OaahSaIIu - Ia> specially nave iof Spraying ' fa ^ . . . .. 1 ^ -'WfcW^ fc Immediate Delivery From Stock; ? %*5H ?L 58E8S & Son mm Cor. Main & Wilson Sts. FarmviUe, N. C. A. D. GARDNER has recently joined us in oar Cabinet and Bheksnith Shop, and we are now prepared to do all kind of REPAIR WORK on CART and WAGON WHEEL TIRES, TOBACCO TRUCKS and GENERAL FARM MA CHINERY REPAIRS. In oar Cabinet Department we wish to announce that we now have a good supply of Screen Wire for Doors and Windows. SEND US YOUR ORDERS *F. TYNMLL CABINET fclEfftH SHOP PHONE 45-1 FOUNTAIN, N. C. TAKING THE FORWARD STEP De yon know fully about the Low Cost of Membership and the many ether Barings you get by being a member of Jeyner Mutual Burial Association, Iuc, Tour Heme Town Association? This Association was organized by and for the people of this community and the surrounding areas. Why not coll at the Office or mail a Postal Card to us for any information you desire concern ing it? DO IT NOW! Tomorrow May Be Too Late. JOE R. JOYNER & SON FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE 105 WALLACE STREET FARMVILLE, N. C. HOME OF Joyner Matual Burial Ast'i., hgL mLQQK! ELECTRIC iRONS c ' A TfJtftfFfC VALUE MUO Add 33* ? Cool Imj Oifr HadltJ ? Coorwiiant Sixo?w*igkt4HIba. 5 ? Suiiabla fee All Typa* ot Iroming. ? Attractive, Durable Send Moaar Ord?ror Chuck I that taring CO.D. Chargai) KAK SALES COMPANY 534 Pltteb?,h Ut. BH,. TN.tCf Httebrah 82, P* 1 JULY! JULV ? TO IN DEPENDENCE ? f S Home BrfHin* Loon pbn is as Of Liberty-?but, more practi x-- 'iLjf i;(ti JL ? toward lull Done plan cuts "costs." R. G. Mr. aid Mm T. D. daughter, Betty, ?? week wilfc Mi*. Emm' and Mrs. J. H. Wheeler. Mrs. W. A. Marlowe left Monday to visit hdr daughter, Mm Heard hi Florence, & C. Mr. and Mm J. C. a North Mr. and Mm W. V. Baltimore, Md., were the guests of Mm Annie Mm Edwaitt Hardy speed the week end with har slated, Mm Herbert Miss Mamie Ethridge, of Wilson, a few days with Mm Lula B Ann Baker spent the week end with Doris Beuman. Evelyn Mam is spending the week in Wilson with Mr, and Mrs. Paul Tyndall. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Htnnmt spent the week end in Norfolk, Vs., with their daughter. Miss Helen fteoman, of Woodard Herring Hospital, Wilson, was home for the week end. Christian Fkideavnr Meets The Christian Endeavor held its regular meeting: Sunday afternoon, June 24, at the Christian Church. The meeting was Well attended. The worship committee, which con/lists of Doris Beanun and Myrtle Griffin, headed the devotional service under the theme "The Danger of Hating.'' Rath Gay and Doris Beaman were prise winners of a contest that was held by Mm McKeel. The Christian Endeavor invites any young person who is not a member of any young peoples organisation to come and join their group. The ages range from 6 to 11, youngest | group, 12 and up older group. The hour of meeting is 5:30 Sunday after noon at the Walstonburg Christian Church. STATE COLLEGE ANSWERS TIMELY FARM QUESTIONS QUESTION: How can I keep my Leghorns from laying tinted eggs? ANSWER: . Shell color runs in families, according, to Prof. Roy Dearstyne, head of the Poultry De partment at State College. He sug gests that this trouble em be remov ed by breeding. One Leghorn hen in the college breeding flock has eight but of twelve daughters laying tinted bggs. Other families show no tinted QUESTION: How to the best way i sell my lambs and wool? ANSWER: Cooperative lamb sales Eid wool pools am now being held at Srious points in North Carolina, ac irding to Hatfi Meacham, Extsn on marketing specialist at State allege. He suggests that you and all her farmers with lambs and wool xvtact your county agent for infor imtion about the cooperative sales, ecord prices are being obtained. QUESTION: What about artifi lal breeding of dairy cows ? le this FOR SALE ? 7-Room Grimmersburg Street. See Archie a. cayton. WANTED! ? WHITE GIRLS for Regular Worfc^-Apply at Cher lee's 5e to $1.00 Stone, Fannyille, N. C. ltp WANTED! - Two Furnished Bed say combination. ? Enily Gayle or Chas. Gayie, Phone 293-1, at Enterprise office. t) FOR SALE: Furniture, including NORGE J 'trie refrigerator1. Mrs, C. C. Joy 3H ? 300 a CsntwMnos Street, rifle, N. C. FOR SALE ? Splendid Young MiHt Cow and har 3-sms. M bull calf. : excellent milker, Mood. J. C. Exum, Phone 2W-6, Snow Hffl. N. a 1-tcg. HAVE YOU LOOKED OVER OUR SPORTING GOODS? WE CAR | JY^NEARLY A COMPLETE AUTO ASSO. STORE BARBECUE FOR SALE H) N. C. m* I I??? ?y "Savings Rands" Hare: Hold! NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS FOE PUBLICATION I A, Pitt County ! SUPERIOR COURT ' THE CLER^#;? APPIKE. FLANAGAN ' | n -* ?ir-.-s ? P. R. BURNETTS. ADMR. OF THE 1STATE OF MRS. FLORENCE V. 1ELSON, GEORGE LEROY SKIN IER AND WIFE, SADIE SKINNER, LND OTHERS.? The Defendants, George LeRoy [kinner and wife, Sadie Skinner, will ake notice that an action entitled bov? him been commenced fa uperior Court of Pitt County, North Carolina, to sell land jointly owned y the Plaintiff, Defendants, a there for partition; and the m lefendants will further take notice hat they are requested to appear in he Office of the Clerk of Superior krnrt of Pitt County in the Court louse in Greenville, North Carolina, rithin ten (10) days after the Oth ley of July, 1046, and answer lemur to the Complaint in said action >r the Baintiff will apply to the 3owx for relief demanded in aeid This the 5th day of June, 1046. D. T. HOUSE, Jr., Clerk at Superior Court of Pitt County, North Carolina. Fchn B. Lewis, Atty. 6-7-4wks For your moments of play and leisure, here are the perfect summer shoes. Light as a moonbeam ... sturdy as a beam of steel and comfortable? You bet! Come in today, try them on and choose yours. cop "FARMVILLE'S SHOPPING CENTER" 1 Wanted - Men SO Hour Week ? TIME & ONE-HALF OVER 40 HRS. ? You Cm Earn *30 to Ml Per Week ? Pleasant Working Conditions ? FLORENCE-MAYO WWAY CO. Maury, North Carolina ANNOUNCEMENT! 0 EFFECTIVE JULY 1st ? BARBER PRICES WILL ARRANGE ? j , . . ' '.if TO TAKE CARE OF INCREASED COSTS OF OPERATION AND SUPPLIES. KEMP'S . BARBER SHOP FARMVILLE, N. C. ARTIS' BARBER SHOP fARMVILLE, N. C. BROTHERS' BARBER SHOP FOUNTAIN, N. C. & BETTER at NRE-BARREIl on .. :.T.rb Occasional Ohair Values Chair ? $11-95 Rocker ? $12.95 lots of comfort for your money in this spring fitted choiri It's o hand some piece of furniture, too, with its gleaming Walnut finished SiiMiiaA mm J nnn .J Immleii^ee Trame ana qoocmooiong uprm* Lovely Duncan Phyfe Sofas ?. $139.95 up Mahogany Framed Mirrors $18.95 ?? i" < > . I'W-fS i?-'4 468'? * Ifjy ?Vt ^k' ? Victorian Table Lamps $16.50 Quality Electric Toasters - $12.95 2-Burner Electric Hot Plates - $8.50 G&Electric Heating Pads v $4.50 Assorted Columbia Records 55c Six-Tube Battery Radios , $37.85 Step-On Garbage Pails $2.98 Porcelain Coffee Makers $2.50 Porcelain Double Boilers $2.25 Monitor Carpet Sweepers $7.95 All-Metal Medicine Cabinet $3.98 Buckeye Chicken FVyers $4.40 36-40-50-66 Watt Light Bulbs 10c COFFEf MAKER $9.9?? ?k it #' D LY 99.50" Popularly styled . . . rich maple finish on hardwood. p Generously sized! Sturdi ly constructed. ? MATCHING ? Bench $7.50 ? MATCHING ? Wardrobe ? $48.50 Garden Hose $3.50 I*. '', V . A:- i rnmtm