Local Baptist Church Plans Intermediate Day Ite the first time to the histery < of the Ihmville Baptist Church, In are to hat* a day Sfor special recognition and ial opportunities. This has baa ? signaled as Sunday, May *. " There are thirty-five awllal in this department sad all are looking forward to Intermediate Day. In Sun day School, every pupil is ashed to coma serf hear Mrs. E. W. Holmes, who will teach the Sunday School lesson. At tha mcantey preaching service the Intermediates will sit in a body. At this time the pastor will briny a message of special interest to youth and to tha parents of youth. In Training Union the Intermedi ates will have complete charge of the program. The evening service at 8:00 o'clock will lend interest again hi keeping with Intermediate Day. The paster, his wife, who is < ing plane for the day, and officers and teacher^ in the department, Mrs. W. H. Fisher, Mrs. C. L. Imngiey, Mr. and Mh. A. J. Melton and Walter B. Jones, urge parents and friends of 4he Intermediates to attend these ser vices and Join in the observance of this Special Day. WESLEY COMMUNITY HOLDS OUTDOOR EASTER SERVICES The Methodist Youth Fellowship of the Wesley Community, under the leadership of Neifon Fulford and Aaron Tyson presented a most un usual service late Sunday afternoon. The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ were depicted in seven tableaux, against a rugged outdoor scene with the croes and open tomb in background. The following members took part; Aaron Tyson, as Peter; Elizabeth Crawford, Mary, the mother of Jeeus; Sallie Tyson, Mary Magdalene; Lo raine AndrewB, the other Mary; Mary Frances Oakley, damsel; Mary Tyson and Evelyn Nethereutt, women at the croes; Edward Oakley, John; Tommy Nethereutt and Conrad Mozingo, Angels; Robert Lee Crawford and Leroy Turner, Men on the road to Emmaus; Henry Tyson, Reader. The Youth Fellowship choir, under Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck's direction ac companied the tableaux. PRESBYTERIAN MEETING Circle 2, of the Presbyterian Aux ilery held its initial meeting: of the new church year Monday evening: with Mrs. John B. Lewis as hostess. Mrs. Will H. Moore, Jr., the new chairman, presided. Other officers include Mrs. Harry Harper, Miss Louise Farcior, co-chairman; Mrs. Joe Flake, secretary-treasurer; and Mrs. William Easley, Bible Study teacher. Following: the Bible topic, which began a series of studies on the Book of Isaiah, to be continued throughout the year, the evening's program, "Christian Leaders Wanted for To morrow," was developed by Mrs. Flake. During an enjoyable social period ice cream, cookies and salted nuts were served. Pansier made colorful plate decorations. SOPHOMORES TO STAGE ."BUSY AS A BEAVER" The Sophomore Class of the Farm ville High School wfll present "Busy As A Beaver," by Russell Drake,, a frolicsome farce-comedy in three acts cm Friday, May 3, at 8:00 P. M. The cast of characters includes Gaylord Clayton to be played by Cedric Davis, Donna Clayton, Joyce Tyson; Judy Clayton, Vivian Scott; Til lie, Dora Mae Barrett; Folly Clayton (Aunt Polly), Betsy Jones; Agatha Cornwall, Ann Moore; Phelps Webb, Sifeey Orrraway; Bedells Shannon, Doris Yetverton; Miriam Day, Jean Bakm; Mrs. Josephine Rip ley, Lola Grey Kemp; Lyim Fuller, Billie Johnston; Herbert Bruce TugwuU. American warehouses were vir tually emptied of fresh fruits as of April 1, when just three million bushels of apples sad 150,000 bushels of pears renamed is storage. 1,000 bushels government1 ?1 T_ juLmiJinijaif a. Vi_ litrflulgu Mutli laa jw, Green* o'clock. The with ke Coasts incloded the honoroe, Mr. end Mn. Emerson Smith, Mr. aod Mn. John Parker, Mies Adelaide Dait, Allen Moore Heme, Paul Allen and Arthur Joyner, Jr. LEGION AUXILIARY The American Legion Auxiliary held Ha April meeting at the home of the president, Miss Mamie Deris, which was lorely with spring flowers carrying oat the Easter colors. After the opening ritual a busi ness discussion was held. Mrs. A. W. Babbitt gave highlights from the recent District meeting. The Auxili ary voted to send two giria to Girts* State and made plans to assist with flowers and flags ah the Manorial Day Service. The Easter colors were further em phasised in the refreshments. Deco rative cookies and sandwiches, stuff ed dates, I un biscuits and hot coffee Bay "Savings Bands" Have! Held! Vs'^MPpiP from out _ the funeral of Fred G. Smith, Friday afternoon, ware Mrs. Maggie Newell, Mr. and Mrs. Hath Smith, of Greenville; Mr. and Mm W. 0. Briley, Mr. and Mm. G. L. Herring, Mis* Norn Stalling*, Mm IS. J. Herring, Mm. Mollle Flanagan, Mm. Aimie Dixon, of Wilson; Mr. and Mm. Remit' Sutton, of Vanceboro; Mm. Lama Bland, of Bethel; Mr. and Mm. W. H. Gillikin, Mm. J. G Grady. Mm. George Carter, Mm. Ie-ianrfi? Mm. Robb Lee, Mm. Francis Edwards, Mm Paid Ba ker, Mm. Ben Rouse, Mm Fnmees McDaniet, Mm W. G Dixon, Mr. and Mm Fmnk Cooper, of Ktnaton; Mm Frank Eaaon, Mm Floyd Shirley and John Hardy,of Snow HilL Walter Barrett, Fred Barrett, Wil bur Barrett; of Oak City; Jamee G. Smith, Jr., of Greenville; Sim Daw son, of New Bern; Elmer Hineon, J. H. Bynum and G A. Laagley, of Farmville, served aa active pall bearers. i iT." Mrs. Q. tea at Miss Ruth , whose an, Jr? sn? proximately 50 gheata the ' . jSBr door by Mrs. Hardy , receiving' line honoree, Mrs. Willisms Eagle* of Texas, Mrs. Leslie Newman, of Pen dleton, Vs., Mrs. Bey Plsrker a Miss PayneSngg, tt Hoofajrtoo. Following musical selections by Mrs. Parker, of Charleston, 8. C, pianist said Miss Payne Sugg, soloist, guests were invited into the dining room. The table was covered with en embroidered linen cloth and cen tered with an arrangement of gjff|M flowers, flanked by yellow tapers in silver candle holders. ? Mm. Hardy Johnson the punch bowl. Assisting ta tag dainty sandwiches, cookies nuts war* Mia. M. E. Lane, Mrs. Lynwood Owens and Mrs. John Foun tain. Mrs. Trsrathsn presented gifts to each of her out-of-town guests. " by Mrs. Ad rian Gardner and Mrs. R. A. Faun fancy cakes ed ice cream. Miss Franke was again honored Friday afternoon whan Mrs. R. A. Sr., was bos tees at bridge. Cot flowers wens used in the living Mrs. Fountain served her licioua cakes and bridal km High scon prize was awarded Mrs. E. B. Beeslty. Mn. Hardy Johnson received bingo prise. The honor guest was remembered with lovely linen iiMid*wildg> ? Mr. and Mrs. Eric Copebmd honor ed Miss Franke and Eari Trevathan, Jr., Tbeeday evening at a barbecue dinner held in Goldstar*. Continuing the lovely affairs ceo High Mora prixea, nylon hose, won by Mian Helen jamfea, of Bethel, and Mr. J. W. Roddick. The bride-elect wan preawuted a covered silver vegetable dish. Mrs. J. M. Hoiton and Mis# Aim Horton were bridgo hoataanaa in com pliment to Mias Frank e on Saturday evening. The Saater idea waa carried oat in decorations hi the living and dttdng rooms. At\ the conclusion of the .... awarded Mias Betsy White Fountain, Mrs. Adrian Gardner and Mrs. Grady Wheeler. > , A shower of handkerchiefs wae preeented the honorae. Guests were than invited into the dining room where punch, cream puffs filled with chicken salad, eook iea, sandwichee and nuts were aarr ed. Utey were joined at this time by the groom-elect and their boa we on e<rf: during tbe L ?.IH9HPR Fred G. Smith. Especially do we ap he beautiful floral tribute.. Mre. Fred G. Smith Sal lie Mm and Torn. as ADMINISTRATOR'S "NOTICE TO CERWTOBS ? of Paul Aaron Parker, late of Pitt County North Carolina, this is to notify all person* ?gainst the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned Administrator at Fountain, North Carolina, on before the 21st day of March, 1M7, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make im mediate payment. This 21st day of March, 1946. . J. C. PARKER, Administrator of Paul Aaron ( M-22-6-wks-c.) . " yyyS# M 4' ? ? ? ? Wehavea ment of Gifts all occasions STERLING i && 4. ui FLAT SE?p 1 3 ? WANTED ! ? FIRST CLASS, MEAT CUTTER! Good Opportunity For Right Man. ? apply ? Williams Grocery & Market Farmville Retail Lumber Yard PHONE 302-1 Next'to Norfolk-Southern Depot Farmville, N. C. % Cam Fresh Neuter A FEW DOORS AND WINDOWS, COMPOSITION ROOFING AND SHINGLES, LITTLE LUMBER ,(mAK?S Ml WANT TO PAINT) tmmm m am J r\ n 11 I I A M T C f\ AT f r\ \ i r , done) Its lots of. fun?and sd-o-o easy. For woodwork and metal. Even an ama teur can do a professional job... without brushmarks showing. In brilliant colors and tile-like finish. Start a chair and you won't gtop 'till you've finished a room. * *1.35 MAIN STREET FarmiNe Furniture Cu. FARMVILLE, N. C. ? I VlTA-l/AR Sssrir/ tuft From ROBERTS Jewelers ?? t .vii" - >79* Six. diamond bridal ensemble . . . each ring^ in 14k yellow (lis Exquisitely carved yellow gold rings . . . ohrning diamond in the engagement ring. *150 Three shining dia monds In each ring of 14k yellow gold. Main Street - .... Pam,^ N G FARMVILLE TOWNSHIP The vaccination of your dog tor the prevention of nut " i' * ?firor y hydrophobia (rabies) is required by law. For your con venience the folowing clinics will be held between the hours of 11:30 A. M. and 1:00 P. M.: Saturday, May 4?Colored School, Farmville. Tuesday, May 7?Lang's X Roads. Wednesday, May 8?Toddy. Thursday, May 9?Seven Pines, , J Friday, May Id?Jade Lewis' Farm. Tuesday, May 14-JoynePs X Roads. Wednesday, May 1&-J. C.' Brock's Store, Iff .Marlboro. Thursday, May Id?May's Store. Vaccinations for Farmville proper Will be at home by ~ or at?? offi* flft T be no Want Ads! POULTRY WANTED?I uwrk the market for Pool try. Will 1M me uptown or at heme, 809 N. Main St. C. E. MODLIN A-20-2U WE HAVE a few freezer era liable mow. Hairy, Hurry I Farmrille Freezer Locker*. Ste THE WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co, aanoancea it* mw muaical dementing from 10xTto 11.-00 over atation WPTF, Raleigh. - . FOR SALE ? Side Board, 1 Kitchen Table*, aereral Chain and an Oil Store. Mrs. Albert Jonea, Fa rille, N. C, Phone 801-1. FOR SALE?Complete tine of Bemi* Transplanter Repair Parte. We will also do tk work hi orer-hapl ii|. Farmrilk Implement Com pany. F-26-2tc KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR the New Complete Line of ZENITH ft TRUETONE RADIOS! WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORE. FOR SALE: COKER'S Cotton Seed; cleaned and treated; germination 80%; 88.00 per IradheL Pitt Gh? Co, Fsrmrille, N. C. Xtp HAVE YOU LOOKED OVER OUR SPORTING GOODS? WE CAR RY NEARLY "A COMPLETE LINE. WESTERN AUTO ASSO. STORK. FOR ELECTRICAL REPAIRS,? Radio# and AppHaneea; Honae Wiring, call or age Warren Palanr, 508 N. Main St, Farmrille. Dial 208-0. Pick op, and dettrery aer rice. A-12-ttp * Kj-v ? sEowPl'lafaaBBRilStSYwLiCr' ? y'. ? COMB IN AND LOOK AT OUR TOOLS. WE CARRY A COM PLETE LINE OF GARDEN AND YARD TOOLS. WESTERN AUTO ASSSO. STORE. ??? ? good job with a future. An Army job is a steady job offer ing good pay, the highest security, every opportunity far promotion and a chance to see the world. You get valuable training in technical skills, good food, clothing, quarter* and medical care free. If you go oversea*, you get 20% extra pay. You can retire at half pay after 20 year* or retire at three quarter* pay after 30 year*. And you get a 30-day vacation at full pay every yearf 'Many other advantage* not offered elsewhere, If you are 18 to 34 and physically fit (or 17 with parent*' consent), you can enlist now and qualify for one of these fine job* in the peacetime Regular Army. You owe it to yourself to get all the facta NOWI Apply at U. S. ARMY IMlVtTIM 1TA ~ ~ ^HCTffSWSfi ~ ? v ~ w m m mm ^ w m mm Hew City Hall Boildiaf, Granville, N. ? NEIGHBORLY ADVICE ? Bring YOUR Mortgage problem to us?where ample funds are available to meet your requirements. We can arrange a Mortgage that you'll be able to pay off gn^ually, in installments suited to your income. A ? _____ -? ; 320 EVANS STREET GREENVILLE, N. C ; M Ml

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