s i. t ' ? Bufva Rollins who has boon on tlw sick list this weak is now much im proved. m ? 0* . V Miss Con Gary, at Norfolk, Vs. visited ltr. sod Mrs. J. H. Harris, Tuesday. Miss Aime Jones,, of Raleigh, was the week end guest of Mrs. D. R. Morgan. ' ?. ? ? Mrs. Corinme Stilley visited her sis ter, Mrs. Lelia Brinn, in Dunn last week end. Mrs. Sam D. Bundy and sons, James Henry and S. D., Jr., spent the week end in Seaboard. ? ? ? Miss Mary Leah Thome, student at St. Mary's College, Raleigh, spent the week end at home. Milton Williamson, student at Wake Forest College, spent last Friday night at his home here. Mrs. Rebecca Murray and daugh ter, Sally Bob, of Wilson, spent Sun day with relatives here. ? ? a Friends will regret to learn that Mrs. Nannie Y. Lewis is critically ill at her heme near Farmville. ? ? ? Mrs. G. Ale* Rouse and Mrs. Her bert E. Hart were Greenville and Rocky Mount visitors, Saturday. Mrs. David Harris visited Dr. and lire. S. P. Gay in Greensboro Fri lay and Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Brieger, Jr., of Richmond, Va., will be week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Ryon. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Moore and ions left, Thursday* for a visit of several days to relatives in Clinton. Miss Doris Bridgers, of Wilson, pent several days of this week here s the guest of Miss Babs Williford. Mrs. L. A. Dysart returned to Le noir Wednesday after a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Joy ler. Carroll Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. loimie Allen, returned Monday from Wilson Hospital and is recuperating icely. ? ? ? Hilda ^Russell Pate, of LaGrange, ! spending several days with her randparents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude oyner. c ? ? ? ? ' Roland Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. . Leroy Parker of Rocky Mount, is pending the week with Charles [otchkiss, Jr. a ? ? Mrs. H. B. Humphrey who was jrmeriy employed at Williams rocery has accepted a position with riley Oil Co. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. John C. Parker were eek end guests of Mr. Parker's aunt, Irs. R G. Lytton, and "family at ake Waccamaw. Mrs. H. C. Outland and son, Ches ter, r., left recently to join Mr. Oat-I land in Lexington, where they are making their home. Miss Russell Ward, of Norfolk, Vs., and Miss Lena Taylor of Wilmington, will be week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. R- LeRoy Rollins. ? ? e Miss Margaret Smith and Mrs. David L. Jones visited Miss Smith's mother, Mrs. Mary E. Smith, m Grif ton, Wednesday afternoon. ? ? ? Mrs. T. H. Nichols, who underwent an operation at Memorial General Hospital, Kinston^Monday of last week, is reported improving. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allen and son, Alex, Mrs. F. M. Davis and Miss Elizabeth Davis spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Richmond, Va. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller and daughter, Grace, attended the Cor bett Family Reunion held Sunday in Red Oak Church Community. Mrs. Madeline H. Roan tree, of St stersburg, Fla., arrived Thursday to spend the summer months with her mother, Mrs. Dora H. Keel. ? ? a Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Lemon of New York City and Mr. and. Mrs. J. H. of Norfolk, Vs., spent Easter and Mm. W. Leslie Smith. Miss Mary Fitegsrald of viHe, Va., and Wil days this week with her Charies E. Fitagermld, and family. ' ? O o Mr. and Mrs. W. H. CALENDAR RBiiM 8:80 p. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary ' BttBhai 8:80 P. M. ? Woman's Otxsicil meets m the Christian Church. 3:30 P. M.?Woman's Missionary Society meets in the Baptist Church. 8:80 P. 1L?Women's Society of Christian Service meets in the Methodist Church. 7:30 P. M.?Y.WJL, Baptist, meets with Mrs. H. B. Humphrey. 8:00 P. M. ? Worker's Council, Methodist, meets with Miss J?w Greene. .*. 8:00 P. M?Mrs. Carol W. Modlin will entertain at Dessert Bridge honoring Miss Adelaide Dail, bride-elect. - Tuesday, 7 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:80 P. M. ? Woodman of the World. 8:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. 8:00 P. M.?Annie Perkins Circle, Baptist, meets in the Assembly Room of the Churrih with Mrs. Robert FleMs as hostess. 8:00 P. M.?Junior Woman's C^ub meets at the Country Club with Mrs. Clarence C. Hedgepeth and Mrs. John T. Watson as bost ? i 8:00 P. M.?Contract Club meets with Mrs. Lath Morriss. 3:00 P. M.?Wednesday Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. T. S, Ryon. 3:30 P. M.?New Deal Club meats with Mrs. Henrietta Williamson. Thursday, 9 10:00 A. M.?Hit and Miss Club at the Country Club. 2:30 P. M.?Farmville Home Dem _ cmstration Club. 3:80 P. M.?Girl Scouts. 7:30 P. M.?Farmville 4-H Club. 7:30 P. M.?Masons. Friday, 10 3:30 P. M.?B. & B. Club meets with Mrs. C. S. Hotchkiss. Saturday, 11 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. TODAY 1 1:00 P. M.?Mrs. Carroll D. Oglesby I entertains at bridge luncheon com plimenting Mrs. Roland O. lang, Jr., recent bride, and Miss Adelaide | Dail, bridfrelect of the month. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwania Ladies' Night at the Country Club. Dancing will follow the dinner program. George W. Davis and J. H. Moore atfrynierf & Council meeting of the Pitt County Parent-Teachers Asso ciation held in Greenville, Wednes- j day. ? 9 9 9 Sam D. Bundy*returned this week from Chicago. Mr. Bundy as chair man presided over a two day session of the Kiwaais International Commit- | tee on Achievement reports. ? ? ? . Mr. and Mrs. John T. Walston spent Sunday in Locama with Mr. and Mrs. Gerhman Williamson. Hie Wil liamsons, former Farmville residents, moved to Lucama several months ago. ? ? ? 1 Mrs. Frank Allen, Mrs. R. Pickett and Mrs. H. H. Bradham ac companied Farmville golfers td Tar boro, Wednesday, Mrs. Bradham visiting friends, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. | Pickett speetating at the matches. 9 9 9 Friends here regret to learn of the sudden death of Mrs. S. Y. Trimble, of Bopkinsville, fey., mother of Mrs. J. Leroy Parker of Rocky Mount, Which occurred Sunday. Funeral ser vices were heid Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. D. R. Morgan who has i patient at Duke Hospital, Durham, for "the past eight Weeks, returned I to her home here Saturday. Mrs. Morgan is recuperating nicely and | is now able to be out some. ? ? ? Mr. and Mn. George Pool, of Elisa-1 beth City, Mr, and Jim. ~ J ey and c Mm, J. faculty of the* Farm villa High School and Supt J. H. Moore attwM ed a regular quarter*? mauling of Pitt County Teachers heM. Tuesday ? v -v.-: rzr im rmiElSflflU, % , - ?mm* Or v Mmm Mr*. Neal Howard, Mies France* Howard, Mrs. P. E. Jones and Mrs. M. V. Jones left Thursday to spend several days in Richmond, Va. Mrs. Howard and Miss Howard will also visit Neal Howard, Jr., at Woodbury Forest School. * ? ? ? Rev. W. L. Glegg, of, Fhyetterville, wag tits overnight guest Tuesday of Est. and Mrs. E. R. Clegg, earoute to the Methodist District Conference held in Whttakers, Wednesday, when he delivered the sermon at the 12 o'clock service. I ? ? ? ? Mis. Robert Lee Smith, Mrs. W. S. Royster, Mrs. Charles Duke, Mrs. Ted Albritton, Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, Mrs. E, C. Beaman, Mrs. Jofah D. Dixon and Mia. T. W. Long were among Farmville visitors to Reeky Mount Monday. . ? ? ? ? |Mr. and Mrs. T. Eli Joyner, Jr., returned Wednesday from their wed ding tour and are living at present in the' Joyner home, awaiting