Mr*. Coriane Stilley visited Maul in BaMgh last week end. .Smith will spam in Kington. Ma W, J. BoUina Is much improv ed following s meant iltnoaa. Mi*. Hnmy Harper has retained from a visit in Rhhmond. Vs. John B. Lewis spent severs! days of this week in Richmond Vs. Mrs. Helen Horton left for n short boainaee trip to Mia Pearl Johnston is reportad im proving following s ten day illness. Mia W. H. Moore, Jr., and daught er, Nancy La. will vend Saturday in Wilson. Mia G. E. Beckmaw, Jr., and Mrs. B. O. Taylor were Goldsboro visitors, Mia R. A. Fields and Mia John King were Rocky Mount visitors, Tuesday. Mia George Edwards and Mia A. J. Harrell, of Snow Hill, were visitor* hare, Thursday. Carl Joyner and eon, Gail, Jr., of Charlotte, spent last week end with Mrs. C. C. Joyner. Mies Agnes Virginia Quinerly, stu dent at Salem College, will spend the week end at home. Mr. qpd Mr*. Robot M. Johnston, of Durham, spent last week end with Mia Pearl Johnston. Mr. and Mra Bill Moye, of Alliance, will be week and guests of Mr. end Mrs. W. Jesse Moye. Geoffrey McLean, of Charlotte, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Tuntage. . Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Hewitt, of Kinston, visited Mr. and Mra Milton Eason, Sr., Wednesday. I Mr. and Mia Ben Lewis and daugh ter, Eva May, Bpent several days of last week in New York. Mr. and Mra Will Jones, Jr., and children visited relatives in Rocky Mount last week end. C. G. Rollins, of Raleigh, was the overnight guest of his mother, Mrs. W. J. Rollins, Tuesday. Mrs. D. M. McQueen, of McColl, S. C., Visited Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Coates Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Agnes Melton, student at Campbell College, is spending Easter holidays at her home here. Tommy Lang and Bill Monk, stu dents at Carolina, will spend the week end at their homes here. Mrs. Hubert Taylor and daughter, Jo, of Wilson, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John D Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. I* A. Moreadith and children, of Wilmington, visited Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Taylor, Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Mashburn are leaving Monday to spend the summer at their home in Black Mountain. Mr*. lily Cooke, of Stantonshurg, spent several days of last week with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Fields. Mr*. J. L. Rumley, of Greenville, will spend Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George E. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lee and Mr*. Ante Lee, of Greenville, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mi*. Gordon Lee.* Mis. Charles M. Duke, Miss Fian cee Howard and Mrs. Arthur F. Joy ner woe Raleigh visitore?Tueeday. Mrs. J. W. Joyner is spending this week in Durham, where she is re ceiving treatment at Duke Hospital. Friends will regret to leam that Eddie Carraway .is confined to his home due to pleurisy complications. Norris Lee Eason, student at Oak Ridge Military Institute) arrived home Wednesday to spend Easter holiday*. Miss Lee Carraway, of Fayetteville, will spend Easter week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carraway. Mrs. Melton Allen, Mrs. Elisabeth Hardy, Ml*. C. H. Mozingo, Mrs. J. C. Brock, Jr., were Kinston visitors, Tuesday. R. T. Norville*visited Mr. and Mm. Bill Eason in Rocky Mount and Mr. Mrs. E. Y. Lovelace in Crisp, Mra C. H. Mozingo, Mm. J. C. Brock. Jr., Mm. Elisabeth Ham y* and Mrs. F. T. Carr were Greenville visi tors, Saturday. Mr. and Mia Fred C. Moore, of Butterworttv, Va, will arrive today to spend the weak end with Mra George E. Moore, Sa ; , , Miss Margaret Coatee, student at E.C.T.C., who is recuperating from a will bo at home for Mr. and Mra Earl Modlin and daughter, Barbara, of Portemout Va, will spend Easter week end with E. W. Holmes are bat w ?CALENDAR* 8:80 P. M.?garden Club meets with Mm. J. A. Mew born. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwanis Club. 8:00 P. M.?Circle 2] Presbyterian Auxiliary, meets with Mrs. Har ry Harps*. ^ IWay, 23 8:80 P. M?Mrs. W. Jesse Mops and Mm. Howard D. Mope will be bridge hostesses at the Coun try Club in compliment fee their sister-in-law, Mrs. George C. Moye, of Forest Hills, N .Y. 8:45 P. M.?Merry Matrons Meet ing CANCELLED. 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Club. * 7:00 P. M. ? Woodmen of the World. 7:80 P. M. ? Postwar Planning Board. 8 KM) P. M.?Contract Club meets with Mrs. W. E. Joyner. 8:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 3 KM) P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. W. Alex Allen. 3:00 P. M.?New Deal Club meets with Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt Thursday, 25 10:00 A. M.?Hit and Miss Club at the Country Club. 3:00 P. M.?Parent-Teacher As sociation. * 3:80 P. M.?Girl Scouts. 7:30 P. M.?Masons. 8 KM) P. M.?Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner will entertain at bridge, honor ing Mrs. Roland O. Lang, Jr., recent bride, and Miss Adelaide Dail, bride-elect Friday, 26 3:30 P. M.?B A B Club meets with Mm. T. S. Ryon. 7:00 P. M.?Junior Class, of the Farmville High School, will have dinner and Prom at the Country Club. 8:00 P. M.?Loyal Woman's Class, Christian, meets with Mrs. R. G. Barrett Saturday, 27 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. TOMORROW 1:00 P. M?Mrs. Marvin V. Jones and daughter, Miss Anne Jones, will be hostesses for an informal party, in honor of Mrs. Roland 0. Lang, Jr., and Miss Adelaide Dail. 1:00 P. M.-t?Mrs. John D. Dixon and Mrs. rfubert Taylor, of Wilson, will give rehearsal party at the home, of the former, honoring their sister, Miss Mary Alice Harris, and Mr. Charles James Howell, whose marriage will je solemnized Sun day afternoon at Emmanuel Epis copal Church. \ Chief Petty Officer George O. Dail, [J.S.N., left Monday to return to the tfaval Repair Base, San Diego, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Mitchell, rr., and daughter, Madeline Harrison, it Kins ton, are spending today, Fri iay, with Mrs. Dpra H. Keel. Mrs. Thomas Crenshaw, of Colum bia, S. a, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker md son, of Mew Bern, will spend the veek end with Mrs. J. I. Baker. ? Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardner and family, of Smithfield, and J. I. Man ning, of Ayden, were week end guests it Mr. and Mis. R. T. Norville. Seamen 2/c George R. Smith, Jr. and John C. Thompson, who are both stationed at Camp Peary, Va., spent last week end at Smith's home here. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moye and ion, Billy, of Forest Hills, M. Y., will arrive today for a ten day visit with Mr. Moyefa mother, Mrs. Esteile G. Moye. Mrs. J. C. Brock,, Jr., Mrs. F. T. Carr, Mrs. Elizabeth Handy, Mrs. Melton Allen and Mrs. Claude Tyson were Wilson visitors Thursday eve ning. Lt. and Mrs. David E. Ogleeby, Jr., tod daughter, Kay, are spending the Easter holidays with Mrs. W. J. Ted, after which they will return to More head City. Mrs. Kate Reynolds, of Greenville, and R. W. Detwiler, of New.Yerk, N. Y, divisional manager of Avon Prod ucts, were dinner guests of Mrs. J. Flora Dean Johnson, Mar Bynum, Jane Tumage and for the Ranter wnek end." M'? ElMMJ* "*/v? ?***? '??! t Mr. and Mrs. David Harris, Mr and Mis. Paul Allen and Milton Eaaon, Jr., spent the week end in Newport News, Vjl, guests of Mr. ?s. Wilson. Tugwell. ?dlfa.E. 8. Cl? ?? ?** a wed WH. L. Thorpe, of Rocky Arthur F. Joyner, Hn. W. S. Roys tei and Mrs. H. H. BnAn, Jr. Mr*. Nor* Wood and son, Rober . and Paul Edward*, of Ocean View, Vs.. and Mia. Madge Winders and ?on, Dick, of Wake Foreat, were guests of Hal Winds** during tfee Mr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Hunt and family, of Durham, and Miss Jane Dafl, Cadet nune at Rex Hospital, Raleigh, spent last week end with Mrs. Hunt's and Miss Dail's mother, Mrs. Layne Dafl. Mrs. D. W. Taylor, of Snow Hill, who has just returned from a visit with her daughters in Edenton, Nor folk, Vs., end Washington, D. C., is now spending noma time with her sister, lbs. C. C. Joyner. Pfc. and Mrs. Albert B. Newborn and eon, Bonnie, have returned from Camp Gordon Johnson, Fla., Pfc. Mewborn having been transferred to Fort Eustis, Va. Mrs. Mewborn and Bennie are visiting her mother, Mrs. W. J. Teel, here. Miss Tabitha M. DeViscontd, Mrs. Ada Wood, Mrs. E. F. Gaynor, Mrs. R. W. Rader and Mn J. T. Thome spent Thursday at Camp Lejenna to view the azalea plantings which this week are in their prime. This is the first time the damp has been official ly open to the public. Haywood Smith, Curtis R. L. Maiming, Robert fields, Edgar Barrett, Will Jones, Jr., and R. L. Joyner attended the Eastern N. C. Firemen's Association meeting held Tuesday in Plymouth. Several local firemen plan to att&d the State Fire School which will be held next month in Charlotte. Among those spectating at the Farmville-Wilson golf matchee, Sun day afternoon, in Wilson, were Mrs. R. E. Pickett, Mrs. Charles M. Duke, Mrs. Lowell Liles, Mrs. B. O. Taylor, Mrs. Frank Allen, Mrs. H. H. Brad ham, Miss Sarah Leigh Taylor, Miss Frances Howard, Mrs. W. S. Royster, Mrs. R. V. Fiser, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hedgepeth, Mrs. M. V. Jones, Mrs. A. F. Joyner and Mrs. S. A, Roebuck. SUPPER DANCE Mr. and Mm. Ted L. Albritton and Mr. and Mrs. James Y. Monk, Jr., j were hosts for ma enjoyable meeting of the Supper Club, Saturday, at the Country Club, haying as special guests ,Dr; and Mrs. John M. MeW born, Mrs. diarlee M. Duke, Mr. and Mrs. Lath Monies, Hal Winders, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horton, Mr.' and Mrs. Bob Lang, of Greenville. The tables were attractively deco rated with Easter baskets and mixed arrangements of snowballs, robes, narcissus and iris. A chicken bar becue supper was served. Dancing was afterwards enjoyed. JUNIOR CLUB Mrs. Howard D. Mo ye graciously entertained the Junior Woman's Club Tuesday when Mrs. Roderick Harris and Mrs. Allen Drake were preeenf as special guests. * Highlighting the. afternoon's pro gram Was a splendid 'review given by Mrs. W. P.. Burnette of the bock, "The Young Jefferson," by Claude Bowers, and an mtereeting article, from Clubwoman magazine, "The Days of Transition," by Charles Gray, presented by Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, the latter dealing with placing of re-' leased service men in suitable jobs. The Easter motif was effectively carried in the refreshment appoint ments. Scoops of varied colored jello served on lettuce formed Easter egg nests and toasted cheese sandwiches were rolled to resemble call* lilies. Potato chips, pickles end hot coffee were, also served. Roses and weigelia decorated the H olden home in which the meeting hekL TO ATTEND NUPTIALS ' , *4 The following relativee and Mends leave today to attend the Joyner wedding which will be on Saturday evening, April 20, at 7:80 o'clock, In the Sec ond Presbyterian Church, Charleston, 8. C.: ?.< *' Mrs. T.E. Joytver, Sr., Mias Verona Las Joyner,. Mr. and Mn. Robert T. Monk, Bill Mortem, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horton, of Green villa Means. Mor ton and Horton will be groomsmen. Mr. Holmes will assist in the musical program. ' The bridegroom-elect, T. Eli Joy ner, Jr., left Thursday to attend pre nuptials tendered the couple. GUILD MEET The Episcopal Altar Guild held a business sassiest hi the home of Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, Tuesday evening, with lbs. John D. Dixon, directress, presiding and opening the meeting with prayer followed by the creed. It was anneanod that Andrew Con nery, photographer, who has been coming to FannsUle under sponsor ship of this organisation, has can celled spring appoihtments here, doe to ill health. METHODIST NOTICE For the convenience of mothers of young children who otherwise would be unable to attend the 11 o'clock church services, the Lovelace Class of the Sunday School is sponsoring a nursery for the tiny tots^ during this hour. Miss Etna Lewis who has vol unteered as supervisor will be as sisted by representatives from the Bell Bennett and Young Beople's This new plan will begin Easter Sunday. Mm. A, C. Monk, Jr., at a lovely meeting ot the Lamrad Club WlihmHiy afteri as special guests her Mster-in-law, Mrs. Roland O. Lang. Isf-A bride, Mrs. T. 8. Ryon and Mrs. Mrs. Tad Albrttton won Ugh sard for Hie three progressives of play and the bride was remembered with a gift at Blue Grass toiletries. Roses, iris and narcissus wars used in artistic arrangements en occasion al tables. Upon arrival of members d guests, the hostess served 1 Bvtli+o splits. v CIRCLE MEETING Orele 1, of the Presbyterian Aux iliary, held its initial meeting of the new church year on Monday after noon in the home of Mrs. B. F. Weaver. Mrs. George B. Moore, the new chairman, presided. Other officers are Mrs. Weaver, co-chairman; Mrs. L. T. Pierce, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, teacher of Bible. Study. The Bible Study trpic for the aft ernoon, "Starting Anew," was based on Scripture from the Book of Isaiah. Mis. M. E. Pollard discussed Chris tian Education. Her subject was "Wanted?Christian Landers for To morrow." ' ' , After adjournment, the hostess served a dessert course. Mrs. F. T. Carr attended aa a special guest. 1 - FOR THE EASTEI SEASON CHINA--CRYSTAL 1 Sterling Silver Flat Ware ' and Hollow Ware HENRY RENFREW?ft PHONE 3252 BUT "SAVINGS BONDS" NOW ! Hard aa tile yet smooth at velvet?that's why even grease stains come'off with a damp doth. Paint your walls and wood work with one quidk-drying coit. Easy to apply-?no brushmarks. For real economy and satisfaction drop in today I Farmville Furniture Go. Flat Watt $2.50 Gal. Interior Velvet Gloaa $3.45 i Vita-Var The crowning glory of your Easter outfit . . . yew Easter Boanet! Hew youU love the little calet with flue ear-muffs made of blossoms ? the shiny straw, postilion sailor ? the forward tilted, rose be-decfced pillbox and the straw circlet with the gardenias whispering in your ear. Yes, yeuH love them all and they're all right here awaiting yoar oelectiaa. f I

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