Mrs. Robert Fields and son spent Monday night with relatives in Staa tonsburg. ? ? ? Mr. aid Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt spent the pnst week end in Palmer Springs, Va., and Warrenton. C. G. Rollins, of Raleigh, was the overnight guest of his mother, Mrs. W. J. Rollins, Tuesday. Mrs. Madeline H. Rountree and Mrs. Lath Monies were Kinston and Greenville visitors, Tuesday. Mrs. Annie Flanagan and Mrs. Mamie Ruth Holloway spent Wednes day with Miss Helen Smith. ? ? ? C. A. Tyson is a patient at Carolina General Hospital, Wilson. Mr; Tyson entered the hospital, Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Joyner, Jr., of Greenville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Humphrey. m 9 ? Mrs. Sidney A. Ward, of Plymouth, will arrive Sunday for a visit of sev eral days with Mrs. G. Alex Rouse. Miss Frances Howard, Mrs. Carol ModKn and Mrs. Lowell Liles were Richmond, Va., visitors, Thursday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mitchell, Jr., and daughter, Madeline Harrison, spent Wednesday with relatives here. R. S. Scott spent a few days this week in Maryland attending the open ing of the Maryland Tohacco market. ? ? a Mrs. Bruce Baker hnd little son, Fred, of Greenville, spent Wednes day with her sister, Mrs. W. Jesse Moye. a -a a Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner and Mrs. M. V. Jones spent the past week end in Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C. - Mrs. W. H. Whitmore and Mrs. John Draughn, of Wilson, were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Lang. a a a Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Pickett and children are leaving Monday for an extended visit with relatives in Ken tucky. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee and children, Gordon Tilghman and Edith Ann, spent Sunday with relatives in Greenville. ? a a Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Farabow and son, of Alexandria, Va., spent Satur day and Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Jones. ? . ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith of Roa noke Rapids were Sunday guests of Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. W. H. Duke, and Mr. Duke. ? Lt. and Mrs. D. E. Ogiesby, Jr., and daughter, Kay, returned to More head City, Monday, after a visit with Mrs. W. J. Teel. Mrs. Chester Outland and soil, Chester, Jr., have returned to Lex ington after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Nichols. Lt. Bert S. Smith, Jr., UJ3.N.R., who has been stationed in Naples, Italy, for the past year, is expected to return to the States during' the week end. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moore Harris returned during the week end from their wedding'trip through western North Carolina, parts of Tennessee and Virginia. Haywood Smith, Leonard Joyner, Ed Nash Warren and Joseph Joyner attended the annual N. C. Fire Col lege and DriB School held in Char lotte this week. Miss Ann Tumage, student at Flora McDonald College, will arrive today for a short vacation before entering summer school at Atlantic Christian College, Wilson. Mrs. Allen Drake will leave Satur day to Join her husband who has been visiting in Tennessee. After a short stay with relatives in Carthage they will return to their home faera^. v Bill Morton spent Thursday in Durham and was accompanied home by his aunt, Mrs. Kate Reynolds who has been undergoing examination for an eye ail inept at Duke Hospital. \ ? ? ? Captain R. H. Baker, of the United States Air Corps, with headquarters at Memphis Municipal Airport, Mem phis, Tenn., sprat the week end With his mother, Mrs. Pearl H. Baker. ? '? e Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Skomski and little sen, Ji ed to their home in Medina, New York, ? CALENDAR ? II T, *W? 3:00 P. M.?Bollards Home Dem onstration Club iTvaefi with Mrt > L. R. Jones. 8:80 P. M.??Garden Club meets with Mrs. Charies H. Mosingo. 7:00 P. M.?Kiwanis Club. 8:00 P. M.?Group 1, Christian Woman's Council, meets with Mrs. J. Berry Taylor. 8:00 P. M.?Group 4, Christian Woman's Council, meeds with Mrs. L. E. Jones. Tuesday, M 10:00 A. M.?Communion Service at Episcopal Church, opening meeting of the. District Get-to gether group, Episcopal Wom an's Auxiliary. Luncheon for 'the group will be served at 1:00 o'clock in the DAR Chapter House. 10:80 A. M.?Executive Commit tee, Baptist Woman's Missionary Society, meeds in the home of Mrs. Henry Johnson. ? 2:30 P. M.?Seven Pines Home Demonstration Club meets with Mrs. Ben Atkinson. 7:00 P. M.?Rotary Club. 7:00 ,P M. ? Woodmen of the World. 8:00 P. M.?Bo? Scouts. 8:00 P. M.?Community Planning Board meeds. 8:00 P. M.?Group 3, Christian Woman's Council, meets with Mrs. Charles M. Duke. 8:30 P. M.?Altar Guild, Episco pal, meets with Mrs. Will Jones, Jr. Wednesday, 29 3:00 P. M.?New Deal Club meets with Mrs. L. E, Walstan. - 8:00 P. M.?Group 2, Christian Woman's Council, meets with Mrs. Arch J. Flanagan. Thursday, SO MEMORIAL DAY. 10:00 A. M.?Hit and Miss Club, at the Country Club. | 3:30 P. M.?Girl Scouts. Friday, 81 7:00 P. M.?Country Club Supper, final feature of annual spring golf tournament. Saturday, June 1 10:00 A. M.?Bird Club. ' TONIGHT ! 1:00 P. M.?Final Event of School closing. Program includes Parent Teacher Association Meeting, Par triotic Pageant by the Grammar Grades, Presentation of Awards, Reception to be held in the new quarters of the Lunch Room, TOMORROW ! . Democratic Primary Day. 1:30 A. M.-6:30 P. M^-Voting will take place at the Fire Station, 11.9 North Main Street i;00 P. M.?Supper Dance Club at the Country Club. Miss Frances Jenkins, teacher in he Williamston School, Miss Reba Vinstead and Miss Janice Eggleston, eachers in the Robetsonville School, pent the past week end with Mr. and drs. Sam D. Bundy. I ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Rogers of Vihpington, Dei:, will arrive during he week end for a visit with Mrs. log-era' mother, Mrs. Bessie Tripp, rho makes her home with Mrs. Sstelle H. Moye. ? ? a James Y. Monk, Jr., spent several lays this week in New York. He ras accompanied to Washington, D. 1., by Mrs. B; O. Tnrnage who spent he time with her son, CoL Ben Turn ige, and family. ? ? ? . Mr. and Mrs. J. Irvin Morgan, Jr., ire expected to return today from 'lew Orleans, La., where they attend d the Fiftieth anniversary celebra ion of the National Cotton Seed Products Association. a a a Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bradham, of Baltimore, Md., spent the week end vith Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bradham, Fr., and on Saturday accompanied by heir hosts visited relatives and 'riends in Rocky Mount a a a Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Williams, lir. and Mrs. W. H. Duke left early rhuradey to attend Thursday and Friday sessions of the l&Jth District Rotary meeting at Wrigfataville Reach. Mr. Williams is president of he local fiotary Club, Mr. Duke, present vice-president and incoming president a a a Mrs. Sam D. Bundy and sons, S. D. and James Henry, will join Mr. Bundy in Williamstan, Saturday, and eccompany him to Washington, D. C. Mr. Bundy is taking the Beta Club of Williamstan School to Wash ington on a five day educational and sight seeing tour. They will go by way of Skytand Drive and return by Williamsburg, Va. Mm ; .# fe::. m m 9 . ? Raw. and Mrs. Er W. Holmes are ? P**T ? * iair, m decorates tnrougnout wra a quantity of early summer iloweri in artistic arrangements. Fudgl royal tee town, chocolate cake and salted nuts were served. Thirty-five young people attended Additional guests were Mr. and Mm J. H. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Joy ner and Mr. and Mrs. George W Davis. v BRIDGE HOSTESS The Wednesday Afternoon Club en Joyed a lovely masting this week when Mrs. Robert Lee Smith was hostess entertaining at her home in which larkspur, ragged robins and sweetpeas were used in decorative ar rangements. In the three progressions of contract Mrs. X. S. Ryan scored high among members, winning a crystal bowl and Mrs. M. V. Hortoh was presented the guest high award, a brandy glass. Following {day the hostess served manhmallow salad, ham biscuits, piekles and iced tea. Speeigl guests included Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Walter B. lones and Mrs. W. S. Royster. LAMRAD CLUB Mrs. James T. Monk, Jr., graciously mtertained the Lsmrad Club at its fond meeting of the season Friday iftemoon at her home. Additional guests were Mrs. James R. Lang, drs. T. S. Ryan and Mrs. Frank K. Mien, who compiled top score in the hree progressions. Red, blue and pink garden flowers vera used in lovely decoration fai the ?eception rooms. Refreshing coca :ol&8 were served with a variety of tarty sandwiches and pickles, ham uscuits and brownies. Mrs. R. V. Flser succeeds Mrs. Tad a Albritton as president of the Club, dee tings will be resumed m the early all. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Loys Jones umounce the engagement of their laughter, Hazel Dell, to Willard ]orbett Pleasant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ifarian Benton Pleasant, of Angier. ALFRED a MOORE HURT Alfred B. Moore* suffered painful njuries Thursday afternoon when the xactor which he was operating at his arm near here overturned. Mr. Moore was taken immediately, o Pitt General Hospital, Greenville. Irst X-rays and examination showed racked ribs* It is reported that tarring complications Mr. Moore's ecoverry will be rapid. AT WAREHOUSEMEN'S MEKT Farm villa warehousemen attending he Eastern Carolina Warehousemen Association's annual session held at he Country Club in Kinston Wed nesday of last week were James Y. donk, Jr., Grover H. Webb, Robert toussk John Fountain and Jack ,Moy?. Monk-was named to the board of lirectors of the E. C. Warehonse nens Association am) J. C. Carlton, ilso a local warehouseman, was nam d to the board of governors of the Iright Belt Association. ON USS MISSOURI Jasper Allen Hobgood, 18, fireman, econd class, sen of Mr. and Mrs. W. >. Hobgood, Route 2, Farmville, N. X, was assigned to the USS Missouri n April 23. Hobgood reported to the vessel rom the Naval Training Center, Nor olk, Vs., where he received recruit raining. He entered Naval service >n Feb. 5. Making memorial poppies to Honor heir fallen comredee gives disabled reterans the encouraging experience >f again earning money, helps occupy anpty day*, in hospitals, and speeds reterans recovery. The poppies will ? distributed on the streets by the vomen of the American Legion Auxiliary on Poppy Day, Saturday, May 26. . Farmville Baseball Chib l 73 Announces Games ? 3:00 P. M. ? Saturday, May 25 26 "Significance of the Poppy" was given by Mi*. A. W. Bobbitt Poems, Zanders "Field" and "A Poppy For emembrance" were lead by Mr*. Bennett R. Fields and MrL Louise D. Harris. : i';. ?."" *? It was aimouiaced that plans have been made for the Auxiliary to send one girl to Girls' State. In an enjoyable social hour the hostesses, Mrs. Fields and Mrs. J. Frank Harper, served ice cream, coekieg and toasted nuts. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Miss Etta Frsnces Harper cele brated her 19th birthday anniversary, Saturday evening, at a lovely sur prise party given by her parents, Mr. end Mrs. J. Frank Harper. Gemee of croquet were enjoyed on the lawn which was lighted for the occasion. For refreshments guests were invited into the dining-room of the home. The lighted birthday cake, decorated in a pink and white color scheme, centered the bible on which the honoree's gifts were arranged. Home-mide strawberry ice cream was served with the cake. Guests in cluded Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smith, Miss Jfcne Greene, Warren Palmer and James Yates. LANG'S QOMMUNITY TO-HOLft REVIVAL Rev. Jack Tysdn will hold a revival meeting beginning June 3rd in the Earmville Home Demonstration, club house on the Fountain Highway. Services' will be held at 8:15 each night through Friday, June 7th. The public is invited to attend. Also, during this week, there will be a vacation Bible School each morning at 9,30. All children and young people from 4 years up are invited and. urged to attend. Two young men from Duke University will be present to conduct the school assisted by the teachers of Lang's Sunday School. s ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT IS OF INTEREST HERE Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Windham, of Petersburg, Virginia, announce .the engagement and approaching mar riage of their daughter, Lule Pell Rouse, to Mr. George Stanley Hanrfa way, of Saint, Louis, Missouri, son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. H anna way of that city. Miss Windham, who graduated from State .Teachers College, "Farmville, Virginia, in 1940, has just received her discharge'from the U. S. Naval Reserve after having served as an officer in the WAVES for the pest two years. / Mr. Hatmaway received his bache lors degree in Chemical Engineering from Yale University in 1940 and his masters degree from Washington University m Saint Louis, in 1944. He was discharged recently after two years of service as an officer in the U. S. Naval Reserve. .Hie date of the wedding has been set for June the twenty-ninth. Miss Windham is a niece of Mrs. Ed Jones and Mr. G% W. Windham of this city. WHAT'S NEW AT ROBERTS Beautiful Selection of flatware, compotes candle holders, mint and nut dishes, salt and pepper, children's cups, acid table settings in STERL ING. Lovely Patterns in Community Pate and Roger's Bros. 1847. Exquisite designs in Rosemore and Georgian China; Cranberry Thumb Print, Laurel, and Tropic Roar Crys tal. Appealing graduation gifts, and many other gift selections are arriv ing daily. (Adv.) Buy "Savings Eat * ? *? M Psalm 106 was Mad by Mrs. Herbert Moore. Mrs. H. B. Humphrey developed the program subject, "One Nation Indi visible." The Benediction prayer was offered by Mrs. George W. Davis. In a delightful social period, a chicken salad course was served with, lemonade. May has been designs! by this group as membership month Mrs. James R. Lang, president, pre sided et the Woman's Auiiliary meet ing Monday afternoon in the church and conducted the devotional period. Members were reminded of the Dis trict Get-Together meeting .scheduled for May 28th in the local church. Mrs. R. C. Copenhaver, program leader, spoke on "The American Sol diers Discover Missions in the Solomons" continuing the study of the book, "They Discovered the Church," by Henry P. Van Dusen. Presbyterians Annual Birthday The Presbyterian Auxiliary held its 34th Birthday anniversary meet ing Monday evening at the church, with Mrs. John M. Mewbom, presi dent, presiding and explaining the three birthday objectives. A special offering was received which will go, towards a chapel /for the Italian Mission in Kansas C3ty, Mo., a new plant for the Chinese Mission in New Orleans, In., and for relief of Christians and re-eetablish ment of church life in Europe and Asia. Mrs. George B. Moore read verses from the 90th Psalm after which Mrs. J. C. Corbett led in prayer. Mrs. William Easley spoke on "Why I Am A Protestant" - It was announced that Miss Lucy Steele of Peace Col lege, Raleigh, will conduct a special study here June 17. Following the -meeting a social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served. A special program will be ed Sunday evening at 8 o'clock in the Parmville Christian Church by Lang's 4-H Club, in observance of National 4-H Sunday. All members of the club will take pact. CHANGE IN PERSONNEL Robert's Jewelers have that Miss Jane Greene has been made manager of the local store and that Mrs. Mack Carraway has accepted a position with this firm as saleslady. bora, Sr., 9 Taylor, Coperihaver, Pollard, Martin, 7~* II II -4 MM M| |1 Tl ?l?1I I ll 11 tcoyiter jpia oeriuce points eabn.??~ ' : A chicken barbecue served in the dob lounge prior to the tee off. Ike Pollard was of the Day. L" ?? Jj Seventeen Farmvillo for a make-up game in Rocky Meant, Saturday. Next week local players will go to Kinatoo. E. Walaton will be in charge of , -VI Many a girl who pats up a swell front In society is flat boated at Lome. ... ? <2, Ruffled ? 2 M YARDS LONG ? > * sys BELK-TYLER CO. "Fjirmville's Shopping Center" THE COMFORTS b_ >.'/ -r"' OF HOME p A Fogle Sofa, Don can Phife design, broad front panel decorations, tapestry cover with neutral background Outstanding Examples of Our Good Sofas Chairs & h s?aMi. m , A- Dallas Sofa, fully upholstered, all spring construc tion, good tapestry covers. nl '&IW' ?' $109.50 m decorations, tapestry cover with neutral background #d Aft Cf| and large floral design #liO.DU ? ; : _ * * ' " 5%?^ A Globe Sofa, gooseneck arms, flowered tapestry cover, viH fit into any color scheme. ... A Tomlinson Sofa, mahogany, hair filled, springhair _ Cushions, heavy, tapestry cover* in beautiful subdued __ ? ? - ^ ' ? w * only a few of the large stock of smart New Sofas we now display on oar 1 flows. Come in and see them and also see - -ii: ? xi; ;-. ? n including Gainsborough's, BarreU Backs, Wingbacks, Channel Phitferm Rockers, etc. All in newest patterns and coven ? ? ?m YOU TO Our complete and varied lines of Livingroom Furniture that: | | Suites, Sofas and Odd Chairs,Tables, Pictures and Mirrors. ? 'II ?? ?. * "" ? I feMIl KEBPfe ' ? H I

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