YOU* BUSINESS WANTED f MAKE FARMVLLLE YOUR SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS jm v- - *. l~?wWW M BusinessHereTo And Discuss Local Needs ^ ? ? C. of C. and M. A. To Be Host To Qvie Groups At Annual Meeting On Monday The FnwaviHe Chamber of merce ad Menfaants Association will be host bo local Rotarians, Khranlans and membem ef the Postwar Plan ning Board at its sannal meeting, to be held, Monday evening, April 15, at 7:00 o'clock at the Country Club. A barbecue sapper will be sarvwd. Hal Winders, president of the host organisation, Will preside. The pro gram will be presented by the Poet war Planning Beard, of which R. A. Joyner is chairman. Dr. J. M. Mew born will be in charge of the pro gram, which will brhig to the . tion of tha assemblage the needs of the Farmville community. The Postwar Planning Board grew out of a recommendation made at; the last annual meeting of the Cham ber of Commerce and Merchants As sociation, and the program will take the form of a report of its activities and a round table rHsmasien of the most pressing needs of the communi ty. Hie annual election of officers will I take place at this time. I The following committees have been appoiatad fat connection with the annual meeting; Arrangements, M. G. Thome, T. Eli Joyner, Jr., Lewis Allen; Nominating, J. O. Pollard, M. G. Thome, P. K. Ewell; Food, Frank and Lewis Williams. Merchants Protest Freight Rate Boost Raleigh, April 10~-A of diippeis, representatives of the N. C. Merchants Association, and OPA officials was scheduled to be held bare today concerning proposed in creased freight rates en seme 110 classes of intrastate shipments. Opposition to the increase was Tilni yesiswUy by a group of 40 Merehita Association members who met with OPA representatives. The merchants said tfiey would be tumble to operate under the higher rates un less ceding prices were authorized for # tar and larger, Is now divided bstoraa . Forestry Ftrfe?or G. K. ,?t State College, dpated fat a state-wide1 survey at I > not cut selectively itwTOld be almost elhwifisted by in Sis course at a hundred years. Hi* prime advice to farmers as a correc tive measnse in i hardwoods?is that tfeey; ft* ] at Stores To Close Beginning May 1 Hw? Farmville nd M. o'clock, art will tice until the Wafaieeday before the opening of the i At TheKi?raiii??lab Froggie Pickett presented lee. E. R Clegg as guest speaker for the Kiwanls Club meeting tide- week. Rev. Mr. Cleg* brought a veryfha message, emphasising that we of to day are beneflting/rdm linearis of yesteryear and that the next genera tion will reap thagaaduf the dfuaati of today. He explained the differ through tful dreaming which brings happiness sad success, ftiflher stab, ing that we do not really begin to live until we dream in terms ef thinking. Kiwaniana will ha guests next Monday at the annual supper meet ing of the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association Jim Jeynee wiU have charge of the ngulas Kiwanis program on April 22. At The Rotary Club Featuring the business session of the Rotary Club meeting, Tuesday evening, was the election of the fob lowing new officers and directors! KB Duke, president; Dr. John 1? Mewborn, vice president; T- Eli Joy" ner, Jr., and C. H. Flanagan, direc tors. Rev. E. & Coatee, secretary, and J. M. Stansill, treasurer,-' wore reelected Dr. Mewborn gave a report on activities relating to the school ground project. the attendance prise, which was given by Rev- E- 8. Ceatos, w?a won by DeRoy Rollins. The meeting hour was changed from to 7:00 o'clock Ed Naah Wanon and Jrvio Mor gan acted as instructors to new men* here, recently initiated into the Club, Bill Rollins, Arch" Flanagan, Eddie Catiaway, Charlie Raeburry and feeM illMNk ?? ooop v? s Featuring the program were phono graph recordings by Paul Harris, ' m.i- n - - ww- . ?- lWiMii ? Koxary r ounuor, ** * ww w irfiwiiu, program leader, wiv assisted by Eli Joyner, Jr., in pettitag on IbM 4aa ture. ACTION W ANTED BY TOBACCONISTS DamiHe* Va., April 10.?Growwm of the Sowth'g muW-millien dollar tobacco crop are looking to ' ton for legikiHwi to promt "a drae tie price drop" for the 1946 4?y president qf the Bright Belt W?"* , in) HH house AaageipHen, U| tile #****< various leaden called m *W? ul of tiie 'loan being sough# by QNat Britain. ??? (2) Phaeage of parity legislation ant awB faeorporato the coat of ?Botn^-lbber. BUS (8) jRiiamtkm of a recent Chineee embargo en importation of leaf from WM, jiiaUii. annoweement of eeilbls prices plans for 1946, describ ed as "noW youll have yen wen*" ?j? . for -the ufpt ii I ml inventoriea; mi its *ah inability of .wyu' ___ flour rationing plan without coafM worries iot r fire Wednesday as the Government took Mother cam ful look into-the wheat i of WgHrdMuse GHntoa ? Anderson said he sdtjMMPto de cide during the day wheth# to pa* into effect asp order requiring millet* to cut their aalea of floor to bakere nd retailers by 26 percent The oahfctst oflficnrdiaeioeed to a flows conference that ha thd ordered __flje ?1? ?, ti- 1 ?y, -4-r, lfl oxncuui m ms wpsnniwi u> prepare such an order. Should it bo issued* it twit have the effect of rationing supplies of' flour to bakers and .rn tailers, but not to consumers. 0?Hal> have exphtott ,that mat chiaary for eowpnor Ti'i1wt"tr of tAUe products could not be set in motion in time to help out during thd current food OfOh Anderson's decision may well hinge on a to|?orl-auhaddhjd-to-be by the department's fact re I board on stocks of wheat on April 1. With commercial supplies at ab normally low levels, the Govera millero must look to fam stocks for the bulk of all oocport requirements until the; na* crop starts moving to market in Jwm. Beeauso there has been heavy feeding at wheat to livestock in areas unable to get oorn, same of ficials aspect the wheat stock report to shew that remaining supplies are insufficient to moot present consum* ?* ?w,*v gv^wwvre wwvwww or demands export commitments. , the o hi that event, the order curtail w domestic ooBswnDticm of flout would ?ppmb to he necessary, PHI Schools To No Gradxwthms This Year; Beards Piaa For Next Year -. Pitt County schools will dot* tht 1948-48 torn an May 84, Supt. Do* H. Conley an*ou*ced today. then is Be fmdtfMtny.jBiifft this year on amount of the-toelafle tlon of the 12th year program la: be lean ulahindi than only be limited to one or two days. The local bwdr in the 18 comity schools districts are now worViag. ob their organirtttons for 1948-47. The ?most perpijudag problem before loot leaden this year is, as nana!, the shortage of well trained teachers. cent q# hwto as if thai Ilia County Board <* IW*a??aB ia ? of contacting immediately teachers in Pitt and other conn may deatrs to accept em in this county daring the 1848-47 school term. Work of overhauling of tfdioot will start at the comrty garage the month of April. The transportation outlook far 848-47 is noUmy-Coo bright at pres a. . .J*** .1- ? w ?a ? aue vo use jnaDiiixy ox uuck ^Twa^y-five mKsoUte Bit* rfleet are "36 sad '37 medal* ^The [iBoanl of Education is hopeful ^the majority of these units mac oof (if sards* withm,Jh*3a* 2 month* Snpt Conley s^ eijyJ tiiy* i'rtif 11, ? - iiivuMkji' >? post wincx?;