the prist*. " Mrs. John 1L Mewbom. program chairman, pit?itsd ah bar -(nest speaker, T. Eli Joyner, mn JBUa of h& experiences in the navy and with nap illustration outlined the tour of duty in the Pacific by the Dee trover Escort John C. BuUer, on which he served as Untenant. Spring flowers were used In deco rating and after adjournment, hot coffee, sandwiches, cookies, ? pickles . Mrs. J. D. Owens and Miaa Neva Owens, gmnduwther and aunt of Bruce Neal TugWell, observed - the birthday of their grandson and nep hew, Wednesday, April 8, with a din BfRTBDAY DINNER The table, loaded with an abartd ance of good food, waa contend 'with the gleaming cake and a lovely ar rangement of spring flowers. DEMONSTRATION CLUB The Seven Pines Home Demonstra tion Club met Tuesday, March 26, with Mrs. Clifton Ellis as hostess and the president, Mrs. Joe Jones, " There were seventeen meinbere present. Mrs. W. L. Freeman was a Visitor and Mis. Jasper Morgan join ed the club. Mrs. Ichabod Allen, a Family life leader, gave a very ia tereeting talk an this subject. During the recreation period group singing waa enjoyed after which the hostess served refreshments. ?? j BUT "SAVINGS BONDS" NWV ! "rc*** iiiMlB>r~n*l i if *' ,ti. ' ? "A. ? NpNlWjW*^' *#* U4l CATHOLIC CHURCH Lenten Services aft being held Mb Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, It St Elizabeth's Catholic Chttfth. Ftather Timothy Shannon, of Tar teft, WIH be swat speaker this The public is tested, I ? NtthhB OT THANKS L -v iu ? ? ? ALi' ' - I wish to expnaa my aincere ap preciation to the Mayor, members of he Town Council, and to the many >ther friends who were so thought ful and kbid daring my fllneaa. ?J. Berry Taylor. Two of India's foremost tobacco scientists are in the state to study Hue-cured tobacco marketing |rid i reduction methods. ?? A Complete line of.... . .. Come in and See Our Stock before you k buy! Robert's Jewelers FARMVTLLE*S LARGEST ?! I !>?! t I ?? ? I JEWELRY STORE H. & HATfcM, Mutter FARMYILLE, N. C. ? ??! > ? l. - L*.?7 Place Your Order d - A t' g - -? ? , BUak m vR RMMIrS m rOtlCI ?IMtS ?is ' ? >.?* .w.V./ll FarmvUle Ftoiver . ? lira. Frances K. Allen, Mgr. ,2HB Phone 467-1 FarmviBe, N. C. ? v'VJ>ct J**""'11 n's % ? RtpattktfcJf fOUt honSe? Vita-Vair 2-Cea* HOUse Pti?t System makes 2 tottto do-the work of 3 ... gi*eI you a batter looking jbb. Vita-Var Primer ifndercoat seals the surlltea?keeps top COM fresh, slistlfc, for ye|gl?i brilliant, satisfactory wear. Washes easily. ' , you save in labor cost See us today! CO. N. C. ?'ifHmila -I m

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