^TVT vj ? ... Jiia ci? jauisria&i1 Miss Louise Farrioe wii ft' visitor to W?n?w. Miss Hsssi Baker has resumed her teaching duties following a brief ill Mrs. J. M. Hobgood and sister, Mrs. Kate Reynolds are spending to day in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Todd, of Wen deli, visited Mr. and Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Eli Joyner, Jr. spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Charleston, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Windham and son, Johnnie, will spend the week end in Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sledge left this week for Kentucky where they will visit Mr. Sledge's parents. Mr. and Mrs: Will Jones, Jr., and children are spending the week end with relatives in dThiteville. Mr. and Mm. F. J. Sledge, of Louisburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shearin, Tuesday. Mrs. J. Leroy Parker and children, of Rocky Mount, visited relatives and friends here Sunday afternoon. Mm. G. Komegay spent several days this week with her daughter, Mrs. Alfred Smith, in Grifton. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Thompson, and family, of Windsor, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Mizeile. Mrs. Paul Matheson returned to Charlotte Monday following a week end visit with the T. E. Joyner fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Paschal^ of Wilson, spent Sunday with Mr. Pasohall's mother, Mrs. Blanche Faschall. Mrs. William Eaaley and Mrs. J. T. Gurley spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Jen Eaaley at Peace Col lege, Raleigh. Miss Corinna Haynes, of Wilson, and Bud Dixon, of Atlantic Beach, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. David T. Harris. Miss Elsie Nichols, returned to Washington, D. C, Tuesday after a short visit with ho- parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nichols. Bob Windham left Friday of last week for Washington, D. C., where he has accepted a position' with the Security Storage Co. J. W. Joyner, R. A. Joyner and John B. Lewis spent several days of this week in Washington, D. C., in the interest of REA. Mr. and Mrs. Roland 0. Lang, Jr., moved Tuesday of last week into their upstairs apartment in the R. T. Monk home on Pine street. Mrs. L. T. Pierce and sons, Lonnie and Robert, Mrs. Ethel Thornton and son, Dickie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Pittman in Falkland. Miss Hilda Perry, of Jacksonville, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Simpson. Miss Perry is now employed by Carl V. Venters, Attorn ey-at-law. Mrs. A. A. Stewart, Mrs. Boyd Parker, Miss Easter May Gay and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Genes, of Wil mington, attended the funeral-of Mrs. W. G. Gay, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Kemp and daughter, Mies Lola Gray, attended the funeral of Mrs. Linwood Jordan, m Creedmore, Tuesday. Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree, of St Petersburg, Fla., and Mrs. G. Alex Rouse returned Tuesday from a visit of several days to Mrs. W. C. Mur ray, in Washington, D. C. H. Neal Howard, Lath Morriss, Dick Harris, Robert Teei, Bob Fiser, M. E. Dixon, Harvey Winstead and John D. Dixon' are spending the week end at the Howard cottage at Naga Head. Miss Janie Johnston, of Baltimore, Md., Lt Com. Lucy J. Rumley, of Washington, D. C., and Robert John ston and family, of Durham, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Pearl Johnston, and other relatives here. Mrs. May H. Moore, of Fayette ville, is visiting Mrs. Louise D. Har ris. Mrs. Moore's daughter, Mrs. Hampton B. Ellington, and Mr. Ellington, also of Fayetteville, were guests of Mrs. Harris Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Rollins, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Eason, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Eason. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Baker, Curtis Flanagan, and C. B. Mashburn, Jr., attended Thursday's session at the Shrine Ceremonial be ing held this week in jjpn Va., held at , ? -vr ATTEND DANCE those from Farmville at tending' the May German in ville Wednesday evening ware Mr. and Mrs BUI Gamer, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fetteway, Mr. aad Mrs. ~ Allen, Mr. aad Mia. John D. Dixon, Mr. ?d Mrs. BUI Duke, Mr. and Mrs. W.imTtmr ?CALENDA Mey M ?' u|S 8:80 P. M.?Episcopal Auxiliary meet* in the church with MM* Helen Smith as host sea. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwania Ouh. 8:00 P. 1L?Presbyterian Auxili ary masts In the church, for an nual Birthday obitfVHMa 8:00 P, M.?Y.WA, Baptist, meets with Mrs. Liawood Brock. Tueyday, *1 8:80 P. M.?Junior Woman's Club CANCKLLEB. Final meeting of the club year will be held 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:00 P. M. ? Woodman erf the World. 8:00 P. M.?Boy Scouts. Wetoeaday, 88 ANNIE PERKINS DAT. 1:00 P. M.?Citizens of Farmville Community will gather at the Municipal Paik to honor Miss Annie Perkins on the completion of her 60th year of teaching in Pitt County schools. A short program will be followed by f basket picnic dinner. 8:00 P. M.?Wecbveedny Afternoon Club meets with Mrs. Robert Lee Smith. 3:15 P. M.?New Deal Club meets with Mrs. L. E. Walston. Thursday, 23 10:00 A. M.?Hit and Miss Club, at the Country Club. 3:80 P. M.?Girt Scouts. 7:30 P. M.?Masons. 8:00 P. M.?Piano Recital, Farm ville High School Auditorium. Friday, 84 3:30 P. M.?B A B Club meets with Mrs. Frank K. Allen. 8:00 P. M.?Parent-Teacher Asso ciation meeting, to be followed with Patriotic Pageant by the Grammar Grades. This will mark the official closing of school. Saturday, 25 Democratic Primary Day. 6:30 A. M.-6:30 P. M.?Voting will take place at the Fire Station, 119 North Main Street 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. DESSERT BRIDGE Mrs. William P. Easley graciously entertained at a dessert bridge party, Thursday evening of last week, in compliment to Mrs. Alfred H. Lewis, and Mrs. Roland O. Lang; Jr., recent brides, and Miss Adelaide Dail, whose 'marriage to Allen Moore Haiyis was solemnized Sunday afternoon. Upon arrival of guests, ice cream, topped with crushed strawberries, was served with block cake. A variety of lovely garden bloom, in shades of red and pink, decorated the Hokien home, scene of the affair, and sweetpeas were used cm the re freshment tables. In the bridge games, played at six tables, Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner com piled high score, winning a crystal bud vase. Mrs. R. T. Williams re tained the floating prize .an attrac tive kitchen plaque, and Mrs. Emer son Smith was given a decorative tissue box in consolation for low score. The hostess presented her honored guests with gifts, Mrs. Lewis receiv ing a crystal water set, Mrs. Ling and Miss Dail, hand painted party plates. Mrs. T. Eli Joyner, Jr., a recent bride, was remembered also with a reflector. DANCING PARTY Highlighting recent social activities of the younger set here was the love ly party given, Saturday evening by Mrs. M. W. Rollins in compliment to her daughter. Miss Connie Rollins, on the occasion of her fourteenth birthday. Members of the cast of the 8th grade play and their directory Miss Bertha Lang, shared in honors of the evening. The lower floor of the D. A..R. Chapter House was beautifully dec orated with floor baskets of peonies and gladioli. Sprays of Dorothy Per kins roses and lighted pink tapers were used on the mantels. For refreshments, guests were in vited upstairs' to -the banquet hall, wheye green and white block cream, individual decorated cakes, mints and nuts were served from the attractive ly appointed table, which was cen tered with a bouquet of mixed flow ers, flanked by lighted tapem. . Fruit punch was served throughout the evening. Assisting the hostess in directing entertainment and serving were Mm. Ted L. Albrittoo, Mm. Mac Carraway and Mm. G. L. Gilchrist. Dancing was enjoyed until mkbugfat Forty young friends of I BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mm. W. C. Harrell an birih of art mm 16, at The lower floor of tin Joyner home, which wu thrown enftdt* wm baau tifully decorated with a quantity of spring flowers in both single and i?h?ii arrangements. Gueeta were greeted by like. J. B. Joyner and introduced to the receiv ing line by Mia. Robert T. Monk. This waa i iiiiiiHiamf of the hostesses, the honcree, her mother, Mrs. Paul Matheson, of Charlotte, Mrs. Roland O. Lang, Jr., and Mrs. Alfred H. Lewis, recent bride*. Mrs. Earl Modlin, of Portsmouth, Vs., and Mrs. A. Q. Roebuck directed the way to the dining room, where Miss Bettie Joyner and Miss Elisa beth Davis aetved block cream and decorated cakes. Mints and nuts were also served. The refreshment table, covered with an imported em broidered linen doth, with lace in serts, waa eapedally lovely with a miniature wedding scene arranged against a background of burning white tapers and a bouquet of daisies, feverfew and sweetpeas. The nuptial colors of green and white were em phasised both in the decorations and refreshments. Assisting in serving were Mrs. George Wflkerson, Miss Ruth Bis zelle, and Miss Dorothy Lewis, of Greenville, Mrs. Joseph Joyner, Miss Bertha Lang and Mrs. Sam Lewis. Miss Elisabeth Lang directed gueeta to the register, which was presided over by Mrs. Claude Barrett, of Kinston. Mis. E. R. CI egg invited guests to the enclosed porch, where Mrs. Ruel Tyson, of Greenville, served punch, and Mrs. Herman Baker, Mrs. Archie Speight and Mrs. Frank Cooper, at Kinston, passed potato puffs fat pastel tints and eheese straws. Goodbyes were said to Mrs. Elbert C. Holmes. A hundred and fifty guests called during the hours of 8:30-5:30. Those from out of town included: k Mrs. Lindsay Wilkerson, Mrs. T. A. Person, Mrs. R. B. Starling, Miss Lelia Higgs, Mrs. J. T. Little, Mrs. E. E. Rawls and Mrs. J. G. Smith, of Greenville; Mrs. Marion E. Dail, of Macclesfield; Mrs. E. S. Powell, of Reidsville; Miss Hazel Wilkerson, of Newport News, Vs., and Miss Frances Winstead, of Elisabeth City. Miss Novie Capps To Marry Ensign Frpnk M. Adams The following1 invitation has been received by friends here this weak: "Mr. and Mrs. William Clinton Murray request the honour of your presence at the marring* of their daughter, Novella Horton Capps, to Frank Montgomery Adams, Ensign United States Navy, en Thursday, the sixth of June, at five o'clock, Beth lehem Chapel, the Washington. Ca thedral, in the City of Washington. "Reception immediately following the ceremony, the Washingty Club." The Adams-Cappe wedding will be among the first" of the June nuptials to hold especial interest for Fhrm ville friends as the bride, well known here as "Novie" is a granddaughter of Mrs. Dora Horton Keel and a de scendant of prominent pioneer fam ilies < of this section of North Caro lina. She has spent the better part of every summer in Farmville since early girlhood and her attractive per sonality and innate charm have won for her hosts of friends, who heard with interest of the betrothal to Mid shipman Adams in March. The Tunica Times-Democrat, Tuni ca, Miss., home town of Midshipman AdapMfccarried this announcement of tSe engagement: "June's most important nuptial event was told recently when Mrs. William C. Murray, of Washington, D. C., announced the engagement and approaching marriage of her daugh ter, Miss Novie Capps, to Midship man Frank Montgomery Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Adams. "The wedding which will unite a member of a prominent and widely know Tunica family and the lovely Washington socialite, will be in Beth lehem Chapel of the Washington Cathedral en Jqne sixth. "Miss Capps, the daughter of the late Frank Capps, of Raleigh, N. C., [sad Washington, has visited her i fleece and his parents on several nnaelmn and her charming person Of wife interest to the i Miaa Adelaide Dail and Alton Moore Harris, both of Ftamville, which wu solemnized hi an impressive ceremony May 12, in " by dty. The Rev. E. R. Ctogg, . of the bride, officiated la the double | ring ceremony, Oregon fern of greenery for large floor faabkate of'l white UMea, gladioli, stocks and fever- | few, and tell atandaxds of which illumined the nuptial I Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. Ray wood Smith, organist, played a pro gram at wedding music, including Andantino, by Lamace, Traumerei, by Schumann, Schubert's Serenade, Ave Maria, by Bach-Gounod, and Inter mezzo, by Provost Mrs. Roland O. Lang, Jr., soprano, sang If God Left I Only You, by Dinsmore, nod Because, | by IPHanMot The traditional wed ding marches were used. During the ceremony, the organist softly played Liebestranm, by Iisst, and Mr*. Lang sang Lutkin's The Lord Bless You and Keep Yon aa a benediction. The bride entered the Church with | her brother, Daniel Leroy Dail, Jr., of Kinaton, by whom she was given in marriage. She wore a wool gabar dine suit in the aquamarine shade and in dressmaker mode. Her white silk blouse was lace trimmed and ac cessories were turf tea. Her hat, which matched the suit, was fashion ed of ribbon and straw and finished with a tailored bow. She carried a prayer bode covered by a white orchid and showered with white satin' rib bons. Her only ornament was a string of pearls, gift of the bride groom. <b Mrs. Dorothy D. Thompson, of Rocky Mount, attended her sister as matron of honor. She wore a brown and white coat dress of crepe with a brown hat in the spring mode and matching accessories. Her corsage was of tel toman roses. John D. Dixon attended his nephew as best man. Ushers were James Howard Harris and David Thuman Harris, brothers of the bridegroom, Edward S. Dixon, of Atlantic Beach, uncle of the bridegroom, and Japies Hines Hardy, of Maury, a cousin of the bride. Mrs. Lanye Hardy Dail, mother of the bride, was attired in a dress of blade alpaca. Her corsage was of red roses. . Mrs. Louise Dixon Harris, mother of the bridegroom, wore a sheer black dress and a shoulder corsage of red The bride, a young woman of much personal charm, la the daughter of Mrs. Lanye Hardy Dail, of Hooker ton and Farmville, and the late Daniel Leroy Dail. She was graduated from the Hookerton high school, attended Miss Hardbarger's Secretarial School, Raleigh, and Jias been a member at the clerical force of A. C. Monk and Co., hue./ for several years. The bridegroom, a son of Mrs. Louise Dixon Harris and the late William Howard Harris, was released recently after serving in the United States Army for forty months, fif teen of which were spent overseas in the European theatre. Prior to mili tary service, he was employed by the Liggett and Myers Tobacco Co. Since returning to Farmville, he has been associated with Blackwood's Whole sale Co. here. Immediately after the ceremony, the bridal couple left for a wedding trip to unannounced points. Upon their return, they will be at home in Farmville and. will resk^ with the bride's mother on Contentnea street. Rehearsal Party Following the rehearsal, Saturday | evening, the bridal party and mem-1 ben at tb? entertained at Marvin D. Hunt, Mrs. Dorothy Mount.MIft -at the Dail home, which Al ?1 1. tnrougnouc wiio The dining room table waa spread i with a white embroidered doth and centered by an ar nient of white gladioli, roses fern, flankedby white tapers In crys tal holders. The tiered wedding cake, topped with a miniature bride and groom; was placed at one end of the table. The bride waa assisted bp Mrs. Hunt in serving the cake. Mrs. Wil liam P. Easley served ice cresun in the traditional bridal colors from the other mid of the table. Mia. Thomp son waa assisted in serving grew and white mints and nuts by her sis ter, Miss Jane Dail, at Raleigh, and Mrs. W. H. Moons Jr _ Oat Of Tow* Guests Out-of-town guests attending1 the | wadding ware: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Hurst, of Durham; Miss Jane Dail, of Raleigh; Mrs. Dorothy D. Thompson, end Miss Chrfstine Joyner, of Rocky Mount; Mrs. Walter Jones, Miss Fiances Jones, and Mrs. Sterling Gates, at Kinston; Miss Naami Dell, of Wash ington; Mr. and Mis. Ik L. Hardy, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Murphey, Mrs. James H. Hardy and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Handy Moye, of Maury; Mr. and Mis. H. S. Taylor, Harry Stanton Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kilpatrick and Mrs. Mattie Dail, of Hookerton; Mr. and Mrs. Knott Proc tor, Miss Hannah Proctor, of Green ville; Mrs. C. T. Dixon, Miss Daisy Dixon, and Miss Corona Haynes, of Wilson; Mrs. May Harris Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Hampton B. Ellington, of Fayetteville. Social Courtesies Numerous social courtesies have been extended the popular young cou ple since announcement of their en-1 gagement early in April. On Thursday evening, prior to the marriage, friends entertained the bridegroom-elect at a stag supper at Green Wreath Park with Matthew Gibbe and Jack Horton, of Greenville, acting as masters of ceremonies. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. Joseph Warren Parker of this city announces the engagement of her daughter, Alice Harper, to John Jack son McDavid, Jr., of Birmingham, Miss Parker, a,graduate of Farm ville High School and Valedictorian of her class, will graduate from Greensboro College May 27th. Dur ing her four years in college she has been a member of the two college honor societies, a member of the glee club and sextette, a member of the President's Codicil, a senior marshal, on the staffs of the Echo?college annual-^-and the Collegian?college newspaper, selected most nftellectaal junior, selected for Who's Who hi American Colleges and Universities, and president of the Irving Literary Society. Mr. McDavid, a graduate of Ram sey High School in Birmingham, has recently returned to VandeiWit Uni versity to complete his course in civil engineering. During three years of military service, 18 months of which were Spent in Europe; he served ?? a lieutenant in the infantry. He is a member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. , The wedding will take place August 6. BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs. F. T. Cut entertained at a dinner party, Wednesday evening, in observance at her husband's birth day. A center arrangement of mixed spring flowers graced the dinner table. Miss Doris Carr and John Wilkerson shared honors m special guests. ? i ; 7 - VOZE*- FOB SETH THEODORE PORTER ?? candidate poe . SHERIFF gfe; nTt COUNTY fc| IN THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY, MAY 25, 1946 I Will Appreciate Your Vote and Support XlfANKS! M; mm. OF FARMVILLE [AL BOND ELECTION, JUNE 4th, 1946 registration books of the Town of Farmville wiB - Saturdays, May 18th, 25th and June 1st, at 121 for the purpose of registering all unregistered voters desiring to vote in Special Bond Election, June 4th, 1949.. The hooks w? close at sunset, Saturday, Juno 1st. llspl At APPIAICMO III iMV CHARM ? ?HHragv:-i siggip i'C -w ro*** - ?Ml**1 mute MM.. ? "Line-'em up" stripes to a pointed peplum. .. lines that slim you to a summery sylph in the crispest cotton ever to be mated with Ifiih'lihe lace. Grey, Luggage, Chartreuse or Melon vrifh ydtite in sizes 9-1 BELK-TYLER CO. 'Tarmville's Shopping Center" ? NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS t ? i V * - FOUNTAIN TOWNSHIP J" " I I . I I l | Schedule For Vaccination: ! MONDAY, MAY 20?Walter Pittman's Farm, 11 to 12:30 ! TUESDAY, MAY 21?At Fountain ? 11:00 to 1&30 j THURSDAY, MAY 23?Phillip's Store?11:00 to 12:30 t * FRIDAY, May 24?At Sharp Point ? 11:00 to 12:30 ! The Law Requires that ALL DOGS BE VACCINATED. ? The cost is 75c per dog. BR "Siva [ DR. G. L. GILCHRIST [ Rabies Inspector for Fountain Township. E i *-fal P,-,'! r-3. B - N Farmville Retail Limber Yard ???? - PHONE 302 1 Next to Norfolk-Southern Depot FanoviBe, N. C. ^ ? r resn iriavp|p A FEW DOORS AND WINDOWS, COMPOSITION ROOFING AND SHINGLES, * LUMBER ? '? . -V Announcing The ? is! ' ?' Wm,- ? .> t i >

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