' , ? H&eirk'. ?'!? ,?. ?? - ?'?- la'VvyEH Wl toSDffiss tintrol"! -1 APRIL 1* lMt ? ville's Pressing Needs; Postwar Board Offers Real Challenge In Us rroposais . __ ,otvic| thui for on intelligent ?f( to these tasks and immediate and honstructira action, the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Asaocia ?tion'e aama^MIUni' V . *onday Wrening may Ha % real forwsdl ???,? __ kneed of the future! citizenship of bfarmville ia reckoned. Tim ammal amnion, held at the ?Country Club, and prefaced by a bar attended by 125 neaa and *p??fte awoar-??3of Ibewvato, iBetadteg an embers of the hoot organisation, Ahe Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs and a thumber from the Postwar Planning -Board, which mclndad several wom an. Hal Winders, president, presided I tffld called on the Rev. E. W. Holmes I "to lead the singing of America prior 'to die invocation, offered by the Rev. *E. S.Coates. ^President Winders extended a cor dial Wdfeclhe add introduced special !gd?ts,Tl?d?ig Whom Was Mto Anrtie Perkins, veteran educator of 60 years ' tiartiillfc Service "in 'tMs community. "Kiss AMMe",*W*a hdAdfod by a rie ' injr vote of Spproelktfen for a big job -so ivell done Mad was the "re cipient df tributes paid by various i speakers throughout the evening. iErferricemen were recognized also ?at this time. PBttl f&wei! presented the nomidat 'iag report, which resulted bi the eleMsn of "Betted of I Directors fee thotoot organization; ' Bed WMeBs, fsewfs "W. Altai, W. H. iDnke, Joe Wttsi, W. A. BtNfetd, Jr., George 8. Thenus, Eli -Joyner, R. O. " Jr., C. L. Bason, R. D. Rouse, L. R. HMO tod J. N. Fountain. In a meeting; bald later by the feoatd, Lewis W. Allen waa WleCtcd Cm president, end W. "H. Ddb, Pa ?rice president, for the t ' ' 4and Mrs. Jtachel Moore %A as acting secretary and L. E. Walstam, treasurer'of UBin Wills advertising committee, pwt *| Splendid report and ttflind -stteom Dr. Jolm M. Mewtom, by the president ea psogr <bf the evening, stated that the gar tgram would take the fdm of ib {port of activities of ti*e Postwar 'Planning Board, -which was ocpaais bd In accordance With a recOiflmen Idetiee auuptai at the pravtom ^aa Waal meeting of this group. R. A. tfeytttr is president of* the "Boaid. ut. MfWDWii wihi immctiea mco Mta Which he dieg-t i civic malady a prescription of effort aa a the ?renrmt rntrVn-!fltir ?mU pat ?txtrfriUe it ttt top in recreation*! advantage* in the State. Aa a picdace Ao fear talk, Mr*, i Moye brought an apt witticism, the only note of humor sounded on the satin* program, which provtabd a welcome relief, it only momentarily, from -the weighty problems uadsr; Dm. gas* rattm) yM that with m investmehtt of |7B,000 in facilitiai, was going J law If business and eommonsense in not having a foil for Ifcia fena?ch of ce, me Mayor stat ed that the town had atonady JApSe-. printed a certain sum for this pur pose, but that it will-have to he John H. Moori Joined JM Mhwborn in an eloquent plea for the Tooth of grstkn of home and family life < at the majority of cities and towns In [Bn^^dren.'Br.^W: M. Willis and R. LeRoy Rollins Joined in the and Mrs. W. Jesse Moye brought the program to a close with personal sug gestions and a plea for arousing public interest and for constructive action. If was 'the concensus of opinion, ? i.?*> n i i l-i il?* * ? ?|r at' expressed sx tros meeting, tn&x Touui is thei product of hdriMRy And ? tttnmmeSll, xocU)T8 OTcT WJuol, 11) IOT the most part, has no "eoittroir sad j Wut fathers ad mothers and com munity leaders Must accept the ulti tte responsibility mid Ae rial chal f lhage contained in tha fact As* since khe world is of adult making, the ssasopte set by adults is the -only tight by which youth may 4*6 guided. MRS. CLBGG ENTERTAINS GUILD AT DINNER MEET Tie April imwliiift sf the Methodist Wegleytm Guild wee told in the home of Mrs. E. R. Clegg, who entertained Guild member* and' special guests to Roses, weigeiia and iris were in lovely arrangement throughout the ghfan As Atoms. The menu, consist ingr'df hatod torn, potato salad, pi miento toesee sandwiches, apple since, 'ssfPiti, halted nuts and stuffed; angel food cuke, was served on!?r dfHflnal Nntys. lbs. B. J. Bullock, of Pinetops, district Secretary of the Weeleyan. 'Guild, Ifiss "Edwards, member of the ?Pifltospe Guild, and Mrs. A. W. Bob 4Rtt were -special guests. Mrs. Clegg introduced Mrs. Bul lock, -speaker for the evening, who ?Bams a very inttoesting talk on Guild work and the duties of it's membere to the society. She touched briefly to' the fact that the Guild is still young, but tofifty g*>wli*g,organi sation having only been active in the South for six years. Mis. Bullock stressed that those working hi the Guild have found Ufa opportunities for fellowship, brother^ in conchiaion she held en open forum, explaineig to the officers of the Farmville Guild how various reports should be ?h* out. After the meeting, Miss Adelaide Dail, bride elect,, was presented an attractively decorated basket Tilled ? ??.* ? i. -? . _a . ? . .? a ?mi , a |H I with a Timty -or Wfmf3 gxrw mm On Monday evening, Mrs. Join to the Baptist SY.WJL, vftrfcfc MloMar the ing attended the pre-Baeter service at the church in a body. Mra. Henry Johnaon fed ? dev . and Peace." U. N.d 10 titegreupt State James F ..... . ?toted the UmveHMb^WNjlst single egstidn -# i3a53K? vM Honor?#" **h Wfm? Awn tile fields of national polities eras Comp troller General Lindsay Carter War ren, twiee speaker pro ?epn of, A U. S. Hoaae of Repreeentativee farmer ftta)JHty leader, who wd??< Spues raatived the purple, white ?tod -Mack hood of'a' doctor of laws. Tar Heels Hensend Ike 10 WoMh Carolinians honored by -the Unteertlty faculty included: Got. R Gregg Cherry, Justtte John Wallace Whtbeeae, Maerice V. Barnhill and Emery B. Denny of the North Carolina Supreme Court; William D. Carmichaei of Chapel Hill, retired vice president of the Liggett end- Myers Tobacco Con| peny; Attorney General Harry Mullen; Julian Price of Greensboro, pest president end chairmen of tite board of directors at Huh Jefferson lesvaewe -Cos D. Hiden Ramsey, general of the Ajfcerille Citisen Times; Maj Gen. Allen Hal Turnage of Fara ville, assistant commandant of the U. S. Marine Corps end of the Third Marine Division ja din. Campaigns for Guam and Bougain ville, and Luther HatiwdP Hedgto, LeaksviUe, vice president of shall Field and Company. Note: Maj. General Tornage'spent the week and mn with Ms motttar, Mrs. W. J. PAN-AMERICAN PROGRAM "Hie following: program sen ted by ville High School to observe April 14?Pan-American. Day. Our Pan-American policy a* ex pressed by Elihu Root was given by ?Braee Darden MxytuLrd Thome in troduced the theme of the program which centered erad claesr eeegjf at ion of all Anarieas. Daphne Ydverton, mistress of ceremonies, expressed the need of friendship and solidarity between the hemispheres. The representatives from each country summed up -the outstanding points of Ma """ ' was further developed by in Spanish and a Spanish Danes by , Vivian Scott. This idea (bat tag, and study we may learn iMM, about each other. The address of welcome was. given by Marjorie Killebrew and the 1& sponse for the Latin-American coon tries wo given -by Tommy Ranwy. A abort Ait in Spanish was given , showing the difficulty, which ? may. arise over the purchase of a hat. The cast included; customers, Betsy Morriss, Babe Wffliford; onlookers, Tommy Ramey, Jackie Willis; sales girl, On Lee Flanagan; naiMitri) Cheater Langley. r: Benefits To' The board of directors of tfce'fettte B^piteT association, lae., of Tsr boro, Has just authorised its 4gen|* in the 100 counties of North Carolina to enroikmemfcew in the Am based on 00 days of hospital instead of the 80 days that til ip force, Mrs. C. B. agent for Pitt MT , the family, insured under the Asso ciation's certified, i* ui Kays a ymr. *?.%?* on .^ha 'type ef aanhptttnte, or' tf4,<tf*rt?J$ar4My. till present certificate holders^ t| the directors also deddef, to in the surgical benefits frtto *100 $%?> ' :<>m& v ' - ?*' '? " - 2* i:" --'m ^.- rm ?? ? <? ">'. V<^ r'. > ^ . . V, ,?i* ? ' _ "Christianity began With aSOtig.Tlie e itwy W ablreaktng laughter aewWl two Disciples hu.__ Nil stroapwf "friends in the upper room, breath iVhaTe-seen the LOW, and hearing in reply ^hw*W'J... our most certain faith in the destiny of the soul rests at the open tomb in the garden near the cross " - ' we have climbed that hill and - -As Ixosts at the open torab hm of dhrigutlm. Until1 ' that- croea^and gone * , the power of the ? in afp outer darkness and gnashing of teeth." It is a day for rejoicing ?ting the resurrection of 1 the hearts of many will be'i ik ie ls ufeason, too, fdr' ' thah Peace, which as He puftHuil out cornea and brotherhood, and for a reeoISteTstriv and full beauty of -this f loribus Iday " TheTtov. E. W. Holm* ftkdtHitfiiMNect for Kuttr Sunday service, eleven o'clock, w*I be '3&u> Reeuroetkm. Hie EU?. C. B. e Oualee Service Will He held at 6.-00 o'clock, Easter Morning, "0 Grave, Where Is Thy Victory?" written by Mm, be patented by the yeung people With lbs. X T. Windham end Mr*. Wed U Atbritton, directing. Mr*. Medhbum will be in charge of the Aouv witfcfc will'he made op of i hen hom the various March choirs.. quartet, 'composed of Mr. and ChdHee'P. Bau'com, Mrs. A. W. ?tt and iff*. -SBnarin will MWtte 'You TteWe, "Whan Oradfied -Mf 4MT" ' Tire eeratoq, at-ribs 11:00 o'c boor, will have as its topic, Trinaph," and Mate willbte music by 'the choir. "Mrs. G. Bostic, of Benson, will Holy fel pastorale-bte? aod lds r from the ministry, by the Rev. Mr. Mashbum, who, with Mrs. Mashhura, laaresrpB Monday to take up ml* in Black " '" * At SS00 in t*eArttting a Union thepasto* variodd IS M - " p "The Strife b O'er, Alleluia," WHati . - - .... t ?; J, ?. ?Will be -told m the to honor the iwtir V C. B. MHktttrn. ?PI . i. i .-?-? . ?WBfa?iCLUB "I frrsgfe* -A.iiip'V)i . I flowers -gmeed the speclons Bring "jjgljl s. W. M. maiu. President, pre sided and'after a Short " period turned the meeting fear to for the afternoon. on Youth MB*m& ???HI dh- ttsa was the first state m neted of s fet youth ptIMj, would aid youth to derStop osier its fii vocational hi connection with the program, Mrs. 'Souse rend an article from the April Botarian by Fattier Flanagan which Streaoud -both home and socie ty were respontible for the material and tttotioNJ insecurity of youth to dayj and that youth needs to bs want ed, to sooeeed, to be reepeeted m to feel they belong ... if they ai apiritually sick then the corrective diet should be administered in atti tudes ?f home-and noesety. * the social hour Mrs. Hob goad nwisted by Mrs. B. L. Lac and Mm William Eaeley, served re ireanmenrs, eontscmg or &\iwwwflj shortcake fttidfed ly coffee and ' tm Lewis Lang, Mrs. E. W. Holmes. w. w. w ? Farmville, i mt 3:80 o'clock, oflttT -m #Aer then jtt featftto pre vented Mr. Smith ??HP toith we?: of the WtattWU* tfe*yV?l*4*1fc4-fe*lce**?fe46r to Ha ntimmmt aome yean ago, Tlt?ffaSiM^:'? ?> ail.-) . .. . .a tlu|| wama liumstrfotB iMre m W ful fingers, even aftar he ted ?rf fetfe ihflmrtiee, fotmd entfet m 4 woodcraft stoop, tn ^ch he still rendered a useful ferric* to the com Of venial dispoeHtw, dry ii.t. ?<? ? -a* a > I a- 1,. ... ? O. a * xro ?nd Cnmtlaii tiuuiwer, Jtrw a litet of frterida laid -#ill~fejfjwitly mifcaed here. ^: ; Surviving an his widow,,Mn.-fe6ft Ttoact'Sttlth; *T. 3. .xerrtttg, ofiUfetm; two aia fen, Mrs. S.' I. Dawson, of New Bam; two. > r?;i a B| B, . dWtt? Barrett, 41, who'(Bed Friday, April 12, m a veter ans hospital hi Alfaaguorque, N. M? filter an illness of several yean da Mr. Barrett, eon of the H. aad Mrs. Mamie Hants Barrett, waa bornand reared in FunvBle aad Maided here prior to becoming * dti een of Wilson. ."5;%. > He enlisted in the United States Army at the age It If jean arid eirfed Mreeaatoy in World-War I da a ntember of Co. G, 118th Infwitry, MnM the Tfclt ijii Msmber of the Veterans Survtoterawrhis widow, Mrs. Mar garet Ktmmjoaw'Blrrrett. of. qae, >f. M.; thtoe dtstets, Xti| Oarr and Miss Elizabeth 1 ?? _ Barrett, Greenville, and Mi*. J. 0 of Farmville; two brothers, H. L. Mm R. Barrett, of Farmville. His niaay hen will regret to learn of his peering and the Ea Mrs. fclteri WiHson Passes In Leroy, N. Y. i* that Mrs. Ellen Willeon, 71, aoedbmhed, Tues day evening, at the flarteense rial Hospital, Leroy, ~N. Y., complications, llnees a period of ment will be made in Leroy. today, Friday. , f. Mrs. Willson was > jn at son Station, Ga., on 1 plantation, the grant made the family in 1680. She ia survived by a daughter, Mrs., J.^SpeMtrOur, of^Leroy, Y^tlte 1; gjgjgj S? IJm El m County Afrrll *0, -for ? "iU-mrr~ and delegates to the County Convention tobehmO at the County courthouse at noon on the following John G. Clark, Committee, haa notified all product chairmen to-caU.tfae meeting* Satur day fiad ha* given them information as to procedure. Under the plan of Democratic organisation in this state eacn precinct must elect a cnairman and a vice-chairman. One or the | other of .the electees mast he a wom an. ,'Chairman Clark also.advised the chairmen of tho fminhsf of ilsjiisates thiIt respective peedhcis , should name to the County Convention. The <5onnty Convention, In torn, wfll napte *? delegates to the state convention to he hOU in Raleigh. Bath precinct Vhatrma* is a msm Nber of the County Executive Commit tee and following the County Con vention Saturday, April 27, the Exe cutive Committee will aame a county dkftmau and vice-chairman. At fhtmmt too potts are held by John G. ton and *ra B. L. Tyson, re _ "W.* Bavis, Fhrmville pre Sirict chairman, has that -toatooti meeting will he held at 11:00 A. If., at the City Ball, tomoirow. J. H. Eastwood vi V John Henry Eastwood, well bm Pitt citiswi, ^rho died at the home Ufa son, Magie la??. a. i . .*? n.? .flan, * Hastwood, flMrTiMfuM, Thursday, after sn fflneaS of aetertl weeks, wfll iB uouuuewl rnwn am jK>me, this afternoon, Friday, at 2.-00 dUodr.,by -Rev. L. B. Manning', *ree Will Bap tiat minister, of Foontain. to** ment #01 be made in Foreet Kill cemetery. man, Of Virginia; a sister, Mrs. Emma -Jadcaon, of Heariemaii; a brother, Willie Eastwood, of Fte? Tibs Tbrmtflle-Wilson week due to fain, WW* played Sunday ^ajtefa 'tfSlBay, James Monk, reports thai araeng the thirty local asm ffeqrtag, -potato were wan by Liles, & V. filer, Robert sm&MMe: golfers defeeS6d oar Bid 67 to 18. TV match between Wilaon and FamviUe, scheduled to be played on the local cojne^Wedneadirrf ** to Rocky Mount At this will be- in charge of ~r

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